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 Post subject: Planetary Purification: What Has Lain Hidden Becomes Visible
PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:17 pm 

"Today is a new time, a time in which all that prevents brotherhood and love from happening
will be made visible and will be rooted out from where it has lain hidden, silently
exerting its influence on the consciousness of each individual who has departed from love."


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 Post subject: Sins of the Fathers
PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:25 pm 
Sins of the Fathers

and the Principle of Forgiveness

The path of light is not always clearly marked, and even when it may be, there are motivations of fear, greed, and delusion that can cause one to turn away from the light-filled path toward one that is darker.  Even in the presence of such choices, however, the soul is being perpetually guided both from within itself and from higher realms to understand the effect of its own choices.  There is never a time in the soul's history when mistaken directions are taken without instruction and guidance coming to the soul regarding the choices it has made and what their limitations or risks may be.  The choice to pay attention or not to pay attention to this inner guidance always remains with the embodied self, however.

Even in the presence of grave mistakes in judgment, and even in the presence of rejection of inner guidance concerning the consequences of action, the result of the Law of Cause and Effect will, nevertheless, sooner or later bring to the attention of the embodied self the consequences of its own choices. This blessed function of life-as-teacher is never absent, not even for souls that have veered strongly in the direction of a darker path. Nevertheless, the guidance that comes from the light can become increasingly obscured by the energies of darkness surrounding and infiltrating the consciousness of an individual, and so they may increasingly have difficulty penetrating that consciousness in order to make themselves seen and felt. 

It is for this reason that events that are external to the self may repeatedly need to configure themselves in such a way that one's attention is gained so that a new direction may finally be chosen. This sacred Law of Cause and Effect is continually shaping life to create a path of return to light. 

PA Grand jury: Altoona-Johnstown Diocese Hid Sexual Abuse

Yes, it is true that in their hearts, many who inadvertently serve the darkness desire in their hearts, to uphold the light. Yet truly, as soon as they violated Your Sacred Laws, they had become agents of the darkness, no matter the desire of their hearts. They followed not the judgment and guidance of their God, but of their own truths, claiming it to be "in the name of God".


Roman Catholic sex abuse cases by country ... by_country

Without the purification of the will/ego and alignment with the Light into the Oneness; the ego (and the heart) will remain vulnerable to corruptions of the darkness.


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 10:43 pm 
by Julie of Light Omega

During times of darkness, oppression, or when emotions have created a sense of anxiety or extreme fear, it is important to hold to foundational truths.  These truths do not live in the mind.  They live in the deeper strata of the heart and reside in one’s inner being. 

The mind can easily succumb to the pressure and intensity of emotions that are either innate to the personality structure, or are being colored and affected by energies that would take the embodied self further away from the light, toward increased separation from truth and hope.  At such times, foundational truths of the heart must be reached for and clung to as one would cling to a life preserver or life raft on a stormy sea.  For the energies of opposition cannot touch the deeper truths that reside in one’s being, since this being is the domain of the soul and is infused with the Divine energy that belongs to each created child of God.

"Foundational truths need not be sought in the mind. They can be sought in the most important value or values and heart-centered beliefs that one holds about life or about the self.  Most importantly, they are, and can be, about love.  Encircling energies of darkness or oppression cannot touch love when it is clung to in this fashion – wordlessly, confidently, firmly. Love is the single most important platform on which to take a stand against any and all forms of doubt, oppression, or fear that cause a loss of hope or of perspective of any kind.  Love, and what one loves most deeply, creates an open avenue along which the light of the soul can travel, and makes possible a re-emergence from the depths of darkness toward a place of greater peace and hope."

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...All energies that seek to dismantle love also seek to remove the embodied self from the correct perception of who they are and the correct perception of what life is really about.  This is the reason that at times of darkness, thoughts are often not valid.  They are often not based on truth but on fear that has been created within the mind.  Foundational truths have no part of fear.  They exist within the light of the soul and this is why they create an immunity to forms of oppression that separate the embodied self from light and from God.

Cling, then, to the foundational truth that lives at your center.  Cling to it at all times, but especially at those times when doubt and fear assail your consciousness.  Then cling to it more fiercely and let it hold you as a raft that is sturdy can hold a body afloat.  Foundational truths are a raft in a stormy sea of emotion, and their access is as available as breathing, for they are innate to each soul and they live within the soul itself.  Breathe in such truths.  Live by them.  Hold them close in your heart.  Feel the light that they carry.
"These truths are the effective means for dispelling darkness and remaining with the light, and they are in the possession of every child of God who seeks them.  May God bless your searching for this truth within yourself and may it provide the hope that is what all beings seek during times of trouble."

