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 Post subject: Being Bullied? Me Too, And I Am An Adult.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:10 pm 

You are here to bring your true self into the world,
for the freedom of your soul-expression is the gift you give to Life.


I have been bullied since I was a little kid, as of this writing, I am 56 years old.

From the time I was allowed to play outside without my Mothers protective supervision on our dead end street, the bullies who have lived near me, or moved through life around me, have found me easy prey. I was bullied, beat up, publicly humiliated, shamed, and harassed, through all of my school years. In high school a few girls used to make it a point to bounce me into the lockers as they passed me in the hallways, one day taking it to the next level and sucker punching me as I left class out of the blue. Later in the principals office they revealed the long term abuse was because "they couldn't stand my 'smiling' ", as I walked to and from classes. They were not alone in their bullying campaigns and my school years from grammar school to high school were filled with pain, isolation, serious depression, self abusing behaviors, and suicidal thoughts.

Even in the midst of the torment and angst, I remained myself, as awkwardly and weirdly being myself may have seemed to be to the world around me. I have never 'fit' into the cliques, groups, and other ways of being with each other which often demanded the repression of who I was to 'fit' in, 'be like everyone else', to be accepted. Even the school outcasts found me too different. And so I began from an early age to learn to walk alone. A lonely path and yet to remain as truthful as I could even in my unawakened state, a necessary path.

I'll skip the years of bullying and abuse between high school and now, at the age of 56 because it is in essence more of the same, in different forms. I am bullied now on the road by random drivers who I seem to enrage for driving the speed limit. Just the other night, two cars at once were trying to aggressively push me to drive faster than the speed in a school zone, single lane, with a double line, with parked cars on both sides. When they realized I would not not speed for them, they both simultaneously passed me at @50mph (in a 25mph), just missing hitting the oncoming car in the opposite lane. (This is just one example of random antics of road ragers bullying me when I am out driving).

At home I experience bullying by my closest neighbor who is a professional dog trainer, who has, over the last four years, let her dogs out into her adjacent yard usually moments after I have come out into my garden to work. Her dogs seem to lose their minds barking so intensely, aggressively jumping on the fence, drooling with rage when I am moving around in the garden or even if I make noises in my yard. It wasn't until this week after four years mind you, that I saw the dog who is the most vicious, look to her for guidance, and she did not stop the dog or call it back. In that moment I knew, when I turned around and looked into her eyes, that what was unfolding for the hundredth plus time, was an intentional pattern of bullying me through her dogs. After two years of the dogs viscous barking and jumping to get at me, we put up a stockade fence on the back half of the property to stop the dogs raging at me when I was in my back yard. Even so, out of kindness and compassion for her, we did not put up the stockade in the front garden for my neighbor would lose a beautiful view of the meadows and the waterway. My aim is not to punish the bullying behaviors by being mean or revengeful, for I would become a bully myself. Yet if the bullying through her dogs continues even after the repeated warnings, the stockade fence in the front may be a necessary step to take in order to stop the distress I experience when I enter my garden.

Compassion for those who do not know any other way than the way of harm,
for their hearts are covered in illusion that they take for truth.


Regretfully, many times over the last four years, I would get angry, having messy meltdowns from the energies I was taking in and unable to contain, becoming belligerent believing my anger could 'protect' me from the bullying and abuse I was expereinceing in my sanctuary. In the end, the releasing of the energies of anger filling my body only gave me a feeling of being upset, sick, and filled with regret, along with the temporary loss of balance and connection to the Light. It has also taken 40 years to learn as an adult that the bully is aware that the anger of people like myself is not like their anger and that the bully fears in such cases, little reprisal.

I am not a victim. I will speak with those who are in authority or those who could change the situation, but have found over the years that I am the one judged 'troublemaker', 'complainer', or 'whiner', for pointing out the bullying or abuse. I have spoken to my neighbor who I have warned many times over the last year that I will, if the abuse of her dogs continues, stockade fence the front area of my garden so that I might work unmolested. It seems that she does not hear me and I am very sad for her for this.

I now identify what has been happening to me for years as a Purification pattern in need of healing. No matter what the bully does, it is myself and my spiritual progression which I am responsible for.

