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 Post subject: Prayers for the Suffering - Desecration of Holiness
PostPosted: Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:09 am 

Prayers for the Suffering:
Desecration of Holiness

All Prayer Is Beautiful - Messages of Light.jpg
All Prayer Is Beautiful - Messages of Light.jpg [ 113.17 KiB | Viewed 6294 times ]

Prayers for the suffering of the Nigerian and the Egyptian Sinai mosque attacks whom within a weeks time have lost beloved family members, children, neighbors, friends, and religious community members who were bombed because of how they choose to express holiness.

Such a desecration of life and sacredness is truly horrifying and each time it occurs the horror deepens.

These acts are an outward expression of an inner energy of desecration which seeks to influence the hearts and minds of the afflicted. These energies of darkness inform their heart's and mind's that 'their way' of loving and worshiping God is the only 'true' way of expressing holiness.

These energies of darkness and separation from Light and Love, from all that is holy and sacred seek to inform the hearts and minds of embodied souls that 'their way' of prayer, devotional rituals, worship, and honoring the sacred is the only way, and those who dare to 'choose' a different path of loving their God (as each knows their God and by the name they choose), are to be tortured, burned at the stake, imprisoned, banished, or killed in the name of the energies of separation and desecration masquerading itself as the voice of righteousness within them.

These ancient energies opposed to God and the will of God - Love, Light, and life, have been influencing the hearts of humankind in this way for as long as humankind has been worshipping what each holds as sacred.

For thousands of years, and to this day, these energies of opposition and desecration continue to use similar variants of the same justification for the desecration of the sacred and holy. Every religious practice has been influenced over the course of humanity's existence by these energies of desecration of the holy.

"When", my heart laments, "will these energies be realized and recognized for what they are?"

"When will the killing of fellow embodied souls in the tainted and twisted belief that God (truly, the energies of separation and desecration)is asking them do so, end?"

May the energies of desecration of the holy be enveloped within the Light of the Divine, and may their reign over the hearts and minds of humankind come to an end.

with love,

Egypt attack: More than 230 killed in Sinai mosque

Nigeria mosque attack: suicide bomber kills dozens ... t-least-50

Update: November 24, 2017 3:30 p.m.

Prayer Vigil Tonight, 7:30pm, (ET)
for bombing of Sufi Mosque in North Sinai, Egypt
Join us in prayer from wherever you are


Great terror was unleashed today through the bombing of a Sufi Mosque in North Sinai, Egypt. Two explosions and a gunfire assault killed more than 235 worshippers and injured more than 100.

Please join us in person or from wherever you are at this urgent time when light is needed to counteract the advancing forces of darkness. Your prayers are more important and more effective than you may know. Let your heart grieve the loss of innocents that has taken place today, and the loss of innocence that is the purpose of such energies of darkness.

At the same time, do not let go of your own innocence through anger or despair, but rather hold to the light of love within you ever more firmly, to counteract these negative forces. For where love is, darkness cannot be.

We pray in sorrow for those whose hearts have been so compromised that they have been able to commit these acts of violence, as well as for the deep fear and pain of those who have been the victims of today's tragedy.

Please join us. Julie of Light Omega



As moss clings to a rock,
and as fire clings to the burning wood,
so, too, do we cling to the light of our being
in times of struggle,
adhering to that light as if our life
depended upon it.
We cling with fierceness to the light,
that none may pull us apart.
We adhere, we align, we hold, we reach,
we are tenacious,
we are unyielding,
and, in the end, we are victorious
over that which would separate us.
For it is not only we that cling to the light,
but the light that seeks us out
to be part of the cells of our body
and the fabric of our soul.

from "Poems for the New Earth," Book 2." (Unpublished)
Julie of Light Omega

Last edited by Johanna on Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: For Where Love Is, Darkness Cannot Be. Part I
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 10:46 am 

For Where Love Is, Darkness Cannot Be.

(Part I)

"There is a simple turn-around that the mind can recognize, though the heart may resist when pain is great, namely, the asking of another: "How can I help you right now?"

This asking need not take place externally, though it might. It can be an inner asking, a shift from focusing on meeting one's own needs, to meeting the needs of the situation, of the moment, of what God has placed before you.