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 Post subject: Separation Consciousness: Poverty of the Heart
PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:27 pm 

"…Attention to energies of darkness were not part of the conscious experience of mankind, for the most part, for these wove themselves into the social and intellectual fabric of mankind's awareness in ways that prevented their discernment from occurring easily."

by Julie ... -Time.html

File comment: Meet the 'Rich Kids of London,' who post photos of their lavish lives on Instagram and Facebook

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What ill have I done unto you stranger that your eye should look upon me with contempt?


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Just as there is a vibration of love and unity associated with expanding light that is currently entering the earth’s atmosphere, so, too, is there an opposition to this movement by currents of energy that seek to influence consciousness in the opposite direction, creating greater separation, disunity, fear, and hostility in order to suppress the expansion of light.


File comment: Rich Kids of Instagram

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This planet requires of us a 'globalization of consciousness', a redefinition of what and who we care about, an extension of our own personal boundaries to include an identification with life everywhere so that we cease to focus simply on our own good or bad fortune, and become more concerned with what befalls others as well.

WORLD COUNCIL OF NATIONS: A Planetary Perspective

"Corporate totalitarianism means total control by corporate interests. If they want a war, they get a war. If they want GMOs, they get GMOs. If they want fracking, they get fracking. If they want big banks to control our monetary policy, big banks control our monetary policy. If they want a tax break, they get a tax break. If they want the TPP, they get the TPP. If they want to deregulate to the point of complete irresponsibility to our children and to the earth, they deregulate as much as they care to. And if they see a way to profit from the vulnerability of the old, the disadvantaged, the poor, the young, or the sick, then they are given the right to do so."

Corporate Totalitarianism, or Not
Marianne Williamson ... 61826.html

How Billionaires Use Non-Profits to Bypass Governments and Force Their Agendas on Humanity
As wealth becomes concentrated in fewer hands, so does political and social power via foundations and non-profits. ... ir-agendas

Last edited by Johanna on Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Polarization and the Values of Love, Kindness, & Compassion
PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 11:43 pm 

Within our individual lives as well as within the political arena, the energy of polarization prevents love, kindness, and compassion from appearing as values.  It prevents our hearts from having a voice.  And it reduces our common humanity to something that has no space, no room to come forward.

Polarization as an energy is opposed to love and unity.  Where there is the possibility of accord it creates discord.  Where there is a possibility of the harmonization of diverse interests, it creates disharmony.  Where there is the possibility of trust in the good intentions of others or of another, it creates distrust.  At root, its purpose is to maintain division and separation.  Its success in doing so is achieved when we believe that no meeting of opposites can take place, and that we must protect ourselves even from the possibility of this.
At the same time as polarization creates the perception of opposing points of view, it simultaneously creates fear of the 'other' with whom one cannot sense an essential commonality.  This fear can give rise to anger, self-protection, withdrawal, hopelessness, and the many seemingly intractable situations that exist on the world stage between nations.  Such impasses exist also between individuals where communication in relationships breaks down because it feels impossible for it to continue.  Wherever we are led to believe that there is no common ground with another human being, we have lost faith in what some call our common humanity, and in what others call the Divine core of our being, the core that lives within all.


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 Post subject: American Rage: Fire in the Belly of the Nation of the Free
PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:17 am 

Hostile Takeovers, Mergers, Down Sizing, and Corporations Moving out of the USA

The 1980's. I remember it was during the Presidency of Ronald Reagan when a 'Consciousness of 'Greed and Contempt' - for ordinary working people began infusing political and business decisions that favored profits for the corporate few, over the wealth and health of the nation - began to first make its presence known. Austerity, deregulation, firing of air traffic controllers, and the first attacks on the social security nets which kept our nation intact and thriving, were sold to us by President Ronald Reagan. (With similar measures being sold to the peoples of Great Britain by PM Margaret Thatcher).

I remember a time in this country when people where I grew up and lived, including my Dad and Grand-Father, worked mostly in manufacturing jobs. My father and many fathers and mothers who worked in manufacturing could raise a family and even send their children to college, (this was a time when tuition's were affordable), on what they earned. These families had pensions, and healthcare. American workers worked hard and proudly, enriching the corporations and CEO's they worked for through their efforts and sweat, and in return was a business ethics in place where most people (more then any other time previously in history), were able to live good lives, raising their families, and educating themselves and future generations.

