Coming Forth: Planetary Transformation Into An Earth Star The balance of the future in one sense lies in the outcome of light's ability to overcome darkness upon the earth – a battle being waged within time and space. Yet in another sense, this future has already been realized since it is inherent in Creation itself that light is stronger than darkness, and therefore, that ultimately it must prevail over all counteracting movements to create separation, disruption, and an abandonment of Divine principle.This drama, which is of great significance to each and every embodied being, is being watched by many beings of light throughout the entire populated universe, and there are those who stand guard over the planet as well as those who participate in its earthly life in order to guarantee that the forces of light and of Divine intention shall be victorious. There is no way of telling what the specific steps will be that will lead to the outcome of planetary transformation into an earth-star, but there is an absolute way of knowing that in the end, all forces of darkness shall be dispelled, since it has been thus ordained by God. May all who hold the truth of these words in their consciousness bless the earth and her inhabitants with their own freely given choice to uphold light and love in their everyday actions and thoughts, and in their everyday behavior of one to another. In this way shall the process move more smoothly toward its conclusion, and in this way will all beings discover the blessings that have been long-awaited, ending the pain and suffering that continue to be present for so many. Amen.The divine Heart of the great Mother of the Universe lay in the heart of the Earth. This divine Heart poured out love, no matter how she was treated, no matter how she was ignored.
Finally, the time came when the transition into light could begin, when souls had chosen duality enough and by their own free choice began to seek the light.
This happened over time. It happened slowly. But the consciousness shift in the direction of light was unstoppable, for it corresponded to the divine Essence of each embodied soul.
This time belonged to the sacred Earth. It belonged to the longing of her Heart. It belonged to the ordained destiny of the body of the Mother that had given herself so fully.
And so the great turning began, slowly at first, and then gaining acceleration. This great turning will return the Earth to light.
It will redeem the duality of the Earth into the unity that has continued to live within her core being.
It will redeem the consciousness of the inhabitants of the Earth.
The great turning will bring the shift from duality to unity, from darkness to light, from separation to oneness.
It has already begun and shall continue until every last vestige of darkness has been reabsorbed into the light of the One, and until every heart knows itself to be part of that One.
Then, the sacred Earth, the holy Earth that is the Divine body of the Mother, shall be a planet of light, and all who inhabit her shall feel themselves blessed to live in the Divine embrace of the One.
All blessings to the sacred Earth who is fulfilling her destiny and bringing blessings to all of life. LIGHT OMEGA PRODUCTIONSEARTH HABITATThe body of the Mother out of the Plenitude of the Godhead and of the Void, the holy sphere of the earth came into being as a sanctuary for the millions of souls who would experience her vast beauty, and glorify the One who had made her, the Father-Creator Spirit and Mother of the World.
For a time, the glorification of the sacred earth was part of the knowledge of all souls who inhabited her heavenly habitation, before she descended along with these souls into a more solid state. But as souls became more separated from their point of origin in the Oneness, so, too, did the earth descend into a parallel lower vibration that was inevitable, for the increasingly separated soul-consciousness of the many was part of her being, and so the descent was also a necessary part of her being.
Glorification and praise for the bountiful earth became exceeded over time by the physical necessity created by the struggle for survival in a land no longer permeated by Divine grace. Now, individual opportunity and personal victory over both the environment and over others was what guaranteed survival. The sanctity of the earth as the holy container and spiritual habitat of souls no longer was knowledge to the many, nor were her Divine origins. Instead, with increasing separation of the individual soul from the Oneness, the earth, too, became increasingly seen as an object external to oneself, not as something that one was part of and lived within.
The notion of a sanctified and purified heaven on earth never departed from the earth, however, and was housed within her holy body as the central core of light which she carried throughout time and which linked her with the Oneness of the totality of all that is.THE SACRED EARTHJulie of Light Omega "…The future of the earth is shaped by light's present intensification upon the earth as ordained according to a Divine timetable that it be so - a timetable that is now activating a movement on a planetary level into a higher dimension of consciousness. This planetary activation, brought about by the higher frequencies of light, has, as an additional consequence, the purification and release of all that is not of the light into individual and collective awareness so that only purity, light, and love remain and so that the dominant frequency pattern of the earth and her inhabitants can blend with the frequencies of the higher dimensions of light.
…We move into the future of the earth today with a mixture of hope and celebration as well as with ongoing distress over the unhealed portions of the earth's functioning that continue to cause great suffering for many. These unhealed aspects of planetary consciousness are coming into sharper focus today as part of the earth's purification, so that the darker energies which give rise to such separation, no longer hold sway within the human mind or heart. Ultimately, the earth and all of her inhabitants will be free of these energies, for the Mind and Heart of God have ordained that it be so – that the future of the earth be a future of peace and hope for all, and that the earth itself become a sanctified and holy planet of light. May it be so, and may the earth itself and all of her inhabitants be blessed."THE FUTURE OF THE EARTH Julie of Light Omega ... Earth.html