Inner Guidance - Trust That A Way Through Will Be Made.jpg [ 60.36 KiB | Viewed 4397 times ]
When Challenges Arise - Wait For Inner Guidance 1. Acknowledge challenge, limitation, difficulty.
2. Allow yourself to feel the energies, the emotions flowing through you in conjunction with the situation. Journaling helps.
3. Pray. If you can, light a candle to symbolize the light you seek. Ask for help, for guidance, for intuitions.
4. Let Go and Wait. This is the most challenging part of learning to experience inner guidance in the presence of the energies of fear, anxiety, hyperness, and dread, the letting go of thinking constantly about how to solve what one is facing.
In my early days of the Purification Process I was taught to create a God box (some may call it a worry box), and to put into that box that which was the source of my anxieties, worries, and fears. I was taught that I needed to turn off my brain which was fixated on solving, thinking, thinking, thinking.
The writing out of the situation and the physical releasing of my worries and fears into the box helped my mind to let go. I hold this spiritual teaching of who source I am not aware, "If you are going to trust God why worry, and if you are going to worry why trust God." This spiritual phrase was my mantra for many a year. Now it is part of who I am.
Letting go in whatever way you find is important to quiet the oscillating energies flowing through the mind and the body so that a space may be made - readied, for inner guidance to surface.
5. Waiting.
Sometimes, especially in the early days of this spiritual practice, it takes time for the energies to subside. It may seem that no matter how hard one tries the energies keep resurfacing, and in some situations, even stronger! Take a walk, meditate if you can, pray, do something with your hands, journal about the nature of the energies, watch a movie. Relax and allow in the presence of the surging energies a space to be made within you that is peaceful, or at least quiet. The challenge, limitation, that which is presenting itself, will still be there. Separate your mind from the energies and thinking for awhile and wait.
6. Within the space of inner silence you will receive guidance. This is a wonderful experience and when one first begins to receive inner guidance a time of self-doubt and disbelief.
Learning to trust inner guidance in the beginning is not easy. (Later it will be a joy, creating within the self an inner strengthening.) In the initial stages of receiving inner guidance, energies long held within the self will resurface, which will cause self-doubt or fear until such time, with practice, compassion, and trust, when inner guidance manifests it will be welcomed - received with gratitude. Even as this is true, even in the presence of the energies of doubt, write down what comes to you as inner guidance.
In time you will come to trust yourself. In time you will learn to discern what is truth and what intuition feels like. Rather than the mind thinking about 'what to do' or how to solve challenges, difficulties, and limitations, intuition sends to the mind ideas as to what is needed next. Intuition is how God and our soul speaks to us.
Trusting what comes to your mind through intuition is a spiritual exercise itself.
It will be helpful and of great spiritual gain to have an elder or someone who has developed their own inner guidance and wisdom to run your intuitions by, to reason with.
Eventually, in time, you will recognize intuitions by their tone - how your intuitions feel and how your intuitions sound within you.
Trust. Trust that you are being Divinely led - always. Trust is in the end, the answer to every challenge, every limitation, every difficulty, every problem. Each situation brings with it an opportunity to learn to awaken your intuitions and inner guidance, to awaken your connection with the Divine within you, to awaken the connection between Divine Light and your inner Light, to awaken the voice of your soul speaking through your heart to your mind.
with love, JohannaHyperness - a experience of energies surging, often in waves, through the nervous system, mind, and emotions. God has placed within each heart a fountain that never runs dry. The outer self may feel thirsty, but the inner being is perpetually nourished by an invisible stream.MEDITATIONS on HOPE and TRANSFORMATIONhttps://lightomega.org/MH/Med-Signup.html