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 Post subject: The Divine Matrix - Light Omega Community Newsletter
PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 10:45 am 

October, 2016 - Light Omega Community Newsletter
The Divine Matrix
Julie of Light Omega

We live and move and have our being in a Divine Matrix that is God, the Divine Oneness, the Holy One.  It is as if we are fish swimming in water which is our natural environment without knowing that the water is there or that we are swimming.  We live and move in God without knowing that God is there.

Time is an expression of this Divine Matrix.  Time is the fluid substance that moves through life and that we move through that brings about events for us to interact with.  Some of these events we like, some we dislike. Some we think are positive, some we think are negative.  This perspective which operates according to the pleasure-pain principle is true on the level of our experience, but it is not true of the wholeness and holiness that is the essence of Time.  For time is of Divine origin, and is the medium through which all things unfold into greater wholeness.  Its movement is not only from the past to the future, but from the less real to the more real, and from the less whole to the more whole.  Time unfolds the potential of all things - events, situations, purposes, and people.  It unfolds the deeper being of who we are.

How can we know this?

We know it by living in the present moment with full attention and with an open  heart.  Our attention and openness allow us to look closely at the reality that we are in and to witness the unfoldment of the new within the present moment.  We may think: “But I am experiencing the same old thoughts, or the same repetitive patterns of behavior.” This may be true of the experience we are having, but on the level of deeper truth it is often the experience of limitation that is creating an opening or pathway to further growth.  We tend not to think this of limitation.  And yet within the Divine Matrix that is time’s embrace of eternal Love, all things, including limitation, serve the good.

Time’s purposes are always positive, for they are created out of the love of the Creator for Creation, the intention that all beings be brought forward into greater consciousness that they may know themselves to be One with the One.  It is this Divine Matrix of time that we have been swimming in without knowing that we are moving within anything at all.

We must remove  ourselves from our battle with time and not be afraid to age, for aging also is meant to be a movement forward, not backward.  We must not be afraid to move more slowly, for it is our absorption in the present moment that allows us to gain the most out of what time is trying to teach us. We can let go of our adversarial relationship with time and begin to feel, instead, that we are being held in a Divine embrace.  Without the present moment, we are lost in a reality of thought that takes us away from ourselves and from the meaning of the moment, and we lose the sense of spiritual ‘touch’ that conveys to our heart the closeness of Divine being.

Read the entire Light Omega Newsletter:

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 Post subject: Energies of Contraction and the Presence of Light
PostPosted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 11:06 am 

Hello Dear Readers. Recent events unfolding in my life called this posting forth.
with love,

When contractive energies of limitation and even desecration are one's 'energetic experience" it is difficult to remember that there is another reality present - God's Reality - the reality of Light and Love.

When contractive energies are present these energies can flood the mind and the heart creating a perceptual filter which causes the embodied soul to believe the reality of the consciousness of the separated energies, reinforcing experiences of limitation and suffering which the embodied soul is perceiving, and feeling in the body, mind, and heart - as real and the energies of Light and Love, as not real.

This is where a consciousness of choosing "faith" comes in. For it is faith which can carry us forward thru the contractive energies of separation, desecration, fear, pain, limitation, hopelessness, despair and other similar dense energies of suffering and for some, experiences of agony of the soul.

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The Energies of Contraction Creating Perceptual Filters_Johanna Raphael.jpeg [ 143.81 KiB | Viewed 3444 times ]

The spiritual growth comes through the choice and ongoing choices to trust and let go, to love and have compassion in each moment as the embodied soul go thru the energetic experiences of limitation, suffering, and experiences of contraction and pain.

The Light is always present. No matter what the energies of darkness and separation may inform your mind or heart, the energies of Light are always present. The energies of Love are always present. God is always present.

This is the next spiritual evolutionary step we are all as embodied souls being called towards. Faith that no matter how strong the contractive energies which may overwhelm or engulf us, that we are not alone and the Light is present

Writings by Julie of Light Omega ... tates.html
Living in God's Reality

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:14 am 
Julie of Light Omega ... -Year.html

"...It is easy in this time when light and darkness are both present on the Earth in significant ways, to be influenced to forget about love as a power and a force for change, and to think that it is ineffective or unimportant and that true power results only from actual force, whether verbal, physical, or military.
This is never the case. Even in situations where force seems to be the only answer to conflict, it is not.  There is always another way. But one must believe this and must pursue this with one’s whole heart.  Without sufficient trust in love, it is relatively easy to be persuaded that safety, security, the preservation of economic stability, and even the preservation of democracy rely on our rejecting others, acting harshly or indifferently toward certain groups whom we deem ‘inferior’ or a ‘threat,’ or condoning violence in relation to other nations because it seems ‘necessary.’