"...People choose anger because anger feels like it empowers the self. It reduces the feeling of helplessness and conveys both the desire and often the capacity to 'do something' about whatever is troubling. Often, however, the success of such a strategy is an illusion, since anger generally begets negative consequences either from the environment or from within oneself."

The Healing of Anger
http://essentials-of-purification.light ... anger.html

There was a time until my late twenties that the false 'protection' of the anger and belligerence seemed, coupled with acts of self harming behaviors, and isolation, the only path I could follow. Nearly thirty years ago I stopped harming myself with self defeating behaviors and found people much like myself who encouraged me to be me and celebrate my 'different-ness'. It has been a long and painful road of reclaiming that which was lost, and even so, I have reclaimed my self and have, over the years, fallen in love with how I AM has made me. The anger as a reaction to being bullied and abused has been the last piece of my souls embodied spiritual healing through my Purification Process.

The abuse, or bullying is not what is most important here when it comes to my embodied soul growth, although the pain and experiences have impacted my life and previously altered my reactions to my self and my life. Sure, I still get angry in the moment when someone is bullying me, AND, I have also learned how to detach from the energies, even if it is as simple as turning the rear view mirror up so I cannot see how menacingly close the car behind me is. I have not reached the place of reacting to abusive or bullying behaviors with forgiveness yet, but I can tell you that is my goal.

I am, Dear Readers, like yourselves, worthy of respectful treatment. Treating others to the best of my abilities with respect and kindness in any given moment, is something I have never stopped practicing, (except with the bullies and abusers), and I will as part of my Purification healing, learn how to respond to them with greater respect and compassion. Firstly for purely selfish reasons, meaning that I do not wish to be locked into a dense karmic entanglement with them, nor do I wish to fill my heart with the spiritual sickness that comes from losing connection to the energies of love; and secondly, for more selfless reasons, that is, I do not wish for them to suffer and would hope that they too may find peace.

I am a kind person. I would say I am more the holy fool than I am the great and wise spiritual adept. I have a kind heart, and the Teachings of loving one another is a wistful heart prayer that I long to live as well as practice with others.

I will not, and have not, changed this longing in my heart for 56 years. No matter who has bullied or abused me, I remain in my heart, kind and loving. I remain 'different' and I still do not 'fit in', yet I feel deeply connected to my planetary family as well as this beautiful planet and all the creatures upon her.

I will not change who I am to 'fit' in or win 'approval', or 'likes' of those around me. I remain steadfast in the awkward truth of who I am and how I AM made me. I will not be forced to leave this life because a predator bully finds it amusing to see me suffer.

Nor should you.

You are not alone in being bullied. Remain true to who you are.

with love,

We do not yet believe in the possibility of the ideal becoming real. We desire love and to live surrounded by a loving environment but our current picture of motivations that seem to prevail cause us to feel that this wish is not practical nor even possible. And yet this is the movement of consciousness that is taking place now, here on Earth in the presence of darkness. The instrumentality of light to not only root out darkness but to create the inner and outer vehicles for the expansion of love is taking place. We are each that vehicle. We are each here at this time to become instruments of love.



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 Post subject: What You Believe Affects Your Frequency
PostPosted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 9:11 am 

Beliefs of the mind affects frequency_Trust your heart_Johanna Raphael_Teaching by Julie of LightOmega.jpg
Beliefs of the mind affects frequency_Trust your heart_Johanna Raphael_Teaching by Julie of LightOmega.jpg [ 190.35 KiB | Viewed 3468 times ]

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 Post subject: The Weather: Reality, Illusions, & Blessings of Devotion
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 9:00 pm 

Devotion does not have to be learned. It emerges as a natural outgrowth out of the depth of love. When we love deeply we seek to give to and to bless the beloved, to nurture all that we can of their life, growth, and wellbeing.

"...In relation to the Earth as in relation to human beings, devotion is manifested by the continuity of our caring for those areas that are in greatest need of our help. Out of love, we seek to insure that wellness is maintained and that no harm comes to the beloved. Just as we do not let young children out of our sight when they are a certain age, knowing that they cannot take care of themselves, our devotion toward the Earth requires that we keep a continually watchful eye on those parts of the Earth that we feel need us most, her forests, her creatures, her oceans, her skies, her land masses that are crying out for our attention.

