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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (6-12-13)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:03 am 
Dearest Jeannie - (and Meg)

I read both your responses and more than once, for all the jewels of experience and wisdom they contained.

Thank you for sharing from the depth of your souls, it was and is, precious.

Unless it is a Wednesday, I will often not post a reply as soon as I read a postings. My reasonings of course, are intrinsically tied to energy.

Since at this point in time on this forum we are just a few souls posting (many are reading and I am grateful for your presence!), and there are few who are dialoguing in real-time with me; when someone does choose to post - to anchor their vibration through the word, my heart seeks to honour this sacred energy exchange by just allowing the 'posts-energies' to be.

For I believe that your posts - your energies, and the love and wisdom which is present within them, are parts of the whole - anchors of consciousness which are 'holding' this forum until others come and begin sharing with us.

It feels important energetically, as people from the future, come back to this moment in time to read what we have posted - that they will have the ability to perceive the wonderful energies and insights shared from our souls. I truly believe in my heart, that circumstances willing, those of us who are sharing, are indeed, preparing a place for those who are to come.

Thank you for taking part in this endeavour.


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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (Opening Prayer)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:21 am 
Dearest Mother~Father God,

I feel a bit battle weary today. I know consciously of no 'battle' and yet I am deeply weary as if some aspect of myself has been through great trials in the last week.

So I come to you, in the presence of the intense energies which are moving through me, a bit worn and frayed, my mind not as sharp and present as my ego would like it to be, on my knees... my heart - submissive by choice, in gratitude, for the blessing of this day.

Thank you for my ability to serve - and even more for today - for Wednesday.

love your daughter,

File comment: The waters flowing around my home feel like the energies flowing through me - intense.
JR-504-Energies_Water.tiff [ 214.88 KiB | Viewed 15659 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna - Inspirational Quote
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 12:27 pm 
Releasing Old Fears and Surrender.

When I first saw this image which Beloved Julie posted in her Picassa Web album, I was drawn first to the energies of 'colour' of the image.

The purity of the colour white the 'container', and the contrasting boldness of the colour blue, the 'lock'.

When I meditated further upon the image, I became aware of the various holes of previous attempts to 'lock down' as well as 'release' that which was contained - in this image - fears being contained or held.

This image speaks to me of my humanity and my souls journey repeatedly, to 'unlock and release' fear.

The lock itself in the image is old, tried and true. And yet the holes in the container inform my soul of a different story all together... that circumstances do exist for that which holds the lock in place to be, over time, loosed and eventually removed.

Which leads me to todays meditation and prayer of todays Wednesdays with Johanna thread:

Releasing old fears and surrender.

Thank you for coming and reading these posts. And perhaps...sometime in the future, for posting your own experiences and wisdom you have learnt on your spiritual journey.

with love,

Release old fears-575x480.jpg
Release old fears-575x480.jpg [ 81.09 KiB | Viewed 15655 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:55 pm 
Surrender is a reoccurring theme in my life, as well, Johanna.
I notice as I walk along, from time to time, surrender is often accompanied by an old teacher, judgment. This teacher has a proverbial ruler in hand and reaches out to smack me as it makes side comments.
Recently, I awoken to the realization that I could surrender, Judgment!
And so I did (& am doing this as it hasn’t given up, yet!)
In spite of many continuing judgment, impatience, frustration opportunities presented (especially since making this choice!)
I have never known such freedom as I am now experiencing through the process of surrender. I don’t know how else to express it but there is a deep feeling inside that all is well and as it should be.
Julie’s videos and meditations are a constant in my life. Nourishing and re-establishing principles I hadn’t always been paying much attention to but still part of the tapestry of who I have always been. Thank you for bringing this post forward to share and heal, Johanna.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (Letting go of Fear and Surrende
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 2:30 pm 
Meg Meg:
Surrender is a reoccurring theme in my life, as well, Johanna.
I notice as I walk along, from time to time, surrender is often accompanied by an old teacher, judgment. This teacher has a proverbial ruler in hand and reaches out to smack me as it makes side comments.
Recently, I awoken to the realization that I could surrender, Judgment!
And so I did (& am doing this as it hasn’t given up, yet!)
In spite of many continuing judgment, impatience, frustration opportunities presented (especially since making this choice!)
I have never known such freedom as I am now experiencing through the process of surrender. I don’t know how else to express it but there is a deep feeling inside that all is well and as it should be.
Julie’s videos and meditations are a constant in my life. Nourishing and re-establishing principles I hadn’t always been paying much attention to but still part of the tapestry of who I have always been. Thank you for bringing this post forward to share and heal, Johanna.

Your welcome Meg.

My soul is willing, but my ego harbors a lot of fear regarding trusting the soul and letting go. One experience at a time - in time, I am finding how wonderfully willing my soul is to surrender. My ego, well it is surrendering more and more each day.

Isn't ironic how much freedom does come with 'surrendering'? Yet my ego, given the chance, says, "Nooooo, it's going to hurt if I allow us (ego and soul) to surrender". Which is why I too, I feel blessed through Beloved Julie's teachings.

Years ago Beloved Julie gave a talk on surrender in which she taught how Blessed Mother Mary was the perfect example of embodied surrender. Beloved Mary's words, in times of distress, when I can remember to say them, help immensely... "Let it be unto me according to Thy Will."

