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 Post subject: Prayers for the Suffering: Fires in California - Compassion
PostPosted: Sat Oct 14, 2017 10:25 am 

Prayers for the Suffering:
Compassion and Prayers for all who are in the path of fire in California

The Feeling of Compassion
Universal love gives rise to the feeling of compassion for all that lives, for Unity is not a dry perception, but rather contains the heart at the center of every point of view.  Compassion generates the desire to relieve suffering not only for oneself, but for all who suffer or are in pain.  It is the necessary outcome of perceiving our life and wellbeing to be inextricably tied to the wellbeing of all.  Compassion is the expression of the ability to "love our neighbors as ourselves." It is the natural expression of the heart, unencumbered by the need to protect and defend its own territory or to separate itself from the interests of all.  Compassion is the emotion which binds people together in families, in groups, in nations, and in the world.  It is the human expression of God's love that allows for the feeling of embracing life with tenderness.  Compassion is the emotional aspect of unity that allows the heart its fullest expression.

Tenets for a New Democracy
Elaboration of Principles Supporting a New Democracy 7-12
Light America Spirit ... -7-12.html

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 Post subject: Reflections on Change
PostPosted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 4:43 pm 

     "It is often in the midst of change that we find the greatest expression of our true capabilities.  While things remain static or smooth, we are not compelled to find what we are truly made of or to see beyond the immediate needs of the moment.  However, when change is required of us or when we experience a need to leap into a new way of being based on our heart's longing and without our mind's having established a basis for knowing why, then we are forced to find within ourselves the courage, clarity, purposefulness, faith, trust, love, and hope that will meet this inner longing and allow us to take the next step

     We cannot know what changes will be required of us in life, or even realize, in many cases, those we may have missed as the opportunity for them passed us by.  We can only know how to be in the present, with present opportunities for growth and change.  Sometimes, these opportunities will come to us on a strictly personal level, relating only to our own life, place of work, living circumstances, or decisions about the immediate future.  But sometimes we are caught up in a vast sweep of history which comes to the world as a whole, and in this upheaval we have the choice to either seize the opportunity for growth that comes with this sweeping tide of change, or to fear it and to try to stay exactly in the same place that we were.  When sweeping change or upheaval that affects many people occurs, it is not likely that we can actually remain in the same place – the place that we have been or the way of life that we have held.  It is more likely that we will struggle to hold onto an illusion that this is possible, even while knowing in the background of our awareness that it is not.  It is much better to nourish ourselves with truth rather than with illusions and to see what good can come from the changes that we are asked to make unbidden, unexpected, unanticipated, and often unhoped for.  For their virtue does not lie in our initially hoping for them or in welcoming them, but in our subsequently holding faith that they will, in some unknown way, become beneficial.

     This tide of change is rising today. It is a shift in consciousness that is being made manifest.  It may be invisible because we are, for the most part, still able to lead our individual and personal lives in the ways that we have set out to do.  There may be setbacks, but there are not major interruptions.  The upheavals are still 'out there', rather than affecting us in the heart of where we live.  And yet the tide of change has no boundaries, no 'out there' and 'in here', for it is less a matter of affecting what we do, and more a matter of recognizing the alterations that are taking place within us, ones that we are inextricably connected to whether we call it a shift in consciousness or not."

Julie of Light Omega

In the Wood_Spiritual Reflection_Johanna Raphael.jpg
In the Wood_Spiritual Reflection_Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 91.65 KiB | Viewed 7621 times ]

Dear Beloved Ones,
"The pathway to indwelling divinity is being opened now. As in times past when the pathway to grace through the Holy Spirit was opened, in this time the pathway to the knowledge of the soul is being revealed. This is not happening for some people but for all people.  It is taking place through a vibrational shift in the physical matrix of which the body is a part, bringing it closer into proximity with the energy of the soul.  In this way access to the inner truth of being that each human being carries can become more available.  The pathway to truth and to love is the same pathway to indwelling divinity, the knowledge of the soul. 

Soul is not mind.  It is not thought.  It is the interior expression of the Oneness, the Oneness individualized. Knowledge of soul simultaneously brings one into knowledge of unity, of Oneness.  

