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 Post subject: Notes From Retreat: The Recent Ascension Light Event
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 4:38 pm 
Notes From Retreat:

Spontaneous Detox and The Recent Ascension Light Event

This posting is about the recent ascension related light event that we, collectively, have just gone through in the last few weeks which I perceive ended yesterday, November 12, 2015.

I am aware that this light event was perceived (felt) in all dimensions no matter the level of consciousness. The light event was perceived in the cells of all living consciousness. For the embodied soul, there was the very same intake of light no matter the level of consciousness. Ass sentient beings experienced this light event through their nervous systems.

This ascension event had at times, a 'blasting' effect and if one was not properly grounded as the light event unfolded, expanded, and rolled through the planetary consciousness somewhat like giant waves, one blast of frequency, then another.... then it was quite possible you were having a meltdown or enduring a meltdown by someone who was in your vicinity or close to you. At other times as the frequencies accelerated and expanded it felt as if the body was being electrically stimulated through the nervous system.

Peripheral nerve pain, joint pain, limited abilities to create, focus, headaches, emotional releases, and bursts of restlessness were a few of the experiences of my body which was taking in the frequencies of this permeating light.

I witnessed the greatest experiences of conscious pain being endured by the souls who had left embodiment. May they come to know peace.

There is more, yet a space is made here for you to remember within yourselves, what your experiences were like in the last few weeks as these particular frequencies of light expanded throughout the galaxy.

As the window of the light event itself closes and as the body begins to process the 'downloaded' light into the cells, tissues, organs, blood, lymph, and body systems, be not surprised if your body begins to spontaneously detox, if your dietary and nutritional needs suddenly change, or if your need to rest and have more time with your self increases. Do not act out the releasing detoxing 'lower density', negative energies. This is a good time to sit with your pen and write.

with love,

P.S. There is no need to worry that you missed something if you did not 'perceive' this particular light event. There are more coming. Light events are a hallmark of the 'time' of Awakening we are collectively in ~ 'Revelation' Time.

Last edited by Johanna on Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Integrating Light or Aligning With Releasing Darkness?
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 6:12 pm 

Are You Integrating the Higher Frequencies of Light or Are You Aligning With the Releasing Energies of Darkness?

Be aware now Dear Readers of local, regional, and global experiences in the next months and days ahead following this most recent light event, in which embodied souls who have chosen to align with the releasing denser energies - frequencies, (reintegrating the denser frequencies back into their consciousness' and heart's), then choose to act out the denser frequencies on those around them, be it human, sentient being, or our beloved Earth.

My Prayer...

May those who are deciding whether to align with, and act out, the denser energies of darkness and separation which they perceive within themselves, experience more and more collective moments of awakening to the Light within them, so that the deed or action which they are about to commit in a fit of madness of mind and heart, may be witnessed by the self, whllst simultaneously, a path is made within to choose another way, to let go of, rather than act upon, any expression of violence, intolerance, and hatred.

Light and Darkness in the Public Arena

When you look at the national or world stage with a contemplative eye, it is possible to see which forces, positions, people, and points of view polarize a discussion, and which perspectives unify and create greater harmony. This is a signpost to the operation of light and darkness in the public arena.

Words, positions, and arguments that create fear, that sub-divide a nation into irreconcilable groups, or a planet into groups that are acceptable and those who are not, are infused by the ongoing energy of separation and fear which is another way of describing the energy of darkness.

Light unifies. It creates greater wholes. It builds a willingness to trust and a need to accord to all the presumption of fundamental humanity, based on respect. It seeks to redefine what 'enemies' are, and to do away with that term in favor of a deeper explanation of human motives. It recognizes forces that seek to limit freedom and that seek to disrespect the rights of others, but it does not rely on hatred or fear in order to respond to these forces.

The 'we' and 'them' mentality is a hallmark of the time of separation.

We are leaving that time and entering one in which there are no exclusions, since all is held in God. To enter this time fully, fear must be let go of, not activated, and so wherever fear is activated and promoted, the contemplative eye must recognize the backlash of forces that are seeking to prevent the expansion of light.

To see the drama of light and darkness on the world stage and to remain at peace, one must know deeply within one's being that light is stronger than darkness.

This may not show itself immediately in every situation, but the thrust of growth, evolution, and transformation is, and will be, the overturning of all that limits freedom on an individual level and on a collective level as well. All that promotes fear and division is being replaced by light's purposes.

We enter this time humbly and gratefully, standing with the forces of light that may be seen through the remaining conflicts that are still present on the world stage. Namaste.