Often, one feels too small to locate this kind of generosity, and yet feeling 'small' is a belief like any other. One can replace the idea of 'smallness' with the idea of the largeness of one's pure divine inner Being that knows more, loves more, and can respond more. All human beings are created in this way.

Blessed are those who can make this transition in feeling, for generosity does not just gratify others, it opens the heart to the richness of love."

Julie of Light Omega
http://art-of-being-present.lightomega. ... arger.html

Broadcasting Love from the Heart_Johanna Raphael.jpg
Broadcasting Love from the Heart_Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 125.7 KiB | Viewed 6286 times ]

"There is a heart that beats at the center of the world, and it is the heart of humanity's Divine origin and the heart of God as well.  This heart suffers with all who suffer.  It feels cold with all who are without shelter.  It rejoices with those who have found their way home, and it is saddened by the loss of hope that occurs when injustice prevails and cruelty seems to be the norm.  This heart that is the heart of the world is also the collective heart of humanity, and it needs to be reawakened to its true potential, for over time it has become separated from its light and its truth.  Over time it has become separated from its Divine origins.

…The changeover to a new consciousness is already on its way, and will become more visible with the advent of greater light which, at the same time, will bring the residual darkness that has lain in the background of consciousness to the foreground of awareness.  This is what is happening today on the world stage, namely, that  what is released into consciousness as residual darkness is being felt more strongly and often being acted out more ferociously.  Nevertheless, the greater light will also provide the larger container into which all that is dark and unloving shall finally be absorbed and dissolved, disappearing into a vastness that is larger and more powerful than the darkness itself. "

Julie of Light Omega

With a more awakened heart, it is possible to be deeply in love with life.  It is possible to deeply love one's own being.  It is possible to become identified with love to such a degree that one wants to extend it everywhere.  These possibilities exist but must be awakened within the human heart.  They exist, but they must be perceived as real.

Julie of Light Omega ... Heart.html

There is, within each of us, a heart that is much larger than ordinary human affairs would normally reveal, a heart that can embrace the world because it overflows with love.

The Sacred Practice of Opening the Heart
Julie of Light Omega ... iving.html

Inspired by the vigil with Beloved Julie on November 24, 2107.
Title: For Where Love Is, Darkness Cannot Be - Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: For Where Love Is, Darkness Cannot Be. Part II
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 11:11 am 

For Where Love Is, Darkness Cannot Be

(Part II)

"...We have all kinds of justifications for fear that we can point to outwardly, the main one being the things that human beings are willing to do to each other.  In the presence of such fear, the heart must grow larger.  Our desire to be inclusive must become stronger, and equally importantly, we must become able to separate the emotional energies that become a source of dark motivations among people, from the true self that has been overcome by these dark motivations.  For there continue to be many today whose hearts have become buried beneath false beliefs and darkened energies that cause them to misperceive the true humanity of others.  Out of this separation from self and from their own hearts, these souls are willing to commit crimes against humanity.  Yet, even while they do this, the equally great crime is against their own humanity which they have been removed from, and for this we may have compassion, even while denying consent to their actions.

To have a heart which beats to the impulse to love all is to be willing to love as God loves, and to be willing to perceive the sacred life within all.  It is to refuse to allow any group, population, or label to separate us from others, so that we are willing to deny dignity and respect to that particular cluster of human life.
It is time for this calling to become conscious and for us to recognize those we deem 'less than' within our hearts.  It is time to determine that we are no longer willing to live in fear but only in love.  Only such a courageous commitment of our hearts can awaken  us and the world to a new way of life that supports all and that embraces all.  And only such a commitment can allow us to live and to express with the fullness of love that is our true nature."

An End to the Idea of 'Disposable People'
Julie of Light Omega

"...The world has not yet come to the conclusion that the inner motivation toward peace can and must be altered.  There is not enough hope yet in humanity, and not enough trust in the healing capacity of love.

...Love that arises in the human heart is the only true basis for peace, whether between nations or between persons. 
When it is recognized that each heart is part of a greater Heart, then peace will prevail."

