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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Fri Aug 11, 2017 10:17 am 

Come, My beloved one, come to My heart
and be at peace.
For I have carried you through time and shall
continue to carry you until you reach
the destination that is your true home,
the home of your being,
the home of your heart.

All is well. No matter what difficulties you face,
all is well.

Day 22, "Book of Unity - Voice of the Oneness"

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 5:54 am 

What has overwhelm on one side
can have joy on the other,
for the soul desires to be free
and to live in wholeness,
but the burdens must be felt
in order to be laid down
at the feet of the Divine.
It is often in pursuit of the sacred
that the burdens must be carried
Then, they can be placed
at the feet of the One
who turns all burdens into light,
and makes of all challenges a
sacred offering.

– Julie of Light Omega –

* * *

"Sacred Burdens" by Julie of Light Omega from Poems for the New Earth


Photo by Harry Opstrup

Sacred Burdens by Julie of Light Omega -Dyrehaven Hasselblad Wildlife 1970-Harry Opstrup-
Sacred Burdens by Julie of Light Omega -Dyrehaven Hasselblad Wildlife 1970-Harry Opstrup- [ 35.3 KiB | Viewed 15084 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:27 pm 

“There is a kind of doubt that is healthy and useful and there is also a kind of doubt influenced by energies of opposition. The former takes place, for example, within scientific inquiry, where doubt has a position of importance, leading to hypotheses that may be accepted or rejected. The process of inquiry requires doubt as an inherent part of what moves it forward. Doubt influenced by negative energies is very different. It creates a drama within the mind which can be one of great turbulence. Its landscape holds the many thoughts that present beliefs of different kinds or alternative points of view to one’s awareness. Doubt of this kind, when mild, can generally be tolerated, especially when the stakes for not-knowing are not very high. However, when doubt concerns actions whose consequences lead to major decisions in life, or when it concerns one’s most fundamentally held beliefs or values - the rock-bottom foundation upon which a life may be built - then, the presence of doubt can be felt as a torment. Indeed, energies opposed to light can create mental torment of this kind and it becomes crucial, therefore, to know how to exit from the drama of doubt and to seek the peace and inner knowing of the heart and the heart’s most fundamental truths.

In most instances in which doubt influenced by negative energies appears, there is also an accompanying anxiety, agitation, or obsessive thinking. When such is the case, it is necessary to leave the battleground of mental preoccupation and affirm to oneself that it is not necessary to answer the question that seems in need of an answer at the mental level, the level of the mind. Removing oneself from the scene of chaos and confusion to the quieter place of the heart more than anything else alleviates torment. It allows the light of God and one’s own higher being to enter the situation and to influence the inner predicament of confusion and agitation.

Often, this is not an easy task, however, because the mind, influenced by other energies, can insist that an answer on the mental level must be found. What is true or what is real must be known to the mind. Nevertheless, this assertion is not necessarily true. Often, one does not need to know. One can choose trust over knowing and the heart over the mind, allowing a period of not knowing to take place in which God’s light will unfold and reveal the truth in a different way and in a different time.”…

Continue reading, “DEALING WITH DOUBT” by Julie of Light Omega:


Photo: Moyan Brenn

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 2:07 pm 

Waiting, while knowing what one is waiting for,
is an act of patience.
Waiting, without knowing what one is waiting for,
is an act of trust.
It is this second kind of waiting that deepens faith and
opens the heart to the Divine.

Day 51, Reflections of Light, The Journey Home

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:04 pm 

What holds you back is not a punishment,
but a way of setting free some other part
of yourself.

Though physical eyes may not see this,
an open heart will feel the gift that may exist,
even in the presence of pain.

Day 99, Calendar of Healing, The Nature of Healing


Photo by Arne Halvorsen

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 1:51 pm 

“When there appears to be no way out of a situation,
it may be that the way out is through it.
Trust that the way will be found.”

Seeds of Light

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A Way Through- Julie Light Omega- Seeds of Light 9-2013.jpg [ 34.62 KiB | Viewed 14922 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:50 am 

“Great suffering that seems to human consciousness to be unendurable has thus befallen many souls on Earth, some having chosen to go through the experience primarily for their own learning, including karmic learning based on the need for self-healing, and some choosing to go through the experience out of great love for the Earth and for her children.

Once embodied, it becomes the nature of life to draw a 'veil of forgetfulness' over the soul's choice so that the embodied soul will emotionally, energetically, mentally, and physically go through whatever experience it has chosen without knowing why it is going through it. Being in the experience is an essential part of the learning. Nevertheless, even without knowing why, the love that has generated the choice for hardship or pain in the first place is capable of sustaining the embodied soul from within, even while the outer self may be crying out for the pain to stop. This split between the natural human cry for pain to stop and the love of the soul that trusts the experience and endures through it, is one of the essential paradoxes that has mystified mankind. It is only when we recognize that our human experience is happening by our own choice and that its purpose is good that we can understand how to hold suffering and how to help others hold it. The split within ourselves allows us to simultaneously pray for others and to have deep compassion for what others are going through. We pray for their healing and for their pain to stop, while at the same time holding in trust the reason that they are going through this pain. This is the paradox, and it is a Divine paradox based on the history of our soul and the need to learn from embodied experience what it cannot learn in any other way.

We who live on the Earth wish to live in a world without pain and in a body without pain, and it has been hard for us as a collective humanity to reconcile an understanding of Divine goodness with the amount of suffering taking place in the world. Yet, beneath what our eyes can see and what our minds can know is the understanding of our deeper selves that tells us that there is meaning to suffering that is unknowable in a more conscious way, and that we can pray for all who are enduring any kind of great hardship that they be helped through it, and that extreme pain no longer need be the primary avenue of learning.”