It seemed to me that those who chose not to go to college, as far as I could sense around me, through people I knew, seemed to enjoy their manufacturing jobs, the wages they earned, and when they were not working, they seemed to enjoy their lives and families. I remember this reality until the 1980's, when we entered the gilded age of "greed is good". Suddenly the language and actions associated with words such as 'hostile takeovers', 'mergers', 'downsizing' began filling the news papers and television newscasts. At first it was the workers with the greatest seniority being fired, or layer off, with a trend towards hiring newer cost friendly younger people at much lower wages. A period then followed encouraged by new tax laws which allowed new business friendly regulations such as NAFTA which opened the gates for the exodus of manufacturers to cheaper labor markets, and the once proud "Made in the USA", stickers and labels disappeared. At the same time, draconian measures were being put into place to thwart those who lost their jobs, savings, and often homes, to make sure they did not become 'dependent' and 'takers' on the welfare system. In 2008, whatever savings these very same folks had, were transferred to Wall Street and the banks, as part of the biggest transfer of wealth from We the People to Wall Street, private corporations and CEO's, and the banking system.

Now those very same individuals who were made redundant by factory closings, loss of jobs, and influxes of cheaper illegal labor had now lost their homes, and their savings, many from the sale of derivatives, bad loans, and corrupt Wall Street and banking casino like practices, are being called 'takers' by the very legislators and billionaires who have participated in the dismantling of American jobs market and manufacturing production, moving even the call centers taken to 'cheaper' off shore countries, as the corporations pleaded they needed to make even more profits to stay competitive.

"Beyond Greed: When Billions in Profits are Not Enough".

We have as a nation, have lost touch with our soul and we need to reconnect. We are also losing our hearts in the Orwellian policies of oppression, compassion-less free market policies, which for many years have been often led by a misguided religious theology based 'conservatism". We as a nation have allowed the purveyors of greed to dictate and now even write and enforce, the laws governing We the People. Those who serve We the People have written laws full of loopholes which allow corporations, millionaires, and billionaires to hide trillions of dollars off shore, changed import tariffs laws so that cheaply made products from the very same corporations that left America workers high and dry, are not taxed when they come back to American shores, and given corporations billions of dollars in corporate welfare. These practices continue to this day as more and more companies continue to leave American shores for cheaper labour markets where they will not be burdened with paying fair living wages, taxes, oversight, tariffs when they bring their products back to America for sale, or regulation of unfair business practices or detrimental environmental polices.

I am from a generation which is dying off early, they like myself are in their fifties, many grew up for the most part, in families who believed in and made American Dream dream profitable for the corporations, banks, wall street, and legislators. In return, society was programmed through the media with the message you were "making America great", we were to take pride in goods the "Made in USA". In the world I grew up in families passed on the message to each generation that "If you worked hard and helped build the company you worked for, the company would in return, take care of you for the wealth you generated for them." It wasn't a perfect business model, and without the unions, millions in this country and their generations would not have enjoyed a life where they had a chance at living the American dream, even so, the system was working and there were government regulations in place, and ethical standards practiced by most businesses which kept the balance of power in check. That was until deregulation, the crushing of unions, hostile buyouts of companies, merging, downsizing, trade treaties such as NAFTA and the moving of manufacturing jobs out of the USA, "for strictly business reasons".

A new business model is needed. One in which the hard work and dollars of those who support the growth of a company or corporation is not rewarded with contempt and free market greed. The souls which are coming forward, the new generations, are the ones who are going to bring this new reality forth. For those who have suffered, and are suffering the loss of their jobs, their homes, the health, and their lives, whilst those garnering the millions and billions of resources meant for all continue to write the laws and manipulate public awareness in their favour, I am truly sorry for your suffering. I did not cause your suffering, but I am aware of it, and so very sorry for your pain and losses.

with love,

File comment: Watch Carrier Workers Find Out Their Jobs Are Moving to Mexico

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“Now the promise of America has always been you work hard, you do your job, you help your company be profitable and then in return, you hope to have a decent retirement,” he said. “So how do we tell workers who have put their whole heart and soul into a company, who have provided them with over $6.1 billion in sales, that it is not enough? I mean, the reason folks are here is because there has always been a promise: If you work hard, the company in return will stand up and do right by you. So, how is doing right having $6.1 billion in earnings and shipping 2,100 Indiana jobs off to Mexico?”

Watch Carrier Workers Find Out Their Jobs Are Moving to Mexico ... to-mexico/

The president of Carrier, owned by United Technologies, gathered the Indianapolis factory employees, skilled workers who earn an average of $20 an hour, and informed them that the corporation planned to kick them to the curb but expected them to perform to the highest standards until Carrier opened a new plant in Monterrey, Mexico, where workers will be paid $3 an hour.

