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 Post subject: America... The Truth of Who We Are.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 12:19 pm 

The United States of America....This is who we really are: a nation of peoples of all nations, gathered together as one nation. We keep forgetting this truth, our amnesia began early, pretty much as soon as the first to arrive began killing those who were already living here, and yet the truth of who we ALL are collectively as a nation stands, for we are a nation of souls, awakening, not a nation of haters and war mongers. This truth will emerge, one heart at a time, we shall remember, and we shall collectively heal.

with love,

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America is not just a location but an idea whose origin is embedded in light.
As such its purpose is transformative and its actions must reflect this.

Intimations of the Future ... uture.html

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 Post subject: A Testament of Hope in a Time of Darkness, Suffering & Pain
PostPosted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:09 pm 

"…in the midst of darkness one must seek with all one's might
to anchor within the light of the soul,
even if it cannot be felt in a tangible way.

by Julie ... -Pain.html

Recently, a long standing painful situation has crested from the unconscious level of my awareness into greater conscious awareness.

Whilst the journey through the many unconscious labyrinths of behavior, karma, and spiritual lessons has been at times excruciatingly painful, the journey through the dark tunnel or dark night of my soul in which I felt that there seemed to be no seemingly positive answers, choices, or way through, is ending.

This issue I am encountering through my free will choice to be in relationship with this person, I find, is also my issue. As I awaken to the previously hidden patterns of negative behaviors manifesting through someone I deeply respect and love, I am becoming aware that that which is manifesting as unconscious repetitive negative behaviors, is at the root of their souls suffering. Suffering which I cannot heal, for an embodied soul has the free will choice to continue on the path of suffering, or to reach out and ask for help as they seek to heal and become whole. I can be a point of light, an inspiration and a voice of hope through my experiences, yet it is not I who heals.

I see now how for me there are many teachings in this situation where the suffering has been hidden, yet predominant as an energy creating separation and conflict. These teachings are for the edification and growth of my soul, no matter what the soul I am engaged with decides to do or not do. Accountability and responsibility for choices I have previously made that were similar to this persons suffering are coming to the fore of my consciousness, as well as a deep sigh of relief for the worst of the suffering in regards to my part in allowing the flow of energies which were not aligned with the frequencies of Light and Love, is now over.

My suffering is not over. Cutting off the person whom I love who is bringing this form of suffering to my heart, would end temporarily the suffering, yet in the future, another with the very same soul wound would come forth, because what they bring at the core of their sufferings are soul teachings for me as to how to be with the suffering of another, without being compromised or overwhelmed by their experiences of suffering.

What is the 'principle of light' that may be applied to pain? It is this: That a 'way through' can be found in the presence of any level of difficulty. This does not mean that the difficulty itself will disappear, only that if one asks, if one reaches, the means will be given to get through it emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually.

...God's love is present in this interpretation of reality, although some might think that the obliteration of pain itself would be a far greater expression of love. Nevertheless, that outcome can only become possible through the circumstance of spiritual evolution creating a point at which pain as a teacher is no longer needed. Before that, it cannot simply be 'done away with.' Yet, in the presence of challenge, in the presence of pain, God's love expressed as the 'light of the soul' can shine through.

by Julie ... -Pain.html

No, in this particular instance, my suffering is not over yet, for there are things I need to learn and ways in which I need to grow in the Light and vibrational frequency so that I never become complicit (consciously or unconsciously) with these energies again. What is over Dear Readers is the contracted perceptual awareness previously held of being lost in the darkness, a feeling of being a prisoner to the whims of the energies of this particular form of darkness, and the over riding confusion as to what was happening - why it was happening, without the benefit of knowing how to grow through the experience - these obstructions to the Light are over.

There was a time in my life where my sufferings were so great, so painful, so limiting in scope and depth that I lost my faith in God. I could not understand how God as I understood God, could 'allow' suffering to happen. How could God, the Creator, the Omnipresent and Omnipotent, allow the darkness to reign, allow suffering to ravage so many souls. To this day Dear Readers, I cannot give you a clear answer to the why's and wherefore's of suffering, Buddhist teachings seem to grasp core truths in regards to suffering in ways in which I can mentally relate, and yet, even still, leave me questioning the nature or need of suffering, which the Purification Process has helped me to understand with real life experiences wrapped within the protective folds of faith, trust, and hope in the midst of suffering and pain.

There is still so much more learning for my human heart when it comes to the energies of suffering, Even still, when I witness some forms of suffering of another, or experience some forms of my own suffering, my heart still cries out in protest, and when I witness suffering which resonates within the frequencies ranges of savageness, ruthlessness and hardheartedness, I still find it hard to pray with compassion within my heart for the particular form of suffering this human being is carrying and acting out, so no, my suffering is not over yet.