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In the midst of darkness there is always light_Julie of Light Omega.jpg [ 67.51 KiB | Viewed 3433 times ]

It is very important to recognize that forces of opposition to light can create an absence of awareness that love is missing in the presence of a particular speaker, leader, public figure, or candidate. We hear the right words, and are persuaded not to notice that our hearts are not feeling the warmth behind these words. We need to listen more carefully. We need to believe in ourselves and in our own discernment more. Often, our discernment about where love is more present and where it is less present is operating well and we have a sense of things in relation to this, yet we invalidate our own sensibility. This, too, can be influenced by forces that are opposed to light. In such an instance these forces can persuade us that we are not thinking correctly if we do not believe someone’s words. They cause us to doubt ourselves.

In the presence of the current purification that is taking place within this country, we need to love more, to believe in love more, and to trust our own capacity to feel when it is present and when it is not. This is the surest guide to finding those spokespersons, leaders, and representatives that will truly be servants of the people. A government that truly serves the people is a government of the heart, and such a government, when it comes into being, will not feel apart from us. It will engender the feeling of being the best part of us."

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:22 am 

Julie of Light Omega

"...In the times ahead, the nature of hope will be perceived to be related to the force of light and to the principles of light as these begin to express more fully on the physical plane.  This transition will create a need within each individual consciousness to become far more aware of, and responsible for, the thought process that it carries, for each thought will have a much greater power to alter reality in ways that correspond to the energy it contains, and so what one holds in awareness, or intends, or desires, will have much more of an effect on the response of the environment than has been the case heretofore.

In addition, the feeling of deprivation and all the associated elements of emotion that are related to this, including: depression, anger, envy, greed, and a host of other more subtle attitudinal factors, will all be affected by the new relationship of consciousness to reality.  For if deprivation is no longer an abiding influence in consciousness, but rather is replaced with a sense that all needs will be met, then these other emotions which have characterized so much of human history will have little reality and little reason for being.  In a sense, they will have outlived their usefulness as substitute ways of trying to achieve what one desired.

The primary difference in the world that is to come is the way in which light-energies operate.  These will operate with much greater intensity and permeate the new relationship of man to the physical world and to the world of non-human life.  They will communicate with obvious truth, the understanding that 'all needs will be met'.  This change in consciousness alone will affect all else, allowing individuals to trust the outpicturing of reality to bring what is needed and, as a result, to experience waiting with patience and confidence.  Such a shift will be based on the understanding that it is a matter of thinking and intending something with clarity and vision that will allow it to manifest in external reality.

The basis for hope, therefore, will be completely altered in the world that is to come.  It will be, in many respects, a world of boundless hope, based on trust in the Divine provision of what is needed and the ability to share in the co-creation of what will be.  This relationship will ultimately transform everything in the human character and perception that is less than trusting and less than hopeful, for it will be seen that there is no longer a reason to assume a different attitude other than one of trust, and there is no longer a need to feel sorrow about things that cannot be changed. 

Although sadness will still exist because it is intimately tied to love and to love's expression on the human level - a level in which physical separation through death is still part of life - this sadness, to the extent that it is evoked by particular life-circumstances, will be completely held within the embrace of confidence in the Universe of provision, both for those who are embodied, and for those who have departed from physical life.  This embrace of confidence will be the way of being in life, for the time of deprivation and perceived helplessness will be at an end."

Read the entire Teaching here:

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 Post subject: America's Hope: The Renewal of the Soul of a Nation
PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:45 am 

America's Hope: The Renewal of the Soul of a Nation
Julie of Light Omega

The vision of the future that many carry for America today is not one of hope, but one of sorrow and one of despair because the ideals upon which a proud nation once stood are being undermined by practices which depart from the high ideals of democratic functioning. Nevertheless, the hope for America lies in these ideals in the clinging to the virtues which were embedded in her founding which still shine with their own light as a beacon to other peoples and other nations.

America's hope cannot be found in those practices which corrupt her willingness to compromise with others because it would diminish her power. Nor can it be found in the wish to ensure her control of energy resources at the expense of those same resources being made available to all. Nor does it lie in the many ways in which the sense of entitlement has taken hold of a consuming public with a voraciousness for new things and new technology that is both the envy of much of the world, and also the sadness of much of the world, for this indigenous greed leads to a distribution of wealth that is not beneficial to the planet, but only to those who have the means to satisfy their appetites.

