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 Post subject: The Purification Process and Inner Clarity
PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 10:56 am 

In my experience...

The Purification Process has the capacity to clear the inner self,
creating space for conscious presence in the moment.

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 Post subject: Energies of Opposition - An Inversion of Love
PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 11:04 am 
Energies of Opposition - An Inversion of Love
Julie of Light Omega

Energies of opposition to the expansion of light affect awareness in a variety of ways, one of them being to create a covering over the energy of the heart which gives us a direct knowing of what we feel and what we love.  Such energies can influence consciousness with different degrees of intensity, creating an "inversion of love" so that where once we felt the warmth of our own heart as it conveyed meaning to us concerning situations and people, now, with the energy influencing awareness, the situation or person feels distant, less connected, and the meaning of an event or situation can disappear for a time from our awareness altogether.
This "inversion of love" must be seen for what it is – not the truth of reality but a covering of the truth of reality, a covering that creates meaninglessness where there was once meaning, and distance where there was once love and warmth.
When such energies operate to a mild degree, one can continue on with relationships and outer situations by not noticing them and not giving them importance, while focusing on the love and warmth that have been present.  When the energies operate more strongly, it is important to remember that the sudden disappearance of feelings of love, or the feeling of detachment or aversion can be based on the sudden loss of meaning with respect to a relationship or situation, and not on a change in the situation or relationship itself.

Part of this masking effect is based on the phenomenon of "inversion," that is, the reversal of what was warm and full of positive feeling to what is empty and cold.  Another part has to do with the movement of energy to the mental level so that we look at a situation or person solely from the mind, thereby removing it from the warmth of the heart and creating a sense of observation rather than involvement.
Energies creating the "inversion of love" are present in great measure at this time on the Earth, due to the expansion of light taking place globally.  It is important to remain steadfast in their presence, knowing that one can remember what is true, and know what is true, even if one cannot feel what is true.  Steadfastness in relation to aligning with the deeper truth of the soul, whether feeling is there or not, is the way to move through such energies of inversion, which will ultimately reduce in intensity so that  a degree of connection with the heart can again take place. This is to say that if one remains steadfast in relation to the place of truth, whether felt or not, oppositional energies will ultimately diminish in their potency, due to the greater potency of light.
The deeper heart of each of us is connected with our Divine self, our soul self, and so at the deepest level such energies cannot touch the place of our knowing.  However, they can create doubt on the more surface levels of awareness that love is what we really feel.  Steadfastness in relation to the knowing of truth must become a mantra in this time, so that we can walk through this energetic influence until its effect is no more.  This outcome is part of the Divine plan for the Earth, namely, that the energies of opposition may have their day, but the ultimate outcome for individuals and for the Earth is the outcome of love and light.

Energies of Opposition - An Inversion of Love ... -Love.html

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 Post subject: The Principle of Divine Growth
PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 11:09 am 

The Principle of Divine Growth

The principle of Divine Growth is in time itself.

Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Prophecy: The Christed Hearted Daughter Of The One
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 11:12 am 


DAUGHTER - Christed Heart of the One

Daughter - Scribe of the One


"Yes Beloved."

I wish to speak.

"I am ready."

* * *

Daughter write these words scribe:

I AM calls you. Fear not.

All is according to My Plan, My Will.

Unto thee O daughter shall I speak.

* * *


"Yes Beloved."

In the times to come a darkness shall cover the earth as never seen before.

A darkness shall cover the earth, souls shall wail and bellow calling for Me.

This darkness daughter, shall come to pass.

Fear not daughter, for I AM and I have called thee to My Heart.

* * *


I have called Thee.

* * *


"Yes Beloved."

I will call you forth and you will know My Voice.

Until such time, rest daughter, know that I shall call thee.

* * *

DAUGHTER - Blessed One of the Beloved

I await Thee.

For I have called Thee forth and with a faithful heart You have answered My Call.

Unto nations You shall speak.

Thy heart shall be known as Blessed.

* * *

Blessed DAUGHTER of the One:

Thy children shall come to Thee and be with Thee.