Access to soul awareness and truth may be covered over for many reasons, yet even in the presence of the deepest covering the truth of the soul is indelible. It can never be erased. It can never be diminished. One can only lose the feel for it. For this reason, in the midst of darkness one must seek with all one's might to anchor within the light of the soul, even if it cannot be felt in a tangible way.

The truth of the soul, the truth of life, the truth of the goodness of the One, remain as inherent qualities of knowing within one's own being.

This is the testament of hope that lives within each of us. It is what makes faith possible. It is what makes joy possible. And it is ultimately what will bring about the full transformation of the Earth into a planet of souls who live consciously and with full gratitude upon it.

by Julie ... -Pain.html

I do not know the purpose of all forms of suffering, although I do have a lifetime of personal experiences in which suffering featured prominently of which I have endured. What I have found, is that by the Grace of all that is holy and good and the Teachings I have learned from Beloved Julie, that if one is willing to go through the experiences, and if one is willing to learn from the experiences, grow from the experiences and open (not close) their hearts to Light and Love, even when the darkness, suffering and pain is most heavily upon ones heart and mind, that a way through can, and will be made. The way through the suffering and pain may not be what the ego is expecting, it may not be what the heart is expecting, yet from experience I can tell you it will be exactly what the soul needs to grow forward, as it ascends towards the Light.

with love,

Read the entire Teachings here:

THE PRINCIPLE of LIGHT in RELATION to PAIN and to the SOUL ... -Pain.html


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 Post subject: Remembering the Truth of Who I Am: A Spiritual Checklist
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 11:07 am 

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____ 1. I am a soul.

____ 2. I am a soul in a body having a human experience.

____ 3. I am a soul in a body awakening to the infinite possibilities
of being a soul in a body having a human experience.

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 Post subject: LIGHT and PURIFICATION in a Time of Awakening
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:36 pm 

----------- THE POWER OF LIGHT -----------


It has been my experience that Light exposes for the purposes of healing, that which has been hidden from the heart and conscious mind.

Teachings of Julie:

"The freeing function of light is a powerful force for good.  When light encounters darkness, it attracts the darkness to itself, moving it out of its place of residence and hiding and exposing it to the light of day.  In this way, do individuals become aware of feelings they may have carried for a long time without every having been conscious of them.  In this way, too, do the crystallized forms of darkness that reside within the body, causing symptoms of varying kinds, become separated from the physical context in which they live.  These then begin to release as energies, instituting a healing process that could not have taken place without light's presence."



Twenty+ years on since first participating in the Purification Process I continually find that the Purification Process offers me a way of healing and purifying everything, at all levels of embodied conscious existence, which is being revealed by the Light.

Teachings of Julie:

Purification is a multilevel phenomenon whose domain can involve every aspect of one’s being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.  Which aspect will gain prominence in the course of individual experience cannot be determined in advance or by comparison with others.  The relationship between the outer self or personality and the soul-self and between the personality and the subconscious or unconscious self is a hidden one for the most part, and so what light will reveal as areas in need of healing or directions for growth and expansion will be unique to each embodied being.  What is common to all, however, is the integration that purification furthers, namely, to bring the identity and consciousness of each embodied being into a unity of wholeness within itself and with God.  This unity is based on the harmony of love, and no longer contains those inner elements that create separation from the Divine or from one’s true self.


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 Post subject: Great Awakenings: Ascension
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 1:46 pm 

Great Awakenings:

"The earth is going through an ascension at this time into a higher vibration and dimensional awareness. "

"What this means is that she is joining her physical body with the higher frequencies of light so that she can participate in the galactic harmonic of spiritual light in an entirely new way.  This harmonic is one that pervades the illuminated planets of light and it is one that the earth has been waiting to arrive at for a long, long time.  The earth's energy body is the primary vehicle through which this transformation is occurring, and, much as it is with the individual human body, the earth's body must free itself of all that stands in the way of moving into the higher frequencies of light before becoming completely able to do so.  

"...The present confrontation between light and darkness is of cosmic proportions, that is to say that it is not only taking place on the earth but in the solar system, galaxy, and beyond as well.  This is due to the fact that what influences one planet influences a much larger sphere of vibration which that planet interacts with, creating a need to maintain the Divine harmonic throughout the galaxy and associated galaxies, even when there is just one planet at stake due to the confrontation with oppositional forces.

Many who have come through the human evolutionary cycle know nothing of such cosmic battles between light and darkness except what they have read in novels.  And yet the whole history of mankind has been shaped, in large measure, by the triumph of light over the intentionality of oppositional forces to undermine the forward progression of human evolution.  In relation to the earth as a particular planet within the solar system and galaxy, there is an additional reason why it is important that the balance of light prevail over the forces of darkness and that is because the earth holds a pivotal focus for being able to dissolve energies of darkness through the light that has begun to transform physical matter.  This capacity of the earth to purify darkness through her own inherent light is of benefit not only to the earth as a planet, but to the entire galaxy in which she resides and beyond.  It is a characteristic that is rarely found within the inhabited universes."