We cannot afford to let the Earth out of our sight, much as we cannot afford to let young children out of our sight. We are responsible for her welfare. We are responsible for her wellbeing. It is the lack of awareness of our devotion to the Earth that has led to the mistaken actions that we, as a collective humanity have taken, mistaken actions that have created great harm to the Earth's natural resources and habitats, as well as to her creatures, some of whom have now disappeared altogether. We must attend, with devotion, to the needs of the Earth as we would to our own children.

The Earth's oceans are being poisoned by radioactive waste that is seeping into her waters, harming fish life to a far greater extent than we have been able to bear witness to. For currents travel, and what is initially localized in one area soon becomes transported to other areas not just by currents, but also by the nature of the food chain which transmits radioactivity from one individual creature to another and from one species to another.

The Earth's skies are being polluted by chem trails and other toxins that are deliberately or unintentionally finding a new home there without sufficient knowledge of, or attention to, the consequences of this growing danger. The Earth's skies are no longer clear. They are becoming part of a problem that has grave consequences for human, animal, and plant life.

The Weather_Reality_and_the_Illusions_JohannaRaphael.jpg
The Weather_Reality_and_the_Illusions_JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 121.27 KiB | Viewed 3457 times ]

The Earth's forests are being depleted by the absence of devotion on multiple levels, and the substitution of motives of profit for motives of love. We are one with the Earth, one with the forests, and the trees themselves and the land that supports them are calling to us with a full measure of awareness of being reduced to a marginal existence based on the absence of nourishment in the soil, over-foresting, and the lack of awareness of the environmental consequences of endangering large swathes of forest for the entire Earth. All is integrated into one vast Earth-body. All is One. And as the trees in the great forests of the world are being cut down without being replenished, the oceans themselves are affected as are the skies.

There is only one Breath that links all aspects of planetary life, and it is not possible to harm one aspect without harming the whole.

Our devotion is a blessed gift that we give to the world. We give it to each other. We give it to the Earth. We give it to the Divine Creator of all who has made possible the very breath in our lungs and the life that we lead. We give our devotion to the extent that we allow ourselves to love deeply, to commit ourselves deeply because we love, because we care, because we seek to give and to bless that which we are devoted to.

- Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: InI and Meditations on Unity Consciousness
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:00 pm 

All relationships are meant to hold God at the center, not as religious belief but as the Source of love that joins two or more together.


InI_Rastafarian_sacred_word_for_Unity Consciousness .jpg
InI_Rastafarian_sacred_word_for_Unity Consciousness .jpg [ 32.04 KiB | Viewed 3457 times ]

The unity of many in One must be reclaimed through the expansion of love. All whom you reject must become part of your heart.


Sometimes hate is not the opposite of love & kindness. Sometimes indifference is. Who are you indifferent to? That person is your brother.


InI_Rastafarian_sacred_word_for_Unity_Consciousness.jpg [ 43.79 KiB | Viewed 3457 times ]

All that seeks to polarize 'us' and 'them' is part of the past. All that seeks to know oneness is part of the future. There is no 'other.'


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 Post subject: Prayers for the Suffering: Earthquakes Japan & Ecuador
PostPosted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:00 am 

Prayers for the suffering in the recent earthquake zones of destruction
in Japan and Ecuador.

Blessings to all who are enduring in these areas loss, suffering, pain, and helplessness.


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 Post subject: The Great Illusion: Darkness Covering the Light
PostPosted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 5:16 pm 

There are days in which the energies I take in are so intensely contractive that I might find myself crying in the presence of my physical limitations and at times, helplessness. Not only are the energetic contractions intense, what usually accompanies the restrictive energies are thoughts filling my mind, looping messages on how broken I am. This of course is not the reality of the truth of who I am. What I am experiencing in those moments is the perceptual covering of the light within me by the contractive - oppositional energies. It has taken years for me to realize this truth without aligning with the energies of depression or despair. No matter how long it has taken me on this journey, the fact remains the same, the constrictiveness of the energies of oppostion are a temporary illusion. The light I carry within is truth, the darkness is an illusionary covering. By the Grace of God and all that is good, my crying is a relief valve, no longer an indicator of depression.

