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 Post subject: Prayer For Loving Service - Teaching by Julie of Light Omega
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:37 pm 

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Last edited by Johanna on Tue Jun 27, 2017 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: How Will Things Change?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:40 pm 

Many ask how things will change: through the true motivations of the heart being revealed to awareness through the expansion of light.
All that departs from love shall be known.

Julie of Light Omega ... uture.html

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 Post subject: Sacred Intention and Reality
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:44 pm 

Sacred Intention and Reality

After all the inner work is completed,
and the letting go's of the past accomplished,
there is still a time of waiting before
the new reality unfolds.

As the Light expands within our selves
and the planet which beholds us,
the 'waiting' times will become
much shorter in duration.

Bear with.


During a time of transition, there is often a period of waiting for the new to arrive - the new within oneself as well as the new outside of the self. During this time, one often experiences the pain of waiting in a state of limitation - a pain that can be perceived as difficult and frustrating. Sometimes, depending on how long one must wait, it can also lead to a sense of hopelessness.

Julie of Light Omega ... ctice.html

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 Post subject: Remember Who You Are
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:48 pm 

Big Picture Love

Be mindful of petty acts of cruelty, intolerance, and vindictiveness - energies of separation which seek to distract our hearts from the truth of who we are.

We are love.

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 Post subject: Are You Looking For God?
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:52 pm 
Are You Looking For God?

Look for the holy.
God is all around you and God is in you.

For as long as mankind has been upon the earth, man's relationship with the sacred has existed within the deepest place in his heart, waiting for the outer expression that would ultimately create a seamless life and join forever the physical and spiritual worlds. 

Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Holding Planetary Suffering and Posting
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 11:00 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

There are times when I am holding in my heart various aspects of planetary suffering which leaves me unable to speak.

There are times when I am holding in my heart sufferings and sorrows of the planetary family whilst simultaneously enduring fierce energies opposed to the energies of love, during these times I am unable to write and post as I would wish to.

When I am silent and not posting on this forum, it is not because I do not care, it is that my heart's care is being called forth for inner work.

The love of my soul is here even when I am not posting.

with love,

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 Post subject: America's Hope: The Renewal of the Soul of a Nation
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:38 am 
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America's Hope: The Renewal of the Soul of a Nation

The vision of the future that many carry for America today is not one of hope, but one of sorrow and one of despair because the ideals upon which a proud nation once stood are being undermined by practices which depart from the high ideals of democratic functioning. Nevertheless, the hope for America lies in these ideals in the clinging to the virtues which were embedded in her founding which still shine with their own light as a beacon to other peoples and other nations.

America's hope cannot be found in those practices which corrupt her willingness to compromise with others because it would diminish her power. Nor can it be found in the wish to ensure her control of energy resources at the expense of those same resources being made available to all. Nor does it lie in the many ways in which the sense of entitlement has taken hold of a consuming public with a voraciousness for new things and new technology that is both the envy of much of the world, and also the sadness of much of the world, for this indigenous greed leads to a distribution of wealth that is not beneficial to the planet, but only to those who have the means to satisfy their appetites.

In contrast to this picture lies the awakening of America's consciousness of moral uprightness - the desire to be a source of peace not a source of war; the enmity toward those in power who pursue power for their own purposes, not for the purpose of national integrity or wellbeing as is so often claimed. The awakening of America's consciousness is an important step in the rebuilding of the moral center of her foundation which has become weakened by policies and practices which depart from her true center. This weakening has also created a departure from the sense of generosity and selflessness which historically has been her relationship with others who came to her shores to seek a better life.

The longing for renewal that beats so strongly and increasingly in the hearts of many, is a longing for a restoration of the single note of pure idealism that once so informed America's outlook on life and her purpose in the world. It is the wish for a restoration of the sense of positive movement forward that has been present in other epochs in history and that, in the view of many, is not present at this time. We, who are waiting for this renewal of the soul of a nation, may have longer to wait before the desired outcome can appear and the heart feel a sense of ease from having removed itself from the precipice upon which it now stands. We may need to wait through times of turbulence before the darkening that has taken place to America's collective conscience can be dissolved in the presence of greater light. As we wait for this inner and outer transformation, let us hope that those who are granted positions of leadership that allow them to represent the will of the people, will once again turn toward the consensus of the governed in order to develop a policy and a point of view toward others that will be the source of pride and of national unity. As we wait for this transition into a new state of being, let us also pray for the soul of a nation to be strengthened, so that one in vision and one in purpose, those who are part of a once-noble nation can join together in common bond and extend America's hand as an offering of peace and prosperity to the rest of the world.

America's Hope: The Renewal of the Soul of a Nation

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 Post subject: Trust Your Heart
PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2017 7:42 am 

Trust Your Heart
Julie of Light Omega

Dear Beloved Ones,

Energies of light and darkness are manifesting upon the Earth with great intensity at this time, causing a conflict, at times, about which direction to go in and what to follow.  Though the truth of the heart connected to the soul is the surest direction to go in, this truth is often covered over by the mind's debate about what is true and what is less true or false.  Energies of doubt, operating now on the mental level, disguise the certainty about which direction holds the most light, the most truth, the most sense of 'rightness.' 

