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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2017 12:10 pm 

“When the world looks discouraging to you, when you feel, as many do, that things are out of control, when you sense darkness hovering around the edges of so many things, creating danger in public places, creating the fear of reprisals for standing for truth, creating a loss of hope related to climatic changes, know this: that in the presence of darkness the world is awakening, and the potential for hearing, sensing, and knowing the truths that one's own soul carries is becoming ever more possible.

Begin with yourself. Begin with your own determination to live as a soul upon the Earth to the best of your ability and awareness of what that means. Allow your deeper being to become more real and less influenced by the opinions of others and the perspectives that they hold. It is this deeper being that belongs to each embodied soul and to you, beloved one, that is seeking greater expression at this time in our collective history. Know that it is there. Know that your soul is longing to express as the deeper truth that you carry as a gift to the world.

Many do not feel that their presence matters much. Some feel that they are too small to make a difference in relation to how the world works. This is never true. The interconnectedness of life is an everpresent reality. Seed thoughts of one become the catalytic agent for seed thoughts of many. This is how collective consciousness becomes changed - by virtue of the fact that all of life is connected and you are connected to every other soul on Earth. Therefore, never think that your own 'small' contribution does not and cannot make a difference. It can and it does.”

“The World is Awakening”, an excerpt from Light Omega Community Newsletter No. 8, April, 2016.
Continue reading here:

World is Awakening-
World is Awakening- [ 22.97 KiB | Viewed 40505 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 1:45 pm 

Thoughts that seem like they have a mind
of their own
can be made to behave themselves.

The secret is in knowing that you are not your thoughts.
They are passing through you like birds flying by.
You can watch them pass and choose which ones
to pay attention to.

Day 45, Calendar of Discovery
~ awakening to the Divine self within ~

Day 45
Day 45 [ 15.44 KiB | Viewed 40492 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:02 pm 

Thy Presence, O Beloved One,
carries all hope, all comfort, all goodness.
May all who suffer be upheld.
May their time of waiting come to an end.
May the dreams and hopes of their heart
be realized,
O Beloved One, may Thy Presence be felt
in all the Earth.
In the time of difficulty, may all who
cry out be surrounded by love.

Julie of Light Omega

’Thy Presence, O Beloved One’ is from "Prayers for the New Earth" available through the: Light Omega Bookshop: And on ... 1546658211

THY PRESENCE-Prayers for the New
THY PRESENCE-Prayers for the New [ 31.92 KiB | Viewed 40461 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 3:25 pm 

“Let us honor the one Body of which
we are a part.
The blood that flows through our veins
is one blood.
The Life that beats within us is one Life.
The Breath that moves through our lungs
is one Breath,
holy, life-giving.

Some of us do not have clean water to drink.
We cannot wash away the toil of the day
in the purity of bathing.

Some of us do not have enough food to eat.
We give to our children what we can
and yet some remain hungry.

Some of us are confused, and alone, and lonely,
and do not know where to turn for comfort
even when others say "Come".

Some of us are in such pain that we turn
to things that do not belong in the body
to make our bodies and our hearts feel better -
to fill the emptiness.

We are one Body.
We are one Life.
We are one Breath of the Creator,
living in time and space,
Waiting to recognize the truth
of our own Being,
the truth arriving now,
the Body of the One.”

* * *

– Julie of Light Omega –

“Body of the One” by Julie of Light Omega is from 'Poems for the New Earth' and is s available through the Light Omega Bookshop: & on

POEMS FOR THE NEW EARTH by Julie of Light Omega
POEMS FOR THE NEW EARTH by Julie of Light Omega [ 26.22 KiB | Viewed 40423 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 2:07 pm 

All that is alive is in transition,
moving step by step into greater wholeness.
This is true of those who appear to be moving.
It is also true of those who do not.

No one is standing still. Even those who appear
to be stationary are on a spiritual journey.

Day 54, Meditations on Love, Relationships and Letting Go

All that is alive is in transition- Day 54 Meditations on Love- Relationships Letting
All that is alive is in transition- Day 54 Meditations on Love- Relationships Letting [ 41.1 KiB | Viewed 40399 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 4:33 am 

The Way of Innocence

...“Innocence is a force of Light and when you walk in innocence you maintain the light within you
and radiate light out to the world”…

Julie of Light Omega

* * *

Way of Innocence-Julie of Light
Way of Innocence-Julie of Light [ 26.33 KiB | Viewed 40356 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 8:30 am 

Within each human heart is a Divine heart
that is part of it.
Believe, this, know this, live this.
It is the wellspring for peace on Earth.

