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 Post subject: A Time of Retreat
PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 11:00 pm 
A Time of Retreat

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The pathway to indwelling divinity is being opened now. As in times past when the pathway to grace through the Holy Spirit was opened, in this time the pathway to the knowledge of the soul is being revealed. This is not happening for some people but for all people. It is taking place through a vibrational shift in the physical matrix of which the body is a part, bringing it closer into proximity with the energy of the soul. In this way access to the inner truth of being that each human being carries can become more available. The pathway to truth and to love is the same pathway to indwelling divinity, the knowledge of the soul.

Soul is not mind. It is not thought. It is the interior expression of the Oneness, the Oneness individualized. Knowledge of soul simultaneously brings one into knowledge of unity, of Oneness.

Julie ... inity.html

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 Post subject: Notes from Retreat
PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 12:44 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

I continue to retreat. I am waiting to be guided, as I was with this post today, as to when I am to post. Events are changing and shifting within and around me and I feel in the presence of intense and sacred energies the need to wait in innocence, (not any easy task in these times of unease and planetary anger). I feel the time coming forward when I will be writing again, even so I do not fully determine the day or the hour.

I am here everyday even if I am not speaking, I am here and I am with you.


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 Post subject: The Planetary Purification of Separation Consciousness
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:24 pm 

"Today is a new time, a time in which all that prevents brotherhood and love from happening will be made visible and will be rooted out from where it has lain hidden, silently exerting its influence on the consciousness of each individual who has departed from love."


"The merging of light and truth has great power to change the world, and already the world has the possibility of becoming new. The beginning of this purification is all around us and within us. It is infiltrating all the hidden places of the heart and mind so that bright new beings can emerge from the shadows of the past. It is awakening a longing for honesty and compassion, so that old ways of being are no longer acceptable."


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 Post subject: A Meditation for Those Who Are Waiting
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:33 pm 

I enter thru the holy Breath & touch
the reality within you that is most real to awaken it.
This reality that has been asleep stirs to life.

Julie ‏@JulieLightOmega

A meditation for those who are waiting .jpeg
A meditation for those who are waiting .jpeg [ 69.8 KiB | Viewed 3066 times ]

"...The energy-force that is activated through waiting, however, is not only invisible, but is not ordinarily available to our conscious self.  It is an aspect of soul-consciousness that we bring into being in fulfillment of our soul's purpose for being on the Earth, and in fulfillment of God's purposes for us. 

Waiting, with the intention of participating in this higher purpose, activates the force produced by faithfulness - the bringing into accord our own will with Divine will in order to achieve the purpose of Divine manifestation. 

Such accord is the essence of the Covenant that souls entered with the divine Source of life before undertaking their Earth journey.  This Covenant is brought forward when human will is joined to Divine will, and the ego self which holds its personal interests as primary, submits to universal Will which holds the interests of All as primary.  Divine will which seeks to serve the interests of all and our ego-driven will are not in opposition, though they may often feel that way.  

When love and trust allow us, through waiting, to submit our personal interest in achieving a goal to the timing, purpose, and method that Divine interest has in mind, we activate the force of the Covenant which brings Divine blessings and light to the Earth."


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 Post subject: Sacrifice Driven by the Force of LOVE
PostPosted: Thu Apr 07, 2016 2:38 pm 

Sacrifice involves letting go of something valued so that something even more valued
can come into being, driven by the force of love.

Julie ‏@JulieLightOmega

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 Post subject: "Remember LOVE" - Compassion for the Compassionless
PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:11 am 

Let compassion fall like rain upon all, excluding no one, embracing even those who seem unworthy in the eyes of judgment.

Embrace all.

Julie ‏@JulieLightOmega

As an embodied soul experiencing humanity, I am unusually sensitive to the planetary energies of anger, selfishness, combativeness, aggression, violence, intolerance, conflict, drama, bullying, threatening behaviours and hatred, around me. These energies have a tendency to overwhelm me and drain me. There are times I become so saturated by these energies that I too become angry and belligerent, acting out rather than containing the energies saturating and overwhelming me.