Thy children shall be safe unto Thee for I have called Thee faithful.

I have called Thee Beloved.

I have called Thee DAUGHTER of the One.

* * *

From the darkness dwells a Light.

From the darkness dwells a Light that shall shine upon all who suffer.

From the darkness shall come a Light for I AM and all is unto Me.

From the darkness shall come a Light, the Light of I AM the Light of the One.

For all is within Me, all is of Me.

All darkness shall be made Light.

For the Light cometh forward thru the darkness, the darkness redeemed, now of the Light.

* * *

Worry not brave daughter, worry not and write as I instruct thee.

"How can Light come from darkness Beloved?"

All is of I AM. In Me there is no separation of light and darkness, all is of the Light, all is of I AM.

* * *

"These things you speak I do not understand Beloved."

Beloved scribe, worry not over meanings, interpretations, and disseminations.

I Am daughter. I AM.

* * *


"Yes Beloved."

How you worry and fret.

"Yes Beloved."

* * *

Blessed art Thou who has been called forth DAUGHTER of the Light.

Blessed is Thy Heart.

Blessed is Thy Faithfulness.

Blessed is all that comes thru Thee.

* * *

Blessed art Thou O DAUGHTER of Compassion.

Blessed art Thou whom I call forth.

Blessed is Thy Works, Thy Name, and Thy Heart.

Received May 29, 2017
All prophecies can be found at:

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 Post subject: Prayers for the Suffering - A Call from the Realms of Light
PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:03 pm 
Hello Dear Readers,

Even as this message will be read mostly in the future, it felt important to anchor this Teaching. This sacred message and call is relevant not only for this evening, this message of love, trust, prayer, and caring for each other's sufferings will continue to hold relevance for the unfolding moments to come.

The power of prayer, individual and collective may not be 'seen', even as this is true, the power of prayer is multi-dimensional, reaching into all realms, blessing, upholding, and in times of despair, sorrow, and great suffering, anchoring love and light. We need each other more than ever, we need to hold each other, and regions of the planet in prayer and love. No act of prayer, thoughtfulness, or love is ever too small.

Our light is our love.

with love,

Prayers for the Suffering, Kabul, Afghanistan,
and for the Planet as a Whole -
A Call is Going Out from the Realms of Light

May 31, 2017
Light Omega - Amherst, MA
(Or from wherever you are - Your presence is needed)

Dear Beloved Ones,

The truck bomb that exploded during a busy rush hour in Kabul, Afghanistan this morning represented more than an escalation in the use of suicide bombs or suicide bombers, for other bombs have tragically taken many lives, some even more than this. What it represents is an escalation in the intensity and intentionality of forces of opposition to light to create havoc, fear, and the sense that everything is out of order.

Those of the Light are asking us to come together tonight not only to pray for the many who are suffering grievous pain, loss, and shock at this time, but also to stand as a force of light against the encroaching darkness that is being produced at this very moment.

PLEASE JOIN US THIS EVENING IF YOU CAN, EVEN IF ONLY FOR A SHORT WHILE. Your presence is needed to support the forces of light not only for those suffering from physical contact with this tragic event, but for the planet as a whole.

All forces of light are gathering tonight to counter the energies of darkness that are the source of violence and fear and to stand for their opposite, love and trust.

With all blessings - Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: A Meditation To Create Space For Love To Enter
PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:10 am 

Meditation on the Space of Love.
Nine minute meditation to create a space in which love can enter.
With deepest blessings - Light Omega

Meditation on the Space of Love. 
9:00" (May 31, 2017) ... f-Love.mp3

"Feel love as a presence wherever you are."

Julie of Light Omega

Podcasts and Webcasts - with Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Prayers for the Suffering: London, Afghanistan
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:01 pm 

Prayers for the Suffering - June 2017 - Johanna Raphael.jpg
Prayers for the Suffering - June 2017 - Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 52.98 KiB | Viewed 8283 times ]

Please consider adding to your prayers:

The suffering in Venezuela, Philippines, the victims of bombing and attack in Iran on June 7, 2017, and the ongoing crisis of starvation of the peoples in Sudan and Yemen (as well as cholera outbreak).