Julie of Light Omega ... Peace.html

Powers Within The Human Heart_Johanna Raphael.jpg
Powers Within The Human Heart_Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 80.52 KiB | Viewed 6285 times ]

"...The celebration before us is the event of the transformation of consciousness – that which will bring new eyes and new ears to those who have been blind and deaf, unable to see and to hear each other for centuries  These new eyes and ears will hear, and see, and feel the presence of love that will make all that has gone before seem trivial and unimportant.  It may seem that this cannot be so.  Yet, it is so.  It is the possibility for a new awakening of mankind’s ability to love, and a new awakening of the heart connected with the spirit that is taking place now and that will take place ever more strongly. 

     "…In the midst of this, a dark shadow is cast by forces that would prevent this awakening from happening, that would have the earth not be at peace, or free, or in the light.  Such forces of darkness operate to counteract the expansion that is presently taking place.  They have the capacity to create a great disturbance of that expansion through the promulgation of fear and doubt, and ultimately, through the manifestation of despair which creates a loss of trust that either God or light is real.  The events manipulated by darkness that bring great suffering to people can happen and will happen as the expansion of light takes place ever more forcefully within the earth’s sphere, and it is up to each consciousness to know how to hold onto the truth of what is taking place.  It is up to each consciousness to feel the truth of love, to cherish it, to nurture it, and to remain faithful to it.  Darkness cannot exist in the presence of love.  It can only exist when love has been tossed aside or submerged in the presence of doubt or despair.  It can only exist when love is undermined within ourselves so that we no longer believe in it.  In the place of love, darkness has nowhere to stand."

Julie of Light Omega

"Forces of light expand the properties of love and unity.  They seek to build bridges where none may have been possible before.  They seek to find common ground among groups or peoples that have divergent cultures or beliefs. 
Forces of darkness seek to create disruption, to erect boundaries between 'us' and 'them,' to portray the world in terms of friends and enemies, and to create an atmosphere in which unity is difficult if not impossible. 
All that is of the light brings consciousness into greater wholes, into greater inclusiveness based on the principle of love, even when apparent differences or conflicts continue to exist.  All that is of darkness brings consciousness into greater fear, fear that requires the building of more defenses and barriers, fear that leads to exclusion rather than inclusion.
…Terrorism, and the horrific acts it has given rise to, is the outer expression of forces of darkness that have found means within susceptible souls of justifying the abandonment of the heart's deepest orientation toward  love and unity, replacing these with the pursuit of division and destruction.  In addition to the great tragedy this brings into the lives of multitudes of people, it is also a tragic loss for individual souls who have subscribed to the manipulations of darkness.  For these souls are also tragic, having lost touch with their own hearts and with their own humanity.  This does not justify their actions.  It adds to the tragedy.
In relation to the presence of light, wherever there are situations in which common ground is sought even in the presence of fear, suspicion, and distrust, there, too, will love have the possibility of growing and eventually of joining what may seem like it cannot be joined.
We, as a people, One within the One, are being called, today, to stand for the principle of bridge-building as an affirmation of light, even where distrust and fear appear to predominate.  We are being called to this not only within our world view but within our individual lives as well. We are being asked to be courageous, to side with that which is more difficult but truer, to place our faith in the invisible rather than to side with that which is easier because it is more apparent.  We are being asked to believe in the potential within any situation for the good of all to manifest."

GLOBAL PURIFICATION - Light and Darkness
Julie of Light Omega ... ation.html

Inspired by the vigil with Beloved Julie on November 24, 2107.
Title: For Where Love Is, Darkness Cannot Be - Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Discerning Denser Energies: Love IS Your Guide
PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 3:09 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

I am back from Retreat and will be posting again. I will be available if you wish to ask a question of me. (There is no expiration date on this invitation.)

'Darkness calling the Light darkness and itself Light." This phrase (a para-phrase from the book From Light to Light. See diagram below), has been coming towards my consciousness quite strongly. I believe that what I am perceiving may be an intensification of this particular form of energetic manifestation which can effect the greater planetary consciousness.

The origins of this phrase as it is coming to me, is from Principle 2. from the book, "From Light to Light", you can find the e-book here:

"Darkness opposes Light, sees it as dark and itself as Light."

I felt a call within my heart to share this with you Dear Readers, so that you too, could hold the energies of love in the presence of energies which seek to confound, manipulate, and confuse.