Carrier President Chris Nelson told the group, “This was an extremely difficult decision.”

Such difficulties for poor, poor United Technologies! It was making a nice profit at its Indianapolis and Huntington factories. But it was not the big fat profit it could pocket by paying Mexican workers a mere $3 an hour, providing $3 an hour in health or pension benefits, and doing it all in the nation with the longest work weeks among the 36 countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

It would be “extremely difficult” for United Technologies to abandon Indiana after the corporation grabbed $530,000 from the pockets of hard-working Hoosiers over the past nine years as the state’s economic development agency forked over taxpayer cash to the corporation.

It would be even more “difficult” to turn its back on America considering that United Technologies grabbed $121 million from a federal tax credit program established specifically to ensure that green manufacturing jobs remained in the United States. Carrier took $5.1 million of those tax credits in 2013.

Murdering American Manufacturing: 'Strictly Business' ... 85564.html

Why Our Government Isn't Listening: How Greed Is at the Root of US Suffering ... -suffering

"You’d think there would be laws against senators signing on to wield their considerable insider influence for special interest groups as soon as they retire. Oh wait, there are. For example, federal law prevents most officials from joining the influence peddling game for one to two years. It’s just that these laws are as full of loopholes as a plate of spaghetti, such as the designation that in order to be a “lobbyist,” they must spend 20% of their time lobbying for a client. Any less, and they’re just, um, well-compensated friends? Something like that.

Other times, they’re just not reporting their contracts, like this $5 million doozy. It’s part of a trend of non-disclosure that experts say is responsible for the appearance of lobbyist spending’s apparent slight decline in certain segments. So how lucrative is the “strategic advice” market? About $3.2 billion a year, with annual salaries often exceeding a million dollars. Quite an upgrade from the $174,000 a member of Congress makes."

50% of Ex-Senators to Become Lobbyists ... yists.html

In Exchange For Cutting Benefits, This Bankrupt Coal Company Agreed To Pay Executives Millions ... -payments/

How an Army of Pharma Lobbyists in Washington Have Locked in One of the Biggest Corporate Ripoff Schemes in America ... ate-ripoff

"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.

Economists use the term "opportunity cost," and certainly massive spending on weapons and warfare is an opportunity lost for greater spending in needed areas such as education, infrastructure, environmental preservation, and alternative energies."

The Pentagon as Business and Church ... f=politics

"Americans who once earned family-supporting wages working in factories, foundries and mills across this country began destroying themselves at a shocking rate five years after implementation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

That’s because such deals – schemes exactly like the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement released last week – encouraged corporations to offshore manufacturing, decimating decent American jobs and the lives of decent American workers.

Unemployed, desperate and despairing, these once-middle-class workers are killing themselves at unconscionable rates with guns, heroin and alcohol-induced cirrhosis. To such workers, the TPP would mean more tragedy, more death. The opposite is true for CEOs, shareholders and Wall Street financiers. To them, the TPP would mean even more luxury, more wealth. Trade schemes like the TPP further rig the economy in favor of the already-rich and against the hard-working rest."

"Just since 2001, 56,000 American factories closed. Corporations moved many of these to low-wage, low-worker-safety, low-environmental-protection countries with which the United States has so-called free trade deals enabling the companies to sell the foreign-made products in America with little or no tariffs or duties."

The TPP: Another Deadly Trade Deal ... trade-deal

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Lawmaker Wants To Make The Poor Take ‘Self Reliance’ Training To Get Benefits ... -reliance/

Congressman Wants To Allow States To Drug Test Food Stamp Recipients ... test-snap/

A San Francisco technology entrepreneur has sparked fury by labelling homeless people “riff raff” the city’s wealth elite should not have to endure.

"...Keller said he had been moved to write the letter after a visit from parents and relatives was disrupted by three encounters with homeless people.

On one occasion Keller was forced to contend with “a homeless drunken man” in the street, on another he ran into a “distraught and high” person outside a restaurant.

A third encounter involved a man who “took his shirt off and laid down” in a cinema.
Keller said he should not have to be confronted with such sights because he had worked hard and made a lot of money.

“I know people are frustrated about gentrification happening in the city, but the reality is, we live in a free market society,” he said. “The wealthy working people have earned their right to live in the city.”"

