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 Post subject: Transformations In Time
PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 9:02 pm 

Time_Transformation_Light_Johanna Raphael_2016.jpg
Time_Transformation_Light_Johanna Raphael_2016.jpg [ 141.38 KiB | Viewed 3597 times ]

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 Post subject: THE TIME OF REVELATION - The Ascendance of Light
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 8:56 pm 

This is the signature of this time of revelation, namely, that the ascendance of light within the physical matrix of the Earth and within her inhabitants can now permit the roots of all that is in need of healing to be healed through the transformation of the body itself.

In this time of revelation, pains of the past, long buried, may come to the surface again in order to be met with compassion and deeper healing.  This does not mean that past efforts at healing such pains have been wasted, only that they were incomplete and could not be completed before now in the presence of greater light.

Many who thought they were finished with specific issues will find during this time of revelation that they are not finished, and it is important that one be without self-blame for things that are still lingering that one thought had vanished.  It is not the personal self or one's own efforts that are at fault in these instances.  It is not a lack of will or a lack of energy that had been applied previously.  It is that the inner conditions which affect both body and mind were not suitable, prior to this time, for rooting out not only the mental and emotional tendencies that led to unwanted patterns, but also the embedded roots of these tendencies within the body.   These often remained despite one's best efforts.  In order that the body become clear, in order that past traumas, past upsets, past griefs, past judgments, and past fears be let go of, their roots within the body must also be uprooted and let go of.

This is the signature of this time of revelation, namely, that the ascendance of light within the physical matrix of the Earth and within her inhabitants can now permit the roots of all that is in need of healing to be healed through the transformation of the body itself and the release of stored energy that has remained there, unknown to the conscious self.  The body has always housed this energy, but the mind and emotions could only recognize their own part in creating or maintaining disturbances of equilibrium or thoughts that were undesirable.  Now, the body itself shall release the embedded anchor points in which these thoughts reside, and greater freedom for each embodied soul shall emerge.

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 Post subject: Time As A Gateway - The Art of Being Present
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:01 pm 

To become fully human - this is the goal of time itself - to receive, to know, to feel the Divine heritage.

The passage of time, then, can be, for humanity, a gateway - the arena of holy surrender in which the embodied self becomes purified and the soul or higher Self steps forth in grace and beauty.

Time as a Gateway
http://art-of-being-present.lightomega. ... -a-gateway

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 Post subject: PLANETARY TRANSFORMATION: The Earth's Role in the Cosmos
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:10 pm 

All souls, everywhere, benefit from the increase in wholeness that is added to by the light of the Godhead penetrating into the furthest reaches of matter. That is why the earth's transition into light is being watched over by beings of light throughout the entire populated universe.

The arc of purification that is part of planetary transformation covers many lifetimes, each lifetime building on the healing that has gone before, each adding new dimensions of growth to the embodiment of the soul and its calling.  For each human being has a calling to be here – an invitation issued by the soul that set forth from the planes beyond the material in order to experience separated consciousness and individualized existence.  This great experiment in freedom was designed not just for the benefit of souls, however, but also for the benefit of Creation itself, for all souls everywhere benefit from the increase in wholeness that is added to by the light of the Godhead penetrating into the furthest reaches of matter.

Read the entire Teaching here:
PLANETARY TRANSFORMATION: The Earth's Role in the Cosmos
Julie of Light Omega ... osmos.html

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 Post subject: Poems of the Beloved: In A Time of Light
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:17 pm 

In the Time of Light

IIn the time of darkness
prayers for purity, healing,
and sustenance have been needed.
In the time of light our bodies become
a living prayer.
In the time of darkness
our hearts feel small and insignificant.
In the time of light they become
a radiant sun.

We are the container for the breath
that is the one Breath
We are the expression of the life
that is the one Life.
In the time of darkness none of this has
been clear.
In the time of light what we aspire to
becomes a living reality

Julie of Light Omega ... .php?id=10

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 Post subject: All of Life Is About Letting Go - Emanations of Light
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:24 pm 

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Emanations of Healing Light_Day 25_Julie_LightOmega.jpg [ 56.85 KiB | Viewed 3590 times ]

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 Post subject: Being Present in the Present - Teaching by Julie
PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:29 pm 
Trust is the key to letting ourselves be defined by the present and not by the past."