An Example of the Illusion of Light Not Being Present_JohannaRaphael.jpg
An Example of the Illusion of Light Not Being Present_JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 132.43 KiB | Viewed 3445 times ]


"The earth is going through an ascension at this time into a higher vibration and dimensional awareness.  What this means is that she is joining her physical body with the higher frequencies of light so that she can participate in the galactic harmonic of spiritual light in an entirely new way. "

"…It is a sad feature of this time that there are forces of opposition that are actively seeking to prevent the earth from taking this step into the next stage of her evolution and consciousness.  She has been involved with three-dimensional reality for a very long time and the forces of opposition would seek to keep her in this more limited state so that light would not expand on a larger galactic level.  Wherever there is a planetary expansion about to happen, the forces of opposition endeavor to limit this process so that the balance of darkness as a force in relation to light can be maintained without any reduction of its power or influence.   In the case of the earth, there is a particularly important feature of repression involved which has to do with the fact that participants on the human level of consciousness are now capable, with assistance from the forces of darkness, of destroying their species and also vast portions of the planet if not the entire planet itself. "


"…More than anything else, understanding others comes from living in a clear space where one's own needs, fears, and concerns no longer obscure truth. For the reality of what is shines with a light of its own when it is not covered over by darkness. Then, the truth of another can emerge clearly, be seen, felt, and appreciated."

http://art-of-being-present.lightomega. ... ce_13.html

 "In the midst of darkness a great light is being born.  It is not a light that is visible to the outer eyes but it is one that can be felt within the heart as the light of hope and of new beginnings.  This light promises to replace the despair and heartache that are so prevalent in different areas of the world as it also promises to replace the misuse of power and abuse of human rights that are also prevalent in the world. 
The light of hope is the gift of God to Creation, coming at a time that has been ordained from the beginning as that which would be needed to counteract the forces of darkness at a time of the earth's transcendence into the higher vibrations of light.  It is not visible yet but it shall be, and it is necessary to cling to that hope in the midst of the thickened cloud of darkness that surrounds both outer events on the earth and inner events within our own hearts that cause discouragement, impatience, and doubt."


"Access to soul awareness and truth may be covered over for many reasons, yet even in the presence of the deepest covering the truth of the soul is indelible.  It can never be erased.  It can never be diminished.  One can only lose the feel for it.  For this reason, in the midst of darkness one must seek with all one's might to anchor within the light of the soul, even if it cannot be felt in a tangible way.  The truth of the soul, the truth of life, the truth of the goodness of the One, remain as inherent qualities of knowing within one's own being."

THE PRINCIPLE of LIGHT in RELATION to PAIN and to the SOUL ... -Pain.html

The capacity of darkness to create a 'cover' over light is what creates the sense of emptiness or lack that is so intrinsic to depression. Though light always remains present within each individual being, darkness obscures the inner connection with the heart and with the source of being so that this light cannot be felt.

The Light That Shines in the Darkness

"Attunement to the light within can be difficult when energies of darkness enshroud the mind and emotions, and may be greatly aided by the spiritual Practice of Alignment, by words of truth that resonate within the deeper self and encourage the innate light-force that lives within to come forth.  It is also aided by an understanding that the experience of awakening for many souls that have carried light within themselves and who desire to serve God may itself call forth the deeper and more accelerated purification of negative emotions so that the service to God and light may take place in its fullness.

Forces of light are everywhere on the planet today and live within each embodied being within their deepest heart and soul.  Forces of darkness are also present whose aim is to constrict and contract the movement toward expansion and to maintain the status quo.  Many would prefer a different explanation to account for the upheavals that are taking place so prominently in life, yet the Earth herself is in the state of new birth – a birth that will take her into a new level of being as a planet of light.  As a result, all who inhabit the planet at this time, whether spiritually conscious or not, are part of this transition."


THE PRACTICE OF ALIGNMENT with Julie ... Audio.html



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 Post subject: For the Energetically Sensitive and Empathic
PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 10:56 am 

All of sacred purpose is already seeded within you, coming from beyond-time of your soul into embodiment & expression. Nothing is missing.

Julie ‏@JulieLightOmega

Having a nervous system which 'feels' and 'perceives' a lot of information-stimuli almost all of the time can be overwhelming. Even more so in a society which reliance on technological frequencies allows for unrestrained use of all manner of frequencies causing bombardment for the energetically sensitive. Added to this explosion of frequencies, are the heightened frequencies of Light permeating every dimensional reality known and unknown to the mind, releasing in its wake, denser energies into all frequency fields, which are meant to be absorbed by the heightened frequencies.