Day 59, MEDITATIONS ON LOVE, Relationships, and Letting Go

Day 59- MEDITATIONS ON LOVE -Divine Heart Peace.jpg
Day 59- MEDITATIONS ON LOVE -Divine Heart Peace.jpg [ 23.83 KiB | Viewed 40320 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2017 6:31 am 

“Look outside yourself, the world is calling.
It is asking you to heal it.
You may feel too small.
You may feel that you do not know enough.
You may feel too busy with your own concerns.
Nevertheless, the time is calling you
to make this leap, to realize that
you and the world cannot be separated,
to know that all that you do affects everything around you.
Hear the call of the world.
It is calling and reaching to every heart.
It is asking you to care,
to awaken,
to love.”

* * *

“The World is Calling“ is by Julie of Light Omega and may be found in the book,
‘Prayers for the New Earth’:


Photo by Reji

The World is Calling- Prayers for the New Earth-flower
The World is Calling- Prayers for the New Earth-flower [ 29.31 KiB | Viewed 40309 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2017 11:18 am 

2018 New Year


Dearest Beloved Ones,

Blessings of the new! This is a blessing that may be offered for the new year or for any moment in time in the life of the Divine. For such a life is perpetually unfolding, and the direction of its unfoldment is wholeness. No matter what difficulties you may face at the present time, no matter what challenges, know that there is no moment in your life that is wasted, none that does not embody a promise of goodness for the future. This is not a reason to look forward to pain or difficulty, but to know that all of life is held within the sacred - every moment and every second form a tapestry of sacredness.

May this new year be blessed by the fuller manifestation of the holy, so that those who have faithfully waited while hoping and yearning may find the fulfillment of their prayers in manifestation. Blessings of the new, beloved ones. You are surrounded by love and light at all times.

Julie and Those Who Serve the Light


2018 New Year Blessing from Beloved Julie-
2018 New Year Blessing from Beloved Julie- [ 38.32 KiB | Viewed 40301 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Jan 07, 2018 2:44 am 

…”Feelings, as we have understood them, commonly refer to emotions such as anger, sadness, joy, fear, etc. However, in the presence of greater light, feelings are no longer limited to the human range of perception, but must include spiritual perceptions that go beyond the ordinary and beyond the human. To ‘feel light,’ for example, is not a statement of emotion, but a statement of the awareness of spiritual energy that can affect individuals in different ways. To ‘feel light’ can affect the perception of our breathing so that it feels more relaxed; it can affect our thoughts so that they become more peaceful and uplifted; it can affect our perception of what is around us so that we feel a ‘tingling’ sensation on the skin. It can also refer to a feeling of Divine Presence or of holiness for which we have few if any words.

Similarly, to ‘feel’ darkness which is the energy of opposition to light, can be perceived as heaviness, oppression, sickness within the cells of our body, numbness, withdrawal, etc. In particular, in relation to energies that are oppositional to light, their effect can be to reduce our perception of feeling to a great degree, creating a separation between an event and our ‘emotional ’ response to it. This energy has, as one of its ‘signatures,’ the suppression of positive emotions and of positive truths that may have guided our life, introducing, in their place, doubt, uncertainty, and a sense of emptiness.

When we cannot locate our 'feeling' for the positive truths that have guided us, does this mean that feeling is not there?

It does not. If we selectively interpret ‘feeling’ to refer to the level of emotion, we may find that the time that we are in which has brought forward energies of darkness to be healed may simultaneously cause us to doubt the truths we once knew to be most real. At this time, we need to extend our view of where feelings may be located in order to remain centered and aligned with our deeper selves.

To do this, it is necessary to shift to the soul level of perception.”…

Continue reading, “The Language of Feeling - Anchoring in the Soul”
by Julie of Light Omega here:


Art by Daniel B. Holeman

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Jan 11, 2018 1:29 pm 

"We are afraid of change.
We hold the familiar close to us
like a comfort blanket that allows us
to know where to go
and what to expect of life.
This is the great leap that is being
asked of us now –
to not know what to expect,
to place all in Divine hands and
to give ourselves to Divine purpose
for our individual life
and for the life of the world.
This purpose which is wholly good
is not familiar to us.
We must trust it without seeing it
or knowing it in advance.
We pray to have the courage to trust,
to take the risk to trust,
and to know that in doing so we are
fulfilling our own purpose for being here
on the Earth at this sacred time of transition."

Julie of Light Omega

“The Risk to Trust” by Julie of Light Omega, from ‘Prayers for the New Earth’:
For more Light Omega resources please visit the Light Omega Bookshop:

2018- Risk to Trust - Prayers for the New
2018- Risk to Trust - Prayers for the New [ 25.98 KiB | Viewed 40266 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 10:35 pm 

Message from Beloved Julie


* * *

Dear Beloved Ones,

The only thing to speak of is God. All other words cover this one. With the One Divine Word in place in the center, all else can come from that.

With blessings – Julie

* * *

Beloved Julie-2017- 414x500.jpg
Beloved Julie-2017- 414x500.jpg [ 24.19 KiB | Viewed 41189 times ]

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