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"All that is at stake in the present collision between the intentions of the forces of light and the intentionality of the forces of darkness has great bearing on what individual souls are experiencing on the earth at this time." 

"There is much pain and suffering going on, not only because of the outward manifestations of darkness that have to do with violence, killing, loss of human dignity, distortion of truth, deprivation of fundamental human rights, etc.  All of these are functions of how darkness seeks to have an influence over human behavior and human evolution.  But even beyond this, the pain that is occurring is the pain of feeling a loss of hope, of feeling that there is no way out of present predicaments and no way forward.  This pain is being felt in different areas of the world and by many individuals simultaneously.  It is the pain of a world that perceives itself to be without God, with a sense of aloneness that is greatly influenced by the cloud of darkness that is presently covering the earth.  It may be said that the entire earth, in its heart and in its energy body as well as in the consciousness of many individual souls, is waiting for this pain to be lifted – is waiting for the new birth and new awakening that will enable humanity to break through seemingly intractable situations that are spiraling out of control to a new way of being with each other and with life.  The world is waiting, as are the realms of Light, for the awakening of a new impulse of light that will be of sufficient strength to disrupt the present covering of darkness and enable all to feel and to know what has always been present – the truth of God's reality, light, and love."

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 Post subject: Revelations Time: Light and Alterations of Planetary Frequen
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:12 pm 

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There is only one underlying reality that invisibly upholds and penetrates all of existence. It may be given different names, described differently, and experienced through the unique prism of each soul's consciousness. Yet in essence it is One, and there is no other.

This Unity is the ultimate truth, yet within this Unity as an interdimensional reality are forces of light and darkness that are part of the structure of Creation. These forces manifested when all things emerged and differentiated themselves from within the Un-named One. Light and darkness are cosmic forces as well as energies that exist within human consciousness. As such, they have intentionality, will, and the capacity to influence human affairs.

III. Love by Julie ... Part3.html

A vision shared for those who have been given the perceptual awareness to 'see'.

As the frequencies of Light expand and increase, denser, oppositional forces, entities, and beings who no longer resonate with the new frequencies of this planetary reality, who have often been the source of damage and suffering through the deliberate interruption and blockage of Divine Flow and Light, will be unable to continue to exist in their previous forms of conscious expression on this planet. These denser vibrational frequencies of conscious expression, as with all consciousness and conscious beings separated from the Light, will have opportunities to change their vibrational frequencies and structures, acclimating to the higher resonating frequencies of Light. These entities and beings of lower density frequencies, will not be able to exist (resonate) and influence planetary consciousness in the higher frequencies ranges of Love and Light of the new Earth.

This vision was received in the month of November of 2015.


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 Post subject: Spiritual Bridges of Consciousness: LOVE and LIGHT
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:22 pm 

At Time is Coming Forward When All Will Have Eyes to 'See'

God's light spans all dimensions and levels of reality, moving through time and space as a current of radiance that affects both individual life and human history.  Where light is present on the earth, where consciousness is capable of holding light and the heart is capable of centering itself upon it, there the greater light may enter and make itself at home, illuminating with greater force all that it finds that matches or resonates with it.  Often, this produces the many kinds of spiritual awakening that take place, for light, upon entering awareness, wakes up those capacities and perceptions that have been dormant, bringing into consciousness sensitivities and clarity that existed before only in potential.  It is the illuminating power of light that creates true inspiration, both large and small, the perception of other worlds, the capacity to distinguish between moral truth and moral falsehood that represents itself as truth, and the illumination and enlargement of the heart so that it can love more, with greater strength and depth.  All of these effects are produced by the increased presence of light within the body, heart, and mind.


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 Post subject: Musings: Star Wars Film Title - The Force Awakens
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:27 pm 
I found myself musing on the the new Star Wars films title The Force Awakens when this came to me...

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The Divine FORCE of Light which has given life to all of us,

now AWAKENS in all of us.

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 Post subject: Religious Wars: Killing in the Name of God
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 2:52 pm 

"The darkness perceives itself as Light and the Light as darkness."*

Religious Wars:
The Influence of the Forces of Darkness Upon Those who Kill in the Name of God

It has been my experience that
killing in ANY name of God
as a religious expression of devotion
is a clear sign of an embodied soul
who is being influenced in their actions
by the forces of darkness.

Remember, one must choose to act out
the darkness. We all have the free will
choice to act out the darkness motivating
our hearts and minds, or not to.*

To serve God, the One, known by many names
by any member of any religious group - is to hold the darkness
within our hearts - without acting it out upon each
other. This is what we are called to do the name of God.

Joy to the world, for the time of the Light is upon us.

