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 Post subject: I Love You - Not Always Easy To Practice.
PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 11:32 am 

I Love You
Not Always Easy To Practice.

It can be extremely difficult to keep one's heart open and say "I Love You " in the presence of an embodied soul who is aligning with the energies of hate and divisiveness.

Even as this is true, a way has been made.

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 Post subject: Sacred Moments and Waiting
PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:35 pm 
When Nothing Seems To Move

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There are spaces within life when nothing seems to move within them when everything seems stuck.

Beloved Julie has taught me to trust the time we spend in these spaces.

Trust and wait.

Don't let go of your hope.

with love,

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 Post subject: Malaise Of The Transactional Life
PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:43 pm 

Malaise Of The Transactional Life

Little held as sacred - everything is for sale.

An emptiness, a spiritual malaise of the heart is often found within a transactional life.

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 Post subject: Your Love IS Your Light - In The Dark Night
PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:47 pm 
Your Love IS Your Light - In The Dark Night

First anchored by St. John of the Cross in the 1500's, this is a deeply spiritual teaching of what I have been sharing with you Dear Readers about your love being your light. Truth is eternal.

Into this happy night
In secret, seen of none,
Nor I saw aught,
Without other light or guide,
Save that which in my heart did burn.

St. John of The Cross
Dark Night Of The Soul

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 Post subject: To The Youth Coming Forward
PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:54 pm 

To The Youth Coming Forward

As adults we knew, as we looked into your eyes, that you were different.

Awake so young.

Eyes open and aware so early.

Consciousness alight in your eyes.

The future forward anchored within you.

Dedicated to the students and community of Parkland, FL,.

Generation #neveragain marching for life bravely carrying the Light forward through their courage, integrity, and truth.

All Blessings.


Last edited by Johanna on Mon Feb 19, 2018 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: When Challenges Arise - Wait For Inner Guidance
PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 3:08 pm 

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When Challenges Arise - Wait For Inner Guidance

1. Acknowledge challenge, limitation, difficulty.

2. Allow yourself to feel the energies, the emotions flowing through you in conjunction with the situation. Journaling helps.

3. Pray. If you can, light a candle to symbolize the light you seek. Ask for help, for guidance, for intuitions.

4. Let Go and Wait. This is the most challenging part of learning to experience inner guidance in the presence of the energies of fear, anxiety, hyperness, and dread, the letting go of thinking constantly about how to solve what one is facing.

In my early days of the Purification Process I was taught to create a God box (some may call it a worry box), and to put into that box that which was the source of my anxieties, worries, and fears. I was taught that I needed to turn off my brain which was fixated on solving, thinking, thinking, thinking.

The writing out of the situation and the physical releasing of my worries and fears into the box helped my mind to let go. I hold this spiritual teaching of who source I am not aware, "If you are going to trust God why worry, and if you are going to worry why trust God." This spiritual phrase was my mantra for many a year. Now it is part of who I am.

Letting go in whatever way you find is important to quiet the oscillating energies flowing through the mind and the body so that a space may be made - readied, for inner guidance to surface.

5. Waiting.

Sometimes, especially in the early days of this spiritual practice, it takes time for the energies to subside. It may seem that no matter how hard one tries the energies keep resurfacing, and in some situations, even stronger! Take a walk, meditate if you can, pray, do something with your hands, journal about the nature of the energies, watch a movie. Relax and allow in the presence of the surging energies a space to be made within you that is peaceful, or at least quiet. The challenge, limitation, that which is presenting itself, will still be there. Separate your mind from the energies and thinking for awhile and wait.

6. Within the space of inner silence you will receive guidance. This is a wonderful experience and when one first begins to receive inner guidance a time of self-doubt and disbelief.

Learning to trust inner guidance in the beginning is not easy. (Later it will be a joy, creating within the self an inner strengthening.) In the initial stages of receiving inner guidance, energies long held within the self will resurface, which will cause self-doubt or fear until such time, with practice, compassion, and trust, when inner guidance manifests it will be welcomed - received with gratitude. Even as this is true, even in the presence of the energies of doubt, write down what comes to you as inner guidance.

