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 Post subject: Re: LightOmega12 - YouTube Videos
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 11:46 am 
Jeannie Phillips Jeannie Phillips:
Is the presence of LIGHT strong enough on the planet to be who I am, for me to feel the LIGHT of ONEness?

Dear Johanna

The light is strong enough; it is only your doubt, created by the negative energy that is covering the earth at this moment.

The light flooding the earth is so powerful at this present time. It is illuminating the pockets of darkness, as well as the negative cells within the body of each and everyone of us, bringing truths to light.

Each day we are seeing the compounded negative actions and reactions of people, and this is disrupting the light force, and creating a temporary negative covering. The more light being introduced the more negativity is being released. In time, this will eventually be absorbed, because dark cannot penetrate light, only temporarily.

Reinforcing your faith and trust a little more ( needs to be embedded in your heart and soul, and to stay centred will bring to you to the realisation of ‘Oneness’ the connectedness to your God and to all that is, ever was or will be.

Blessings Jeannie

Dearest Jeannie -

I thank you for the love in your heart which sought to comfort me in my questioning.

Often, the questions I post and my spiritual angst, comes not only from my heart, but from the collective heart of humanity.

It is an aspect of who I AM, manifesting through my heart so that all may partake, all may see themselves in the many stages of this journey home to the Light and ONEness.

The questions are a part of mine (and a collective) awakening process, which is like the onion, each layer peeled away, more is found of who I AM.

You wisdom and teachings are familiar to me and I thank you again for the inspiration that came from your heart to comfort.

I feel we who come here need to be careful in sharing spiritual prescriptions with each other as there are many who come here from variously different soul journey's and spiritual paths. I fell that we can create mutual safety for each on their sacred spiritual path by sharing what comes from our own soul's journey, knowing all are being Divinely led back home.

with love,

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 Post subject: Re: LightOmega12 - YouTube Videos
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 1:01 pm 
Thank you Jeannie and Johanna,

“I feel that we can create mutual safety for each on their sacred spiritual path by sharing what comes from our own soul's journey, knowing all are being Divinely led back home.”

As we each walk our chosen path, I rejoice in the willingness here to share one’s heart, born out of love. Blessings & Love, to All.

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 Post subject: Re: LightOmega12 - An End to Clinging
PostPosted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:35 pm 
As with last week, I chose this video in relation to the topic I was sharing on Wednesdays with Johanna Releasing Old Fears and Surrender

The words which are not in quote boxes are reflective of my inner conversation with the meditation. I hope that you, dear readers, can relate and I share this humble offering from that very part of my heart.

Namaste and Blessings.

In the process of letting go, it can seem like many obstacles are blocking one's way.

In fact, it is often the case that we are afraid of moving further in a new direction.

To overcome this fear, one must return to the truth of the Divine within.

This is the key to the door of freedom.

Yes, I was often confused as I began the Purification Process and my journey of surrendering, as to why there would be even more suffering. "Wait! I thought surrender meant less suffering!" As I move further along in my journey I do see that there is less suffering - more so because I 'cling' less to the pain. If I have difficulty letting go. I try to the best of my ability to find support to help me let go of the pain and my judgements about suffering.

There is no need to doubt that freedom can replace limitation, that love and joy can replace sorrow.

God's promise as my soul longs for this for myself and all of humanity:

The soul desires to be free to express on the physical plane, and so it shall be.

This is beginning to occur in my life…

The possibilities are limitless, for the largeness and beauty of who one is is always better than what one has imagined.

The inner Essence is always more loving, more giving, more truthful, and stronger than one ever might have suspected.

Just seeing glimpse of this within my self is awesome - as in awe (on my knees giving thanks) inspiring.

This is the teaching for today -
to risk becoming one's deeper and truer self,
to release what on has been clinging to in favor of the new.

YES! My soul shouts within, "ooooohh" my ego says "just be quiet now, put that armour back on, you are being way too transparent…"

Take the chance, beloved one… be what you have not dared to be. Let of what you have felt you must inevitably be.

"Become who you are in the light of your Divine being."

Let the day of re-birth begin.


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 Post subject: Prayer" was the first Light Omega Video I had ever seen..
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:08 pm 
With tears streaming down my face, I thought, "Thank you, God!, at last, I am home.
May this beautiful gift from Light Omega bless you with peace, healing and All that which is for your best & highest good.

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 Post subject: Re: LightOmega12 - The Divine in the Ordinary
PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:16 pm 
Everyday Jewels - The Divine in the Ordinary

I wanted to share a few of the jewels I found within this love filled video, my responses are written in the colour green.

Spirit is kissing matter now.

What awesome imagery for my heart and soul!

Truth and everyday reality are joining.


...It is a matter of embracing the world, its inhabitants, its beauty and being a part of the timelessness as well.

I AM a part of, we are a part of - the timelessness…

What is the sacred point of joining?

…being able to be both here and elsewhere.

To be of matter and yet beyond matter at the same time.

All that we see is an aspect of the Divine.

All that we see is an aspect of the Divine….

If we could only remember that one line all of the time - our lives would look much differently wouldn't they?

