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 Post subject: Re: Boundaries and Energetic Sensitivities
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:02 pm 
Creating Boundaries and Living Without Blame

There are circumstances that arise, today, in which it can feel entirely justifiable to blame others, both on the collective level and on the personal, and yet the energy that we give to blame is not conducive to producing any effect other than to cast us even further into a depth of discouragement and despair.

Blame is the ego's way to protect itself from feeling helpless. It arises in situations of frustration and deprivation, and instead of allowing us to feel grief-stricken or filled with loss or sorrow in a way that would help us heal, blame creates an active component of feeling – a sense that there is something we can do about the distressing circumstances through the agency of another person or persons. By engaging with blame, we believe that we are taking an active step in asking that justice prevail, or that these others become different.

Here, it is important to separate two things: the desire that circumstances that cause pain, suffering, or deprivation be different, and the energy of anger or blame which we bring to the situation. For this energy, instead of being useful to us in a larger sense, ends up using us so that we do not see the full picture of how to work within the situation or what changes within ourselves the situation might call for.

This is the truer version of life's opportunity in relation to situations of deprivation or pain –that we find within ourselves a willingness to trust and to align with the positive in life rather than the negative, by being willing to absorb our own pain, and instead of sending back into the world more pain that others can receive from us, to hold our own pain within ourselves and send back good instead.

This attitude may feel like it is beyond us, especially in instances where pain seems too great or deprivation or loss too severe. At such times, it is necessary to pray for an enlargement of the heart so that it can become big enough to hold what needs to be held, knowing that it is possible with Divine help. For this is the challenge of deprivation and sacrifice, not that we accept it in the sense of doing nothing to change the external conditions that may have led to it, but that we become able to find a measure of enlargement within ourselves so that we can bear pain without creating more of it for others. We do this not because we wish to suffer, but because we are identified with the lot of all in life, not just with our own lot.

The expansion of the heart in relation to its capacity to hold loss and sorrow and its desire to convert these into something that will be of benefit to the world, has a transmutative effect on the feeling of anger or blame. That is, it removes the need for these and instead gives us a capacity to live freely and in peace with whatever circumstances life brings to us. Such a perspective does not create passivity, as some would fear, but reflects a determination to be a force for good in the world and one that will be of benefit others.

In addition to this motive, another arises from the fact that blame and anger take from us precious energy and focus that would otherwise be able to contribute to the forward motion of our own lives in immediate ways – in decision-making, in planning, in imagining, and in just being able to be in the present in an ease-full way. Often hidden from our waking consciousness, yet active, the negative energies that we hold within ourselves are disturbances to our own sense of peace. Sometimes we can feel them directly as eruptive anger or as another disturbing emotion. At other times they operate as a wound below the surface of perception that cannot be healed because it has been left unattended.

Boundary: The place of peace lies in the freedom to choose which emotional currents we will permit in our emotional house and which we will leave behind. Those who seek peace must seek also to let go of the desire for anything that would conflict with this. The mind may not know how, but the heart knows the way. To begin to create peace within the heart, it is necessary to lay down one's arms, metaphorically speaking, and to determine to live in a way that is blame-free. When the heart truly desires this, the soul will find a way to teach the lessons of peace and the mind will progressively learn to accommodate.

May all beings who seek peace in the world find rest in the knowledge that it already lies within them, waiting to be found.

-Julie Redstone

Learn more: Living Without Blame-The Way of Peace

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:10 pm 
May all beings who seek peace in the world find rest in the knowledge that it already lies within them, waiting to be found.


Dearest Johanna, your guided choice of posts are perfection to my heart..thank you!!!

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:34 pm 
Meg Meg:
May all beings who seek peace in the world find rest in the knowledge that it already lies within them, waiting to be found.


Dearest Johanna, your guided choice of posts are perfection to my heart..thank you!!!

