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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:29 pm 

The Trials of Purification

Purification is a process that is meant to set mankind free, enabling life to be lived without pain and limitation from the perspective of the soul. It is a process that creates the possibility for individuals and for the Earth of living a sacred life.

And yet the trials of purification sometimes appear to outweigh its rewards, allowing one to feel that there is only difficulty and pain to get through, rather than a sacred process going on, initiated by light and corresponding to God's intention to bless the Earth and all souls.

It is easy to believe this during a time in which the expansion of light is largely invisible, and one must trust this event based on belief and on inner knowing, rather than on a state of corresponding joy. Indeed, sometimes the difficulties of purification can appear almost insurmountable, creating heartache, fear, hopelessness, or anger -- all feelings that may have been present in the past to a lesser degree, that now clamor inside with greater insistence. Because of the amplification of these feelings in the presence of greater light, what may appear to be taking place may be attributed mistakenly to deficits in one's character, in one's efforts at healing, or in one's relationship with God for which the conscious self is at fault. None of these interpretations would be correct. For purification is the answer to the desire for healing and help. It is a drama of the past taking place in the present for which an individual ordinarily has little or no frame of reference. Its purpose is to eradicate limitation, and to create, for the self, a new and sacred way of life.

With respect to the acceleration of the purification process on the planet, it is, without exception, produced, first, by the intensification of light upon the Earth; second, by one's own receptivity to that light; and third, by the intensity and scope of the needs that exist for healing.

Where issues in the past have not been able to be dealt with at the deepest level, but only in a more intellectual way or only to a certain degree, the expansion of light releases into awareness the deeper strata of thought and feeling, bringing with it more profound aspects of the original situation in need of healing. This would all be clearly understandable if the action of light were observable to the conscious self, which could then become more of a witness to the process, rather than fully immersed in it. In fact, in cases where such witnessing is possible, greater peace is often present even while difficulties continue. Nevertheless, this perspective is not always available, due to the intensity of ongoing difficulties.

Even where symptoms express themselves physically as part of the purification process, the underlying cause is still a need for the healing of one's consciousness, and this need can also increase in intensity, manifesting physical symptoms that are stronger than they were before.

Having an anchorpoint within oneself that enables one to connect with the deeper truth of purification and the freedom it is bringing and will bring, is an essential part of going through this process with greater ease.

Having others around who understand this frame of reference, a place to go where one can receive comfort and support, a source to which one can turn for a sense of greater light -- these are also important ways of going through what can be a time of great intensity.

However, the most important thing that supports one's passage through this time is to feel a deepening of one's relationship with God and with God's love. This deepening, even while difficulties continue, gives life a new meaning and contributes its own sense of joy. For the relationship with God establishes one's awareness as a soul, connected to life and to other souls in a whole new way. This is the reward of purification, even while challenges may be present.

To know with conviction that God has not forsaken one -- that God is, in fact, present during this time, is, more than anything else, the bedrock upon which endurance is founded and upon which hope and trust can be maintained. All other supports assist with this process, but knowing God's love and the sacred reality that is trying to emerge, are the central ingredients for maintaining oneself in the face of difficulty.

During the trials of purification, one's inner being may know one thing, while the body, mind, and emotions may feel something quite different. The deeper self may, for example, feel connected to God's truth, while mind and emotions feel separated, causing the conscious self to feel alone and without help. This situation, despite its intensity, can be met through the strengthening of love which can carry one through the trials of purification.

Feeling or asking to feel God's love, feeling the love of others for oneself, feeling one's own love for God, for other souls, and for the life of the Earth -- these are all things that can become stronger in the presence of greater light. They do not eliminate the challenges that are often present, but they surround them with compassion and uphold them with understanding.

Blessed are those who may enter the trials of purification in a state of awakeness, and who can go through the experience with God as companion, rather than without.

Blessed are those who may find within themselves the love that endures in the face of all difficulty, that is devoted to the light, and that seeks the healing of the self and of the Earth in the presence of every level of challenge.

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:23 pm 

Energetic Influences on Depression and Despair
by Julie

April 24, 2012

It is a time of great upheaval and change, both inner and outer. On the outer level the existing structure of societies is being called into question where these are not based on democratic values and on the freedom of the individual. On an inner level, those aspects of emotional life that have kept one separated from knowledge of one's inner Divine core are being brought to the light of day. At the same time, these are often being influenced and amplified by external energies that seek to maintain the state of separation. In the presence of hopelessness, in the presence of despair, it becomes even more important, then, to view these increasing or intensifying feelings to be not part of the self, but to be part of the energetic legacy that has lain dormant within the self that now must be released. This releasing process is taking place as the emotions become conscious.