In time you will come to trust yourself. In time you will learn to discern what is truth and what intuition feels like. Rather than the mind thinking about 'what to do' or how to solve challenges, difficulties, and limitations, intuition sends to the mind ideas as to what is needed next. Intuition is how God and our soul speaks to us.

Trusting what comes to your mind through intuition is a spiritual exercise itself.

It will be helpful and of great spiritual gain to have an elder or someone who has developed their own inner guidance and wisdom to run your intuitions by, to reason with.

Eventually, in time, you will recognize intuitions by their tone - how your intuitions feel and how your intuitions sound within you.

Trust. Trust that you are being Divinely led - always. Trust is in the end, the answer to every challenge, every limitation, every difficulty, every problem. Each situation brings with it an opportunity to learn to awaken your intuitions and inner guidance, to awaken your connection with the Divine within you, to awaken the connection between Divine Light and your inner Light, to awaken the voice of your soul speaking through your heart to your mind.

with love,

Hyperness - a experience of energies surging, often in waves, through the nervous system, mind, and emotions.

God has placed within each heart a fountain that never runs dry.
The outer self may feel thirsty,
but the inner being is perpetually nourished by an invisible stream.


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 Post subject: Energies of Opposition - An Inversion of Love
PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:04 am 

"...Energies creating the "inversion of love" are present in great measure at this time on the Earth, due to the expansion of light taking place globally.  It is important to remain steadfast in their presence, knowing that one can remember what is true, and know what is true, even if one cannot feel what is true.  Steadfastness in relation to aligning with the deeper truth of the soul, whether feeling is there or not, is the way to move through such energies of inversion, which will ultimately reduce in intensity so that  a degree of connection with the heart can again take place. This is to say that if one remains steadfast in relation to the place of truth, whether felt or not, oppositional energies will ultimately diminish in their potency, due to the greater potency of light.

The deeper heart of each of us is connected with our Divine self, our soul self, and so at the deepest level such energies cannot touch the place of our knowing.  However, they can create doubt on the more surface levels of awareness that love is what we really feel.  Steadfastness in relation to the knowing of truth must become a mantra in this time, so that we can walk through this energetic influence until its effect is no more.  This outcome is part of the Divine plan for the Earth, namely, that the energies of opposition may have their day, but the ultimate outcome for individuals and for the Earth is the outcome of love and light."

Energies of Opposition - An Inversion of Love ... -Love.html
Julie of Light Omega

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:14 am 

"To know something, to believe something, and to have fairing in something are all different things. They reflect degrees of involvement with knowledge that can vary from the most superficial awareness, to the most profound perception of our deepest being. We can think something with with only the surface of ourselves, and we can know something with the totality of who we are. How we know, and at what depth we know, determines how we live. For this reason it is useful to ask: How do we know that God is real? How do we know that Light is real? How do we know that the process of purification is real? These are important questions for us - questions that require reflection. To begin with, let us ask: What is it to 'now' something? What is it to 'believe' in something? What is it to have 'faith' in something?

We believe things with our minds. Beliefs are ideas. They are concepts. They give us a picture of reality that others can agree or disagree with. Beliefs are thoughts that can be put into words and these words can be communicated with others. Beliefs, however, are not absolute truths. They are opinions about reality, not reality itself...

Having Faith is something different than this. Faith, in a spiritual sense, does not have to do with relative truths but with absolute truths - truths that exist for all time. Faith relates to an unvarying, underlying reality that we share in - one that we assume exists whether we believe in it or not. Unlike beliefs which are of the mind, faith is not just of the mind but of the heart as well.

…When we have faith, we believe in the invisible. In doing this our mind faces a clear choice between doubt and trust. Faith makes the choice to trust b aced on the joining of our mind and heart. It makes the choice to suspend doubt and cynicism and to say "yes" to the thinking of the heart rather than to rational thinking. …Love is like this, a subjective fact whose existence cannot be proven but whose reality is nevertheless very real.