You know love, I feel we both are a micro representations of the marco - of the whole - when it comes to being energetically sensitive. Indeed, there are many souls much like you and I ... Blessings to our energetically sensitive brothers and sisters who will come here to read in the 'future', as you and I seed this sacred garden in the 'past'.


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 Post subject: Re: Energetic Sensitivities & Letting Go of Blame
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:02 pm 
I posted Creating Boundaries and Living Without Blame as I have been, since I can remember, a compulsive 'blamer'. It has taken me years of sitting with Beloved Julie in private sessions and Gatherings to let go of 85% of my blaming others for the energetic pain I feel inside of me, which I perceive, (and often is) coming from outer sources. Mostly, not always, from people around me.

It has not been an easy journey to let go of the blame and surrender even though I have accepted that I have have chosen this path as a soul; and that people are not responsible for energies emanating from their bodies in which they cannot consciously hold back the flow of.

There are times that taking in others energies, especially their pain and suffering, has helped me greatly in helping them in my work as a sacred healer. Eventually though, I was unable to take in any more of my brothers and sisters pain directly as it became too much. Blessings for the times when I was able and for those I could help.

There are times when I needed to live 'free' for many years as I was so energetically sensitive that I could not live in houses, especially apartment buildings as I found I would be constantly taking in the energies of the people in the buildings I was living in. So, for a period a 3-4 years, on and off, I lived outside - no home, by the Grace of those who loved me and gave me strength to do so.

Being energetically sensitive has not been an easy path. Blame was my ego's way of trying to find strength in the face of massive waves of energies coming into my body which left me feeling often fatigued, and overwhelmed. AND IT DIDN"T WORK. Blame only alienated those I loved, those who were 'strangers' and left me feeling more miserable. In the moment it gave me a sense of 'power' in the face of intense suffering and limitation which was fleeting at best. And yet, it has been so difficult to let go of!

I have, with the help and love of Beloved Julie, come far when it comes to blaming others, and I still have work to do purifying my ego.

Just the other day I was with my someone who unconsciously was releasing much pain and negativity around Fathers Day. We were in the car together and I felt I was going to lose my mind the energies, which come from a lifetime of pain concerning their father. The energies being released were intense as their soul was letting go. I did something that has happened to me in the past and felt so horrible when it happened to me - I blamed this person for something they could not control, and even more so, energies they were not consciously aware of. This sort of thing has happened to me, and I felt horrible - to do something to another which has caused me great pain, made me feel even worse.

When I was able to speak, after the energies subsided, I immediately made amends for blaming this person for the energies I was taking in from them. So you see, dear readers, I continue to have purification issues to work through. I strive for perfection as my ideal - and live with the humility that I am doing the best that I can, on any given day.

Blaming - the great alienator - and alienation is not a healthy boundary!



I was thinking about what I just wrote... Usually, it is not as easy to figure out whose and what energies I am taking in. Sunday was (easier) because, 1. it was just the person I was with in the vehicle. 2. I was having a joyful day within my energy self - these energies had a completely different vibration and frequency - dense, 4. it took me most of the day to figure out that the negative energies were related to Fathers Day, 5. who knows how accurate I really am in the end...

It funny, I will sometimes hear other energetically sensitive beings speaking about sensitivities, and marvel at their ability to discern where and from whom energies are coming from. Even after many, many years, I am usually the last to know what I am taking in - my soul just takes in the energies automatically - it is how I AM made me.

Ooooh - for all those who are thinking "just create a bubble of energy to protect you" - that is not my path - my path is to feel the energies. God's promise is that in the times to come, I will still be able to perceive others suffering without it permeating my energy body. I believe this will come true - and like my dear friend Meg shared "I will wait and trust."

Okay. That's all for now. Love you!

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:36 pm 
Dearest Johanna, This is a loving example for us. We benefit greatly as we share our learning opportunities. I think this is especially important when we, who have taken on the mantle of teachers & healers in service,often may been seen as already having conquered the subjects being taught.