Those who walk the Earth at this time have chosen to be here for this planetary event which is also a cosmic event.  For in the interrelationship of parts to the Whole, what changes the vibration of a planet changes the celestial or cosmic habitat in which that planet lives.  It changes the solar system, it changes the galaxy, it changes the Universe.  The Earth as habitat is the collective home in which the physical change to all embodied beings is taking place.  The Universe as habitat is the collective home in which the Earth's change is taking place.  All is One and all shall benefit from the dimensional leap forward that is now underway."

Julie of Light Omega ... inity.html

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 Post subject: A Personal Reflection On The Experience Of Change
PostPosted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 7:28 am 

A Personal Reflection On The Experience Of Change

Hello Dear Readers,

It has been my experience that understanding that spiritual change is being called forth and the willingness to move forward into change are the first two steps towards change. My experiences have shown me that the last and crucial step which brings forth longed for change comes from the co-partnership between my soul and the One which created me. Lastly, I have learned over the years that waiting in a state of trust is essential.

with love,

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 Post subject: Teachings by Julie - Meditations on Waiting
PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 8:45 am 

"The heart waits to love…
The mind waits to know…
The soul waits to express…
The heart waits to grow…
All things unfold in the way they are meant to,
as the seed does,
as the flower does,
as the baby does,
as the fruit does.
and the time of waiting is as important
as the time of completion.
For in that time, a sacred space is created…
In that time, the soul learns about letting go and
becomes one with the great stream of life.
Wait, then, beloved, for what your heart desires,
for in God’s time all that you wish for
shall come to you."



When we push something that weighs a lot, we use an energy-force that combines our will with the physical energy of our bodies to exert pressure on that which we wish to move.  Our 'will' is our intention,  and our intention activates the flow of energy that moves through our arms and legs to push or move something forward.  So it is, too, with spiritual intention and energy.  When we intend something with a spiritual goal or purpose, our intention liberates energy that begins to flow in a particular direction in accordance with our will, and if our intention is strong and there are no interfering obstacles, the energy current formed is clear and strong. 
Much of spiritual life and the progress we make in our individual and collective growth occurs through this principle of intention activating energy to create movement forward.  With respect to waiting as a 'force' for moving things forward, to the mind and ego the idea is counter-intuitive, since waiting appears to be the opposite of acting or doing, and since it often feels to our mental, emotional, and physical self that it is uncomfortable, as we generally do not know when the forward movement will be visible.  Nevertheless, waiting, when undertaken with Divine purposes in mind, that is, when such waiting brings us into accord with Divine will, activates an energy force in a similar way to the action of pushing a weight forward through our intention combined with energy.
The energy-force that is activated through waiting, however, is not only invisible, but is not ordinarily available to our conscious self.  It is an aspect of soul-consciousness that we bring into being in fulfillment of our soul's purpose for being on the Earth, and in fulfillment of God's purposes for us.  Waiting, with the intention of participating in this higher purpose, activates the force produced by faithfulness - the bringing into accord our own will with Divine will in order to achieve the purpose of Divine manifestation.  Such accord is the essence of the Covenant that souls entered with the divine Source of life before undertaking their Earth journey.  This Covenant is brought forward when human will is joined to Divine will, and the ego self which holds its personal interests as primary, submits to universal Will which holds the interests of All as primary.  Divine will which seeks to serve the interests of all and our ego-driven will are not in opposition, though they may often feel that way.  When love and trust allow us, through waiting, to submit our personal interest in achieving a goal to the timing, purpose, and method that Divine interest has in mind, we activate the force of the Covenant which brings Divine blessings and light to the Earth.

Light is the Divine force through which Divine will manifests.  It is not separate from love, nor is it separate from grace or from breath.  Rather, it combines all three and creates the manifestation of God's purposes upon the Earth for all beings.  Waiting, in service to the Divine, moves these purposes forward through allowing the 'light of faithfulness,' established in waiting, to become embodied within us, and to move through us, affecting life around us and the Earth itself.

