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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 9:01 am 

O Traveler, you have come so far
to learn to be in truth within yourself.
You arose from a vague and milky
state in which nothing was distinct
from anything else,
where thoughts and feelings
all blurred into each other,
in order to find the truth that was
uniquely yours.
You did not know there was such a truth,
accustomed as you were to the state
of un-knowing,
and have stepped into this human body
to inhabit it as you,
with your feelings, your pains,
your wishes, and your fears.
Such great beauty has grown in you
as you have come to know yourself
and come to be yourself.
Such great beauty as the precious being
that you are.
May this journey of embodiment be
blessed in all ways,
and may you bring your gifts of being
to the Earth, that all may be nourished
by them, and by the gift
of your expression of that which is One.

– Julie of Light Omega –

“Homecoming” is from 'Poems for the New Earth'.

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2016 5:56 pm 


by Julie of Light Omega

It is time for us to wonder about the way we use words and the degree to which the tender feelings of the heart are separated from the words we use. It is also time to take notice of the way in which our culture perpetuates the degree of separation that we feel from others....


Have you ever wondered why it is that someone dying in an automobile accident, through a gunshot wound on some city street, or in a massive explosion in a public square far away - why these are spoken of in news reportage in a factual way, an informational way? We tell ourselves that it is the way news must be reported. But our hearts ask a different question. Is it? Is it necessary to disconnect the heart when we speak of the death of others so that we do not bear their wounds and their suffering with us?

It is time for us to wonder about these things, about the way we use words and the degree to which the tender feelings of the heart are separated from the words we use. It is also time to take notice of the way in which our culture as portrayed through news media perpetuates the degree of separation that we feel from others, even while reporting about the plight of others.

We need to look at the way in which those who report to us via radio and television, especially, use words, since here, the sound of words used can go straight to our hearts or circumvent them altogether, aiming to access our minds that store facts, or aiming to claim our attention through shock or fascination alone, neither of which accesses our deeper hearts.

We must listen to the way words are used to avoid feeling, to avoid the recognition of our common humanity, to create a sense of intellectual intrigue, or fascination, or superiority, rather than an experience of love. What? How? Is it possible to create an experience of love while speaking of something else? Yes, beloved ones. It is the picture of reality that we hold that determines what energy our own words carry, and the energy of the words that reach our ears through mass media. We are living in a culture in which intellect and information are still valued above the values of the heart - the value of love, the value of oneness. And although this is changing now, we may hear this, still, in the way words are used if we listen.

Let us listen, then. Let us especially listen to our own words, to see where they may be lacking in love, to see where we are speaking to impress others, to feel intellectually superior, to make a point rather than to share an unfolding moment. We must listen for our heart that seeks to find expression through words, and we must learn to be silent.

Silence is important both for listening and for learning about the place within from which words may come. If we value our intellect above all else, then our words will come from our minds and will become disconnected from our hearts. If we are interested in 'making a point' above all else, then our words will be joined with our will instead of our desire to love others. Only if our words come from the deep desire to share the truth of love with others will the words we use vibrate with the energy of our heart.

It is very possible today, because of the secularization of language and culture historically, for people to have a discussion about spirituality itself without touching the resonance of the heart. It is possible to use words extensively about that which has few words if any.

What is the reason for this focus on knowledge, on showing how much we know, of putting everything into words that can claim attention from our minds? It is this, beloved ones, that we are so used to operating as if we are separated from the holy, from the divine sacred reality that we live in, that we do not even notice that it is being mirrored back to us in the way things are portrayed via the media that we listen to or watch.
This is not the fault of any one person or reporter. Nor is it our fault for having grown accustomed to this way of being.

Rather, it is a habit of attention to a portrayal of a reality that has been with us for a long, long time, one that we have been in and that has been in us.

Now, we must let go and are beginning to let go of this historical reality that separates us individually and collectively from the life of the heart. This life asks to be heard, now, as the voice of the sacred. We must let go in order to respond to the call that asks that the mind be only a part of who we are, and that asks us to return to our true being. When we can hear the dichotomy within ourselves between mind and heart, when we can hear the way we use words that are separate from our hearts, we will also hear it in others and will begin to yearn for something that is more true, both for ourselves and for those transmitting information via media. We will yearn for a way of speaking of those souls unknown to us who have died, whether in accidents, gunshot fights, or in the public marketplace of a distant land, as if they belonged to us, as if they were part of our heart. This is the change that is happening now and that life is calling us to, and it begins with our being able to listen to our own words with our hearts, rather than with our minds, so that we can return to the deeper roots of our being and speak from that most sacred place.

Please share this Newsletter.