Tech bro’ complains about San Francisco’s homeless ‘riff raff’ in callous letter to mayor ... -to-mayor/


Jailed for Being Poor ... s_partner/

I'm haunted every day by what I did as an economic hit man (EHM). I'm haunted by the lies I told back then about the World Bank. I'm haunted by the ways in which that bank, its sister organizations, and I empowered US corporations to spread their cancerous tentacles across the planet. I'm haunted by the payoffs to the leaders of poor countries, the blackmail, and the threats that if they resisted, if they refused to accept loans that would enslave their countries in debt, the CIA's jackals would overthrow or assassinate them.

Former Economic Hit Man Returns to Take on the "Death Economy" ... th-economy

The Big Short
The packaging and resale of debt.

The Big Short describes several of the key players in the creation of the credit default swap market that sought to bet against the collateralized debt obligation (CDO) bubble and thus ended up profiting from the financial crisis of 2007–08.

Last edited by Johanna on Sat Mar 12, 2016 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:35 am 


Not without struggle will the new America come into being,
But with the knowledge of a virtue once lost to be regained,
And with the knowledge of a hope once dashed
upon the shores of self-seeking,
Now reaffirmed as a promise that belongs to all.

This America will rise on the shoulders of honor
and be uplifted by a heart that longs to serve
the helpless, the downtrodden, the needy.
It will not rise on the shoulders of the mighty,
but on the shoulders of the kind and the generous –
on the strength of those who are fearless in their desire to love.

The new Republic of America shall give to all what belongs to all,
The right to live freely, to breathe purely, to belong to the earth
as the earth belongs to all creatures,
To share in the earth's bounty in a feast that excludes no one,
in which all who are hungry may be fed.

This America will no longer tolerate the haughty and the proud,
Those who seek stature through gaining power over others
or through the dissembling that makes one look better
that another may look worse.

Tolerance will be a foundation in this new America,
But more than tolerance will be needed
by those who seek to represent the people.
For these, in particular, will need to be humble before God and man.
They will need to be devoted to ideals that will be of benefit to all -
that will share with all the abundance of an abundant land.

Those who will lead America will not act in order to save face,
But will already possess a face that speaks the truth
and that seeks to follow it.

In all things, the new America shall hold itself to a standard of honor
that refuses to allow a pandering to self-interest
in order that some may have more, while others have less.
It will, in upholding this standard, recognize that there is no self-interest
that does not include the interest of all,
And there is no accomplishment that does not satisfy
what the hearts of all men long for.

This standard, held high, shall bar none, shall exclude no one,
And, holding itself accountable to a higher measure of justice and mercy,
shall embrace all as one people,
manifested as many,
humble before God.

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 Post subject: The Soul of a Nation - Light America Spirit
PostPosted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:57 am 

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 Post subject: Standing With The Sacred Stone - Standing Rock, N.Dakota
PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 2:50 pm 

Oil Spills and Pipelines: The Desecration of First Nations Lands and Waters

You can help:

Official Support for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe against DAPL
Organized by: Standing Rock Sioux Tribe ... ainst-dapl

Sacred Stones Camp

“We don’t have the big bucks like the oil companies or the political influence. They came to our territory without our consent–with our opposition,” said Russell Eagle Bear, historic preservation officer for the Rosebud Sioux tribe. “And at that time we stressed, it’s gonna leak.”

The pipeline runs near the eastern border of the tribe’s reservation and directly through land they said is theirs under original treaty agreements with the federal government. The tribe said they feel powerless. They’ve opposed the pipeline’s existence since it was first proposed in 2008, and unsuccessfully went to court to try to stop its construction. The tribe said they found out about the spill in the first place from local media reports.

Why these Native American leaders are demanding to be heard after the Keystone Pipeline spill ... -american/

"We gave the Unites States the right to use our water, not the other way around," Yellow Fat says.
"The US government is once again allowing big money to trample all over our rights."

"We once had land as far as the eye can see. Now we are in a prison camp. Now they are chipping away at that," he continues.

Lakota Lead the Fight Against the Dakota Access Pipeline ... s-pipeline

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Military-Style Raid Ends Native Prayer Against Dakota Pipeline
Reported September 28, 2016 ... -0029.html

America’s shameful history with its native inhabitants is echoing across these riverbanks this late summer.

“The U.S. government is wiping out our most important cultural and spiritual areas,” LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, whose great-great grandmother survived the Whitestone Massacre, wrote this week. “And as it erases our footprint from the world, it erases us as a people. These sites must be protected, or our world will end, it is that simple. Our young people have a right to know who they are. They have a right to language, to culture, to tradition. The way they learn these things is through connection to our lands and our history.”

"...All of which is sad, because this case offers the U.S. government the chance to make at least small amends for some of the darkest parts of its official history—to demonstrate that it has absorbed at least a few small lessons from that past."