That this idea seems counter-intuitive is understandable, given our collective human orientation toward mastery, especially of the physical world but also over our own emotions and mental life.  We have, for a very long time, been oriented toward 'doing.'  And so waiting, as opposed to 'doing,' may appear to be accomplishing nothing.  Yet it is, from the standpoint of the Divine and the purposes of the soul, accomplishing the great good of allowing the Divine force of light to be anchored into the physical plane, transforming the Earth, our own bodies, and all other life-forms invisibly and incrementally.

Julie of Light Omega

Wait, beloved one,
wait and know that in each moment
of trusting,
your heart is being given to the One
who fulfills all longing,
who restores all comfort,
who knows the heart’s desire
better than the self does.

Wait in trust,
for the pull of longing
creates a response from the Universe itself,
a Universe that is not apart from you,
but that you are part of.

Wait in hope,
and fulfill the longing of your soul
within the medium of time and space.
For this is the goal of waiting -
to be reunited with the One who is All
within your very own body,
now joined with the depths of your soul.

Julie of Light Omega ... .php?id=91

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 Post subject: It Is Time - Julie of Light Omega
PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:36 am 
It Is Time

"…There is nothing more powerful in the universe than love if we hold onto it.  If we let go of it, or allow it to diminish in its importance, we become vulnerable to forces that would move us in a direction away from love. 

Therefore, beloved ones, cling to love. Let your life be an increasing expression of love.  Let your heart and your relationships reflect this.  It is through steadfastness with respect to love that you will be able to hold the greatest amount of light in your body, and it is this that is needed at this perilous time."

Dear Beloved Ones,

You may have been doing spiritual work for a long time now.  You may have devoted yourself to living as you feel the Divine would have you live.  You may have changed your diet and tried to free yourself of many areas of limitation and false beliefs that have encumbered you.  All of this is good and needed, beloved ones.  And yet we are at an important juncture, now, that requires something more deliberate, that is, the alignment with light within the body and consciousness so that energies that would thwart and deceive those who seek the light cannot find a foothold within you.

Aligning with light is both a spiritual practice and a way of life.  It is a practice in the sense of releasing all that is negative as an energy within you and giving it to God. This requires deliberate attention on a daily and often on an hourly basis.  However, it is more than this.  Aligning with light also involves the clear understanding of where your own moral center is, and what the values of your heart are.  It is these values that currents of darkness now circulating upon the Earth and within our nation are trying to corrupt so that those who would seek love as a defining principle of life would lose sight of the fact that it is missing, now, in many places.

You may think that you understand what love is and when it is present.  However, obscuring energies work in very subtle ways to cause you to forget what you already know, to operate from a less than moral perspective because it has come to seem alright to do so.  It is not alright, beloved ones.  It is not alright.

This message comes to you with a growing sense of urgency because the light has expanded upon the Earth in a significant way and forces of opposition are seeking to prevent its further expansion and, in fact, to cause a reversal of what has already taken place.  This cannot happen within your deeper being, nor in the deeper being of the Earth, for the soul of each is inviolable and eternally sanctified.  But it can happen within your consciousness.  Your consciousness can let go of what it is sure it would always hold onto, namely, your own sense of what is right.

As an antidote to the growing currents of opposition at this time, we ask you to cling to love in all situations as the single most important part of your life, relationships, and way of being.  There is nothing more powerful in the universe than love if we hold onto it.  If we let go of it, or allow it to diminish in its importance, we become vulnerable to forces that would move us in a direction away from love. 

Therefore, beloved ones, cling to love. Let your life be an increasing expression of love.  Let your heart and your relationships reflect this.  It is through steadfastness with respect to love that you will be able to hold the greatest amount of light in your body, and it is this that is needed at this perilous time.

We embrace you, we send you the blessings of all the Hosts of Light as you go through this time, and the eternal message that we are with you.  With deepest love and gratitude - Those Who Serve the Light

It Is Time
Julie of Light Omega
Light Omega Community Newsletter #31

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 Post subject: Truth Reveals Itself In TIME
PostPosted: Tue Oct 31, 2017 4:16 pm 

In the presence of truth
darkness weakens.