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 Post subject: Prayers for the Suffering - Paris, France - November 2015
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:00 pm 

Prayers for those who lost their lives
as well as the traumatized survivors and their families
of Paris, France.

November 13, 2015

Prayers for all the innocent Middle Eastern peoples everywhere who are not associated with radical violence or ISIL, Syrian's, and the peoples migrating from war violence and poverty, as well as Asian peoples*, who will now bear increased suspicion, hatred, bigotry, and torment by the fearful and the wretched, because of the color of their skin, the faith they follow, the way in which they dress, and how they look.

Prayers and blessings for the innocents who will now bear the unbearable yoke of the painful burden of false association through nothing more than a similarity in features, faith, and or style of dress, brought about by the deeds of darkness and violence committed by those who care not on whit for their lives either.

*Asian Peoples - Far too many people in their ignorance of foreign cultures do not know the difference between a Sikh and a radical violent ISIL member.

Please forgive me for not mentioning the Beirut bombings the day before. So much violence, so little energy to hold all who are suffering in my small human heart.

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 Post subject: Significant Light Event on the Horizon - Hearts Beware!
PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 11:27 am 

Hearts, hearts beware!

For in this time of Revelations
your true intentions
will soon be laid bare.

Zealots, fear mongers, war mongers, war profiteers,
haters, bigots, xenophobic's alike...
that which is hidden dark in your heart's
is rising to the Light.

Your deeds in words and actions
recorded for all to see, each of
your hatreds, fears, and bigotries.

Murdering, war mongering, spying,
profiteering, and desecrating 'other'
in the false name of the One,
your wails and cries of agony will be
heard throughout the lands,
when your mind's and heart's comes to terms...
with that which you have done.

Haters who kill, haters who spread
their hatred and fear through the word,
haters who troll, haters who come
in the false name of the One,
I will be praying for you
when your paradigm comes undone.

This agony I warn of for those who would spread
hate and fear, this agony I warn of for those
who would kill, maim, and rain terror upon,
those whom the Beloved One holds dear.*

Today you may call me a fool, but this you will find,
when the Light of Revelations comes upon you,
it will be the prayers from myself and others in kind,
who will help you to find freedom and redemption
from the agonies of your heart and mind.

Hearts, hearts, Beware!

Be not drawn into the nets of the darkness,
keep your heart pure, trusting, praying for a new way
that is not about hate, fear, and the cult of death.

Step away from the sounds of the voices of hate, the deeds
of the haters, the actions of the zealots.

Keep yourself centered, grounded in truth and light.
Do not allow yourself to be seduced
by the false paradigms of hate and endless war.

Hearts, hearts, Beware!

Stay True! Stay True to Your Light!

*Everything is held dear in the Heart of the One. Everything and every one.

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 Post subject: Hearts of Light in a Time of Darkness: Integrity of Scotland
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:11 am 

Hearts of Light in a Time of Darkness

This is how actions of Light trump the rhetoric fear mongering
of fanatic zealots, Christian and Muslim alike.

File comment: The peoples of Scotland welcome Syrian refugees with a message of welcome.
CT9sbPhWUAAXJJd.jpeg [ 123.09 KiB | Viewed 2636 times ]


Last edited by Johanna on Wed Nov 18, 2015 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Prayers for the Soul of Our Nation
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:14 pm 

Awakening in a time of horror, intolerance, hatred, and acts of politicized inhumanity.

And this is how the darkness shall work through you...

In your fear, you will seek to justify an action which your heart knows to be wrong.

And your mind will become complicit with the fear, and it will say to you... "You must".

And the darkness will give credence and power to your justifications.

And it will whisper untruths into your mind saying, "of course your actions are of the Light."

Woe to you who follows not the truth of your heart.

You will bring much suffering to yourself and those around you.

Release fear-425x403.jpg
Release fear-425x403.jpg [ 21.8 KiB | Viewed 2630 times ]

We who choose not to align with the frequencies associated with the cult of death, haters, and desecrators of innocents, can continue to actively make the choice in every moment, to 'be' loving, kind, respectful, and tolerant of all whom we meet and speak of, most especially, of those who do not look, behave like us, or believe religiously, as we do.

Truly Dear Readers, collectively I perceive a madness of mind and heart in the peoples of the United States of America. The hallmark symptom of this madness? Fear.

Stark raving fear.

F alse
E vidence
A ppearing
R eal

A tsunami of energies resonating with the consciousness of separation and opposition to all which is unifying, harmonious, growth enhancing, and humanity driven, is over taking the planet, using the media as the frequency frenzy generator. Preying first upon the vulnerable and weak, the ultimate goal of those whose hearts are driven by these energies is nothing less than dominion and control.