My recent retreat was due in part to waiting for further revelations and guidance regarding recent visions as well as the state of separation I had entered in my heart due to the saturation and overwhelm of these very same energies. The saturation and overwhelm of the releasing energies of hate, et al, and the acting out of these very same energies by planetary inhabitants was making it near impossible for me to contain these energies of separation awaiting transformation by the frequencies of Light. These energies of separation were entering my mind, my heart, overtaking my nervous system, and I could not see the love around and in me for the hate and anger which was saturating me.

These energies still abound and are increasing in the power given to them by embodied souls who resonate consciously and unconsciously with these lower purifying frequencies. I have been for the most part, able to detach since my time in retreat, areas in need of healing showing up most noticeably when I go out into the car and encounter impatient people tailgating me dangerously and aggressively for driving the speed limit.

The Teachings the Beloved has been sharing with me have to do with learning how to have 'compassion for the compassionless", especially difficult as new laws are being signed with the aim to discriminate and hate in the name of the state and religion. To see the Teachings of the Beloved Christ Jesus twisted in such a manner is in fact depressing (which is a form of anger - plenty of work for me to still do). Sometimes I just can't bear to see those who demand a right to hate and discriminate do so in God's name and I too, lose the plot. I lose compassion for those who have lost their way and are frightened of 'other'.

The same with the dangerous drivers behind me, inches away and pressing into my car with their impatience, anger, competitiveness, and sometimes blatant rage. These are embodied souls who are being pressured by incremental prices increases and lowering or stagnant wages, who are losing their homes to foreclosures, who have lost their retirement savings to Wall Street and the banks who often must work low wage, benefitless, freedom squelching jobs, which leave them tired, overwhelmed, overworked and often, late to work or the next thing they must do, impatiently and dangerously forcing me to do what is being done unto them - to move in time under an agenda which is not my own but someone else's who does not care one wit about my well being.

These are the times we are in fellow lightbearers. These times are also why we are here. The challenge is to remember the truth of who we are, why we are here and live this truth in the presence of the compassionless, the haters, the discriminators, the racists, the thieves and those who would take away our rights and freedoms.

As the Beloved once gave me this gift, I share it now with you. In these times of paradigms shifting and falling, the most important thing to do in the presence of the energies of separation is to "Remember Love."

with love,

"...All sorrow to America that is wounded in its heart by its history and by yet another exclusion of those who appear different. "From sea to shining sea" and from colonial times, native populations have been judged to be 'less than' or 'different.' They have been wiped out, disenfranchised, reduced to poverty, and removed from their sacred land. Not all, but most of this, in the name of greater freedom for a certain population at the expense of another. Now, in the name of yet another 'freedom', those with differing sexual orientations will be excluded from various public places with 'justification.'
...America's heart weeps, knowing that what operates as a lack of love in relation to others cannot produce true freedom, for it divides up the heart and in doing so one loses a part of oneself that is most human and that most seeks to be free. Such freedom cannot happen at the expense of others. It cannot happen that one freedom cancels out another. It cannot happen because all are one.

...Woe to the heart of America, that grieves at the splitting of its people into those who are deserving of protection by the non-discriminatory 14th amendment of the Constitution, and those who are no longer under its rule. The heart of America weeps for her children who are one and must learn to live as one.
May all blessings of light come to those who seek to segregate and separate one from another, that each one may know themselves to be one with those who presently seem beyond their embrace."



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 Post subject: THE NEED FOR COMPASSION: A Teaching by Julie
PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:17 am 

"...In the presence of expanding light, the results of unconsciousness concerning emotions has even greater effect. For here negative emotions of  great intensity are often brought to awareness and one can feel entirely justified in acting them out instead of realizing they are based on energy releasing from the body in the presence of greater light. When we add to the need for emotional clarity in general, the problem of distinguishing energies that are opposed to light and love that have been stored in the body and unconscious mind for lifetimes, the problem of discernment grows greater.  Indeed, without full understanding of what is happening, the potential to project these emotions onto others becomes very great. This happens for two reasons: first, because the intensity of emotions arising seem to require an outlet because they cause distress that one is unaccustomed to, and second, because the distinction between what belongs to the self and is part of one's current psychological make-up and what is not-self but an energy that one has carried for a while, cannot be made all at onceOne has to get used to the idea of a world of energy. One has to get used to the idea that emotions are not inevitable, no matter how justified they seem. One has to get used to the idea that expanding light upon the Earth initiates a process of purification for all beings that serves to clear out all that does not resonate with expanding light and love."