God uses all of our imperfections for the greater good of All. I am a worn and cracked vessel and yet with all my imperfections, like my brothers and sisters here, I am able carry light. It is a constant source of amazement to me and I give thanks.

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 Post subject: Re: Energetic Sensitivities & the Courage to Feel
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:48 pm

The courage to feel applies to what is known and what is unknown. What is known are the feelings we have or have had that we recognize then try to push aside. What is unknown are the feelings that may arise once we open ourselves to the power of God's light and to seeing what has formerly been concealed. The sequence of events initiated by such openness can bring to us an unknown set of circumstances which, while being an answer to our prayers, may not be the answer that we were hoping for.

In all of purification, the courage to feel is an essential ingredient. Blessed are those who possess such courage and who trust the process of awakening as it flows from moment to moment. This process carries the embodied soul from one level of truth to another, until all is laid bare and only love remains.

-Julie Redstone

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 Post subject: Re: Energetic Sensitivities & Psychic and Spiritual
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:11 pm 

We have tended to think of matter as solid and of thoughts and feelings as invisible and insubstantial. More like air than like anything physical. Now, it turns out that both physical matter and our thoughts and feelings are all composed of energy. Indeed, the entire physical reality that we know of is composed of energy, despite the fact that it appears solid to our eyes.

The new interpretation of reality as being based in energy, whether it is outer reality or inner, comes from an understanding of the principles of spiritual light. These principles teach us in both conceptual and practical ways, that the energy of light can penetrate physical matter and interact with it in ways that could not take place if it were actually solid and impenetrable. Rather, spiritual light acts as a powerful force or current that can merge with anything, and in so doing, can transform that thing from within.

The New Reality of Energy

It is common to confuse the 'psychic' and the 'spiritual', for both partake of dimensions that are beyond the visible, physical reality in which we live, and both offer to the mind and imagination a sense of the presence of other worlds that surround the physical that have a great impact upon it, even if unknown.

To discuss the 'psychic' and the 'spiritual' is not to discuss persons who possess these qualities, but to discuss dimensions in which these qualities exist - dimensions that are different from each other and that reflect different degrees of spiritual evolution - the spiritual being of a higher vibration. This does not mean that one who is 'psychic' cannot be 'spiritual' as well. Only that the realm or arena in which energies are perceived, interacted with, manipulated, healed, dissolved, eradicated, understood, or amplified are different in both.

The realm of the psychic, for the most part, is arrived at through various kinds of clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc., that are part of the awakening of spiritual gifts within the human psyche. This awakening takes place differently for different people, with gifts of sight, insight, hearing, and sensing operating at different frequencies of vibration so that particular specialties exist in terms of what each individual is capable of observing or knowing. Yet, the perception of the psychic realm relates to a range within the spectrum of invisible light that is closest to that of the human aura and that exists just beyond it. While this is not uniformly true, in general, the focus of psychic awareness is within the lower to mid-range of the spectrum of non-physical light, color, and sound, and awareness within this realm allows meanings to be understood and employed to help people in need of assistance through the transfer of knowledge to an understanding of issues they may be facing in their everyday life.

The spiritual realm, however, exists along a different and vaster portion of the non-visible spectrum of light. It includes all ranges within itself, incorporating the physical, the psychic, and extending beyond these infinitely. The spectrum of spiritual light exists along a continuum, all the way up to the Source or Godhead which is the realm of the highest light.

The spiritual is not only defined by a range of vibrational frequencies, however. Because it includes the higher octaves of light that are closest to the Source or Godhead, attunement to these energies simultaneously brings one into relationship with that Source, namely into relationship with God, by whatever name God is called. One cannot have a purely energetic relationship with the higher realms of light without its becoming a relationship with the Divine being and essence of God. This is because the properties of the higher range of light include the perception of holiness, purity, love, sanctity, and blessing, and these are not attributes that can be absorbed as 'things' or even as 'energies'. They can only be absorbed by becoming one with them in the unity of a state of being.