From Light To Light_Light and Dark Energies_Julie Light Omega.jpg
From Light To Light_Light and Dark Energies_Julie Light Omega.jpg [ 48.21 KiB | Viewed 6276 times ]

"Darkness opposes Light, sees it as dark and itself as Light."
Principle 2.:

"Energies of darkness are also 'energies of opposition.' Indeed, it is the nature of such energy to oppose the light. This opposition is triggered energetically or electromagnetically and does not require any particular content or context. The energetic dynamic between the two is built into the formative mystery of Creation, when forces of different kinds were woven into the overall Universe of perception and experience in order that freedom of will could be achieved. One cannot say what the consciousness of darkness is without identifying with it too closely, something that is not recommended. The same is not true of light. Yet, one can say what such energies feel like or appear like when they are influencing human consciousness, for in such cases they exert a profound effect over perception which human beings feel, often act upon, and can describe.

What the presence of darkness often conveys to individual consciousness is that the light is opposed to it, that is, that the light is dark and that it needs to be opposed. A translation of this into individual awareness can affect the perception of one's own motivation. For instance, it can influence the perception of a motivation that one had thought to be pure, loving, and light-filled, to be something other than that. Sometimes, and sadly when it occurs, energies of opposition have been capable of convincing the psyche that the light is dark, and that it is light. This phenomenon is changing now, altered by the greater strength of light becoming available to individuals everywhere."

From Light To Light
Pages 74 and 75

How Might One Recognize These Energies?

The energies of LOVE are the guidepost.

Beloved Julie has taught me in a myriad of ways that LOVE is the foundation to all truth. When seeking to intuit deeper into what is shared in words, actions, and deeds as to the deeper energetic content one could ask:

"Is there love in this action, in the words I am hearing or reading?" Is love the foundation of the actions I am observing, or actions I am participating in?

Your love is your light.
with love,

Julie of Light Omega ... Heart.html

The vibration of the heart and of its love in a time of darkness is the way through and the path to follow.  The power of deception can misuse words and ideas to convey the 'concept' of love or of goodwill, but when the vibration of the heart is missing, one wonders why one's own emotional response is lacking.  This is because words are not feelings, and the vibration of the heart, when not connected with words, leaves the impression of emotional coldness despite words to the contrary.  

Sometimes it is difficult to tell what is true of the words one hears and what is not.  Often, this has to do with self-doubt and with the invalidation of one's own perception.  Nevertheless, in the depths of sincere prayer and asking seek to know the true vibration of the heart within yourself and within others, for this is the key to the path of light and the way of discerning that which represents itself as light but is not.  All help shall be given both from the level of your own soul and from the level of the higher Realms that guide you as to how to know the difference.  Trust yourself, even in the presence of protestations and in the familiarity of conventional statements.  Words, especially familiar words, can create confusion and doubt.  Pray to know the vibration of the heart and to believe in your own perception.  In this way the way forward shall be made clear.  Amen.


"...But the effect of the energy of darkness is to cloud the mind and to corrupt the deeper wisdom of the heart, so that the perception of reality is altered and so that in order to protect oneself and pursue what seems like the 'right' course, a path of destruction is initiated.  This distortion in the perception of what is needed and what is 'right' is a key component of how darkness works to alter perception in those whom it affects.

     In order to deal with this intrusion into human motives of forces that wish to harness them for their own ends, it is essential that we have an inner anchor to turn to that is not willing to align with these distortions.  This anchor cannot be based on what the news media tell us is happening, or what our minds tell us is happening, or on any opinion or judgment of anyone concerning what should be happening elsewhere in the world.  The alignment that is needed is one of believing in love, of trusting in God's love, and of being willing to remain faithful to the principle of love showing the way. This is in contrast to what darkness would have souls believe which is that violent action is the way to achieve peace.  This is not true and can never be true.  As it was said in the past: "He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword." 

     There is much to be done in order to achieve this precious alignment with love and truth so that neither collective emotionality nor the largely biased reports we are presented with by news media are what shapes our consciousness concerning outer events.  To achieve this alignment, we must be strong in our own sense of truth and our own ability to go within and ask what God's eyes would have us see, and what God's heart would have us feel.  Proceeding in this way, the answer will never be violence and destruction.  It will always be some variation of trust and love."