"In the midst of this upheaval, it is important to carry the mantra of forgiveness of self and of others."

"...This does not mean that one is entitled to express or act out difficult feelings of any kind, but it does mean that one should be kind to oneself about having these feelings. Containment of emotional energies needs to be learned.  It needs to be practiced. And this can only happen when one engages with the purification process as a process with certain parameters and requirements related to the new elements that are entering consciousness.

It often happens that while the distress of seeing clearly what has been more hidden within the self is taking place, another opening is also taking place, namely, that one is beginning to see oneself as a soul created by God, and the door to Divine reality is at the same time opening. The opening of this door and the seeking of relationship with one's Divine core becomes the context, then, for holding the process of a difficult emotional reality.  One is becoming more spiritual and more transparent at the same time, both effects of expanding light within the body, heart, and mind."

"...All who seek help during the experience of purification will gain help from the light itself, both within and without, for this light is a Divine heritage of every human being, and the circumstances that create the difficulties of purification also bring the foundational truths for the new and sacred reality that one is entering.
This is God's promise to humanity, the promise of the Covenant, that turning toward the Divine, toward the One whose Heart holds all, will initiate a reciprocal experience within the self of increasing degrees of knowledge, revelation, and healing.  Such is the blessing of purification and the blessed gift of the One to all."

Read the entire Teaching on Compassion here:


For those who wish to know more of the Purification Process:


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 Post subject: Interconnectedness: A Teaching by Julie of Light Omega
PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:26 am 

Interconnectedness among souls exists because all are part of the One, all come from That Which Has No Name but 'I Am.' 

I. Relationships Beyond Time and Space
Julie of Light Omega ... ships.html

Interconnectedness among souls exists because all are part of the One, all come from That Which Has No Name but 'I Am.'  This Oneness is what makes subtle energetic and emotional connections possible, that is, it allows us to feel with others, to know others, to sense others, even when they may not wish to be known or sensed by us.  Nevertheless, our antennae are attuned to the inner reality of others, often for better or worse. Our knowledge needs to progress still further, however. It needs to progress to the understanding that the energetic connections that exist between ourselves and those we love, as well as between ourselves and those we would wish to love, are not diminished by time or distance.

As embodied souls, we communicate along lines of energetic resonance that bridge both time and space - for example, we may not have seen a loved one for many years but know they are 'out there' and sense their presence, or, a loved one may have died yet remains alive and present in our consciousness. In both instances it is not only a sense of presence that may exist. It is also that healing issues can be addressed that were not addressable while the loved one was nearby.

Despite time and distance, we are able to transform the relationship along lines of energy at a time when we have changed, when more healing has taken place for us, even in the absence of physical contact.  This is a great mystery of soul kinship, and it is most important where forgiveness needs to be given to another or received from another.

There are no real barriers to completing the healing process into greater love with anyone.

Read this Teaching in it's entirety:
I. Relationships Beyond Time and Space
Julie of Light Omega ... ships.html

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 Post subject: VISION: Align Your Heart with the Frequiencies of Love
PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:31 am 

In _Timeless_Time_Align_with_the_frequencies_LOVE_Vision_JohannaRaphael.jpg
In _Timeless_Time_Align_with_the_frequencies_LOVE_Vision_JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 74.39 KiB | Viewed 3050 times ]

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 Post subject: Visual Fields: The Reoccurring Frequency of the Number 11
PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 11:53 am 