As the frequencies of Light increase,
it will take more energy to uphold the darkness then truth.

Truth will always reveal itself in TIME.

TIME - Universal Reality

Yea, even in the presence of multi-dimensional realities
truth reveals itself in TIME.

Bear with.
Bear with.

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 Post subject: On Retreat: Limitation, Mystery, and Memory
PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 4:52 pm 

Memory_Vision_11_2006_JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 104.38 KiB | Viewed 7575 times ]

We must learn to be unafraid of limitation.
We must learn to trust the wisdom of the soul
in choosing limitation so that greater life
may be possible.
What looks to outer eyes like
constriction and loss,
may, to inner eyes,
be an expansion of the soul.

– Julie of Light Omega – ... php?id=134

Hello Dear Readers,

A few days ago, I was outside looking at the trees around me and as I gazed upon one tree in particular in which the paths of both the sun and moon pass, and in an instant I recognized a vision I had had, eleven years ago in November of 2006. The above is the vision called Memory.

What is interesting about this vision is that I had it during a period when I was, what Elijah calls, 'living free." I had, due to the severe experiences of limitation I was experiencing, no fixed home to rest within. Eleven years later, here I was looking at the tree in the vision I had had, at a retreat house on a mountain, with the ability to rest as much as I need. This tree is an old tree, which many years before I even set foot upon this hill, had been 'topped' and all it's branches grow straight up to the sky.

When the name "Memory" came to me as the name of this vision, I had thought it was a memory of the past and put the vision away. In November of 2017, eleven years to the month of receiving the vision, I understand the mystery within this vision, it was a mystery of having a 'memory' of the future. The future of which I am living in now. The vision was of a promise, the 'Memory' was a promise.

I share this with those of you Dear Readers who may be going through difficult times, experiences of limitation, experiences of helplessness, and experiences of suffering, for even as I write, the energies I am taking in and the associated limitations are great and debilitating in their strength, AND, hope engulfs me as I meditate upon this vision of a Memory, a memory my heart and inner mind has carried forth of being held in Grace no matter how constricting the energies are.

Until these energies pass I will not be posting as I will be resting and on Retreat.

with love,

My apologies if my words come to you as ill composed, these energies which constrict also impair my ability to compose.

"The spiritual world unlike the world of scientific knowledge is a world of mystery in which forces act upon each other and upon our lives, often for unknown reasons. Lack of recognition of these forces has limited our freedom to respond to situations in the most adaptive way. Now, with greater awareness growing that accompanies the growth of our light body, we can choose to recognize the multi-level, multi-dimensional influences that are affecting our lives."

Julie of Light Omega ... ivity.html

" Mystery brings to us circumstances we love and are grateful for as well as those we would rather not have and wish to avoid. The responsibility of knowledge asks us to not treat events as if they were accidental, but rather to view them within the prism of 'mystery,' knowing that the event is a messenger of a truth yet to be revealed, and that we, as sacred participants within our own lives, can seek to know the message as well as the messenger."

LIVING with MYSTERY ... ships.html

"The energetic matrix that contains all the contributing aspects of consciousness are all held within the auric field of the earth which is the earth's energy body.  This field, in fact, is in a state of perpetual creation of the physical properties of the earth, her atmosphere, her functions, etc. 

The field itself is composed of sub-atomic elements that in the understanding of quantum mechanics, come and go out of existence.  These elements live in a potential 'soup', available to form themselves into more complex structures such as atoms and molecules, but when not involved in the binding together of particles, these can happily go back into non-existence or quasi-existence for a period of time.  The quantum mechanical aspect of reality, more than any other theory thus far, describes the energetic matrix which allows consciousness to produce matter through the drawing forth from the potential 'soup', the particles that are needed to shape the reality which consciousness holds."


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 Post subject: Prayers For The Suffering: Sutherland Springs, Texas
PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:54 am 

Slaughter of the Innocents During Prayer

There seems to be a particular form of the human expression of the energies of darkness and evil (and there are far too many), which when expressed, attacks, seeking to desecrate the innocence and safety experienced by the human heart found in all forms of houses of Divine worship, whether it be a church, mosque, temple, or any 'place' sanctified by prayer and love.