Many who have led relatively stable and comfortable lives are today being cast headlong into what is often called a "dark night of the soul," but which is, in reality, the upsurge of internal energies of negation that are seeking release, combined with the effect of other energies that are amplifying what has lived within the self. This becomes a desperately painful situation for those who do not know what is happening and who do not see a way out of or even through the emotional situation that is developing. The definition of the situation in terms of its spiritual import is key. For the world and each embodied being is being affected by the greater light present on the Earth which is purifying all souls, their emotions, their minds, their bodies. It is bringing into consciousness what could not have been permitted before, in order to release it forever.

This energetic picture of the emotions of despair, depression, and hopelessness in particular, must be combined with an understanding of how to remain aligned with the forces of light which are at the core of each being, no matter how depressed the outer self may feel. No matter how depressed, anxious, or hopeless the outer self may feel, light is always present at the core, for this light is of the soul and the soul holds it eternally as part of its own Divine identity.

Attunement to the light within can be difficult when energies of darkness enshroud the mind and emotions, and may be greatly aided by the spiritual Practice of Alignment and by words of truth that resonate within the deeper self and encourage the innate light-force that lives within to come forth. It is also aided by an understanding that the experience of awakening for many souls that have carried light within themselves and who desire to serve God may itself call forth the deeper and more accelerated purification of negative emotions so that the service to God and light may take place in its fullness.

Forces of light are everywhere on the planet today and live within each embodied being within their deepest heart and soul. Forces of darkness are also present whose aim is to constrict and contract the movement toward expansion and to maintain the status quo. Many would prefer a different explanation to account for the upheavals that are taking place so prominently in life, yet the Earth itself is in the state of new birth -- a birth that will take it into a new level of being as a planet of light. As a result, all who inhabit the planet at this time, whether spiritually conscious or not, are part of this transition.

Support from the Realms of Light is present to all who seek it, as is support from the inner Divine Presence. Seeking such support in the presence of the covering of darkness may be difficult, yet is essential. Knowing that what one carries as depression, despair, fear, or hopelessness is not the deepest truth is also of great importance.

Regular prayer for the highest light of God to be with oneself at this time will enable an active current of energy to enter the emotional and energetic picture. This prayer will help greatly to further the process of purification and to shift the balance of energies so that greater light can be felt.

It is a time of great change and great upheaval, but within every embodied being is a source of light and of strength that is equal to the challenges of this time. May all beings be blessed by this knowledge. May all be held within the greater light of God which lives everywhere, both within and without. May all prayers be for the highest light to manifest on the Earth for the benefit of all beings.

* * *

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 5:27 pm 

Chronic Pain and Consciousness

Dear Julie, I have been at a loss to get relief from some pain that I have had for years. I have been to doctors and naturopaths and have found no relief. So lately I have been wondering (wandering) from two viewpoints: 1) what is it that I am to learn spiritually before this pain is relieved; 2) do I already have the answer in something I have tried or not stuck with enough, i.e. color therapy, radionics? Will I ever find healing or partial relief? I sometimes get depressed upon awakening to the same thing day after day. I feel so lost. Today I was led to this web site and felt the urge to email you for any insight you could give. Thank you in advance for your energy. Espavo. -- Paul


Dear Paul,

You have tried many avenues for helping and healing your pain and it is your choice as to whether you look at it from a structural/physical standpoint or from the standpoint of the consciousness that creates all of physical reality.

With the latter in mind, the pain you have been feeling and been unable to release has a twofold purpose. On the one hand, it is necessary that you develop a different relationship with your body than the one that has existed in previous times in your soul's history, and on the other hand, it has become a vehicle for suppressed feelings that your consciousness has not yet been fully willing or able to bear.

The first has to do with a more respectful attitude toward your body in a physical sense, and in an overall sense a more respectful attitude toward your embodied life. This involves self-care, hope for the future, love for your self and your life, and gentleness in general. On the other hand, the need to suppress feelings of anger and grief from past lifetimes has strongly infiltrated the cellular structure of your body and so it is increasing the neurological difficulty that is involved with this painful condition and making it chronic rather than something that can be more easily let go of.

Healing of your spiritual/emotional self begins with the willingness to do so, dear one. It is not uncommon that people with the best intentions have not found a way to deal with deeply buried feelings and these feelings, as a result, have found their way into physical expression.

As stated above, much depends upon your point of view and whether a consciousness approach to your present dilemma seems real and valid to you. There is no reason that you should not also seek relief from your pain in whatever physical ways you think might be helpful, but the part of you that wants to be free of it altogether might choose to investigate the consciousness aspects so that you can begin to allow the blocked energy to move more freely in the areas in which this is not now happening.

