Shifting to A Soul Based Reality: Energies, Light, and Purification "...In the course of spiritual evolution, the quality of one's emotional life naturally changes, and the process of purification, initiated by the infusion of greater light, accelerates this change. Purification begins to transform the function of emotionality from a karmically-based foundation to one that is soul-based. Instead of the personality-self operating according to its own tastes and preferences, this outer expression of selfhood begins to reflect the wishes, intentions and attitudes of the higher self or soul. As this shift in identity takes place, emotions that are 'lower' in vibration – namely, those that partake of negative energies more than positive - are replaced by ones that have at their root, the experience of love. This transition occurs because it is the soul's essential nature to exist in a continual state of love, and as the personality adapts more and more to the soul's essence, it, too, becomes infused with the deeper attributes of the soul." THE SPIRITUAL NATURE OF EMOTIONSJulie of Light Omega ... tions.html"As the body becomes more infused with light on a cellular level it also becomes more sensitive to the energies around it and within it that are not of the light. The perceptions of light and darkness are therefore part of the growth of the light body - energetic perceptions that primarily occur within the energy body but that can be felt within the physical body as well.
Awareness of light comes differently to each of us, conveying a sense of spaciousness, expansion, upliftment, clarity, and love. Awareness of darkness, when encountered, often conveys the opposite effect - sensations of disquiet, agitation, anxiety, fear, heaviness, or oppression. Within our present collective state of awareness we tend to experience energies of darkness as belonging to our personal self, to the emotions we believe ourselves to have and that we identify with. We do not think of these emotions as influenced by energies both within and outside of us, yet they are. Light and darkness as energies are part of Creation, manifested at the same time as that which allowed all things to emerge from the Oneness. In the original divine Unity there was nothing that had a name, nothing separate from anything else. There was only Oneness. When Creation came into being through Divine intention, things began to separate from each other and opposites of each thing also came into being as the expression of the potentiality of each thing to assume various forms and qualities. In this way, what was originally bound together as light-darkness within the state of Unity, became separated out into distinct forces. These forces affect our emotions, they affect our lives, yet it is only when we incorporate more light into our bodies and consciousness that we become aware of them. At present, when we feel negative emotions such as fear, anger, or depression we tend to look for their external causes. We do not think that they 'just happen.' Yet, in the spiritual universe that we inhabit we move into the Unknown, we move past rational explanations of causality into a world in which energies from one plane of reality can be felt on another, and where energies within our own physical reality can be transmitted from one person to another without their knowing it or intending that this be so. It is in this way that we are continually affected by forces beyond our perception that influence both how we feel and who we perceive ourselves to be. How this happens will, at some point, become the basis for a new science of spiritual energy. But for now, we are learning the way of recognizing energies as they impact our daily lives, and must go beyond our traditional psychological explanations in order to refine our perceptions. This will allow us to respond with greater choice to the situations we find ourselves in. In the presence of energies of various kinds, our choice needs to be to remain aligned with the truth of our own deepest being, the truth of love and light, and when something takes us away from that truth, our commitment needs to allow us to take a clear look not only at external situations that may be limiting our love, but at the energies we may be experiencing that are creating this effect as well."THE NEW LIGHT BODY AND THE GROWTH OF ENERGETIC SENSITIVITYJulie of Light Omega ... ivity.html "...Many writers have focused on 'Gaia' since 1979 when James Lovelock wrote the first book on the subject. Some look at the interrelationship of ecosystems through disciplines such as oceanography, microbiology, climatology, and geology. Others look at physically measurable energies such as electromagnetic fields, solar radiation, and seismology. A distinctly different group is formed by those 'lightworkers' whose endeavors are shaped by the 'Gaia Hypothesis' and who, for decades now, have been learning more about the 'planetary grid' that surrounds the earth and that nourishes it. Many such 'lightworkers' seek to help maintain and activate this network of spiritual energy - both to assist in the support of life, and to further the transformation of the planet. 'Activation' of the grid through the participation of human beings helps cosmic energy - the higher vibrations of light - to be stepped down so that their passage into and through physical matter can be enhanced."EARTHLIGHT: THE EMERGENCE OF 'GAIA'Julie of Light Omega "...Light intensifies in its potency, creating a separation between energies of light and darkness. The darkness, once separated, moves from a dormant state into the light of awareness where it can be seen, and felt, and released into the infinite light of God. During this passage, things that were held in the body because they were too painful to feel – things that may have manifested as longstanding physical or emotional symptoms – may intensify in their level of activity while at the same time becoming available to our awareness again. On a planetary level also, things that were latent within human consciousness are now more readily acted out upon the world stage because what was hidden is now revealed, and what has become more conscious has a greater possibility for becoming active in its expression. The purification that is taking place in a general sense means that people will feel more – that things will come up more frequently and with greater intensity on all levels in order to be healed. This is the result of the greater efficacy of light upon the earth, and though its immediate result may be disturbing in certain respects, it is simultaneously creating the possibility for greater freedom of people everywhere to live in love, in peace, and with a sense of unity with all of life.