I am far from remembering this perfectly in each moment, and closer than I ever was to living it.



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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna - SURRENDER
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:42 pm 
Beloved Julies Teaching on Surrender:

Stepping Stones - Day 7 - Surrender is an act of love

Surrender does not mean becoming passive. It means awakening the sense of deliberate participation in the greater life of which we are a part, and of choosing to be in alignment with that life and its purposes, rather than with a plan of our own making. In making this choice, there are a myriad of ways in which we can respond to life. The ways that join us with God are the ways of acceptance and gratitude, based on our confidence in God’s intentions and love. Holding trust in this way, our hearts become able to flow with life, rather than to become embattled by it.

Surrender involves a willing abandonment of the need to control life. It places this need in service to the greater need to love God and to place all of our faith and trust in Divine guidance and direction. Surrender is not an act of will, nor an act of coercion, but arises as an act of love and of devotion. We surrender because we want our lives to be seamlessly one with that of the Beloved.

To read the entire Stepping Stone and Step:
Stepping Stones - Day 7 - Surrender is an act of love

Supplemental readings:




Would you like to read more?

LightOmega website search - Surrender

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:50 pm 
Dear Johanna,
Thank you for sharing Julie's teachings & also reminding me of Mother Mary's blessed words. This will help me & others this resonates with, anchor more deeply.

Everything happens at the perfect time for each person, doesn't it? One of the blessings of going through these doubts is that once we learn what we need to, nothing can take it away, we've experienced it for ourselves & so in sharing we can come a place of deeper compassion than before.
May all who seek peace , love and wholeness follow the urgings of the deepest wisdom of their heart.
Thank you for another beautiful Wednesday dear Johanna.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:04 pm 
Meg Meg:
Dear Johanna,
Thank you for sharing Julie's teachings & also reminding me of Mother Mary's blessed words. This will help me & others this resonates with, anchor more deeply.

Everything happens at the perfect time for each person, doesn't it? One of the blessings of going through these doubts is that once we learn what we need to, nothing can take it away, we've experienced it for ourselves & so in sharing we can come a place of deeper compassion than before.
May all who seek peace , love and wholeness follow the urgings of the deepest wisdom of their heart.
Thank you for another beautiful Wednesday dear Johanna.

Thank you Meg for joining 'with' me on todays journey.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (Closing Prayer)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 4:16 pm 
File comment: Anna Armaiti - "Winged Heart"

Anna Armati - Winged-Heart.jpg
Anna Armati - Winged-Heart.jpg [ 11.96 KiB | Viewed 12615 times ]

Todays closing prayer is a Sufi Song can be found following this link: THE WINGED HEART RISING TO GOD

Let Thy wish become my desire,  Let Thy will become my deed;
Let Thy word become my speech, Beloved,
and Let Thy love become my creed.

Let my plant bring forth Thy flowers,  Let my fruits produce Thy seed.
Let my heart become Thy lute, Beloved,
and My body Thy flute of reed.

The beauty of surrender, the joy of surrender, the power of surrender, the peace of surrender - these are all parts of the winged heart that rises on the music of its devotion toward God.  These are the means by which it rises and the goal of its rising.

Julie Redstone

Until we meet again, blessings and love.

Anna Armaiti - "Winged Heart" - ... 6516192500

Last edited by Johanna on Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:42 am, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays - One World Meditation
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:38 pm 
Each Wednesday, Meg and I are a part of an anchor group (we join the meditation by conference call) for the One World Meditation.

What is the OWM?

A weekly global meditation community dedicated to the furtherance of God's divine Plan for the Earth ( ... tions.html) and the creation of a network of light to support this transformation.


One World Meditations was founded by Julie Redstone, the Light Omega Community, WorldBlessings, and the Realms of Light. It embraces all people of all backgrounds and seeks to create a network of light and unity to assist with the establishment of a holy planet.

One World Meditations - Every Wednesday, 8:30PM (EDT), 12:30AM (GMT)

One World Meditations at this time also seeks to address the concerns of individuals who are part of this transformation, who may be experiencing the physical, mental, and emotional effects of the new energies of light as their bodies transform into greater light.

To contact Julie -

To join the anchor group which connects by phone for the meditation, write to connection 

One World Meditation - Every Wednesday, 8:30PM (EDT), 12:30AM (GMT)


In the sacred consciousness of light, there is no difference between giving and receiving. What you receive for yourself you transmit to the world; what you desire for the world becomes part of your self.

Messages of Light by Julie

We look forward to your joining us for the One World Meditation.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (Opening Prayer 6-19-13)
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:00 am 
Beloved Father~Mother God -

Thank you for the blessing of this day. In the midst of the energies flowing through me, by Your Grace, I can still feel the warm air on my skin, the dewy grass on the soles of my feet and see the Light around me everywhere.

Guide I. Guide I in all that I write, all that I share, all that I express in Thy Name.


Your Daughter.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:10 am 
Happy Wednesday! Thank you Johanna, for the gift of your stewardship here and for anchoring our One World Meditations group tonight. To those reading this, I invite you to participate as your heart leads you and warmly welcome you to join us. With much love and blessings, Meg

To join the anchor group which connects by phone for the meditation, write to connection

One World Meditation - Every Wednesday, 8:30PM (EDT), 12:30AM (GMT)


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