Articles and commentary regarding the inner side of world events.' (February 16, 2014)

MEDIA CULTURE-by Julie of Light Omega-LIGHT OMEGA NEWSLTR 2-16-2014-.jpg
MEDIA CULTURE-by Julie of Light Omega-LIGHT OMEGA NEWSLTR 2-16-2014-.jpg [ 28.08 KiB | Viewed 40101 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 1:10 pm 

Does the sun serve the Earth?
Do the bees serve the flowers?
Does the moon serve the night?
In the same way shall all beings know
that they serve each other,
that they are part of each other -
as the sun is to the Earth,
as the bees are to the flowers,
as the moon is to the night.
So shall it be.

* * *

– Julie of Light Omega –

* * *

“Service” is from 'Poems for the New Earth'.

Service by Julie of Light Omega-lightomega.orgEarth-ANC-Poems-poem-display.php-id=42.jpg
Service by Julie of Light Omega-lightomega.orgEarth-ANC-Poems-poem-display.php-id=42.jpg [ 23.6 KiB | Viewed 40076 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 9:14 am 

Go deeper, beloved one, go deeper,
to the hidden places within that make you, you.
Do not think for a moment that you are empty,
for the river of Life runs through you
at all times,
and there is never a moment when you
are not feeling its motion.
Go deeper, and cherish the time
that will allow you to do this,
for emptiness is a gateway to the beyond
which can only be passed through by
opening the gate.
You are not empty, but await the fullness
of your Divine Being
which comes in its own way and time
to fill the emptiness.
Reach, reach to feel the fullness
of who you are.
All that you think you are derives from that.

– Julie of Light Omega –

"Opening the Gate" is from 'Poems for the New Earth.'

Art by Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1781–1841)

Opening the Gate by Julie of Light Omega-
Opening the Gate by Julie of Light Omega- [ 46.67 KiB | Viewed 40034 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:00 pm 

Awakening - The Promise of a Holy Earth

Dear Beloved Ones,

The new year is rapidly approaching and though each new year is greeted with the joy and hope that is innate to the human heart, there are many who at the same time are feeling fear and trepidation about what the year 2017 will bring. In this year, may our commitment to love and to love's purposes strengthen. May the year of 2017 be blessed by our trust in the Divine Oneness that is holding all.

With deepest love and blessings - Julie

New Year Blessings- 2017 - Light Omega-Farzad9-540x427-Lilac lotus-4689476349_fc73058eb4_z.jpg
New Year Blessings- 2017 - Light Omega-Farzad9-540x427-Lilac lotus-4689476349_fc73058eb4_z.jpg [ 38.24 KiB | Viewed 39982 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 6:13 am 

In this new year,
Blessed Love, go throughout the lands,
comforting, upholding and healing all in need.

May your Holy Light expand upon the Earth
and in mankind's heart,
so we may finally see each other as we have been created,
One in Love and
One in You.

Lead us through the dark mist, that still obscures our vision,
into the light on our way home to you,
so we may ease the path for those that are to come.

Blessed One Light, One Love,
the Heart of all hearts,
grant us Thy peace.


May you be forever blessed, dear friends.


constellation Orion- In this new year may your Blessed Love go throughout the lands- comforting upholding and healing all in need.12-25-16 MMartin.jpg
constellation Orion- In this new year may your Blessed Love go throughout the lands- comforting upholding and healing all in need.12-25-16 MMartin.jpg [ 28.91 KiB | Viewed 39969 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:28 am 

Dear Friends,

Over the course of 2016 and continuing into this new year, many new recordings of Julie’s teachings have been added to the Offerings and Inspirations area in this forum under the topic, "Talks and Meditations by Julie". I thought it might be helpful to include the link here so you may review the many sacred teachings being offered:

To choose from the widest selection available you may also wish to visit “PODCASTS by JULIE” on the Light Omega website which dates back to May of 2013.

I wish to invite you to share your thoughts and feelings in the comments/reply area as you feel led and pray you feel the great gift of Divine Love, Light and Compassion that is imparted through these magnificent recordings. ~ with all love and blessings, Meg

* * *

Podcasts by Julie are also available in the iTunes Store under Podcasts, Spirituality. There is no charge for them. SUBSCRIBE to "Talks and Meditations by Julie" and receive notice of new podcasts, or DOWNLOAD individual podcasts by using this link:

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 6:30 pm 
Dearest Friends, I am so happy to introduce you to a new book by Julie of Light Omega. The "Seven Days of Sabbath" is about learning to live a sacred life on earth. I will post excerpts here from time to time, so I may share the joy and love I receive with you. With all love and blessings, Meg


* * *

The “Seven Days of Sabbath” are days of holiness and reverence for the sacred reality that is the foundation of life. This reality is present even while engaging in the activities of an ordinary day. We, as a collective humanity, are not meant to separate sacredness from everyday activity, though we have done so for a very long time. Yet the time is now for closing this gap, for understanding and experiencing reality as One.

This is a book about bringing the two together – bringing our intimate relationship with the Divine into everything we do. In this way, we unite mysticism with everyday life, creating a union of the two so that life can be lived in a new and holy way upon the Earth.”