You are a beautiful soul, with much knowledge and wisdom, and yet you have been out of touch in a certain way with the deeper layers of yourself. If you begin to ask for light to come to you to reveal your emotional self to your daytime consciousness, this will begin to happen. Placing yourself in environments that are light-filled or engaging in spiritual practices with the same focus will also serve you well.

If I can be of further help to you, please let me know. Blessings, dear one. The Realms of Light wish you a pain-free life, joining with your own wishes for the same. Julie

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 3:28 pm 

Letting Go of Guilt and Blame

I have been depressed about the loss of my children thru divorce. I am with a wonderful man but do not have my children.
I ask for direction in healing the relationships with my children.-- Kristi


Dear One,

The relationships with your children cannot be healed until you heal your own heart and the guilt and pain that it carries. At present, you do not know what direction to move in because you feel at fault and also because you blame others for the circumstances you are in. Let go of blame of yourself and others. Allow the warmth and caring of your heart to flower without these things and the truth of what needs to happen with and for your children will come to you naturally and intuitively. You are afraid of making the wrong move and doing the wrong thing, and so your natural movements or gestures are stifled because you are concerned about how you will be seen and whether you will be seen as acting wrongly.

This is a difficult time, dear one, and one that your soul has chosen in order that you learn better how to listen to the true feelings of your heart. Your children will respond to the natural warmth of your heart if it is freer of guilt and blame, and they will find their own way back into a relationship with you that is more satisfying. The need to clarify your feelings, however, is important, so that things become clear in your communications with them. Blessings - Julie

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:34 pm 

Awakening - Integrating the Larger and Smaller Self

Dearest Julie

About 8 months ago i came into a spontaneous spiritual awakening/s they have been transient coming in and out.They were appearing as inner spiritual winds opening my heart centre of Love releasing my hurt heart to grieve compassion over my past traumatic life ive led most my life. I feel like im living 2 lives separately and its quiet draining.How do i intergrate the 2?

when i am not in the Light of my Self in Gods Love i am usually an upset person, usually negative in mind set fearful and doubtful, making my relationship with my boyfriend very difficult at most times and definately undermining if i am at all walking the spirit life i so desire...? because of my traumatic past of the old life i have not seen my mother in 3 yrs.

my request is to ask why i cannot align myself into the higher Self and Be it, manifest it externally? My Higher Self knows and wants to resolve the past, to show my inner Light and to break the moulds my family have projected on me. I seek to... break free from the past that i have lived, please show me if i am on the Right path as doubt can intervene and take me off it. All the Blessings to You. -- Rachel


Dearest Rachel,

You are at a wonderful point in your life and yet one that requires great patience. For the revelation of your larger Self is life changing, but it also points up the places in your psyche that are limited, small, and afraid. Indeed, compassion is what is needed, not only for your past life of hurt, but also for the length of time it may take to integrate your outer self and your inner.

This time period in which one watches the 'old' self carry on in ways that are habitual and distressing, is a painful one that must be gone through. What is important to know is that no progress can be made without this integration, and without witnessing what you would like to change in the presence of a growing longing to change it.

Longing is very important during this interim period. It creates the motivation of the heart to sustain an intense kind of spiritual striving to be better, to be purer, and to find a way of living a unified life so that you no longer feel split in two. This will one day be possible, as long as your heart's intention is that it be so. Meanwhile, the period that you are in is one of purification, of integration, of witnessing, and of allowing the new energy that has awakened within you to do its work of transforming the energetic pathways that cause you to respond repeatedly in ways that you no longer feel comfortable with.

To assist with this process, it is necessary to understand that there is nothing wrong with you or with your attitude that is causing this time delay as your outer and your inner self come together. It is the way of growth and of purification and it must happen according to an inner time table. Many people who awaken with beautiful experiences of love and truth, also go through similar feelings of frustration and dismay that they cannot actualize that lovingness and that truth in their everyday lives. So it is with you as well.

Ask God to help you become purer and to release the habitual patterns that belong to the past. Let yourself know that you welcome this new Self with the full desire of the larger heart that is awakening in you. Yet at the same time be patient and understanding toward the smaller self that is still afraid to let go of the old.

You are, and will be, greatly blessed for the choices you make that are leading you, step by step, to walk in greater light. Trust this, dear one, for your life is changing even now when so much feels like it is still the same. And practice aligning regularly with light in order to move the process along further.

Blessings and celebration, dear one, for your embodied self is coming home. Julie

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:24 am 

Divine Forgiveness as a Portal to the New

Dearest Beloved Ones,

This new time that you and all of the Earth has entered has many gifts and also many challenges. Greater light is available for you to experience healing and a more direct experience of God's reality, to open your heart and to feel a greater connection with your soul purpose. At the same time, greater light is accelerating the process of purification on the Earth, which is creating greater upheaval in the individual and collective emotional bodies of humanity. Emotions are running high, with great potential for creating further disruptions if individuals are not aware of or willing to contain difficult energies, and to turn to God for resolution.