In reality nothing is ordinary, all of life is unfolding from a sacred core,
The Heart of the ONE

Namaste! Enjoy!

Turn up the volume for a second listen and dance if the joy in your heart moves you so.

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 Post subject: Re: LightOmega12 - YouTube Videos
PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:31 am 
(Everyday Jewels - The Divine in the Ordinary)

So beautiful!....The words and music touch the heart, and the very essence of who you are.

Thank you for posting this Johanna.

Blessings Jeannie

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 Post subject: Re: LightOmega12 - YouTube Videos
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:13 pm 
Jeannie Phillips Jeannie Phillips:
(Everyday Jewels - The Divine in the Ordinary)

So beautiful!....The words and music touch the heart, and the very essence of who you are.

Thank you for posting this Johanna.

Blessings Jeannie

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 Post subject: Re: LightOmega12 -YouTube - Voice of the One Heart
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:24 pm 

May light be victorious, may darkness be dispelled.

May all that creates separation give way to the knowledge of oneness.


Music - "Om Tare Tuttare" by Imee Ooi, from the album "Mantra of the Green Tara." Blue Angel Music. Available on I-Tunes

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 Post subject: Re: LightOmega12 - Mystery of the Divine Father-Mother God
PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 3:29 pm 

This video causes my soul to dance! I absolutely love listening to it over and over... a chant for my soul.


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 Post subject: Re: LightOmega12 - YouTube Videos
PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 1:58 pm 
All Blessings and Love to You!!!

“Can you not see it?
Can you not feel it?
There is a new breath that you breathe
and it is infusing you with new
life as you release the old…...” ~Julie

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 Post subject: Re: LightOmega12 - It's Time.... Wake Up
PostPosted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:55 pm 

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 Post subject: LightOmega12 - BECOMING ONE
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 3:07 pm 

For some, separation has meant protection, safety, control.

Now, control must be let go of…
in favor of love,
in favor of truth,
in favor of life.

We must learn to trust love.

JOHANNA: Now I can hear some of you saying, "No way am I letting go of control, look what happened to me when I did before, or look at those suffering in war zones, how can they let go and trust love…" And I tell you this, each of us that CAN, must let go, preparing the way, CREATING an energetic track of love and trust, for those whom are suffering to be able to follow. The energetic tracks that we lay for them, can contain enough hope, light and love, that no matter the depth of their scars and sufferations, that Light and Love can carry them home.

Love is not just a feeling.

It is the spiritual truth in which we live.

How do we learn to trust love?

This is the question for our time, the question that must be answered to create a new world.

We are being called to this vision of a new and sacred world

JOHANNA: How can this possibly be true when we see all around us, new levels of violence, torture, hate, chemical attacks, poisoning of Mother Gaia, her waters, her earth, her skies?

How can we learn to trust love when most of what we see on our t.v.'s and in the media is about violence, death, destruction for pleasure and gratification?

And I will tell you this, that those of us who have been given this vision of a new and sacred world, must LIVE IT in the presence of all that we see and experience each day. WE MUST LIVE THE REALITY OF A NEW AND SACRED WORLD as we have been given the vision to do so in our hearts and souls. In this way, as we let go of the fear and choose to follow the path of love - we create an energetic pathway for the souls who have not awoken to their souls visions yet. We create an energetic pathway in time and space for those souls so horribly tormented in their minds and bodies through violence and oppression - an energetic pathway of love and light for them to follow, when they can.

This is our work light workers - to LIVE THIS TRUTH - in the presence of darkness, chaos and pain. To live this truth grounded - not oblivious to the sufferations and pain of our planetary brothers and sisters (including the animal and plant kingdoms!) - we must live the TRUTH that a New and Sacred World is possible and we are the first to carry this vision forth - we are creating the future and now, more than ever, the Sacred Cosmic Light, is stronger that ever for this vision to unfold. We know this. We feel this. At times it is so strong - these energetic impulses of Divine Light, that we struggle - and we move forward. Strong in the vision of InI - God and I - You and I - InI. We are One.

We must trust the Divine within us and Life

JOHANNA: *Check this Teaching by Julie - it is a podcast called Return to Innocence -

It's your road map to reconnecting with God*.

*For those embodied souls with issues with the word "GOD". Try using Good Orderly Direction. This most especially for those who have been hurt in the 'name' of God - just hold GOD as Good Orderly Direction until you can feel the LOVE of GOD again and know that anything else is darkness seeking to cloak itself as an agent of light in the name of GOD - you know the difference - you can feel it.

This is Our Time - WE ARE NOT ALONE!

Because of fear, we could not believe in a world in which all could be recognized as children of the DIVINE.

JOHANNA: I am a child of God.

I am a child of God.

I am a child of God.

As a child of God… "it is time to reclaim the truth of our heart", it is time to reclaim our innocence, "to reclaim the truth of love's presence.

A new reality is being born.

The reality of Oneness.
The reality of Love.
The reality of Trust.

Throughout the universes we are many and we are… ONE.

We have come from love and we are returning to love.

It is time


LightOmega12 - Becoming One. Music by Miten ... 5DB62AD9C6


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