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 Post subject: What Does It Mean to Be Holy? A Heart's Journey
PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 11:12 am 

What Does It Mean to Be Holy? A Heart's Journey

Most of the postings I have have made on the One Earth Awakening Forum have been teachings I follow for my personal self growth and awareness. I share them because I feel in my heart a desire to share the blessings I have received so freely with others who might be interested.

When reflecting back on previous years of my postings
Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48 and Wednesday's With Johanna viewtopic.php?f=7&t=12 , I often wrote about events which to my heart felt unfair, oft times cruel and hurtful to others.

In my heart of heart's there were many times in which I could not fathom 'why' people could be so hurtful to one another. This 'why' has been with me since childhood, and since childhood, the question has brought great inner pain. Personally, aside from the Prophecies, which are given to me and come through me, I would react with anger, depression, despair when I witnessed, read, or watched events and actions of other embodied souls which brought about the pain and suffering onto other souls. My heart knew no inner peace in the presence of the actions of those afflicted by the energies of darkness.

Recently, Beloved Julie has spoken to me about re-claiming my holiness. This spiritual pursuit led me on an inner journey of discovering and reclaiming that which has always been (yours too Dear Readers) my divine birthright - my holiness - my Oneness with the One.

I began by journalling about holiness. What was holiness, what did it mean to me to be holy, how is one holy? "Isn't it odd?" I thought to myself, "after all these years of spiritual study, practice, receiving the Prophesies, and writings, my mind could not comprehend what holiness was and how I too might be holy." I was blocking myself from understanding that I, might be holy, in many ways because of the shame I carried around within me about the things of my past which I could not change, even as amends have been made when they could be made; actions and deeds of the past which I have engaged in which were not of holiness nor at times, of spiritual integrity. Recently in the Prophesies I have seen this message come through with questions of my soul asking "who am I to be considered holy by God?"

Journaling led to greater awarenesses. I began then researching Beloved Julie's Teachings on holiness. Then I began meditating more deeply on the Teachings. My inner and outer eyes began opening (this is an ongoing process). I began 'seeing' where love was missing. My spiritual testing came forth in the form of a letter of forgiveness that I thought I was to write. This person and persons who did not know me, made decisions which have greatly impacted my physical health as well as other aspects of my life. I did not want to carry any energies of blame or resentment forward in my heart. I did not want future karma or spiritual attachments to be carried forward because I have not forgiven - I have not let go, no matter the circumstances. And so I felt called to write to this person and let them know that I have forgiven them. I put this intention upon my altar, lit a candle and found to my surprise that my deeper intentions were not grounded in love. At some level, I wanted this person to feel some sort of pain, or even awareness, for the intense pain their actions and their decision has brought forth in my life. This is not holy at all! I recognized that here was no love in my wanting to forgive. And so this action has not been taken and may never be taken, as the forgiveness can be achieved without the writing.

The teaching about recognizing that love was missing in my wanting to forgive was more important than writing and ending any perceived karma through forgiveness.

This deeper revelation about my hidden motives not aligned with love has begun to evolve as I look at the world with my 'outer' eyes.

As I read of, listened to, or watched the news I am noticing when my reactions to the actions of others, events unfolding, words, and deeds were missing the energies of love. I began to say to myself - instead of feeling anger or depression - "there is no love here." "These words, these actions, these events - they are not of love, the love is missing."

Compassion needs to replace within me any alignments with energies which are not of love - self-justification, blame, resentment, anger, to name but a few. Compassion for myself foremost as my first focus, for whom I have been, and who I am. Compassion for the moments in which I leave love, when I speak or think thoughts separated from love. Only when I have achieved this level of self forgiveness and compassion will I be able to have greater compassion for all and know the fullness of holiness, of inner peace.

Where will these revelations of the actions of myself and the world lead? I do not know, nor do I feel a desire to 'know' as this journey is part of the holy mystery of awakening. This is my journey - to love, to learn, wait, listen, and observe. That which is important for my heart and mind to learn to awaken more to my holiness will come, because I want these lessons, this awareness, this awakening to come forward. I want my heart to grow larger. All I need do is trust and wait. I am a living work in progress. All will be revealed.

with love.