With the help of the media and planted propaganda, the haters and fear mongers insidiously 'help' the citizens of this Republic identify and fixate on their targets of rage and hate with ease, justifying their politicized religious fervour, that they do so in the name of freedom and security.

How ironic in their madness, the message of the peoples who peddle their hate and fear tell the people of the nation of the free to target their gazes with hatred and fear towards those who look like the Christian icon the Beloved Mother Mary and Joseph in features and manner of attire.

Oh, sweet America...
promised land of hope and Grace -
how I weep with you...
for your innocence betrayed.

The Polarities of Religious Zealotry:

What Does the Christian Right Want? Chris Hedges on American Fascists (2007)

What ISIS Really Wants
The Islamic State is no mere collection of psychopaths. It is a religious group with carefully considered beliefs, among them that it is a key agent of the coming apocalypse. Here’s what that means for its strategy—and for how to stop it. ... nts/384980

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 Post subject: Lest We Forget: The Origins of Syria's Recent Sufferings
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:25 pm 

Until the nation of compassion
- begins to live with compassion -
many will continue to suffer and die.

How grievous the moment when the energies of darkness first manifested in the hearts and minds of the George W. Bush administration and associated think tanks, marking the peoples and lands of Syria as part of their "Axis of Evil". Once the wordsmiths of suffering and torment anchored into the minds of the peoples of the nation of the free that the peoples and lands of Syria were part of the "Axis of Evil", the Syrian peoples were marked and targeted for destruction and slaughter.

Once the civil war began in Syria, the Syrian peoples were forced not only to endure violence, scarcity of food and safety, and loss of housing, they also needed to begin the agonizing process of letting go to the memories and love of their lands and way of life in order to seek safety and peace. We who have never endured such horrors cannot begin to understand the psychological and emotional processes of 'letting go' which millions needed to go through in order to pack up what was left of their lives and find a safe place for themselves and their families to live. We, who have never in our generation experienced the horrors of war upon our soil, have little to no connection to the sorrow and grief associated with being displaced from our history and generations in time, forever.

Yet there are those who will shout out in their fear filled righteousness, "Why should we take in their men and sons? Let them pick up a gun and kill their enemy!"

People of the Nation of the Free - the Syrian peoples were first targeted for destruction the first moments they were publicly identified by Ambassador John Bolton as being a part of America's "Axis of Evil". By the Grace of all that is holy and good, those who have been able to escape the horrors we as a nation have helped to unleash upon Syria and its people, need our help, not our calls to slaughter and kill.

And now that ISIL is aware that they can easily inflame the hard hearted and fear filled by insinuating, or even at times, infiltrating the ranks of those seeking asylum, dooming millions to suffer for the actions of a few, so that those who have much, are not asked to risk anything for policies and actions which caused the refugee crisis in the first place. I believe in time, we will be shown that the hand of America did have an integral part to play in the destabilization of Syria and the creation of the refugee crisis.

Brothers and sisters of the Light;

There is no such thing as righteous hate.

It is the darkness disguising itself as the Light.

As with the legacies of Guantanamo and other sites of torture and rendition, We the People have supported and allowed leaders and governors to desecrate and destroy the lives and hearts of the peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria. After 9/11 instead of moving to a consciousness of unification, this nation went on the warpath for the nation Iraq, with Bibles and guns, even as nearly all of the high jackers were identified as Saudi nationals.

Our Republic and Government in the ensuing years has been taken over by peoples who fill the offices of service for, and to the people, with corporate friendly politicians who 'hate the government' and 'hate' the programs which serve the needs of the people, offering us in exchange 'privatized' versions of the same programs all the while plundering the coffers of the citizens taxes for enrichment of the for profit corporate boards and corporate CEO's. These very same denizens of destruction, serving in the media, fill the airwaves with hateful diatribes fueled by a theology of intolerance and bigotry masked as Christian values which have nothing to do with the Teachings of the Beloved Christ Jesus.

We are now as a planet facing the karma if you will, of the legacies of the consciousness' first anchored after the destruction of the twin towers in New York.

What shall we as a nation do? Continue to feed the energies of hatred and separation?

In the moment, you have a choice to change this paradigm of hate and fear.

It will not be easy.

Those who claim righteous justification for their hatreds and intolerance are often inflamed in heart and mind, and you will be tested, it will be difficult to stay in your heart with love when you are near them. Remembering that they too are souls, beloved by God, no matter the horrors of their words and actions will help you to stay strong.