In thinking about the range that comprises the spectrum of non-visible light, and bearing in mind that there are persons who can operate within more than one frequency band or range, it can still be said that in general, the opening of one's psychic capacity, while valuable in itself in creating an entrypoint into the non-visible world, does not confer spiritual maturity upon a person. Indeed, one can have highly developed psychic gifts, and still have much that remains unhealed within the embodied self. This is not necessarily a shortcoming of individual persons. It is an acknowledgment of the course of spiritual development which permits certain degrees of expansion or evolution prior to others. In order to achieve the greatest degree of expansion, the embodied soul must grow beyond their gifts at the psychic level, into full-fledged relationship with the divine Source, by whatever name that Source is called.

It is important for both psychic practitioners as well as for those who seek their counsel, to know what the limitations of their ability are and how these limitations are affected by unhealed portions of the body and psyche. For the kind of depth, certainty, and knowledge that comes from exposure to the psychic realm with all of its many gifts and teachings, is not the same as exposure to the higher realms of light and blessing which confer upon the participant, a purity of understanding that can only occur through proximity to higher Truth which is derived from the Mind of God. In this relationship, purity is key in order to arrive at the highest level of understanding with which to help oneself or another.

-Julie Redstone

Read more: The Psychic and the Spiritual - An Unfolding Reality

Further reading:


Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:17 pm 
For many years I would go out into the world to be available to people for healing at various New Age fairs, Whole Health Expo, Festivals and Psychic fairs. As these were often venues where people who were in pain (physical, emotional, spiritual or mental) seemed to frequent seeking answers, it was the best (an most difficult) place for me to sit and wait for those whom God would bring to me to be 'with'.

During that time, it was difficult for me to explain to various healers and psychic's alike, why I wasn't a psychic, even though I had many of the gifts of a psychic. Even more so, was the lack of understanding I would receive from various healers who believed that taking or experiencing others suffering was wrong, that limitations and suffering I experienced was a sign of weakness/folly, that my life not reflecting perfection (financially) and physically was somehow a sign I was on the 'wrong' path or that there was something wrong with me as a healer as I was not manifesting wealth and abundance.

To this day, I thank Beloved Julie for helping me through those times, and for teaching me how to establish a strong boundary about what I know to be true about myself - that which is most sacred and pure - who I am.

I hope you find the above article helpful dear readers.

Blessings and love.

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 Post subject: Re: The Boundary of Integrity
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:26 pm 
Often, courage is needed to remain in a place of integrity and wholeness when others around us are not. Often, we must remind ourselves of the purpose for doing so - the purpose for remaining true to ourselves at all times. This purpose has a deep spiritual taproot. It is the root of our knowing that we are unique in all the universe and that the space we occupy cannot be filled by anyone else.

To be true to ourselves, it is often helpful to breathe with awareness - to breathe, and to feel the life of God filling us so that we become an extension of all that is pure and holy and loving. If we are not connected to this greater life, we are more vulnerable to the imagined or real shortcomings that we may feel on the level of the personality. If we are connected, there are no longer shortcomings, there is just love to be shared in all situations, all of the time.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:39 pm 
These writings are born out of such great love and resonate with me..thank you, Johanna.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:47 pm 
Meg Meg:
These writings are born out of such great love and resonate with me..thank you, Johanna.

You are welcome love! And thanking you for being here today 'with' me.

I am looking forward to joining with you for tonights One World Meditation.

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 Post subject: Re: Energetic Sensitivities and Health Issues
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 3:53 pm 
Boundaries and Health

Many immune disorders, deficiencies, and diseases, before they became physical problems, were aspects of consciousness, often related to the boundary between the self and world. On the physical level, such a consciousness can create a vulnerability to the transmission of harmful substances, energies, or microbial organisms from the environment into one's body, and the inability of the physical boundary known as the immune system to prevent that. Sometimes this boundary is too thick. Sometimes it is too thin. Normal immune functioning that acts as a filter and that is part of the body's natural state require a properly functioning balance of energies between what is inside and what is outside. Only then can what is good be let in and what is harmful be kept out.