For the energetically sensitive most especially, it is far too easy for the mind to perceive the body,and itself as under attack from the denser frequencies releasing from the planet and its inhabitants as well as dimensionally, which the nervous system is processing and for some, containing and transmuting. In the midst of it all, the mind of the energetically sensitive may be seeking ways in which to make sense of what the nervous system is experiencing, for some the embodied experiences can be so overwhelming, so overstimulating, that the mind may experience paranoia, immobilization, or exhaustion.

Nothing can be rushed. Nothing can be forced. Light's expansion moves from the inner to the outer, from readiness to manifestation.

Julie ‏@JulieLightOmega

Trusting and Waiting In Innocence.

At such times the mind, especially for those newer to their gifts, afraid of their gifts, or overwhelmed by their gifts of perceiving energies, can, without Teachings to guide them through their energetic experiences, perceive that they are unsafe, and that their body is 'under attack' from the excessive stimuli/frequencies, the nervous system is taking in.

What has helped me, and continues to help me as I 'allow' the truth of who I am to unfold in my awakening process, is trusting. "What???" Some might say. "I feel as if I am under attack by denser frequencies overwhelming me and you want me to trust, to remain innocent?"

When I seem to be engulfed in frequencies overwhelming my mind and emotional self, I give thanks for the blessing of being with the Beloved and to have her Teachings to guide me through. Having someone who understands energetic or empathic sensitivities whom I can trust implicitly and allow to hear what my mind is perceiving about the experiences I am energetically processing is intrinsic to my mind learning how to stay strong, at at times even courageous, in the presence of overwhelming and dense frequencies. And, I place great emphasis in my life on taking care of my nervous system and all that that entails. Lastly, when the frequencies are so overbearing and impacting my mind to the point of becoming paranoid, I can find a sense of peace in placing great importance on the Teachings of letting go, and waiting in trust and innocence until the energies subside. It has taken me years to learn how to do this and I am by far no master still.

Even so, by waiting, and trusting in innocence, even in the presence of the denser and at times excruciatingly painful frequencies, I can and have, developed more clarity about my perceptual experiences as they are unfolding. Fear is a natural response of the nervous systems, brain, and kidneys to over-stimulation and frequency overload, yet it does not have to be the the prevailing response. Identifying the presence of the energies of fear, having compassion for the self in the presence of what feels to the energetically sensitive to be a burden or hardship, (it will not always be so in the future!) and remaining as innocent as possible is the key I have been taught by the Beloved and seek to practice in my awakening life. I may not always get it correct, especially when the incoming frequencies engulf my mind, my heart, my nervous system, and my kidneys, even so, remaining as innocent as possible and trusting is my ever evolving goal.

Lastly, for years I was told by psychics and energetic sensitives to 'create a bubble around me' for protection. Whilst this technique may work for some, it has never worked for me and you too may be someone it has not worked for either. There is a reason for this, it has to do with the type of energetic work our souls and your body's are here to do in service to humanity and the awakening. This path that I have shared with you today Dear Readers is a path of mastery that is not for all, it is only for those who choose this path.

with love,

The Choice for Trust


Trust resides as a natural occurrence in the deeper layers of the heart. It is present as part of the soul's truth and can communicate itself to the conscious being as a sense of the goodness of life. This sense of goodness can be present even in the face of obstacles or difficulties.

Last edited by Johanna on Thu Apr 21, 2016 3:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: The Body As A Sacred Vehicle of Consciousness
PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 11:07 am 

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Sacred Vehicle of Consciousness_Opening the Holy Door_Vision_Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 75.99 KiB | Viewed 3431 times ]

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 Post subject: A Few Days of Silent Retreat
PostPosted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:47 pm 

Hello Dear Readers.