Hello Dear Readers,

For a few years now, I have been 'seeing' digitally, as well as numerically, the number 11 everywhere. This experience is notable in its reoccurring frequency, in my visual field, manifesting all around me and through me. In my awakening life, the phenomenon has been so strong in its manifestation, that I used to wonder in the early days of its unfoldment, if there was something 'wrong' with me due to my unusual relationship with this number and its corresponding frequencies. I would nervously and jokingly share the phenomenon as it was unfolding for a few years with Elijah as I was really concerned about the amount of times this frequency - number, was manifesting within my visual field. It was uncanny how I would be sharing a Teaching or reflecting upon the sacred, or asking or receiving guidance, and as clarity anchored in me, as I finished the thought or statement ready to move onto the next moment in time, I would, more as habit, look up at the clock to orient myself, and there it was, the number 11. I have struggled for a few years to understood 'why' this experience has been so prevalent in my life, and even though I have read copious amounts of information on similar experiences of those frequently seeing the number 11 on numerous websites, the resonance of 'why' the number was coming so consistently, and at times even affirmatively, alluded me until a few weeks ago .

In the following post I will share with you what I have found about the meaning of the frequencies associated with the number 11 as it pertains to my sacred work and my sacred life.

We are living in amazing times. The frequencies of LOVE are permeating all that is around us. The frequencies of Light are opening the Way.

with love,

P.S. I looked up, hit submit, counted the numbers, and there it was again, a variation of the sacred number 11.

A Note from Johanna 4/16/16: I am sure to those who do not know me, that my posting times with variations of the number 11 may come across as artificial. For my part, it is at times painful to see the number 11 showing up again in a time-stamp for posting, yet in a surrendered state I follow through, for there is something at work within me which is bigger than I, which knows more than I, which informs me oft times as guidance, which I trust. So I trust and my ego-self feels pretty awkward about it at the same time too. In denser reality perhaps I could watch the time before hitting submit and make sure I wait a few minutes as to not have any variation of the number 11 in the time stamp for the posting; yet for me the pain of being purposefully fraudulent so that random people wouldn't judge me as artificial, is just as terrible as the pain of not being true to how I am guided in order to not look 'odd' or 'different'. This is a personal example of how a life guided in a surrendered state can be experienced, which may look to others as messy, weird, or artificial. What is being asked of the guided may not even make sense to the logical mind, and social risks abound in opportunities to remain truthful even in the smallest of gestures. Even so, for those so honoured to be given the gifts which are an integral aspect of becoming a living bridge between dimensional realities, veering off the frequency path of Light is not an option - no matter how 'odd' one might seem to collective society.

Last edited by Johanna on Sat Apr 16, 2016 10:50 am, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: 11 Activation: The 11th Commandment
PostPosted: Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:10 pm 
11th Commandment - John 13:34

" A new commandment I give you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another."

Yeshua - The Beloved Christ Jesus

Lamsa English Translation Peshitta Bible

11 Activation - Awakening and the Activation of the 11th Commandment

Love One Another - Gateway to Awakening

The Sacred Transformation through which Yeshua - Jesus went, where he told his disciples they could not follow, is now opening for all of us. Everyone single embodied soul of every nation, tribe, religion or non-religious affiliation, embodied and disembodied, will be able to access this spiritual gateway.

The free will action needed to go through this gateway is LOVE. The key is in the 11th commandment given by Yeshua - Jesus, the Christ Beloved, before his earthly departure. This holy gateway is opening through the incoming expansive frequencies of Light, expanding consciousness' and heart's, opening dormant potentialities in all of us, in the presence of the energies of separation, anchored by the embodiment and sacrifices of the Christ Beloved.

These energies of LOVE I speak of are being anchored by the embodied Christ, activated in each of our hearts by our free-will choice to love one another - to follow the Teaching of the 11th Commandment.

The energies associated with the inability to love one another, since Cain of old, are being released within the consciousness, cells, and hearts of humankind, released from the very body of the Planetary Mother who has held our blood, our grief, our sufferings for eons. The energies associated with this form of separation within humanities collective heart is being healed and congealed in many dimensional realms.

This in advent of the Light. We are awakening, we are returning, in an embodied state, to the truth of who we are, Divine emanations of LOVE.

Beyond time and space I Am with you.
Within time and space I Am with you.
I Am with you in the ordinary things you do. In the simple things.


* This same Teaching came be found in John 15:12

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 11:05 am 

We are one Body.
We are one Life.
We are one Breath of the Creator
living in time and space,
Waiting to recognize the truth of our own Being,
the truth arriving now,
the Body of the One.

Reflect on the entire Teaching here:

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