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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:45 am 
"Pro-Life, Pro-Choice, and the Spiritual Process of Incarnation"
Light Omega Newsletter - May 8th

The story of incarnation from the soul level of being to the physical level is a process, not a momentary event, and where a soul is in this process can only be determined on an individual level. This understanding can affect many decisions concerning this important subject. ... ation.html

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Seeking the Peace Within (from: "Conversations with Julie")

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:00 am 
"Honoring the Sacrifice"
Light Omega Newsletter - May 31, 2014

Dear Beloved Ones,

Souls can make sacrifice and endure great pain, even death, not only for their own learning and growth as they take a stand for inner truth, but for the good of humanity in its efforts to rid itself of outmoded and destructive beliefs. In this vein we honor the sacrifice of Farzana Parveen in Lahore, Pakistan this past week, of Malala Yousafzai several years ago, and, at another level, the deaths of two young girls in India just days ago, whose deaths are part of the unmasking of sexual darkness and its effects, worldwide.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:22 pm 

Announcing - Light Omega's WORLD EVENTS NEWSLETTER

Two new articles for understanding what often seems unfathomable.

Polarization - An Attitude and an Energy:

A New Standard for Presidential Elections:

The spiritual becomes 'practical' when we are not ruled by fear, and instead seek new solutions to the problems at hand.
These new solutions are awakening within us now. They are our heart's response to a changing world.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:53 pm 

GLOBAL PURIFICATION - Light and Darkness

“This Newsletter was written following the bombings by Islamic militants in Brussels, Belgium on March 22, 2016, and on the same day the address by President Barack Obama to the people of Cuba during his visit there. This visit held the purpose of establishing greater unity and common purpose between two countries who, for decades, had known only mistrust, alienation, and impasse.”


We witness, today, on the world stage, powerful forces at work, manifesting in events that we try to fathom, that we try to understand. These forces of light and darkness are part of the global purification taking place now. They have different ends in mind and use different means.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 4:36 pm 

Light Omega Community Newsletter - April, 16, 2016


We look around us and we see mountains, and streams, and sky, and sunrises, and trees, and great beauty. Yet, within that great beauty and continually in a process of self-healing, the earth is trying to free itself of the negative energies that it has taken in from our actions, from our words, and from our thoughts.


We must learn to have compassion for those who do harm, whose hearts are covered by illusion so that they cannot access the truth of their own deeper being which is always positive, which is always love. This truth may be buried beneath a cloud of darkness so that it becomes all but inaccessible, and so that the person in such a situation cannot feel their own humanity nor the humanity of others, and when others become un-real or un-real to the heart, then the heart cannot stand in the way when a tendency arises to treat them like objects.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2016 9:38 pm 

Light Omega Community Newsletter – May 5, 2016


The choice before America is not so much an economic one but one that is defined by the relationship of 'self' to 'other.' This is true both for individuals and for nations - whether to build relationships based on self-interest and competition, or on cooperation and unity with all.


Today, a day after the withdrawal of two Republican candidates from the presidential field, we are left with only one Republican nominee who, in his world view, is focusing our national consciousness on a pivotal choice that needs to be made, the choice regarding the relationship of self to other, and of our national self to the world. Consideration of how we view ourselves in relation to others, whether separate and in a competitive struggle, or whether joined with them in our common humanity and in a unity of wholeness, is the choice before us now.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 2:14 pm 

"When the Lion Lies Down with the Lamb"
May, 2016
Light Omega Community Newsletter No. 9

"Beliefs are not truths. They are more of the mind than of the soul. They are more of logic than of the deeper understanding of the heart. Now, in this time of vibrational change and of a reality that is transmuting to something that has never taken place on Earth before, beliefs of the mind can give way more easily to the truths of the heart and soul. Thus, who a person conceives themselves to be can become something entirely different than the idea that they have been holding for as long as can be remembered."

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(Please note, Newsletters have resumed now on a monthly basis.)

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:45 am 

THE REVERBERATION OF SHOCK: Britain's Exit from the European Union

June 29, 2016

~ the spiritual underpinnings of world events ~

"Dear Beloved Ones,

Many are reacting to the withdrawal of Britain from the European Union, some with praise, some with dismay, some with a sense of dread for anticipated future events. There is a need to hold such movements and decisions within the overarching spiritual vibration of light and its purposes, and to know that for the planet as a whole and for all inhabitants of the Earth, despite appearances, we are moving toward a time of greater unity and oneness."

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Thank you for sharing this Newsletter with others. With all blessings - Julie

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:04 pm 

The Shadow of Violence That Hovers Over America -
Light Omega Newsletter - July 8, 2016

Dear Beloved Ones,
This Newsletter is a response to the deaths this past week of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the police officers shot down in Dallas, TX.
Grief is appropriate to this time we are in, a time that is affecting our collective awareness, rooting out those hidden places of our consciousness that have historically contained superiority, disdain, false pride, fear, and selfishness, rooting them out so that we may move forward as a nation. This is the time of purification, a time of sorrow and of hope, a time of darkness and of light that is greater than the dark. It is a time to awaken. This is our need and our gift to Life.

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:51 pm 

“FREEDOM AND UNITY - The Great American Political Divide”

~Articles and commentary regarding the spiritual underpinnings of world events~

July 12, 2016

Dear Beloved Ones,

We have come to a time of borders and fences, of believing in the 'side' that we are on in its rightness and in its disdain for other beliefs and points of view. We have come to a time of not recognizing that we are, at the same time, undermining the very possibility of having what we wish for.

“FREEDOM AND UNITY - The Great American Political Divide”

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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:20 pm 

“Beloved Ones, we are used to thinking of ourselves as small and insignificant and the world as very large and unaffected by our existence. We picture ourselves as one person out of billions of inhabitants upon the Earth. But this count by number is a count based on separation from others. It is based on the belief that we are one individual coming up against the rest in order to influence them, in order to influence this great mass of 'other.' This is an incorrect picture, however. For the rest of humanity is not outside us, not something we 'come up against.' Rather, our inner reality and the inner reality of the rest of humanity interpenetrate each other at all times. We share thought, energy, and consciousness at all times. As a result, we are always influencing the collective 'entity' of which we are all a part. It is because of this fact of a unified whole that there is no separation between the 'one' that we are and the 'billions' that others are.”

~an excerpt from, The Light Omega Community Newsletter Special Supplement - No. 13
‘The Significance of Being Embodied’ by Julie of Light Omega.
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 Post subject: Re: ~ Light Omega Newsletters ~
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:16 am 

“Dear Beloved Ones,
Everyday acts become acts of devotion when we become stewards of our own life. Ordinarily, we do not think of action in this way, especially actions that are repeated such as washing dishes, sweeping the floor, doing laundry. Yet, there is an entirely different view that we might have concerning time and action, a view in which every action becomes a step toward the completion of a task that is in direct relationship to love for the Creator of life. When this is the case and to the extent that this is the case, the desire for right relationship with the Divine exists as a primary motivation to keep things in good order, and to complete tasks that have been set before us.
This motivation comes from perceiving the Divine Presence in all aspects of life, and accepting that nothing is ‘accidental.’ All is given as gift to interact with for the benefit of learning and growth, but also for the benefit of love. Love creates an orientation toward stewardship. Within the heart and mind, it sets up a desire to complete all tasks that have been given by a Divine hand to the best of one’s ability.”

“Becoming a Steward of Your Own Life: The Sacred in the Ordinary”
by Julie of Light Omega is an excerpt from 'The Light Omega Community
Newsletter - No. 16.

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a Steward of Your Own Life-Julie of Light
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