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When all around you seems false bet the light that remains true_Julie of Light Omega.jpg [ 18.84 KiB | Viewed 3433 times ]

In contrast to this picture lies the awakening of America's consciousness of moral uprightness - the desire to be a source of peace not a source of war; the enmity toward those in power who pursue power for their own purposes, not for the purpose of national integrity or wellbeing as is so often claimed. The awakening of America's consciousness is an important step in the rebuilding of the moral center of her foundation which has become weakened by policies and practices which depart from her true center. This weakening has also created a departure from the sense of generosity and selflessness which historically has been her relationship with others who came to her shores to seek a better life.

The longing for renewal that beats so strongly and increasingly in the hearts of many, is a longing for a restoration of the single note of pure idealism that once so informed America's outlook on life and her purpose in the world. It is the wish for a restoration of the sense of positive movement forward that has been present in other epochs in history and that, in the view of many, is not present at this time. We, who are waiting for this renewal of the soul of a nation, may have longer to wait before the desired outcome can appear and the heart feel a sense of ease from having removed itself from the precipice upon which it now stands. We may need to wait through times of turbulence before the darkening that has taken place to America's collective conscience can be dissolved in the presence of greater light. As we wait for this inner and outer transformation, let us hope that those who are granted positions of leadership that allow them to represent the will of the people, will once again turn toward the consensus of the governed in order to develop a policy and a point of view toward others that will be the source of pride and of national unity. As we wait for this transition into a new state of being, let us also pray for the soul of a nation to be strengthened, so that one in vision and one in purpose, those who are part of a once-noble nation can join together in common bond and extend America's hand as an offering of peace and prosperity to the rest of the world.

Light America Spirit

Emphasis thru italics and bold - Johanna

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 Post subject: Prayers For The World and It's Leaders - Unite in Love
PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 9:10 am 

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Prayers for the World and It's Leaders_Join Us in Meditation and Prayer_photo Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 139.35 KiB | Viewed 3427 times ]

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 Post subject: The Perspective of Oneness - Self Conscious Awakening of All
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:36 am 

"...The perspective of oneness creates a way of relating to life that places the ego in a less prominent position than it has had before this. It places the interests of the self in a parallel relationship to the wellbeing of all. Here, it is not a matter of whether one aspect in this parallel relationship is given fifty-five percent importance and the other forty-five, or visa versa. It is a matter of shifting perceptions so that one goes back and forth continually between awareness of the self and awareness of the entire world."

"...The shift has not yet been made to the consciousness of oneness which, when present, prevents the self from taking what is not rightfully one's own since this taking creates a disturbance in the fabric and wellbeing of the greater whole. Put differently, the self begins to realize that 'I cannot have more if, somehow, that having harms you'. Sharing, within this new perception, becomes more important than having. Not creating harm to others becomes more important than fulfilling an ideal of personal comfort that might have been taken for granted in an earlier time.

All who live at this time on the earth are here to participate in the self-conscious awakening of the earth's inhabitants to the awareness of oneness. There are perils in the process and there are difficulties to be faced, for there are also forces that exist within the earth's spiritual atmosphere that would counteract such a development. Nevertheless, all who inhabit the planetary body at this time are being infused by a new vibration of light that is present, and the capacity to experience the truth of being 'one body' and 'one consciousness' can begin to dawn now."

Read the entire Teaching here:
Julie of Light Omega ... eness.html

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 Post subject: A Wayshowers Path - Faitfulness in the Presence of Suffering
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 9:47 am 

The unity of All contains the plane of duality not separate from the rest, but part of the rest. For the One holds all within itself and there is nothing outside of it.

Nevertheless, within human form, human beings must deal with this duality as their souls have chosen, and with the darkness that manifests within it both inside and outside the body. The means for doing so are given to the soul's understanding even if the outer self may know little about it, and are part of the reason for the soul’s having taken birth.

Julie of Light Omega

As a wayshower I am far from perfect.

For my path is not a path of perfection.

My devotional path is a path of faithfulness.

My path is a reflection of embodied souls past and present, who have walked this earth and suffered and remained steadfast in faith.

My path is path of faithfulness in the Light, even as I am called to be present in the presence of darkness.

"...Some souls, during this process of learning, are not only learning for themselves, however, but are also creating a pathway that others may follow. They do this not through their immediate success in achieving the goal of unity that the mind holds as truth, nor through the intellectual understanding of the truth of oneness, but through the willingness to explore and encounter duality in all its many forms and effects on consciousness. Some of these ways are quite ordinary; others involve encounters with energies of opposition that would seek to maintain the embodied soul in a state of separation. "

Julie of Light Omega[/color]

I may be upon 'observation' broken, and in truth, my body, spirit, and emotional self has strained and suffered profoundly.

Even still, I continue to evolve towards my wholeness - holiness.

In my 'brokenness' as a wayshower perhaps I am a voice for those who have lost their way, who have given up, become angry, hopeless, lonely, and despairing in their sufferings and limitations, in their helplessness.