* * *

~ from “Seven Days of Sabbath”,
a new book by Julie of Light Omega.

Seven Days of Sabbath - Julie of Light Omega
Seven Days of Sabbath - Julie of Light Omega [ 39.19 KiB | Viewed 39867 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:27 am 
Dearest Friends,
The following teaching by Julie is one that I wanted to share with you personally because it offers us another perspective to consider at this time when many of us are asking: “How can I stand for something in the presence of what maybe a difficult, frightening or upsetting event - how can I stand for something and feel like I make a difference?” ~With love and blessings on your journey, Meg

* * *

“Standing for something is different than standing against something.
It affirms the inner truth of the soul that can hold, even in the presence of other beliefs which define a different reality.”

65 min.

* * *

“Standing for Light and the Principle of Love on Inauguration Day”
- Yoga Center Amherst - (Jan. 20, 2017)

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 3:33 pm 

"Seven Days of Sabbath"
a new book by Julie of Light Omega

"Seven Days of Sabbath" is about bringing our intimate relationship with the Divine into everything we do. In this way, we unite mysticism with everyday life so that life can be lived in a new and holy way upon the about bringing our intimate relationship with the Divine into everything we do. In this way, we unite mysticism with everyday life so that life can be lived in a new and holy way upon the Earth.

* * *

Beloved Ones,

The practices contained in this book are meant to be continuous from one week to the next for as long as you desire. Repetition over time creates an anchor within body and consciousness, implanting a new truth that can then become part of everyday life. Though the practices which are primarily prayers do not take a great deal of time, they do require a commitment of intent, and are suited to those who would like the discipline of a regular spiritual practice that activates and homes consciousness so that change can take place.

There are different ways of approaching this book. You may, if you wish, do the reading for each day the night before and then undertake the practices the next day. Or, for a more complete overview, you may wish to go through the entire book before beginning. Though the Seven Days of Sabbath were created for the seven days of the week, you may also use each of the Seven Day practices for an entire week in order to spend more time with it and to go deeper.

The prayers and practices offered here are of ancient derivation, and are being brought forward in this form in the light of a new day. It is in this way that the world changes, from the inside to out, with each one adding to the momentum that can affect the planet as a whole.

With all love and blessings,
Julie of Light Omega
September, 2016

* * *

~from the 'Preface' of “Seven Days of Sabbath”,
a new book by Julie of Light Omega.

Seven Days of Sabbath - Julie of Light Omega
Seven Days of Sabbath - Julie of Light Omega [ 39.19 KiB | Viewed 39798 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:45 pm 

“The soul-self that lives within you is eternal and everpresent. It cannot be diminished by emotion or limited by thought. But what can be limited by thought and by emotion is your perception of who you are. Your conscious self must bypass thought and emotion in order to reacquire the sense of inner being, for one may say that it lives in the body more than in the feelings or in thought. It lives as a sense of eternal truth within the deepest levels of your own knowing. This inner sensibility remains within you at all times. It is there during times of peace and it is there during times of trouble. It is what makes it possible to endure through difficulties of all kinds, and it is what makes it possible for you to know the truth of your own relationship with the Divine. What is needed is for you to turn toward it.

Especially during times of hardship, it is often difficult to override feelings of hopelessness, despair, anxiety, and overwhelm. And it is precisely at such times that it is most important to turn toward your inner being as if you were a plant turning toward the sun. It can be that innate. It can be that automatic. It involves the confident belief that there is a place inside that is untouched by what is going on outside you, a place that remains steadfast in relation to truth and in relation to the deepest values of the heart. During times of trouble, it is most important to remember this.

There are pathways of access that help in this remembering. You may release thought and emotion through any form of meditation that is comfortable or familiar to you. You may immerse yourself in the quiet and peace of the trees and of nature. Most significantly, you must release disbelief that this place exists within you and that it is accessible, for energies that are prominent on the Earth today seek to separate many from themselves and thrive in the area of doubt and disbelief. If you can hold fast to the belief that the abode of the Eternal lives within you as you, you will be able to find the path to it.

Breathing deeply with the consciousness of light is important, for light opens paths that remain closed in its absence. The Practice of Alignment can be of great help in this regard, for it brings light into both body and mind and opens the doorway to your soul.”

Continue reading: “TURNING TOWARD ONE'S INNER BEING” by Julie of Light Omega

* * *

Meditation: The Practice of Alignment


Art by Daniel B. Holeman

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Inner Being- Sacred - Mediator Flame by DanielBHoleman-awakenvisions.jpg [ 40.52 KiB | Viewed 39756 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:25 pm 

An invitation to awaken to the holiness of the Earth and to life as a whole. Our relationship to the Earth is now capable of moving to a deeper level of awareness, understanding that we are one with the Being of the Earth and that the response that is deepest within us is reverence.
This recording has technical issues for the first 12 minutes and then is clear.
24:45" (March 12, 2017)

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