Perhaps my experience is not everyones, yet it seems when praying in a place of reverence and holiness, an innocence of the heart is experienced. To experience a mass shooting, or bombing, whilst in such a state of reverence and innocence is shocking to the heart and soul.

I too wonder, based on the observations of my own experiences and heart, if this same shock reverberates out and is felt by hundreds of thousands who can imagine themselves in such a place of feeling the safety and security which can be found in places of holiness and prayerful sacredness.

My heart which perceived the energies of evil before they manifested last Sunday, and after their expression, has been in a state first of profound shock, and then deep grief. As state of shock which I have experienced numerous times over the years as this form of expression of the energies of darkness has unfolded. Yet this time, my grief and shock is even more profound for reasons I choose not to give expression to, yet if you Dear Reader have followed the revelations of what happened in Sutherland Springs, Texas on Sunday November 5th, 2017, you will understand.

Peace be with those who survived, and the community from which they come forth, for those souls who were taken are already in the arms of Love.

with love,

FBC Sutherland Springs Shooting

Last edited by Johanna on Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Notes From Retreat: Sunday November 12, 2017
PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:00 pm 

Experiencing The Energies of Suffering Before They Manifest.

I am not a psychic.

This is important to know before I share more with you Dear Readers.

I experience suffering, most especially mass suffering, before it happens. If I were a psychic, I would know where the suffering would be occurring. As I am one who serves by holding, and being 'with' the suffering, I am given the gift of perceiving the suffering coming forward so that I might hold it in my heart in holiness and prayer.

How do I perceive the suffering?

For some of you Dear Readers, what I share will be a sacred phenomenon that you too have experienced in your own way, through your own path of service of the heart. For others, it may seem like something you might never want to experience, and I do understand with compassion.

My gifts first began manifesting in the year 2001. At first I was afraid, felt overwhelmed, and needed great support to hold the visions, and physical and auditory experiences I was having. I doubted myself, my gift, why I was being given such a sacred gift. I had a first, because of my distance in my heart and my mind, due to energies of density and darkness I was holding, difficulty trusting God and that I would be able to hold what I was being asked to hold. My sacred work made 'working' near impossible, though for years I pushed on and tried to be of the world, whilst I was serving and working within a very different reality.

Eventually, I made the choice to give my life entirely to the sacred work which was coming to me and through me.

With this choice I willingly made, came a greater opening within me to accept more within my heart and body. As time evolved, I began to accept greater amounts of suffering and pain, more than at times my mind and body thought I could bear. I tell you this Dear Readers not because I am some sort of saint - I tell you this because I am an ordinary person, who will never cast the first stone, for I too have strayed from the holy as I have walked upon the path of human life. I share this with you Dear Readers, because we are all being called to hold each other, and each other's suffering. Perhaps not in the ways I have been called, as we are each called in our own ways.

When mass suffering is about to unfold, I can experience what is to come forth through either hearing (and feeling) in my heart the screams of those who are (will be suffering) and/or through the dense temporary debilitating energies of darkness and sometimes intense evil, which seems to temporarily shut down my ability to function, physically disabling me, (which eventually passes), cognitively disrupting my thoughts and abilities to compose (which eventually passes), to name a few of the experiences which come forth. Sometimes I have visions and at other times, I can see those who have passed or are passing. Once the expression of the energies has come forth in this dimensional reality, I often experience 'inner space' as that which was expressed which was not of Light, is held by more embodied souls.

Sometimes, I can continue with my work sharing and holding this space open for the future with you Dear Readers on the One Earth Awakening Forum. At other times, I retreat and wait until I am able to be with you.

At all times, no matter how much darkness I am taking in, I know I am with the Nameless One whom I choose to call God. I am not, as others with this gift have called themselves in my presence, cursed. I am blessed to be called forth to hold the suffering of my planetary brothers and sisters, even as I feel my embodied unworthiness, I know I am blessed.