The path of this wayshower is a path towards wholeness, healing, redemption, and the remembrance of the truth of who I am - an embodiment of Love and Light. This path is a path for all.

Yes, I wobble and fall, and as a wayshower I get up. In each moment I am capable, given space from the contracting energies I encounter, I "Remember Love". I remember I can choose love. I remember I can choose faith in the presence of darkness, contraction, helplessness, and limitation.

To choose Love is to find compassion for the self which is suffering. To choose Love is to ultimately find compassion for others who are suffering.

As a wayshower there is one thing I am certain of, that we who are embodied, are here on this earth seeking the same Light, the Light which helps us to remember and become in an embodied and separated state, the truth of who we are.

I am a wayshower.

My motivation is Love.

with love,

"...The domain in which each embodied soul may offer itself in a path of service that others may follow is unique, as are the qualities of soul that allow it to pursue that path, and souls are attracted to one who can point the way through a process of energetic resonance that draws them to the learning that they seek at the appropriate time. All that is asked of the one who is becoming a wayshower is to walk in humility before God and to seek guidance as to how best to offer what is being learned and what is being taught. Such is the way of light, and its gifts and blessings are offered not so much through words that may be used, as through what each individual soul can embody of truth."

Julie of Light Omega

"Remember Love" - Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: I Am and You Are: The Art of Being Present
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 1:52 pm 

"...This perception of Unity and Oneness has an opportunity to grow at any moment in which we interact with another soul. It is nourished by an absence of judgment and by a willingness to be open to the deeper levels of who that other might be. Such openness comes from a state of innocence and of childlike grace. It comes from knowing that the 'other' is part of the same 'ALL THAT IS' as oneself, therefore of one Heart, one Breath, one Life."
"...The gift of being present as it applies to relationships is that it brings love to every interaction, no matter how small or insignificant. It brings the Divine into every perception, no matter how ordinary. And it brings gratitude into each moment as it unfolds."
"...As a sense of being present deepens and one's capacity to 'notice' flowers, the deep richness of life and of love can be found everywhere and separation nowhere. In this state, one senses only the One who lives within all. One feels the Essence within every other. Here, consciousness can only affirm the greater life of which it is a part:
I Am and You Are. We are both of the stars and of the dust of the earth. We are both of the rocks and of the sandy shores. We are water and we are sky; we are earth, and we are air. We are the Breath that life breathes through Itself, in a single and continuous song of Creation."

Part I. Opening to the one Self

Read the entire Teaching by Julie of Light Omega here: ... Part1.html

Last edited by Johanna on Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: MOVEMENTS OF THE HEART: A Teaching by Julie
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:00 pm 

File comment: Daniel B. Holeman

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The human heart exists in beauty and in limitation.  Its beauty lies in the fact that it is capable of great love, great tenderness, and great vulnerability.  It's limitation lies in the same fact.  Yet, the limitation of today is the expansion of tomorrow, as the heart begins to feel a greater Love moving within itself, and as it awakens more fully to its own power of expression.

Julie of Light Omega ... Heart.html

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 Post subject: Doubt: The Fertile Ground For The Creation Of Faith
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:16 pm 

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Teaching The Heart To Sing_Julie of Light Omega.jpg [ 43.7 KiB | Viewed 3393 times ]

"This is what must understood about doubt: that it is the fertile ground for the creation of faith.
That those who struggle with doubt are struggling to find truth and God within themselves at a deeper level than many who, on the surface, seem to have been given a gift of faith."

The Sanctuary of Doubt
Teaching the Heart to Sing

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 Post subject: Asana of Seated Surrender
PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:00 am 

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Asana 0f Seated Surrender_Johanna Raphael_2016.jpg [ 51.3 KiB | Viewed 3370 times ]

I first began receiving visions of the Sacred Human in various Asana's of prayer, worship, surrender, transformation, and holiness in the early nineties when I initially came into the presence of Beloved Julie. In those moments in Time, I received, before I even knew of my self as one who receives visions, a compilation of the Sacred Human; some of which are memories, and some of which are visions of who we all are becoming, many of which I have shared with you Dear Readers on this forum. It is only in recent years that these visions of the awakening process are coming into their fullness.

A Similarity In Resonance

I would like to mention and honour the sacred art of Daniel B. Holeman of of which I have posted over the last few years. Daniel is a soul whom I have never met nor corresponded with, even so I feel a deep connection to his awakening visions which resonate deeply with the visions I have been given to bring forth. My eyes and my heart perceive profound holiness in his visions and it is a blessing to be able to share some of his awakening visions with you Dear Readers.

with love,

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