It is a natural tendency of separated consciousness to look outside of the self to find the cause of one's difficulties. This tendency to project outwards is responsible for creating much of the chaos in human relationships today. What is needed now, at this turning of the spiral of evolution, is for humanity to embrace the awareness of divine unity.

Divine unity is the natural state of all things, which in the past was not perceived by those embodied in physical form. Divine unity is the spiritual reality that underlies all of creation, and this awareness is now available to all of humanity who wish to perceive it. By embracing the understanding that all are connected, and that all are part of the divine Oneness of God, this will begin to transform how you relate to others and how others relate to you.

The first and most important step that needs to be taken is a willingness to take responsibility for your own consciousness, and to stop all focusing of negative attention upon others. This may seem like a tall order if you have, like so many lightworkers and faithful servants of God, found yourself in so many situations in which negativity is directed towards you. The tendency of separated consciousness is to focus outward on those who are hurting you, and to want to retaliate. By acting out these desires you perpetuate the cycle of negativity which is manifest in so many places in the world.

There is a way to respond to painful experiences that comes from a consciousness of unity rather than separation. The consciousness of unity understands the deep interconnection of all souls and events, and desires to put into the world only love and positive energy. The consciousness of unity chooses to contain negative energies so they do not further amplify them. The consciousness of unity offers the opportunity to transform negative energies in the following ways.

Go within yourself and connect with God. Acknowledge the feelings of hurt and anger that you are experiencing as the result of being hurt by another, and be willing to see every nuance of complexity of these feelings, including the desire to strike back.

Know that you are with God, and that God loves you, and that you are held in love even if you cannot feel it. From this place you can choose to not act on your feelings of hurt and pain. This choice is called containment which interrupts the cycle of negative energy and begins to transform these energies.

Pray to God for help in transforming and releasing this pain. If you are feeling too much hurt and pain to pray, then pray for the willingness to pray. Hold at the center of your consciousness your desire to love, no matter what else you are feeling.

Beloved ones, the world is at the cusp of a monumental transition into a new consciousness. With so much purification happening, and so much trauma accumulated from the past, the only way through this time is to find the willingness within yourself to release resentment, blame, anger, judgment and all negative energies that are focused towards others. Forgiveness heals and is the doorway to the New Earth that is manifesting.

When you release resentments and forgive, a space of light opens up in the global collective consciousness, and the clouds of darkness that were created through the holding of negative emotions begins to dissipate. The greater light grows and affects others, and you will begin to see healing and transformation happen around you. As more people make this choice, the light grows stronger, which strengthens the light within the collective consciousness of humanity.

You may think that you are just one person, and that your holding onto negativity will not harm others. This is not true, as your consciousness is much more powerful than you are consciously aware of. Your choices at every moment affect all of the Earth and the collective vibration of all souls on the Earth.

If you find yourself feeling entitled to be angry or unable to find the motivation or willingness to release negative energies towards others, then pray to God for transformation, guidance and healing. Ask for help to find the motivation to release resentment, and you will be guided and supported to discover a new level of yourself.

Beloved ones, the time has arrived for all souls and all faithful servants of God to come together as One to heal, both individually and collectively. The future of the Earth depends on you and your actions thoughts and choices. We bless your sacred work and give great thanks for your love. Amen

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:22 pm 

Healing the Heart

I am dealing with a heart illness and am afraid I will die. I know I am here for a special reason but I have never been able to know what that is. I don't want to die before I do something right. I can't seem to stop smoking or eating wrong and those are so important to my current health issues. I seem so alone. -- Sharon


Dearest Beloved One,

You have been traveling through life with a feeling of aloneness which you have been trying to deal with as best you can through habits that are not serving you. These habits have been coping mechanisms to deal with depression and loneliness. The physical expression of your illness is, in part, a result and manifestation of these underlying issues, and it is important for you to recognize that your heart has been hurting for a long time while you have tried bravely to deal with this pain.

Yet, the real solution to the problem that will allow you to drop your negative habits which detract from your health has to do with feeling loved, connecting more deeply with others, and with valuing yourself. There are many places you might begin with this, but a place of connection with God within you is the most important since all love comes from this Source, and self-love is most significantly related to feeling loved from within.

If you do not know how to begin to create this connection, simply determine to address the problem of lack of love directly by bringing it to God. Create an altar in your home, light a candle, sit at it regularly. Pray to learn how to feel loved and loving. That is all you need to do to begin.

If you would like to write to me further about this please do so. It is not too late for you to make this shift, beloved one. Begin now. The sense of purpose you seek is connected with these things. Blessings - Julie

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