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 Post subject: In The Dark Night As The Nation Slept
PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 8:00 am 

In The Dark Night
(As The Nation Slept)

What path has been set?
What yoke imposed?
How the righteous of the coin celebrate.
Shall the nation weep
when they awaken from their sleep?

Oh ye nation, thy steps are heavy.

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 Post subject: In The Light Of A New Day
PostPosted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:00 am 

In The Light Of A New Day

The posting "In The Dark Night As The Nation Slept" felt incomplete upon mediation. What came to me was a saying which is familiar to many who walk a spiritual path "two steps forward one step back".

A way is always made by the Light. New things not yet imagined by the heart are illumined by the Light of every new day - every waking hour in the Light.

Heavy yes may be our steps at times as we walk forward into the unknown, even as yokes and burdens are imposed upon us, the spirit of who we are, the truth of who we are, forever shines through all manner of darkness as the Light is always born anew within us.

The momentum of the Light, by it's very nature - Divine in it's origin - can never be stopped. Yes it may seem that that which opposes the Light has claimed victories upon our heart's, even as this may seem to be so, it is temporary, for a way is always made through the darkness by the Light.

with love,

awakenvisions_org_DanielBHoleman.jpeg [ 186.11 KiB | Viewed 6260 times ]

Message from the One

Awake, my children, to the Glory of the Light, for I have sent my Glory to be with you in these days of transition, to shelter you under the rays of Her everlasting presence, to comfort those in need of comfort, and to provide a safe passage into the future.

Never have I left you to your own affairs, alone, though it seemed that way to some, and never will I leave you to suffer with the pangs of illusion that have separated you from Me.  I Am always and forever with you, and have been watching over you for all the generations of time from the beginning.  Now, at last, you shall have some sense of My presence as you awaken from the dream that has seemed reality till now, and find that the world is much more beautiful and alive than has ever been imagined, and that it is not a world of things and people, but the pulsating beat of one Heart that unites all within the radiance of perfection.

Holy is this day, My beloved children, for you come, at last, to the knowledge of your true identity in the Light of the One, and you come, at last, to the knowledge that no one is separate from anyone else, and least of all from the Creator and One who manifested all things so that Life could create more Life.

Blessings upon this time of awakening, beloveds, for it is you who shall now have the possibility for building the future in a way undreamed of before, manifesting God's love and beauty on the earth for all worlds to see and benefit from.

Message from the One

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 Post subject: May The Gentle Spirit Of The Christ
PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 8:55 pm 

May the gentle spirit of the Christ be with you.

May the gentle spirit of the Christ fill your heart.

May the gentle spirit of the Christ wipe away your tears.

May the gentle spirit of the Christ heal your anger.

May the gentle spirit of the Christ uplift your sadness, depression, and despair.

May the gentle spirit of the Christ soothe your loneliness.

May the gentle spirit of the Christ be with you in all that you endure.

May the gentle spirit of the Christ be with you.

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 Post subject: The Power That Comes Through Joining With Love.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 9:11 am 

"…Whatever the Divine quality of the soul, its inner being strives with all its capacity to express that Divine quality on the physical plane.  The nature of the soul is self-expression, and therefore there is no being who, given the opportunity to exist in freedom, would not seek to express its deeper nature and what was central to its heart.  The creation of conditions on the earth that would maximize this freedom-to-be are what spiritual evolution is meant to achieve, so that the embodied self can in all ways conceivable come to express all that it experiences of itself as its own deeper nature.  This is the true meaning of freedom.  It is the freedom to be."

Julie of Light Omega

"…What is necessary during a trial of hopelessness is to have faith in the possibility of another way of looking at things, another way of feeling about things than the one currently being experienced.  This willingness to hold an alternate point of view, no matter how flimsy such a perspective might feel, allows a small amount of space to surround the pain one feels so that the light of the soul and the light of God's love can act as healing forces to the embattled heart, and enable the human self to come once again to a place of life and of renewed hope.  Within this place, one can feel that more is possible than seemed possible a moment before, and that more can be hoped for than the heart had believed."

Julie of Light Omega ... -Love.html

In A Time Of Darkness... Your Love Is Your Strength

Practice surrendering, humility, enduring helplessness, and growing my heart as the energies of cruelty, hate, contempt, and chaos seems to grow in strength?