"...The events at Standing Rock also allow Americans to realize who some of the nation’s most important leaders really are. The fight for environmental sanity—against pipelines and coal ports and other fossil-fuel infrastructure—has increasingly been led by Native Americans, many of whom are in that Dakota camp today. They speak with real authority—no one else has lived on this continent for the longterm. They see the nation’s history more clearly than anyone else, and its possible future as well. For once, after all these centuries, it’s time to look through their eyes. History offers us no chances to completely erase our mistakes. Occasionally, though, we do get a chance to show we learned something." ... -dark-past

The battle against the Dakota Access pipeline is being waged as a renewed assertion of indigenous rights and sovereignty, as a fight to protect clean water, but, most importantly, as part of the global struggle to combat climate change and break from dependence on fossil fuels. At the Sacred Stone, Red Warrior and other camps at the confluence of the Missouri and Cannonball rivers, the protectors are there to stay, and their numbers are growing daily ... k_20160908

The American Indian Genocide Museum

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee - The very first spiritual book I read as a teenager, I wept for weeks. To this day the sufferings of the First Nations Peoples resides deeply in my heart.

Standing with all of you, thanking you, with love.

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Last edited by Johanna on Sat Oct 01, 2016 8:35 am, edited 9 times in total.

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 Post subject: Be Awake. Be Present. Be A Part Of The One Body.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 2:53 pm 

Be awake. Be present.
The body of the Earth and the events of the Earth are part of you, part of the one Body.

Julie ‏@JulieLightOmega

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 Post subject: Dimming The Sun - Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 11:33 am 

Consciousness Transforms Suffering.

Become aware to what is happening to the body and breadth of Mother Earth. Do this for yourself and for the generations to come. Honour the body of the Planet as your would your own. Look up - look around you, notice what is happening to the Earth. Be the change.

with love,

Creating "global dimming" is the stated goal of numerous geoengineering patents,
it is one of the primary goals of the atmospheric spraying.

Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG) ... directive/

Within an hour the 'contrails' of the jets pollute the skies_1 of 2 photos.jpg
Within an hour the 'contrails' of the jets pollute the skies_1 of 2 photos.jpg [ 28.33 KiB | Viewed 3282 times ]

The term geoengineering is used to describe the intervening steps that could be taken by man to combat (man-made) anthropogenic global warming (AGW). As previously presented in this document, there is huge doubt surrounding the idea of AGW which, in itself, leads to concerns that geoengineering measures may be unnecessary and, therefore, be a possible waste of time, money and resources.

Of utmost concern, however, are the risks that are associated with geoengineering. And whilst many geoengineering practices are already patented[12] and underway[13], attention must be paid to one particular aspect of geoengineering, Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering (SAG) which includes a technique known as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI).

SAI is essentially the spraying of aerosols (typically aluminium oxide, barium, strontium, sulphuric acid and other toxic substances) by aeroplanes into the Earth’s atmosphere, modifying the weather to affect local and global climate. The idea is to create artificial cloud cover that will reflect sun radiation back into space with the purported intention of reducing the Earth’s atmospheric temperature. [14]

Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering is currently being proposed as a Solar Radiation Management (SRM) technique,[15] with submissions for testing being already accepted by the Solar Radiation Management Government Initiative (SRMGI). [16]

Benefits of SAG

There are no proven benefits of SAG to the general population. Beneficiaries, however, may include the following:
• Financial gains for the organisations and people associated with these programs – e.g., manipulating then betting on the weather[17] [18] and betting on food prices. [19]
• GMO corporations (e.g., Monsanto) having a control of food supply with their abiotic stress resistant GM seeds. (see following ‘Risks of SAG’ section)
• Countries who may gain a military advantage through controlling the weather and manipulating the atmosphere. [20] [21]

Whether such SAG operations will actually reduce global temperatures (should this even be necessary) is in dispute, as presented later in this document. ... directive/