The politicized righteous will mock you, attack you, call you weak for not joining them in their blood lust and greed. They will seek to attack and hurt you through privilege, financial means, and societal outcasting.

Even so, can you, remain in your heart, strong in your humanity and empathy?

Can you forgive 7 x 70 times if needed? Can you continue to walk the middle path in the presence of polarity and rage?

Can you in the deepest and darkest moments of inhumanity hold the light of truth, justice, empathy, mercy, and love within your hearts, actions, and words?

These are the tasks of the wayshower no matter your religious affiliation (or not), no matter your place of birth, no matter your tribe, or national identity - theses are the task of the planetary wayshower - holding the light in these times of darkness.

with love,

When all around you-425x385.jpg
When all around you-425x385.jpg [ 22.57 KiB | Viewed 2629 times ]


Do not act like the darkness - be of the Light.

A wayshower is one who embodies the qualities that he or she wishes others to absorb and learn, who manifests these qualities in full measure so that the light that they carry can transfer to the consciousness of all who behold them.  Such consciousness is often opaque to qualities of Divine origin that manifest at a lower level of vibration outwardly, while existing in full potency only on the soul level.  It requires great strength and great intentionality to manifest the full potency of soul qualities so that they can convey the necessary energetic life-force to others who can then assimilate and identify with these energies and qualities more easily.

The unity of All contains the plane of duality not separate from the rest, but part of the rest. For the One holds all within itself and there is nothing outside of it.

Axis of evil
In May 2002, US Undersecretary of State John Bolton gave a speech titled "Beyond the Axis of Evil" in which he added Cuba, Libya and Syria to the nations that the U.S. claims are deliberately seeking to obtain chemical or biological weapons. Speaking to the Heritage Foundation, a right-wingthink tank, Bolton suggested that the U.S. might also take military action against those countries.

Last edited by Johanna on Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Thank You to the Unknown
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:28 pm 

A new sun of hope-J-425x370.jpg
A new sun of hope-J-425x370.jpg [ 19.44 KiB | Viewed 2628 times ]

To those who have the technical skills to watch and care for those of us who do not have the very same skills to protect ourselves, our freedom of speech, and free association on the internet… thank you for your service work for all of humanity.

Now, more than ever as a planetary family, we need each other.

We as a planetary family, need to be talking to each other, listening and reflecting upon comments and wisdom, connecting with each other in thought and heart.

No matter the next horror to unfold, we need, as a planetary family, to continue to connect and speak to each other with courage, integrity, dignity.

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: For Nigeria: Woe in the Aftermath of the Suicide Bomber
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:38 pm 

Try and imagine how immersed in madness the consciousness of the embodied soul must be in the moments they think to themselves, "this is the day to end my own life of misery and pain and at the same time I will inflict the maximum amount of suffering and anguish I can upon those around me as I die."

Imagine the depths of wretchedness and self hatred that can close the heart of one human being so tightly and completely, leaving them bereft of compassion and empathy, as they look around them moments before they detonate witnessing the innocent they are going to maim and kill. These are the walking dead we threaten to kill with our wars of retribution.

Imagine a human being so bereft of hope and humanity that the trade off of being famous in the media and news, or with their fellow warriors for the act of savagery and horror they are about to commit, seems worth the suffering and agony they are about experience in a disembodied state of timelessness.

Woe for these souls.

Woe for the innocent of Nigeria caught up in this madness.

Woe for the Nigerians forced to detonate themselves. Mercy upon them.

To bring darkness to light-425x408.jpg
To bring darkness to light-425x408.jpg [ 61.27 KiB | Viewed 2627 times ]

For Nigeria, in the aftermath of the Boko Haram bombing in Yola, November 2015.

"The explosion bore the hallmarks of Boko Haram Islamists, who have repeatedly hit civilian "soft targets" in their six-year insurgency.

At least 17,000 people have been killed and more than 2.6 million made homeless by the violence in that period, with suicide and bomb attacks an almost daily occurrence in the northeast."

Facebook activates safety feature after Nigeria bombing ... a.html#jCp

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 Post subject: Staying Grounded in Love in the Presence of Darkness
PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:07 pm 

Hello Dear Readers,

I have been persistently feeling throughout the day today that I have been missing a mark, as in a core truth which I was seeking to express with greater clarity on the Forum, in my postings of the last few days.

What I perceive as happening to us collectively is not only loaded energies which affect perfect clarity of mind, I also believe these frequencies are 'unravelling' with associated polarized energies vibrationally resonating with the consciousnesses of hatred, intolerance, fear, and bigotry, which personally, I have felt as 'blocking' me vibrationally, as a deeper expression of my soul seeks to come forth, almost like a birthing process.