The increased possibility for dealing with formerly concealed or dormant energies that are now making themselves known, creates entirely new possibilities for healing at this time. This can include physical, mental, and emotional difficulties that are acute, or those that may have troubled us for years. The power of light that is now more available on the planet is already infusing our physical, mental, and emotional bodies. Through understanding the process and through working with it in a conscious way – in a way that focuses on the incorporation of greater light into the body and consciousness - greater healing of pain and suffering that relate to the time we are in can take place, and discomfort and distress can be alleviated.
There are many avenues of working with light for purposes of healing and purification, some more powerful than others. Some take place through meditation; some through participation in the synergy of light-filled groups; some through being in nature, and some through spiritual practices which focus more directly on alignment and on breathing in light for the purpose of healing painful areas of life, whether physical, emotional, or any other variety. Commitment to such a practice can go a long way toward concentrating light in the body for purposes of healing. It can also create a heightened awareness, simultaneously, of our deeper identity as spiritual beings."HEALING INTO LIGHT:The Purification of Individuals and of the EarthJulie of Light Omega ... Earth.html0:
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"...In order for healing of previously held attitudes to take place, the content and energy of such attitudes must pass through conscious awareness before being set free.
The idea here is that within the purification process, darkness must be brought to the light of awareness before it can be let go of. Indeed, the healing lies in one's ability to sustain awareness of the negative emotions or energies without acting them out and without sinking into despair or feeling alienated from God, thereby creating new issues of consciousness. This is the work of purification. It does not eliminate acts of grace or the effect of collective transfusions of light which can also advance healing and eliminate several stages along the way, but it is the essence of what is generally true.
Releasing of energies requires bringing darkness to light in order for the alchemical process of transmutation to occur. When this occurs, the darkness is released into an energetic matrix which is stronger and more cohesive than the dark energies. When this light is held around whatever painful feelings may be occurring, it slowly but surely dissolves the darkness in the light, never to be heard from again.
…Because the purification process is unfamiliar to most, in many instances doubt can arise, causing one to believe that some thought or feeling is simply repeating itself within the boundaries of everyday consciousness rather than releasing. This doubt is partly due to the fact that both 'releasing' and 'repeating' often feel the same, and the distinguishing factor is inevitably the presence of greater light – brought about by the individual and planetary shift taking place now. Sometimes movement forward must be an article of faith rather than one of knowledge. Sometimes, however, knowledge can be based on the fact that other, simultaneous experiences of greater love, a deepening sense of God's reality, and feelings of joy can also and simultaneously exist, in addition to the energies that are releasing.
Often, a pattern emerges to the releasing process that is different from our ordinary way of experiencing things. Within this process, energies are likely to travel in waves of intensity, suddenly coming into awareness, building in intensity, and then eventually diminishing in strength and disappearing once again. This 'wave phenomenon' of releasing energies can at times be a helpful guide in distinguishing emotion related to present circumstance from what is operating as an independent flow, produced by the powerful transformation that purification brings. The pattern itself lets us know that something is 'passing through' us, rather than remaining stationary.
That purification can take place at all, is a blessed gift of Divine intelligence and intention, infusing into the earth's spiritual and physical life at the appointed time, light of sufficient strength so that both individuals and the planet can embark on a new and light-filled way of life. As one goes through this change, there may be difficult times. Yet, the desire to remain steadfast is born out of expanding love which seeks its own ends. As a result, though releasing brings its own challenges, it is the constancy and continual presence of greater love and the increasing knowledge of God's presence that make possible the endurance needed to meet these challenges, and the faith that all is well."THE PRACTICE OF PURIFICATION: RELEASINGJulie of Light Omega ... asing.html "…If you have been feeling certain people becoming more reactive to you in recent times, it may be because they are becoming more energetically sensitive (on the level of the body) without being more energetically aware. Light can join with light in another, but darkness can also react to light's presence with discomfort, projection, or rejection. Darkness can join with darkness in another even when that other is being amiable and not exhibiting it outwardly. This is because the ENERGY within, not the PERSON, is joining with what it perceives inside.
This is a time which calls for greater awareness, greater patience, and greater trust, that these energetic reactions are all part of the process of healing and that all is in motion toward that end. In relation to others who may be less conscious of being in or needing to be in a healing process, patience and forgiveness are needed since the process is happening whether one is aware of it or not.
Try, therefore, not to take things personally when others are reactive to you in ways that may be uncomfortable or different from how they have been in the past. Love is the best and primary healing force in all difficult situations, and it only takes one to love, not two. With this in mind, all relationships can be moved along further in the direction of wholeness and healing. May all be blessed in the light of a new day.RELATIONSHIPS AS ENERGYhttp://art-of-being-present.lightomega. ... nergy.html