Risks of SAG
The proposal of climate geoengineering – presently banned by the UN moratorium3 – is to spray vast amounts of heavy metals and other toxic substances into the atmosphere[22], with which there are numerous concerns:
• The Solar Radiation Management Research Governance Initiative (SRMGI) itself concludes the range of SRM research includes “potentially risky, large-scale experiments in the real world.” [23]
• The United States’ own Government Accountability Office states “not one geoengineering technique is safe and their implementation could cause more damage than the supposed catastrophe they intend to avoid.” [24]
• A Harvard University study also reveals the lethal consequence of tiny particles in the atmosphere. [25] (Such toxic particulates in the atmosphere are one of the consequences of Aerial Aerosol Spraying.)
• The Neurotoxicology (brain poisoning) division of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency says that exposure to airborne Particulate Matter “is an environmental health risk of global proportions.” [26]
• Increases in neurological disorders, like Alzheimer’s disease, that are linked to aluminium which raises concerns about the fallout of aluminium from Aerial Aerosol Spraying. [27] [28]
• Increase of ‘global dimming’ [29] – Over 20% of the sun’s direct rays are no longer reaching the planet – believed to be caused by an increase in air pollution.
• Poor crop yields caused by abiotic stress (e.g., drought, heavy metal contamination, too much moisture, fungal overgrowth – all consequences of Aerial Aerosol Spraying)[30] cornering farmers into purchasing aluminium- and abiotic stress-resistant GM seed. [31] [32]
• Increase in diseases based on vitamin D deficiency, like Rickets, due to lack of sunlight on the skin. [33]
• Further damage to the ozone layer. [34] [35] [36]
• Blue skies artificially turning white. [37]
• Severe weather conditions, droughts and flooding. [38]
• Increased chances of climate-related international conflict. [39] [40]
• Spraying toxic substances in our environment is not going to be good for us. common sense

Whilst some of these issues may represent an obvious opportunity for certain stakeholders to profiteer, each issue is a risk that poses a real, serious problem for the rest of us.

Further, when considering the views of the many imminent scientists and organisations that disagree with the underlying concept of man-made climate change, casting doubt on the very notion of Anthropogenic Global Warming, it can be concluded that these may all be unnecessary risks.

Other Aerial Aerosol Spraying Activities: ... directive/

Within an hour the 'contrails' of the jets pollute the skies_2 of 2 photos..jpg
Within an hour the 'contrails' of the jets pollute the skies_2 of 2 photos..jpg [ 23.17 KiB | Viewed 3282 times ]

Evidence that Aerial Spraying activities have already started
Regardless of their underlying reason, there is an abundance of evidence that Aerial Aerosol Spraying activities have already started:
• UK rainwater test results contaminated with high levels of heavy metals (e.g., aluminium) and abnormal pH. [56]
• The formidable rise in so-called ‘chemtrails’ phenomenon which includes literally millions of observations and experiences that are not compatible with the official ‘contrails’ explanation.[57] [58]
• The vast majority of persistent trails in the sky do not come from commercial flights as the planes involved usually don’t appear on (whereas over 80% of commercial UK flights do).
• Unusual phenomenon of “on-off” aircraft trail output (abrupt and/or intermittent) with no effect on planes’ altitude – witnessed regularly and captured up-close on video. [59]
• Circumstantial evidence of the emergence of multiple, persistent contrails spreading and turning our blue skies white – the desired result of SAG operations. (see previous section)
• Anecdotal evidence of two planes flying at similar altitudes, locations and times, where one plane leaves no trail, but the other leaves a trail that persists for hours.
• The modern-day sky, routinely filled with persistent trails forming the patterns of tramlines, asterisks and noughts-and-crosses boards. Whilst air traffic has doubled over the last 20 years, seemingly no-one can recall such a phenomenon ever occurring before the early-1990’s. (And this is despite fuels of 20 years ago not being as clean as they are today.)
• Extreme weather behaviour (including the breaking of thousands of UK and US weather records and unprecedented amount of UK floods warnings) coinciding with increased Aerial Aerosol Spraying activities over recent years – consistent with NASA’s claim that “contrails, especially persistent contrails, represent a human-caused increase in the Earth’s cloudiness, and are likely to be affecting climate and ultimately our natural resources.” [60]
• Global dimming. [61] [62]
• Whistleblower evidence from former US government (CIA, US Air Force and NSA) employee with cryptographic clearance, A C Griffths, revealing his involvement with “the chemtrail program”. [63]
• Photographic evidence. [64] A small number of examples are shown here: ... directive/ 

Geo-Engineering_Solar Dimming_Global_dominance_over_weather_free share.jpeg
Geo-Engineering_Solar Dimming_Global_dominance_over_weather_free share.jpeg [ 107.54 KiB | Viewed 3282 times ]

Directive to Ban Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering and Aerial Aerosol Spraying in the United Kingdom (21-Dec-2013)
A public demand to ban stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, weather modification, cloud seeding and the deliberate aerial spraying of chemical aerosols.

Creating "global dimming" is the stated goal of numerous geoengineering patents, it is one of the primary goals of the atmospheric spraying.
Dimming The Sun, The Climate Engineering Assault Continues

Educate Yourself. Search the following terms to increase your awareness and self care: aeresol spraying solar dimming geo engineering chemical trails - chemtrails.