I have re-read a few times what I have written in the last few days and have become aware of grammatical and spelling errors, and even so, it has come to me through something I wrote to another, that however misspelled, or however many grammatical mistakes I make, that the core message I am seeking to convey through my own journey towards wholeness - holiness, is still coming through my postings. That message? "How to stay grounded in the frequencies of love when denser oppositional frequencies are prevailing as a collective consciousness".

Thank you for your readership. It is an honor to serve on the Forum as an anchor of love and hope until such time that you Dear Readers begin speaking more, and I much less.

Until such time,
I once again, thank you for your readership.

with love,

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 Post subject: In the Darkest of Hours... Be of the Light.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 12:43 pm 
Darkness Presenting Itself as Light in the Public Arena:

The darkness is wise in all manner (ways) of manipulation and treachery.

And the darkness shall present itself as the Light.

Be not fooled in egotism and false ideals; for the darkness shall make pledges and promises it has no intention of keeping.

And the innocents, corrupted by the darkness, will grieve and wail at their corruption.

What does the voice of darkness presenting itself as Light sound like?

"You MUST do this - there is no other way."

If you hear phrases such as this, be wary, for oppositional forces are at work, often masked as righteousness.

Here - this is what I see:

They cannot perceive that it is the darkness motivating their hearts.

The people of the nation of the free are incited in their hearts by the voices of darkness claiming to be of the Light; causing their emotions to overwhelm them and reason to flee their minds.

A madness in the hearts and minds of the people of the nation of the free.

Many years ago Dear Readers, I was given the gift to see that which is unfolding before us, as well as that which is coming towards us. I was given this gift to share with you so that in those times when the forces of darkness are manifesting in the hearts of those around you claiming that there is no other way than the way of darkness, you have a choice to stand in your integrity, you honour, and your Light. No matter your religious affiliation, or not, no matter your ethnic background, no matter you financial status, no matter how the world identifies you - you are a being of Light. You are a being of Light, this is an eternal truth, no matter your actions, and your eternal light can never ever be taken from you.

You are a being of Light, this is what is important above all else to remember - in the darkest hours, especially if your friends, family members, neighbors, politicians, religious leaders, business leaders, and mass media choose to align with the energies of darkness - stand true to your Light.

Stand true to the values of love, honour, respect, integrity, compassion, and empathy. For I speak in my postings Dear Readers to encourage you to be courageous in holding your Light, the forces of opposition (to unity, love, peace and planetary harmony), will seek to bring you to your knees, forcing you to acquiesce to the corruptions of soul and mind which is affecting those around you. It will take great courage to stand in integrity. It will take great courage in these times of oppressive and illegal spying and data collection to stand true to the values of honour, love, respect, and moral integrity, as those who have the power to take away your rights as a citizen of this Republic we call The United States of America, watch and collect every thing you do and say in the name of your 'freedom and safety'.

Know that I and others like myself, are standing up and speaking out in these dark times, living the words we speak. We are 'walking' our talk.

Be the Light.

Let your words be of the Light.

Let your actions be of the Light.

There are too numerous to count, spiritual teachings on the internet as well as in books on how to 'be' of the Light. For thousands of years, there have been spiritual, humanistic, mystic, and religious writings on how to be of the Light. It is time Dear Readers, to live this truth. Now more then ever as the powers of the forces of darkness corrupt more and more souls through illegal laws, actions, wars, torture, rendition, and the comodification of every thing and every one, it is time to stand up and shine your Light. To 'be' the Light.

Let your Light shine in this time of darkness. Whatever gifts you have been given to do so - share them freely with all whom you meet. Share your smile, your love, your kindness, your generosity, your talents. Share your Light.

with love,

At any moment, no matter how corrupted you may have become by your previous alignment with the forces of darkness, remember if you can...

...the Light awaits your return to Oneness - to Love.

Last edited by Johanna on Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: PRAYER
PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 1:40 pm 


Pray for the children who grow up in a world
where death is at the doorstep.

Pray for the families who build their lives and
homes with hope in mind, only to be uprooted.

Pray for those whose lives have been overturned,
who do not know where to live or how to live.

Pray for those who risk death itself, holding only
the dream of a new land just ahead and a new hope.

Pray for those who are asleep to the suffering
of the world, who know only their own heartache.

Pray for those whose hearts are cold, who have
lost the belief in the possibility of love.

Pray for all whose minds and hearts are co-opted
by darkness, who seek instead of love, the victory
of their own false beliefs and their own false edicts.

May all be held in the arms of prayer.
May all be held in the arms of love.

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