Yes, we shall be the generation who first embodies
in the Name of the One, the Light of the One…
remembering the Truth of who we are, we shall 'see'
how the forces of darkness seeks to influence humanity's
actions in an effort to create perpetual suffering, death,
and destruction.

I tell you we are witnessing the last throes of the forces
of darkness. All souls and entities in this planetary
realm are and will continue to be influenced by the
increasing frequencies of Light.

Nothing created by those who have been created can
stop this expansion of Light.

Peace be upon this planet.

*Paraphrased from the Teachings found in Light to Light unpublished version. The updated version can be found here:

**With exception to the mentally incompetent who have lost their ability to choose.

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 Post subject: Meeting Our Hearts - The Earthly Purification of Separation
PostPosted: Sun Dec 20, 2015 3:09 pm 
The Purification of Historical Soul Memories of Separation

I had an experience recently that astounded me. I who acknowledge with gratitude how richly blessed and gifted I am by my ability to perceive at times, even the realms of multi dimensional energies, could not, in the moment when I was touched by the love of the Christ, feel the presence of the energies of Love in my body. I could not feel the energies of love I was experiencing in that moment as real!

It shocked me as I looked into the eyes of the Beloved, that I could not feel the energies of LOVE. I could only feel how far away my heart was as if I was locked away in a dark solitary cell.

With compassion I have held this revelation for my soul. For this revelation is a guidepost and a blessing, indicating the next level of spiritual healing which is calling me forward. A level of spiritual healing is opening for me as an embodied soul which has to do with the purification of earthbound soul memories which continue to resonate with the frequencies suffering, separation, and torment. Submerged earthbound soul memories which are being revealed by the very act of my being unable to perceive deeply and fully the Love offered to my heart, indicating to my conscious self that these energies, memories still have some influence on my sub-conscious mind and nervous system. These unconscious yet influential unpurified energies of separation are being revealed 'symptomatically' in my inability in the presence of LOVE to perceive deeply, without any ego blocking, without any judgements, without any feelings of invalidation, and without any feelings of lost self worth, the energies of LOVE.

Experiencing this revelation was painful, it still is AND it is a joyful blessing. How can that which is painful also be perceived as a joyful blessing? Well in this particular instance Dear Readers, I have been shown, it has been revealed to me, what is needed next on my spiritual journey of awakening as I by my free will choice, open my heart, my mind, and my body to the frequencies of Love and Light.

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Formed out of the Plenitude of the Godhead and of the Void, the holy sphere of the earth came into being as a sanctuary for the millions of souls who would experience her vast beauty, and glorify the One who had made her, the Father-Creator Spirit and Mother of the World.

For a time, the glorification of the sacred earth was part of the knowledge of all souls who inhabited her heavenly habitation, before she descended along with these souls into a more solid state.  But as souls became more separated from their point of origin in the Oneness, so, too, did the earth descend into a parallel lower vibration that was inevitable, for the increasingly separated soul-consciousness of the many was part of her being, and so the descent was also a necessary part of her being.

by Julie

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 Post subject: Winter Soltice Blessings
PostPosted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:43 pm 

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Soltice Blessings_Winter Soltice_Johanna Raphael_OEA.jpg [ 100.38 KiB | Viewed 2862 times ]

"...The cosmic event of the Winter Solstice has been described in many ways, some creating fear, some creating joyful anticipation. What the Solstice brings is the beginning of the new wave of unified consciousness that is part of the fifth-dimensional vibration, not only for those select few who are capable of attuning to it through meditation or intuitive capacity, but for the planet as a whole, whose physical body has now become capable of accepting this fifth-dimensional vibration.

It is in this way that all will be affected, irrespective of their belief system, by the incoming impulses of light, for all who have bodies are part of the Earth’s body, and the Earth’s body is now making a transition into the higher dimensions of light.

All prayers and blessings are desired at this time, for the speed and smoothness of this transition which shall affect the lives of all. All reverence and love for the One Creator of all is called forth from the heart, as the cosmos itself undergoes a shift in the direction of Divine destiny."

WINTER SOLSTICE, 2012 - A Cosmic Event

Even as this Teachings speaks to the spiritual gateway our planet and all of it's inhabitants moved through during the 12-21-12 Solstice event, I personally feel the ongoing expansiveness of this sacred and holy event, as it continually expands through dimensions affecting us profoundly three years on.

with LOVE

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 Post subject: Life and Light: The Two Becoming One
PostPosted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:47 am 

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In the beginning was the Word made flesh,
made substance, brought into the dust and stones of the physical
so that matter might come into being.

The divine Breath, the sacred 'hu', breathed life into form, giving it life.

Without it, nothing was made that was made.

Now flesh, dust, and stones become the Word,
Reaching up, the particles of earth are transformed,

Life and Light, the two becoming one.

'Cone Nebula in Monoceros' 'Star Poems"
Julie Light

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