How Geoengineering And The Aerosol Spraying Of Our Skies Affects Our Health

Chemtrails differ from ordinary contrails in that they hang in the sky for hours and are often observed to be emitted from planes that fly criss-cross routes, leading to the formation of ‘X’ and grid-like patterns in the sky. Chemtrails also directly effect localized weather by turning a clear blue sky into a hazy overcast.

Geoengineering is sometimes produced as the high-technology solution to the environmental problems of climate change: if humans don’t change their ways and start reducing greenhouse gas emissions, say the proponents of technofix, human ingenuity will no doubt devise a different answer.

But, repeatedly, closer examination has made such solutions ever less plausible. Scientists have dismissed the idea that the melting of the Arctic can be reversed, have only tentatively conceded that technology could dampen the force of a hurricane, and have found that—instead of cooling the Earth—attempts to control climate change could either make things worse or seriously disrupt rainfall patterns. On balance, scientists believe that most of the big geo-engineering ideas won’t work.

Antarctic Techno-Fix Could Not Slow Rising Seas

Self Care: Seaweed broths with miso, added oats to help with metal detox. Metal detoxes. DIY sunscreens using essential oils, zinc powder, shea butter, almond oil or any oil you favour and coconut oil. Baking soda baths. Washing your hair with baking soda. Salt baths. Dry skin brush before baths and showers. Keeping your 'outside' clothes in a wash basket away from your bedding and room. Keeping your shoes at the door. Washing clothing worn on heavy spraying days if you are spending a lot of time outside, as soon as you get in - or leave them in the laundry. Research orgonite. Tend to your land organically using natural bio-mass to feed your plants and trees. Pray. Pray each day blessing the sun and the earth for our sacred habitat. Ask that that which does not belong to the body and the breadth of the planet be transformed and transmuted by the Light.

This posting was made out of love for the planet and all who inhabit Her Sacred Body.

Last edited by Johanna on Sat Mar 12, 2016 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: My Soul Calls.... "A New Direction"
PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:38 am 

A community of the heart contains those we know and those we do not know.
For distance does not lessen the connections of love.

Julie ‏@JulieLightOmega

One of the most challenging aspects of being a spiritual guide and a prophet is the holding, without getting angry, with the Source of All That Is, the deep feelings I carry in my heart for those who are suffering with trust and prayer.

My heart longs to help the suffering. Injustice is painful beyond words to witness. Planetary desecration breaks my heart. I would not consider this a complex, rather a deep abiding love coming forth from my soul for humanity and our sacred home.

I post and share difficult photos and stories about suffering. I share these stories hoping that there will be other souls who will join me from their hearts in holding the suffering, praying for all involved, and praying for healing. It is not easy work. Not glamourous by any means. Holding suffering in one's heart and praying for the suffering, being aware, and doing what you can for the betterment of all won't gain you notoriety and fame. And mostly, highlighting the suffering of others won't gain one likes, clicks, and friends.

What it will bring in the end, is integrity of the heart, and a compassion for humanity that widens beyond your circle of family, friends, and acquaintances. It is spiritual work which is unseen, and yet important for the overall health of the planet.

Even as this is true, I have learned over the years when it is time move in a different direction based on the inner calls of my soul, that the longer I linger in not moving towards the direction my soul is calling me to go in, I inevitably begin to suffer from taking in energies that my body can no longer process.

My soul is calling me once again. I have been receiving visions, teachings, and prophecies for the last few weeks which along with the call of my soul, indicate the new direction I am being called to serve.

I am being called to post these visions, teachings, and prophecies, as well as the Teachings of the Beloved which have to do with Awakening.

It may seem as if I am leaving the suffering by not posting stories of those who are suffering. I am not. For I am aware of the suffering and hold all suffering deeply in my heart - always, it is an aspect of my soul which will be with me until all suffering is ended for embodied souls. It is how I Am made me.

It is time to begin posting on the Awakening. As I have learned from the past, no matter how nervous I am to move in a new unknown direction, when my souls calls, follow.

Hold the world in your hearts Dear Readers. Pray for those who are suffering. Be aware of what is happening to others less fortunate than yourself. Step out of your own pain for a few moments everyday and become aware, with prayer, of those who are suffering, and bless them asking that their burdens might be relieved. Pray that the suffering of the body of the Earth may be ended And most of all - practice gratitude.

with love,

The energetic bonds that connect each of us to every other are very real, though invisible.
Let this be the reality by which you live.

Julie ‏@JulieLightOmega

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