I hope to take the next few days off and retreat in silence. In times like the present when the incoming frequencies are as heightened as I perceive them to be in me, and around me, I have found it is helpful to just 'stop' and rest. For this particular retreat I feel it may mean - stop speaking, choosing not make or receive phone calls (sometimes if it is an emergency of course I do speak), stop responding to emails, letting go of all obligations, more walking in the woods, cleansing, no driving and being out in the world, letting of reading online materials as to what is happening in the world, eating a diet which is closer to a fasting diet (the less interactions I have, the less I need to eat denser foods to stabilize my glucose levels which drops with physical interactions such as going in and out of buildings, driving, and yes, interacting with people).

These times of quiet for my nervous system are essential for grounding incoming energies as well as for prayer and reflection, resting, and sometimes, playing and relaxing from the intensity of my blessed life.

I share this with you Dear Readers for I perceive that a time will come when those who have never entertained the thought of doing such a thing as am sharing with you regarding retreating, will realize that they too, to remain in their truth, need time alone to clear, ground, release, purify, and restore their nervous systems. Especially in these times of sacred awakening as we adapt to the ever changing and intensifying frequency fields permeating and surrounding us.

with love,

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 Post subject: We All Are..."Awakening" in TIME ...Together
PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:08 am 

File comment: Artwork by Daniel B Holeman -
LightInShadow-001-web.jpeg [ 127.1 KiB | Viewed 3373 times ]

Verily, even I, one out of the many called to speak before you,
am in the very same process as all embodied beings,
creatures, and the holy beloved planet itself,
of Awakening in TIME.

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 Post subject: The Cosmic LIGHT of AWAKENING
PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:55 am 

That Which Has Been Dead - Awakens

The cosmic Light of Awakening is all around us and coursing through us, building and radiating. The same building and radiating of the cosmic Light of Awakening has also been coursing through all universes and all dimensions of TIME.

Previously, only a few embodied souls, (we are their future) have gone through a similar shift in embodied consciousness, anchoring the Light of the One through their embodied presences.

Together, we stand on the precipice of an event in which the sacred frequencies of Light and Love, will change forever - in all dimensional realities - our knowing of ourselves, our knowing of the world, and our knowing of the vast universes of which we are an integral part of.

Even as I speak of this Holy event the sacred cosmic energies - frequencies, are resonating through my nervous system.

There are times in which I can contain these higher oscillating cosmic frequencies moving in and through my body, and at other times, these very same frequencies seems to drain and overwhelm my frequency. At such times, my mind, afraid and open all at once, begins to feel vulnerable to the everpresent lower density frequencies waiting in shadow. Due to the presence of fear in my mind, the denser frequencies eventually overwhelm me to experiences of immobilization and at times, stupor. Through the compassion and love of the Christ, relief comes to my weary body as the denser energies meant for transmutation which fill me - are transformed by holy Light.

The cosmic Light event of which I speak to you will bring a frequency change to the collective within the divine matrix through waves of Love.

Sensitive nervous systems may experience sensations and perceptions of overwhelm, hyper-stimulation, hyper-emotionalism, and at times, exhaustion. Fear not, for those who love humanity, and the planet, who serve the Light, have been for many years now, anchoring through their holy bodies, both the increasing frequencies of cosmic Light and Love, as well as the denser energies releasing for transformation. With gratitude do I bow to these holy daughters and sons of the Christ for their years long sufferings and anchorings, for they have been preparing the way for the the sacred events unfolding before us.

Periods of quiet time, rest, rejuvenation, and revitalization - the 'how to' and 'when', intuited by each embodied soul - will help in the anchoring of the heightened oscillating cosmic frequencies of Light and Love, as well as in the containing and transmutation of the simultaneously releasing denser energies.

I feel a deep affinity for many holy teachings from many cultures which have come forth throughout the space-time continuum we embodied souls have journeyed through and understood as reality. Even as this is true, I am also here to speak of a new thing which has no name or affiliations, and yet by its very existence is born into all experiences preceding it.

Purify yourselves sons and daughters of the Light. Purify and open your hearts.

with love,
one daughter of the One,

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: That Which Has Been Dead - Shall Now Awaken
PostPosted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 11:24 am 

There is a reality waiting to be perceived which is greater in scope than that which we are perceptually aware of in the now.


In these times of chaos, anger, rage, fear, violence, manipulations, predatory practices, and desecration, trust.

All is not what is 'presented' to us as reality.

Paradigms are collapsing, illusions are falling away, revelations are arising.

That which has been dead within the collective embodied shall now Awaken.

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