This is an excerpt from “SUFFERING AND LOVE: THE SOUL'S CHOICE", by Julie of Light Omega.
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:51 pm 

Message to the Beloveds

‘The Unknown’

“There arrives in each person’s life an event, circumstance, or situation that is unexpected and without precedent. In that moment of its arrival and in the moments that follow, and especially if the event carries hardship with it of some kind, one decides whether to hold that event in the arms of the Divine, letting oneself live for a while without any frame of reference or knowledge of what to do, and instead of seeking to know more through the mind, one seeks to abandon knowing in favor of trust and trusting.

This ‘floating in the sea of the unknown’ is often difficult at first, for the mind makes its own claims to knowledge. Nevertheless, if one persists in embracing the unknown, even if fear is also present, a door opens in the heart that is an entry point for the Divine to enter. The Divine enters, welcomed by this act of surrender, and takes up residence in one’s heart of hearts.

This opening and this choice is available to every person in their life, for each one will meet the unknown in their own way and time. When this moment comes, no matter what its difficulty, pray for the strength to embrace the unknown without reservation. For this, beloved ones, is a great act of love that each human being may offer to the Divine.

With deepest blessings and love,


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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:35 pm 

Beloved Ones, the subject of pain, whether physical, mental, or emotional, can never be merely academic, because there is human suffering involved and a great desire on the part of each human being to be free of it.

And yet there are ways in which one can participate more fully in one’s own healing process, allowing the divine Self to participate as well, and ways in which one can make it more difficult. Similarly, there are avenues of understanding that open pathways of light for purposes of healing, and attitudes and perceptions that close these down. The Calendar of Healing makes available pathways of light and truth that can be called upon again and again to aid in the healing process and the movement toward further growth.

The Calendar contains one hundred meditative reflections, one for each day. For greatest benefit, it is best to sit with these quietly each day for a few minutes to allow their meaning to seep into consciousness and to absorb the light that they carry most fully.

In order to support the Calendar, a number of recorded meditations have also been included. The most central of these is the Practice of Alignment which may be practiced daily for five or ten minutes for maximum effect. Other meditative exercises include:

The Practice of Peace
Strengthening Light at the Center
Healing the Body with Light

Beloved Ones, your body, mind, and heart are all united within one sacred being that is YOU.
Housed in the physical dimension, your essential being is that of a soul with a Divinely created core.
Remember this, and remember that no matter what challenges you face in life, you are greatly loved.

Julie of Light Omega

December, 2012

* * *

Calendar of Healing

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CALENDAR OF HEALING - Julie of Light Omega - [ 28.01 KiB | Viewed 14706 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2018 11:07 pm 

…”This capacity to orient toward the deepest truths of our being lives within each embodied soul. It lives within the heart of all, telling us in the midst of all outer events that all is purposeful, that all contains meaning that our feeling-self is not aware of.

Whether we embrace the truth of our soul-self or not depends on several things: first, whether the rational mind has preponderant importance in defining reality and, as a result, may choose to reject what cannot be seen. Second, whether our level of pain passes a threshold where it appears to consciousness that pain is all there is. When this threshold is exceeded, then the deeply held principle concerning meaning or safety may be dimly recollected, but this no longer matters because the experience of pain is too great. Such instances do not involve the absence of choice, however, for the conscious being can always choose to align with the soul. Yet, it becomes much more difficult to do so in the presence of great pain, and much more difficult to hold a sense of peace concerning its meaning.

All who are present on the Earth at this time are being led to experience the deeper truth of their soul-self through the revelation of what has been hidden before now, that is, through the light that is penetrating the darkness which prevented consciousness from experiencing the truth of the soul. Now, however, reaching toward truth, one feels the greater possibility of something reaching back. Welcoming this, longing for this, trusting this, is the task of this time.”

* * *

~an excerpt from “HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE SAFELY BEING LED?” by Julie of Light Omega.
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:44 am 

“Fear contracts the heart, tightens the body,
and agitates the mind.

Release all fear. Absorb the light of Spirit.
This restores strength, heals and
makes whole.”

Day 61, Calendar of Healing
Flowing with What Is

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:10 am 

"But what if we gave up the idea that life is unfair? What if we lived in the understanding that things come to us and happen to us for reasons that we do not know, but that ultimately, even when it seems impossible to our hearts, they come to us so that we can heal and grow.

What if instead of feeling that life was unfair, we felt aligned with God's purposes for us and God's love for us as we go through suffering? This is the key question in the face of the possibility of giving up blame. Can we believe in God's goodness in the presence of unwanted suffering? Can we believe in the goodness of life in the presence of pain? Can we believe that God's purpose, unknown as it may be, is always good, and that we are being led somewhere on a journey of healing as we move through the ups and downs of life?

Without a doubt, this position requires a great deal of faith - and more than faith, it requires conviction regarding the reality of God. Without this, blame becomes the human alternative by which we attempt to set things right when things are wrong. We accuse, we get angry, we try to restore an emotional balance within ourselves that does not leave us feeling helpless. The power that blame seems to give is due to the fact that it overrides feelings of helplessness. It leaves us with a sense of being able to direct our energy toward something or someone so that we are able to do something in the face of pain. To give up doing is to be willing to be powerless, to be willing to feel hurt, and we can only do this when trust in life and in God is great enough to allow us to let go of control.

To absorb hurt is difficult, but not as impossible as it might seem. It requires a fuller understanding of what it means to live with an open heart.”…

Continue reading “The Healing Power of Love: III. “THE NEED TO BLAME”
by Julie of Light Omega

2018 - 2 of 2- Healing Power of Love- III  BLAME- Julie of Light Omega -
2018 - 2 of 2- Healing Power of Love- III BLAME- Julie of Light Omega - [ 23.25 KiB | Viewed 14447 times ]

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