Being Present in the Present - Teaching by Julie
LISTEN: ... resent.mp3

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 9:37 pm 

"God's timing reveals all things."

Julie of Light Omega ... -Gods-Time.

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 Post subject: Polarizing Frequencies of Change
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:08 am 

As the frequencies shift from dense to high, as the forces of opposition pull and oppress in the presence of the Light, it will seem as if all is chaos and pain. Even so, be still and wait. Ground yourselves in ways in which you know and wait.

A path is being made, another way is opening, yeah in the midst of great suffering and pain, the Light is holding all.

with love,

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 Post subject: Awakening WITH Julie
PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 11:12 am 

I seek not thru my postings to 'be' Julie.

Rather I seek to share with you Dear Readers, my experiences of Awakening with Julie.

with love,

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 Post subject: A Painfilled National Paradigm: Rights of Native Americans
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:45 am 

"…Indigenous activists pointed out that the militia in Oregon didn't only threaten public officials and the wildlife refuge during their armed occupation, but the armed group also destroyed sacred sites and artifacts of the local Burns Paiute Tribe—just as Dakota Access Pipeline construction has done to Standing Rock Sioux Tribe sacred sites in North Dakota." ... off-oregon

Intensification of Old Difficulties

"...Many who are experiencing the resurgence of old emotional patterns that they thought were healed wonder if they are 'backsliding' or why, after progress had been made, the old difficulties reappear."

"...The 'purification paradigm' is crucial here, namely, to know that the experience of old emotional or mental patterns does not mean that something is wrong, but rather that healing is taking place more deeply within the karmic roots of the emotional, mental, or behavioral pattern. For this healing to be completed, the pattern itself must pass through consciousness.

The 'purification paradigm' allows one to witness this phenomenon without identifying with it. To that degree, it fosters greater acceptance and non-judgment, and allows the movement of light to do its work in the best possible way. Blessings."

Julie of Light Omega ... lties.html

On Standing Rock

"…So when you talk about Standing Rock, please begin by acknowledging that this pipeline was redirected from an area where it was most likely to impact the residents of Bismarck, North Dakota. When Bismarck's population -- which is over 90 percent white -- objected to the risks the pipeline posed to their drinking water, their concerns were accommodated, and the pipeline route was shifted into treaty lands. Please inform people of these facts, and remind them that our people are still struggling to survive the violence of colonization on many fronts. People should not simply engage with stories related to our struggles when they see a concrete connection to their own issues -- or a jumping off point to discuss their own issues. Our friends, allies and accomplices should be fighting alongside us because they value our humanity and right to live, in addition to whatever else they believe in." ... erspective

Signs of Awakening...
After Two Wars, Standing Rock is the First Time I Served the American People ... can-people

Last edited by Johanna on Mon Oct 31, 2016 2:13 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: "Protect My Waters"
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:52 am 

Protect My Waters

In response to the Dakota Access Pipeline protests led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, North Dakota

“What shall you do to protect My waters?”
says the Oneness.
“What shall you do when it appears
there are only two choices,
human need and the needs of the Earth?”
Shall you continue to see these in opposition?
Shall you continue to rape and pillage My sacred
body for your own ease or your own profit?
Or shall you realize that to wound My body
is to wound your own.
To sully the purity of My waters
is to sully the purity of your own.
For you are part of Me and I of you,
and what you take from My sacred body
shall be a loss to yourself in great measure.
Take heed, beloved ones, take heed.
For My body is your body and there
shall be the recognition of all that has
happened through your own hands
that leads to outcomes that you do not desire.
Take heed, and be blessed by the abundance
of My sacred Earth.
For My body wishes to nourish you
in all ways, and when you take from Me
or despoil My purity,
you take from yourself and from
all generations that shall be.

Julie of Light Omega

Protect My Waters ... .php?id=97
Poems For The New Earth ... -index.php

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