For real power is found in Love.
Real power is infused by the Divine through the union of the self will with the Divine Will.

As we each witness an increase in the energies separated from love, within our heart's we have a choice as to which path we will follow. Will we align with energies the love, truth, honor, integrity, kindness, and generosity?

In times of darkness your love is your light.
Your love is your strength.

with love,

"…The beauty of the universe constructed according to the 'lux fiat' (“Let there be light”) utterance of Genesis or the Divine action described by other sacred texts is this: that the Universe is not random, but created according to Divine intention and invested with power, beauty, and holiness. As we come to feel this through the awakening of our non-physical senses, we will experience a different reality and a new relationship to all of life.

Such a movement is already happening as a consequence of the ‘quickening’ of physical matter by light. When it reaches a point of maximum resonance, the planes of matter and spirit will be experienced as inextricably connected with each other, and the world will know itself to be a sacred manifestation, rather than something that exists apart from the Divine totality of all that is."


There is a way to peace and love but one has to want
to get there.
One has to want to let go of all that stands in the way
of love and this is not always easy to do.
We hold onto anger because it seems better than the
alternative.  What is the alternative?
A feeling of being helpless and unprotected.
A feeling of vulnerability.

Human beings are afraid to feel helpless.
They are afraid they will be hurt or taken advantage of
and so believe it is better to be angry.

This is the great illusion of separated consciousness -
that one is fundamentally alone and unprotected.
It is not true but has felt true.
And so mankind has protected itself in the only way
it knew how.

It is a big step to give up the sense of power that comes
from being angry so that love may blossom...
It is a very big step.
Not everyone is ready to do this.
Not everyone is willing to do this.

And yet anger never breeds anything except anger.
It never brings one more love, more peace,
or more happiness in life.

Why do people hold on then?  Only because of safety.
Only because it seems to be a way to protect oneself.

There is another way through anger and it is not the way
of self-protection, the way of defenses and walls.

It is through allowing God's gentleness to enter the picture -
to enter the heart and create safety through the
establishment of love.

This does not always feel possible to the angry heart.
This does not always feel possible to the hurt heart.
One who has been angry for a long time often does not
know how to trust the Divine.

Yet, in the absence of complete trust it is still possible
to choose love.

In this way does the heart learn about real power - the
power that comes through joining with love.

The world knows much about the power of anger and
distrust and much less about the power of love.
It is time to learn this new way of being for one's own sake and
for the sake of the Earth.
In place of anger, one can choose love again and again.

Are you ready, beloved one, to choose love?
Your deepest heart holds the answer to this question
which lies in the domain of the soul.

This deepest heart can say "yes" because it knows
the safety of love,
the beauty of love,
the truth of love.
It knows that love is the great gift we give to each other
and to life.

Your deepest heart is the seat of your soul.
The dwelling place of love.
Let it bless you with new life.

FROM ANGER TO LOVE ... -Love.html

"The choice could be for love."

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 Post subject: Awakening - A Vision of Two Hearts
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:44 am 
Awakening - A Vision of Two Hearts

"...Darkness is both a cosmic energy and a specific force that can affect individual motivation and feeling. It tells us that we are real and that our feelings are real, but that God is not real. From one perspective, darkness may be thought of as the energy of separated intellect that causes doubt.  From another perspective, it may be thought of as that which separates us from an experience of God's love and from love in general.  It does this by creating a 'perceptual filter' that causes us to believe that only what we perceive with our five physical senses is real, and that all else is an illusion.  It persuades our mind to consider Divine reality as a fabrication that we make up in order to comfort ourselves.

The energy of darkness creates a sense of isolation within individuals, between people, and among nations.  It fuels the negative emotional states that interfere with peace, and leads humanity toward despair, hopelessness, and fear. Even if at other moments we remain faithful to the vision of the sacred, in moments of darkness we turn away from this vision and lose touch with our basic truth.  The reversal of this movement is often difficult thought possible, namely,  to choose trust with our hearts, even in the presence of our mind's doubt."

I. Energy ... Part1.html

Transformation of the Heart_Vision_Johanna Raphael.jpg
Transformation of the Heart_Vision_Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 59.64 KiB | Viewed 6233 times ]

I have shared this vision previously with you before Dear Readers in another context. As with all visions received the deeper meanings of that which is given expands as the mind and heart spiritually mature.