Last edited by Johanna on Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: There Is Always Space For Beauty
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:05 pm 

There is always space for beauty - Johanna Raphael.jpg
There is always space for beauty - Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 81.8 KiB | Viewed 8283 times ]

With a more awakened heart, it is possible to be deeply in love with life. 

Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Witnessing Light in Times of Darkness
PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 10:18 am 

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Turn to Love for London .jpg [ 20.99 KiB | Viewed 8274 times ]

Witnessing Light in Times of Darkness

Witnessing the events of the London Bridge attacks thru various news sources from Europe has been filled for me, with glimpses of Light during a time of darkness.

The courageous acts of many seeking to aid and assist those who were suffering at the risk to their own lives is profoundly compassionate. As I watched the news casts from London, as with Manchester, my eyes witnessed the love and light of the human heart seeking to shine in the dark.

In the aftermath of great suffering, messages of love, acts of love, acts of compassion, and posters speaking for love, fill photographs and my screen and I am moved to tears. My tears come not only in response to the suffering, they come from deep within my heart as it witnesses acts of love and compassion - in the face of energies which would call the suffering hearts to hate.

All blessings to my fellow embodied souls who in the face of darkness choose to align with the Light.

Their love is their light.

with love,

Glimpse: Archaic. a gleam, as of light.

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 Post subject: Prayers For The Suffering - The Holy of Islam
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:10 pm 

Prayers For The Suffering - The Holy of Islam

Blessings and prayers for all of the Islamic faith who suffer so greatly upon this planet. All blessings and prayers for those being made homeless by war, the orphans, the widow and widowers, the parents, those who have lost all that gave them hope and security, those who have lost their lives to endless war. All blessings to those who help to heal and save the suffering.

Blessings to the Sufi's, the holy mystics of Islam - the Flowers of God.

To keep in your prayers, the peoples of Yemen, the ongoing suffering of the Palestinians, the peoples of Syria, and those who suffer the ravages of corruption, oppression, and religious intolerance of any means.

Special prayers and blessings for the family, community, and friends of Nabra Hassanen.

"An hour before Ms. Hassanen was attacked, she was praying at her mosque."
Nabra Hassanen and the Lost Innocence of Ramadan IHOP Nights ... madan.html
Nabra's death has been deeply held in my heart.

Finsbury Park mosque: Man dies as van hits worshippers ... 56442.html

EID Blessings.

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All Prayer Is Beautiful - Messages of Light.jpg [ 113.17 KiB | Viewed 8176 times ]

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 Post subject: In The Sacred Moment - Have Compassion
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:19 pm 

Have compassion
for the heart which
truly believes.

This is the soul's
journey of awakening.

A journey of
hope and for some,
painful awakenings,
sometimes of betrayal.

Judgements only harden
the divides.

Compassion allows
for each soul's journey
to unfold as it will.

Who am I to tell you
what to believe?

For I too,
am awakening, learning,
and growing
in my heart's light.

All shall be revealed.

with love,

As always in circumstances of division or disunity, it is important to not judge others for where they are in their own consciousness, but rather to maintain within oneself a strong commitment to the principles of light and love which, as a collective force, has the capacity to change consciousness from within, rather than trying to affect it from without.


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 Post subject: The Living Embodiments of God's Will
PostPosted: Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:23 pm 

God's Will


By our very existence we are the living embodiments of God's Will.

The view of ourselves as insignificant  has no part to play in the consciousness of oneness, for in this consciousness all are significant and all are affecting each other all of the time, some with greater light and some with lesser, but each affecting the welfare of the whole.  Let this knowledge be a mandate, then, to claim our identity as Divine children of the One, to claim it and to allow it to inform our decisions, our plans, our thoughts, and the things we pay attention to in our daily life.  For we are beloved by the Universe and are part of that Universe at all times, and when we claim this truth, when we perceive ourselves to be significant in our interaction with all that we encounter, we become more able to act consciously and with the wisdom that lives within us for the benefit of ourselves and for the benefit of the Earth.
Julie of Light Omega ... odied.html

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