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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:25 am 

“Labels operate at a subtle level. One does not intend to label things, but any statement that says: this is the kind of person I am or have always been, these are the kinds of problems I have, these are the things I am afraid of, etc… tend not to allow the new inflow of light to change existing premises. More open are the prayerful requests that say:

“May I be healed of all fear so that only love remains.”

“May I come to know my true purpose in life.”

“May I be helped to release the past and to know myself as
a true child of God.”

Prayerful requests for healing acknowledge past constructs but open the heart to change. They open the mind to look for new ways of perceiving things. Trust in the power of light to heal and make whole opens one’s whole being to the new, to the possible, and to the unfolding movement that can be witnessed moment to moment.”

* * *

~an excerpt from “LABELS FROM THE PAST” by Julie.

Artist credit: Aikawa Ke

Labels From the Past-- Ke-  -
Labels From the Past-- Ke- - [ 13.38 KiB | Viewed 16113 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:39 am 

"You do not need to leave the Earth in order to fly.
You need only discover what you are really made of -
Light and earth - the substance of Creation.

This must be discovered.
This must be remembered.
Freedom lies in this remembrance, this re-joining."

~From "Flying in the Open Sky",
a video by Light Omega Productions

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2016 4:25 am 

"Each moment in the life that is possible for us is open, for the soul in each moment awaits further unfoldment and further expression within the plane of time and space." 9:08" (October 15, 2016)

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 1:18 pm 

Trust is not a property of the mind
but of the heart.
It is not based on knowing how things
will turn out,
but on believing that however
they turn out, one will be alright.
Trust does not require a positive vision
of what lies ahead,
only the knowledge that one will be led
through all difficulty to the place
of safety.
This passage through the unknown is
the passage of trust.
Not ‘my’ will but ‘Thy’ will is its
The heart that is afraid places itself
in the hands of that which is guiding,
and in the presence of fear steps forward,
into the unknown.

– Julie of Light Omega –

* * *

“Trust” is from 'Poems for the New Earth' ... php?id=118

Art: Among the waves, 1898 by Feodosiya
Aivazovsky National Art Gallery

Waves 1898 by Feodosiya-
Waves 1898 by Feodosiya- [ 49.35 KiB | Viewed 16004 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2016 2:36 pm 

“Great suffering that seems to human consciousness to be unendurable has thus befallen many souls on Earth, some having chosen to go through the experience primarily for their own learning, including karmic learning based on the need for self-healing, and some choosing to go through the experience out of great love for the Earth and for her children.

Once embodied, it becomes the nature of life to draw a 'veil of forgetfulness' over the soul's choice so that the embodied soul will emotionally, energetically, mentally, and physically go through whatever experience it has chosen without knowing why it is going through it. Being in the experience is an essential part of the learning. Nevertheless, even without knowing why, the love that has generated the choice for hardship or pain in the first place is capable of sustaining the embodied soul from within, even while the outer self may be crying out for the pain to stop. This split between the natural human cry for pain to stop and the love of the soul that trusts the experience and endures through it, is one of the essential paradoxes that has mystified mankind. It is only when we recognize that our human experience is happening by our own choice and that its purpose is good that we can understand how to hold suffering and how to help others hold it. The split within ourselves allows us to simultaneously pray for others and to have deep compassion for what others are going through. We pray for their healing and for their pain to stop, while at the same time holding in trust the reason that they are going through this pain. This is the paradox, and it is a Divine paradox based on the history of our soul and the need to learn from embodied experience what it cannot learn in any other way.

We who live on the Earth wish to live in a world without pain and in a body without pain, and it has been hard for us as a collective humanity to reconcile an understanding of Divine goodness with the amount of suffering taking place in the world. Yet, beneath what our eyes can see and what our minds can know is the understanding of our deeper selves that tells us that there is meaning to suffering that is unknowable in a more conscious way, and that we can pray for all who are enduring any kind of great hardship that they be helped through it, and that extreme pain no longer need be the primary avenue of learning.”

* * *

This is an excerpt from “SUFFERING AND LOVE: THE SOUL'S CHOICE, by Julie of Light Omega. Please continue reading here:

Photo by Alden Chadwick [ 21.01 KiB | Viewed 15951 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 7:48 am 

by Julie of Light Omega

Beloved Ones, we need to become more aware of the energies that influence us that affect both our bodies and minds, often without our knowing it. Such energies can take us out of ourselves, not for purposes of growth and expansion, but for purposes of contraction and reduction to a smaller version of who we are. The precious gift of a sacred life is given to us in order to learn through our experience of reality. When we seek to lose ourselves in a lesser version of who we are or in the predominant pleasurable sensation that masks itself as 'innocent enjoyment,' when we choose to substitute sensation of any kind for true awareness because it causes us to forget other things, we deprive ourselves of the capacity for maximum growth that could take place if we actually engaged with life as it comes to us. This is not to say that all distractions or forms of entertainment are detrimental, for placing our minds and focus on something else can often give us an enlarged perspective, not a diminished one. It can give us the space in which to breathe and re-center. But expansion and contraction are two different things. In one we retain our sense of ourselves and seek to move toward something greater in the way of consciousness - greater love, greater oneness, greater knowledge. In the other, we seek to lose ourselves in something that makes us smaller, primarily because it fulfills an impulse of the moment.