In this post Dear Readers, I share this vision in its original form in regards to the 'crystalized or hardened' heart, anchored for the most part within a vortex of energies, often unconscious, such as fear, pain, low self-worth, judgement, and resentment to name a few which through the process of Purification are breaking free. The heart emerging from the breaking open of it's previous covering, the hardened heart, is anchored in the present, released (and releasing) energies which have separated from love moving in a transformative flow - a flow imbued with the Divine energies of Light and Love.

The crystalized or hardened heart often influences the mind in the present conveying through thoughts and emotional states that that which has happened in the past, is the only probable or possible reality available, that the past is deemed to happen again and again with little hope of change or transformation. Often with thoughts such as "That's just the way it is." "That's just the way it has always been." "That's just the way I am."

Whereas the purifying heart, trusting, vulnerable, actively seeking to become more self and other aware - larger, seeking to become one with the One, begins to flow with more openness in the presence of the unknown. With this transformation of the heart, comes forth a desire, a willingness to trust more, to flow more consciously with the energies and events infolding, holding as truth in the presence of suffering and fear, that God (as one chooses to understand God) is the source of all life, all Light, all Love, and that 'all possibilities', and 'all probabilities' are available. A new way of facing spiritual growth and life comes forth from within the heart itself, a seed of knowing which informs the heart that outcomes do not depend upon the past, or energies presently overwhelming the heart - holding in faith, that a new way is possible within the flow of Divine Light and Love.

This vision is rich in layers of meaning. I welcome you to spend time with the vision, the colors have meaning, the symbolism, the words etched upon the crystalized or hardened heart, the emerging heart with the holy flame (light), as well as the tears falling forth from the hardened heart as it opens.

Your love is your light.
with love,

Light and darkness are cosmic energies.
While light remains wedded to love, darkness is incompatible with it.
Thus, to renounce darkness one must choose love.

III. Love ... Part3.html

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 Post subject: Currents oF Energies Effecting Consciousness
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 10:51 am 

Light and darkness are cosmic energies that affect our mind, emotions, and motivations, influencing awareness, often without our noticing it.

II.  Free-Will ... Part2.html

As I awakened from sleep this morning, I found that my mind and emotions were filled with the energies of anger. I questioned myself - "how is it that my mind and emotions are angry without my being fully conscious and present?"

Of course my mind, before I could even focus, began projecting the angry energies I had been feeling onto unresolved issues - seeking a 'reason' for the energies.

Being blessed by the Teachings of the Purification Process, I was able to delve deeper into the experience I was having.

Once again I began questioning myself: "So what part of these energies of anger are mine?" "What is the energetic influence?" "What is of the personal self and what is of the planetary self?"

*The following is what came forward to my mind:

This energy is a current moving through you. When there are places conscious and unconscious where there has not been resolution of inner conflict (thoughts of things bothering the self - unresolved issues), the predominant planetary energies flow - are magnetized - towards these unresolved issues, even if the unresolved feelings or thoughts are of annoyance or feeling bothered. The energies infuse the unresolved dilemmas and magnify them into something greater then they really are.

Thus, something unresolved in the conscious or unconscious mind, without the clarity of what energies are infusing the situations can become 'hot points', magnifying a situation where there may be lesser energy disturbances such as annoyance, doubt, uncertainty or how to move forward to resolve the situation.

The energy itself must first be identified. Once isolated, then a self inventory of unresolved issues can be assessed, and through alignment with Light, guidance, prayer, and meditation, identification with the magnified energies can be lessened and a less emotionally fueled alignment with the 'hot energies' can be explored."

*The guidance I received has as it's foundation, all that I have learned from Beloved Julie of Light Omega.

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 Post subject: Let Light Hold Firm
PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 10:00 am 

Let Light Hold Firm

Let light hold firm in the presence
of darkness.
Let all that turns away from love
be seen as an illusion.
Let truth be revealed to our inner sight
and knowing,
so that one with truth,
and one with love,
we may recognize the light
and follow where it leads.

(from "Poems for the New Earth" - Book 2, unpublished.
Julie of Light Omega 
Book 1 is available through the Light Omega Bookshop.)

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