In the Time of Light In the time of darkness, prayers for purity, healing, and sustenance have been needed. In the time of light our bodies become a living prayer. In the time of darkness, our hearts feel small and insignificant. In the time of light they become a radiant sun.
We are the container for the breath that is the one Breath. We are the expression of the life that is the one Life. In the time of darkness none of this has been clear. In the time of light, what we aspire to becomes a living reality.Julie of Light Omega –POEMS FOR A NEW EARTH ... .php?id=10 Soul Transitioning From Experiences of Long Term Limitation and Suffering As an embodied soul who has freely and lovingly surrendered her life to the One Creator Source whom I choose to call God, the course of this life has not been an easy path. Whether it has been the suffering associated with spiritual unconsciousness, the pain of awakening, or the limitations and suffering associated with encountering the forces of opposition and darkness in service to the Light, I have known at times, extreme forms of suffering, helplessness, and limitation.
Many years have passed in this manner. Eventually within time, I stopped complaining and crying, and began to accept with greater dignity and holiness, the work I was called to do which included a myriad of experiences fueled by the lower frequencies effecting all areas of my life. I watched many around me thrive and grow, whilst I suffered at times crushed under the weight of the dense energies I encountered. Now I tell you this Dear Readers not for your sympathy nor derision. I tell you of this path because of a sudden change in reality which has occurred. The type of change in reality which I have witnessed and prayed for for others. I have watched miracles - shifts in reality and Divine Flow, for either those I have assisted directly or those who have been called to the heart of the Beloved, with joy and happiness. Recently, within a moment, this very same dimensional door of Diving Flow has now opened for myself. And to tell you the truth, the embodied experience is shocking to the nervous system, the mind, and the heart.
It has been a long embodied road of waiting in space-time, for the holy energies of Divine Flow to manifest in my life in ways in which I who was blind, could see. Even as this is true, I have been unusually blessed in the love and support of my spiritual family, friends, acquaintances, and at times, strangers, who have made the unendurable - endurable. I have been blessed to be with Beloved Julie, to sit in her presence in times of the deepest despair, deepest sufferings, years and years of a spiritual path of enduring through darkness, and have never seen her waver in her faith in God's divine plan and essential goodness, nor has she ever questioned the path I was called to serve. Beloved Julie's compassion and caring, her help, her guidance, her integrity, her spiritual dignity, her prayers, and her faith remained steadfast and constant through the darkest of nights I was called to endure. Even when I felt most alone and the agony of my experiences overwhelmed me, I am able to look back now and see I that I was truly not alone, unseen hands and hearts of light were guiding me through the darkest of nights and hellish experiences.The pain of life comes from many sources, like a river fed by multiple streams. Sometimes, it is a teacher, awakening consciousness to greater truth. Sometimes it is part of one's service to life, a service one agreed to prior to taking birth. Often, it is not possible to know where pain comes from,
yet its challenge is faithfulness, asking one to remember, always, the goodness of God.Dealing with Pain (1)CALENDAR OF HEALING At The Threshold of A New RealityImagine if you will Dear Readers, walking thru a dark tunnel for years and years. In time, the mind learns to surrender to the experiences of a reality filled with limitation. Then, albeit with crying and protest, the mind learns to trust that it is possible to find a way thru the darkness. Then the eyes adjust to seeing in the darkness, without becoming the darkness. Eventually the spirit adjusts to the crushing weight of the darkness, and the seeming never-ending torment and overwhelm. Then suddenly, within a moment, there is an experience of Light which floods the eyes, the heart, the mind and the spirit. There is the experience of Divine Time. There is the experience of Divine Flow.
The shock of the sudden change in reality - the experience of presence of the Light, the One, (God known) in the presence of darkness, can be overwhelming. In a moment all that which has come before - shifts - and a new reality, a new frequency, filled with the vibrational resonances of Light and Love - opens, calling one forward.
The suffering is not over yet, as the forces which seek to keep my life shadowed in darkness and crippling limitation continue to drain me. Even as this is true, my soul has experienced a transition from extreme limitation and at times suffering, to a new reality, and my mind, my heart, and my spirit are awakening to new possibilities and potentialities. I am moving forward as the once seemingly elusive door of Divine Flow has opened, calling me to the threshold of a new reality. I know the dark night and now I am becoming aware that I shall too come to know the days of Light. I have not done this. God has. What I have done is that I waited. I waited until God opened the door to this new reality, for it was never my door to open. It is my choice now as to whether I move forward and cross over the sacred threshold before me, one day at a time, mind in alignment, with gratitude, asking for the Will of God. It is my choice as I stand at this threshold of a new reality to surrender in trust, whilst waiting for the frequencies of Diving Timing and Divine Flow to manifest with greater strength as InI co-create a sacred embodied life."As individuals everywhere become beings of light, embracing their Divine heritage, the Earth itself will become a sanctified, illumined planet. This will happen through a vibrational shift of large proportions. Such a shift has already begun and is affecting life on Earth everywhere today. It is affecting the structure of matter itself. What we must know as we pursue our own inner path is that what we do, think, and feel places us either in harmony with the great leap forward that the Earth is presently taking, or sets us apart. The decision belongs to each of us. We can become light-bearers for the Earth and take part in this most sacred transition that is happening now, or we can allow ourselves to remain indifferent to this change, continuing with the illusion of separateness for a time, even while we are being affected at the most fundamental levels of our being.
Ultimately, all who are part of the Earth’s evolution will undergo a significant identity shift in keeping with the Earth’s change itself, for there is only One being that is the Earth, and all individual beings are part of this One. The great movement forward of our time is for all to recognize this truth and to learn to live by it."FROM LIGHT TO LIGHT AweI have read many Teachings of the Beloved, and heard the words directly from Beloved Julie concerning the new reality I speak of. Even as this is true, forces that would keep me separate from the Light covered my consciousness and my mind with frequencies of such density, that I could not imagine that such a reality could really exist for me. For others, most definitely, but for me, I began to believe after twenty plus years of serving and being a transformational presence of light in the presences of energies and souls who wandered and associated with the forces of darkness, that a continued life of suffering and limitation would possibly be my call to service, until my last breath. I had come to accept this reality and surrendered. And in this place of surrender and waiting - a sacred dimensional door opened and in a moment my reality changed. The awe inspired by this sacred experience cannot be fully explained. It is too new, too sacred, too beautiful, too, at times, un-real as my mind seeks to adjust to a new reality of the advent of Light known, in the presence of the darkness, becoming my new reality. I am in awe. I am shocked. I am grateful. I am and I Am are meeting in the One. InI moving forward.
God, Creator Source, The One, is becoming more known to my eyes, my mind, and my heart. The veils of the darkness are lifting and I am beginning to 'see' God has been, and is, directing my life. Once blinded by the energies of darkness, I am beginning to see.
I am, in awe.
with love, JohannaRelated Spiritual Teachings:BECOMING NEW Each soul is evolving in its expression on this plane. Becoming new is not a property of the will but a property of the life of the soul itself. 8:12" (July 24, 2016)LINK: SACRED MOMENT - A NEW AWAKENING ENTERING A NEW REALITY TO LIVE IN SACRED REALITY ... ality.html