…To experience something is to know it. To experience something deeply is to know it with a degree of certainty that gives it more power and influence over our lives than over things. Here is a common example of knowing something: When the suns shines on our skin we feel warmth. We don't need anyone else to tell us what we feel. We know that we feel something we call 'warmth'. In relation to the sun, we have an ease with our knowing since others share our experience and can understand it. But we can experience things that are just as real as the sun shining on our skin that others cannot see, and know them to be true with equally strong conviction. Our problem in doing so is that when others cannot validate our experience for us, we frequently invalidate ourselves.

…Here is the point that all spiritual life strives for and the point of purification as well: to go beyond both faith and belief into knowing - to bring each of us to the point of experiencing God in a way that is so real that it will be impossible to deny. All spiritual life is directed toward this knowing. We seek it, we long for it, we search for it, and when we find it, it leaves an imprint on our soul."

Living In God's Reality
Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Self Worth - How I AM Made Me
PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:23 am 

I struggled for years trying to find my self-esteem. I never found it.

What I have found on my spiritual path is self- worth. Self-worth is based on the truth of who I am - how I AM made me. Self-worth is the seed which we all have within. Each of us grows in the unique ways in which our soul chooses. Aligning the heart, mind, and spirit with the longings of the soul brings forth from within that which is ready to be fed by the Light, that which grows in Love.

Your love is your light,

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 Post subject: The Space Between This Moment And The Next
PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 11:33 am 

The Space Between This Moment And The Next

I was reflecting recently about the space between the moment we are in - the present, and the moment we long for - the future.

An important aspect of the Purification Process has to do with waiting. For me, the Purification Process has had to do with deep inner spiritual work - a journey of 'knowing thyself', alignments, prayer, meditation, reflection, spiritual study, purification, inner work, inner discovery, emotional and karmic releasing, as well as containing energies, and most of all, waiting.

Waiting brings to the fore the longings of my soul (often felt through the portal of my heart) for that which I long to experience - be, and share in love and unity, even as I do not know how these longings are to manifest.

My life with Beloved Julie has taught me that waiting takes immense trust, courage and strength.

Waiting takes time, and in the presence of time, facing the unknown, energies which are not of that which one is waiting for, and maintaining hope.

Time tames the sorrows of not manifesting the expectations of others and sometimes, the expectations of the ego self. Time heals the race to be someone or something based on roles and should be's, allowing for a gentler unfolding of the self anchored in experience, trust, and wisdom.

It has been my experience that love is the power which infuses my heart to trust, to wait, to endure, and to bear with in the presence of that which my soul longs for and that which is meant to be.

All Blessings.

Spiritual Purification and the Purification Process

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 Post subject: The Unfolding Self - Commitment
PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 12:11 pm 

The Unfolding Self - Commitment

A committed heart can be preserving in the face of obstacles and undaunted in the presence of hardship.

BELOVED ONES, COMMITMENT IS a precious gift of the heart and soul, something that becomes more possible as we expand in our capacity to love and as our soul is able to makes its wishes known more fully to our conscious self. Then, if something is truly important to us we become able and willing to remain faithful to it, devote body, mind, and heart to it, and give it the fullest portion of ourselves.

…In expressing such commitment, the go-self may perceive that there are risks involved. In relation to others, the risk of loss, rejection, or disappointment. In relation to an ideal, sometimes even rush to life itself. These risks may be willing assumed by those who commit their hearts, because what one desires, what seems essential to the deepest self, is that much worth pursuing.

To risk ourselves, we must desire something greatly and must have the courage to commit ourselves to it so that in the face of all difficulty, in the face of possible disappointment, we all go forward anyhow.

The Unfolding Self - Commitment and Risk
Embracing the Divine
Julie of Light Omega

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 12:26 pm 

Give to the One all power to do, to know, to be.
Let Divine life breathe through you.


No power to speak, no power to keep silent
No power to give, no power to withhold.
No power to lead, no power to follow.
No power to begin, no power to end.

No power to stand, no power to sit.
No power to laugh, no power to cry.
No power to think, no power to refrain from thinking,
No power to move forward, no power to stand still.

No power to learn, no power to un-learn.
No power to heal, no power to prevent healing.
No power to love, no power to hate.
No power to live, no power to die.

English narrative by Julie of Light Omega
Aakhan Jor - The Great Surrender
Artist Snatun Kaur - From the album Shanti

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