All blessings and thanks to my Beloved Teacher, Julie of Light Omega who has shown me the way through the darkness with God and my beloved community, especially those who are closest to me, who uphold me and support me so that Thy Will may be done.

with love,

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 Post subject: Prophecies and Revelations: November 12, 2017
PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:12 pm 

Your light is found within your love for one another.

* * *

May peace be found in the heart's of the suffering.

* * *

The darkness will inform your heart that you have the 'right' to devour.
These energies which come as waves of predation and devouring come through a vortex of time, bringing forth the wounds, old and fresh of souls which have suffered so.

* * *

Reverberations throughout embodied time.
Slaughter of innocents held in the heart's of the holy,
held in the hearts of the daughters and sons of the One.

* * *

Even as the Light seems dim:

Light surrounds all that is dark, holding all in Love.

* * *

Blessed peacemakers seem will-less in the presence of the energies of darkness.
This is not true.
Light lifts the will-less who have surrendered their wills to the Will of Love.

* * *

How thy heart cries out in the presence of evil.
For the heart knows Love - is borne of Love, lives to serve Love.

* * *

Truth be known. All revealed.
Revelations coming forward upending the darkness whose coarse reign falls to pieces in the presence of the Divine.

* * *

Wait upon My Word.
For in My Word justice, mercy, and love flows as a never ending river of Cosmic Light.

* * *

Peace be upon thee.
For thy heart is seen.
Thy love is known.

* * *

Blessed art thou who follows the tenets of Love.
A path will be made forward through the dark times to come.
A path will be made.

* * *

Blessed art thou children of Love and Light.
Fear not in the dark times to come.
Fear not for I AM and I AM with thee in all thy travails and tribulations.
A way will be made through the darkness.

All Prophecies and Revelations:

Last edited by Johanna on Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Revelations of the Light: Free At Last
PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 9:21 am 

Wait for revelations to come forward.

In the presence of Divine Light
all that has been held in darkness
comes forward.

Hold revelations of Light in prayer.

All shall be revealed.

This is the holy mystery.
These are the times our souls have longed for.

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 Post subject: With A Thankful Heart
PostPosted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:38 am 

With a thankful heart I would like to express my gratitude to you, Dear Readers, for your readership over the years on the One Earth Awakening Forum. I look forward to the day when this forum is active with the sharing's of many voices. Until such time, thank you for your presence.

Thank you Meg for your sacred postings.

Thank you Beloved Julie for your holy Teachings.

with love,

A Thanksgiving Meditation:

"It is because purification allows one to embody the healing that the world can be nourished. Without the embodiment, healing is just an idea, not a meats to bring the world from darkness to light. Purification involves deliberate efforts to increase one's capacity to embody God's sacred reality not for the self alone, but for God's sake, for love's sake, for the purpose of universal nourishment, universal redemption - the healing and upliftment of a planet.

Those who seek to purify, in some deep place within themselves want to be of greater service to God and to man. They seek to align themselves with Divine will and with the goal of God's plan for creation - the healing of the earth. In order to do this, each must learn to bear the pain, joy, and responsibility of self-knowledge: the pain, joy, and responsibility of discovering all that one is - both the darkness and light within. The goal of purification is to release the darkness in order to become what is most essential - the holy, light-filled core of one's being. This core is the reason for which we were created. It is God's purpose for us in the deepest possible sense. As we become more of our essence, we discover God's purpose for us is a holy purpose: it is our reason for existing. At the deepest level of truth we find that God's purpose for us and our own purpose for ourselves are identical…

Each of us is here to become love. Each of us is here to spread love. Each of us is here to contribute to the healing of the earth so that all can be fed."

Living In God's Reality
The Goal's of Purification
Julie of Light Omega
Unpublished at this time.

Spiritual Nourishment:

There is a promise that was made to mankind at the beginning of time, and that is that a path of return would be provided for souls to once again know their place within God’s being, after a time of individuation and separation.

Learning to live in sacred reality involves orienting toward God at all times.  Such orienting is like breathing.  It becomes natural, intrinsic to one’s moment to moment experience, dependable, and not something one has to think about in order to come back to.  This, however, is not the way it often is during the long trajectory of learning and healing that takes place for most souls as they let go of separation and reclaim their Divine heritage. 



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