In the presence of this dilemma, it is most important to trust your heart.  For the devaluing of the heart leads to a vulnerability to forces that operate most strongly within the mind, often creating persuasive reasons for what is not right to appear 'right.'  The heart, if aligned with in its deepest sense, is a more reliable guide to 'rightness.'  Trust your heart, beloved ones.  Trust yourself.

It is a time of great challenge for many, today, when the seductive beliefs of the mind seek to take one away from the heart.  However, if this movement is recognized, then steadfastness can occur and a determination to remain faithful to the motivations of love, of kindness, of compassion, and of trust – all values of the heart.

We live in a time when it is not easy to discern truth with our minds.  On an outer level, it is no longer as clear what a 'fact' is, since facts for some are seen as mere 'opinions' by others.  This can relate to small things in life, but it can also relate to large issues that affect the life of our entire planet.  Therefore, in the presence of disguises created by energies that masquerade as truth, one must not be deceived because an argument sounds convincing.  One must only be convinced if the heart registers an energy of kindness, compassion, and love.

The ability of darkness to masquerade as light is coming to the fore now.  However, in the presence of this development, the awakening of the heart is also taking place so that each one, if they choose to, can become more sensitive to what feels right, what feels truthful, what feels loving.  Energies of deception may appear to be more prominent, but the movement of the life of the soul into everyday life can counteract such forces, nullifying their effect.  This occurs if one remains steadfast in looking for the light of truth, the light of love, and striving in each moment to remain faithful to it.

Trust Your Heart
Light Omega Newsletter
Read this Light Omega newsletter in it's entirety online:

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 Post subject: A Time of Retreat and Rest
PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 11:01 am 

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On Retreat July - August 2017.jpg [ 30.52 KiB | Viewed 6987 times ]

Dear Readers,

I will be on Retreat for the next few weeks.
Notes from Retreat may or may not come forth.

Thank you for your readership.

with love,

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 Post subject: Everything Matters and Everything Is Part Of The One.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 19, 2017 10:12 am 

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Everything matters_everything is part of the One_photo Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 51.41 KiB | Viewed 6959 times ]

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 Post subject: Retreat: A Journey To A Deeper You
PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 9:46 am 

Retreat: A Journey To A Deeper You

"...Many of us have forgotten how to 'be' without the pressure of time moving us into perpetual activity. We are so used to 'doing' that 'being' feels like emptiness or boredom. This is because in the absence of physical activity, and in the restriction of mental activity, we do not yet experience anything else there. This 'empty space' is not the goal of our seeking but a transition. The goal of our seeking is the experience and knowing that all is well, that we are held in a Divine embrace of love - that we do not need to drive ourselves in order to accomplish something that would be better done more slowly.

We can embrace the knowledge of our external self and let it rearrange our perspective concerning what is most important and what is less important in life. We can allow the quality of our experience to matter as much as the quantity of our output. All this can emerge from the reality of ourselves as eternal, with a life-purpose that far exceeds the one that we currently hold for ourselves, a life-purpose that can be best achieved by paying attention to the quality of our life, moment to moment.

We are here as souls to learn and experience life, and time is the medium in which we do our learning. If we treat time as less than sacred, we will miss many of the deeper experiences that we are meant to have. Our entire life can be re-evaluated from this perspective, and it is a joyful re-evaluation, for it leads us to observe where our true learning as embodied souls need to take place, based on our heart's deepest longings. For it is the heart's longing that brings us messages from our soul concerning what to pay attention to, and it is preoccupation with other things that causes us to not notice what our heart is telling us. In this day, we lose the meaning of the day even while going through the events of the day."

Prayer for the Truth of Timelessness

"Let the truth of timelessness
guide me now.
Let it impart to my understanding
a new way of being in the world.
Let the life that is eternal show me
the purpose of my life,
that I may life in time as a timeless being."

Seven Days of Sabbath
A Mystical Practice for Our Time

Julie of Light Omega

From Johanna:

Retreat - Intentional Inner Silence:

To begin a practice of retreat a choice needs to be made to take time for yourself. Can you set aside one hour a week, one hour a month, a half day a week, one day a week, one day a month, or longer? Don't worry, there are no rules or judgements about 'how' much time you set aside for your retreat. What is most important is making the time - without phones and electronics, without 'to-do' lists, without distractions - taking time spent just being - moving forward motivated by your heart rather than your mind. A retreat is an experience of sacred time spent in intentional inner silence in which the possibility opens to hear the song of our soul, the voice of our soul speaking thru our heart.

I will be on an intentional silent retreat for at least a week. The following postings will be my last postings until I return from retreat.

with love,

A Retreat Meditation:

Meditation on the Light of Your Being - 19:43" (July 23, 2017)
LISTEN: ... -Being.mp3

All podcasts and webcasts by Julie can be accessed here:

"Your deeper self holds the purity of your true intention."
Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: The Power of Love to Create Change
PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 9:47 am 

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