This is true on both the physical level and on the psychological level as well. Indeed, there is a parallel between what exists at the physical level and what exists within consciousness, not necessarily detail for detail, but in an overall sense of good health being dependent upon the proper flow of energies between the self and the world.

Often, such health is realized through the healing of issues between self and others and between self and not-self. This takes place as one learns to say "yes" and "no" - "yes" to that which is light-filled and harmonious with one's higher truth and nature, and "no" to that which creates negativity, fear, and limitation.

Healing Immune Deficiencies and the Boundary of Self

* * * * * * * * *

Where negative or discordant energies in the past may have entered the physical structure of our body, causing symptoms and areas of discomfort of various kinds, alignment with light and with Divine intention also opens us further to healing on the physical plane. It erases any negative or fearful energy that we carry before it has a chance to become embedded in our physical or emotional being, preserving health, and preventing symptoms from occurring. Today, this whole process is being made much easier by the greater presence of light on earth, and any person who seeks a way of expanding their awareness will find it easier to do than it would have been at any time in the past.

Though darkness upon the earth is affecting the lives of a great many today with a great cost in sorrow and in human suffering, in the midst of this a new reality is being born. This new and sacred reality is asking us whether we are ready to step out of all previous identities we have held and that others have held for us, so that in the presence of greater light we can discover something that is more real about ourselves than we have known, and something that is more central to our hearts than we would have suspected.

Becoming Light: The Sacred Practice of Alignment

* * * * * * * * *

Symptoms Without a Diagnosis - The New Language of Energy

Many people today are experiencing unanticipated bodily symptoms that seem to appear out of nowhere and have no real medical diagnosis. Others are aware of sudden emotional surges that also appear out of thin air, are intense, repetitive, yet difficult to connect to specific events or circumstances. Often, in the presence of such conditions, we look for logical explanations, yet find every explanation insufficient or lacking. And so we treat the symptom topically, locally, according to whatever reduces our discomfort, without really knowing the cause.

These new and strange occurrences are part of a new category of inner events that is today impinging on both our body and our consciousness - a category that relates to energy and the ways in which our body's typical energy patterns are being altered by changes in the spiritual/physical world that we inhabit. These changes are causing the body to release things that have formerly been held in check or bound such as emotional energies from past experiences or traumas. They are also causing the body to release energy in a physical way, sometimes manifesting as pain, inflammation, fever, or other transient response that is a form of expression of the energy being released.

When we have no spiritual or energetic context in which to hold such symptomatic events, it is more difficult to deal with the anxiety or uncertainty they may arouse. When we know that energy is moving in a new and different way through us as part of an accelerated healing process that is affecting all souls, everywhere, and that it is based on changes to our physical bodies, even as the Earth's physical body and all of physical matter is also changing, we have a context in which to view these strange occurrences and can be more patient and less fearful.

People who find themselves suddenly beset with anxiety who have never been particularly fearful, or those who find themselves dealing with bouts of grief, sadness, or depression who have never before had to deal with such things, may take comfort in knowing that a healing process is underway that will lead to greater freedom from all inner conditions that have been stifling or limiting.

And yet... it is all a question of perception. For out of the many explanations that the psyche can hold concerning symptoms that have no obvious logical explanation, one can always unearth something external that appears more solid and 'real' that may thus take its place as an apparent 'cause'.

At this time, however, a deeper understanding of 'purification' and the 'purification process' would be of great help to many whose personal circumstances are undergoing great change, for the new and different energy patterns that are arising, causing symptoms of an unexpected nature both internally and externally, require a new language to speak of them. This new language is the language of purification and it offers a foundation for understanding things that cannot easily be understood in conventional ways.

May all hearts that seek the truth of their life-experience know that God and life are moving all souls to a new level of healing and opening, the end result of which will be new capacities, new freedoms, and a new and sacred reality.

Symptoms Without a Diagnosis - The New Language of Energy

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