Because of the pain that is often part of the human experience, we seek distractions, we seek to forget ourselves and our experience, we seek to deny what we really feel. This desire to depart from the truth of what is, is a function of pain and of the fear of not being able to handle it. It is not the wish of our deepest self, but of our self that feels alone and frightened, floating around in a reality that seems unsafe and in which we feel unanchored.

HIDDEN ADDICTIONS OF EVERYDAY LIFE- [ 35.92 KiB | Viewed 15875 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:53 am 

“Many souls have experienced a sense of aloneness over lifetimes due to the energies of separation that have actively influenced consciousness, as well as to the nature of physical embodiment which creates, through the structure of the brain, the experience of things being separate from each other. The inner knowing that all is held in God reverses this isolation. It allows the outer self to join with the inner, to know and feel that no matter what the difficulty, one’s inner being is safe and secure as are those belonging to one’s loved ones.

The problem in locating such a spiritual anchorpoint lies in the willingness to seek a deeper understanding of events than the one that appears on the surface. This is often difficult to do for the embodied self because the body, which contains both mental activity and emotions, can experience pain of such intensity that it feels that only the pain is real, rather than that only God is real. The translation of awareness from the outer perspective to the inner, with a priority being given to the inner reality, can dispel the exclusive hold of physical reality on one’s awareness, even when painful situations arise. It can relocate the center of consciousness to a deeper place within the self where hope remains and where trust in the unfolding future remains.

This is the challenge of the present time, and it involves the willingness to recognize oneself first and foremost as a soul created by God, and secondly, the ability to hold that recognition as most true, even when painful circumstances surround the outer self."

by Julie of Light Omega

Art by Daniel B. Holeman

Divine Heart- B Holeman.jpg
Divine Heart- B Holeman.jpg [ 27.89 KiB | Viewed 15831 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:16 pm 

Purification releases many things as it
separates light from darkness.

Be patient. Trust.
Know that light is doing its work
and all is well.

* * *

Day 48 Calendar of Healing, The Power of Light

DAY 48 CAL OF HEALING- Power of -.jpg
DAY 48 CAL OF HEALING- Power of -.jpg [ 36.45 KiB | Viewed 15760 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 8:29 am 

Suffering has been necessary so that freedom could be.
Only in a sacred world is there freedom
without suffering.
This new world is coming into being.

The wounds of your heart have contained
your healing. They have taken you on a journey
that could not have happened otherwise.

Day 16, Calendar of 100 Days

Suffering - Day 16- Calendar of 100
Suffering - Day 16- Calendar of 100 [ 21.38 KiB | Viewed 15700 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:30 am 

O Guiding Hand that has ordained the end
in the beginning,
the creation of divine Wholeness for all beings,
You have blessed Creation with Your goodness,
to know, beyond doubt, that all that is broken
shall be made whole,
and all that is bereft shall be comforted.
This shall be the legacy of the Earth,
and of all that has led up to this time.
Yet, great trust is needed, now, O divine Goodness,
great trust in Your Guiding Hand
to show the way forward.
May all doubt be dispelled in the presence of
your Being.
May all fear be laid down at Your feet.
May your Living Presence be seen and felt
by Your beloved children,
as it is written,
bringing them home at last.

* * *

"Prayers for the New Earth" will be available in late June, 2017
in the Light Omega Bookshop ( )
and on ( )

Art by Daniel B. Holeman

Celestial [ 22.71 KiB | Viewed 15488 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 8:20 am 

“…No matter where you are with the personal challenges that life is bringing to you, know that profound healing is taking place all of the time in and through these challenges, in and through the circumstances that life is bringing to you. This is the magnificence of Divine reality that brings out of all circumstances including those that are painful, the full forward motion of the soul's expression upon the Earth.

This is the meaning of freedom, beloved ones. It is the freedom to be yourself and it is a freedom that is growing. It is not a freedom that depends upon anyone else or on any external circumstance at all. It is a freedom that is your inherent birthright as a Divine creation, here to express the holiness and light of your own truth…”

~an excerpt from “The World is Awakening”
Light Omega Community Newsletter No. 8, April, 2016.


Photo by Alice Popkorn

World is
World is [ 49.88 KiB | Viewed 15388 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: "Our Relationship to Pain"
PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 8:02 am 

“Pain is a teacher, and what it teaches can only be learned by going through it.
For many, it offers an accelerated path of spiritual growth,
one that has been chosen by the soul for just such reason.
Trust God along this unknown path, for you are being led
to a new place of alignment with your soul.”

~Julie of Light Omega
(Jan. 2014)

Pain is a teacher- what it teaches can only be learned by going through it-Julie of Light Omega
Pain is a teacher- what it teaches can only be learned by going through it-Julie of Light Omega [ 77.9 KiB | Viewed 15369 times ]

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