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 Post subject: Transmutating Energies: In Service To All (Part III)
PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 6:23 pm 

The Transmutation of the Energies of Darkness to Light and the Purification Process: From Service to Self to Service to All (Part III)


Mystics, Lightworkers, Holy Ones, Sadhu's, Aesthetics', and Shamans: There are just a few of the many names and the many spiritual traditions followed by those who are embodied energetic transmutators and the divine receivers.

In respect to all spiritual traditions, I ask that it might be remembered that when the name of God is used in the following Teachings, that in my sharing, and in my heart, ALL names of the Nameless One and the Divine Force are held as sacred.

All Spiritual Paths of Service are Opening with Greater Assistance of the Realms of Light to All Who Would Follow the Call in Their Hearts to Serve the Light

The forces of darkness have gathered to prevent
the present expansion of light on Earth,
yet their power has been harnessed by the forces of light
so that no matter how much they struggle, they cannot prevail.

For the Earth and her inhabitants, it is the end of the period of waiting.  What has not been manifest before now shall now come into being.  The forces of darkness have gathered to prevent the expansion of light on Earth, yet their power has been harnessed by the forces of light so that no matter how much they struggle to inundate those who are strengthening in  light, they cannot prevail.  For each incursion of darkness is simultaneously bringing about greater light, due to the presence of light carried upon the darkness.

This cosmic battle between light and darkness is little known and little understood by those whose consciousness is polarized within physical reality.  But it is very well known by those in the realms of light who have long watched the forces of darkness attempt to overpower both planetary bodies and the souls who live upon them in an effort to gain control of these souls and to expand their own realm of darkness.  Nevertheless, however successful they may be on a temporary level, they cannot be successful in the long term, for the light will always be stronger than the darkness, and it is God's intention, born before time began, to ensure the victory of the forces of light.

The means to this end is multi-leveled.  It takes place through the devotion of souls to the purposes of light and through their anchoring light within their consciousness and physical bodies.  It takes place through the infusion from higher dimensions of energies of light that can uplift, support, and help to stabilize the physical dimension of the Earth.  And it takes place through the victory of the Christ mission and consciousness which embodies within the planetary darkness in order to further the purposes of light and to redeem and transform that which would otherwise be lost.

…In the next moment of time, this transformation shall be visible within the planetary sphere, and the darkness that the Earth has known for millennia shall henceforth be prevented from seizing power upon the Earth.  Though events will need to play themselves out for an additional period of time while the power of darkness to create these events is successively
diminished, the end is nevertheless here.  For there is an inherent limitation in how far the manifestation of darkness can go, now, in the direction of disruption and dismantling of the efforts of light upon the Earth.  There is an inherent limitation in the degree to which the heart of humanity can be usurped by the forces of darkness, for this heart has already been infused by a new light that is causing a profound change in consciousness.

Blessed be this moment of God's victory in light.  May it be felt upon the Earth and within all beings as the triumph of love, and may peace and love come to the Earth at last.


Light and darkness are cosmic forces
as well as energies that exist within human consciousness.

...In myth and legend alike, the force of darkness is pictured in its essence as a deceiver - a manipulator of disguises.  Its primary tool is to masquerade as something else while at the same time seeking control over the human psyche.Often the process of deception takes place within the mind which is presented 'reasonable' ideas about why something is not true.  While sometimes reasonable ideas serve the purposes of reason and scientific methodology, in other instances and particularly where it concerns matters of the heart and soul, 'reasonable' ideas may serve to deny the heart's reality and to interfere with the perception of the truth of the soul.  This manipulation can be quite powerful, and yet because each embodied soul has access to its heart and to the higher levels of its being, such illusion on the level of the mind can be countered by efforts to remain aligned with a deeper truth. 

Man's capacity to listen to the voice of darkness is great, but so is his capacity to listen to the voice of his heart and to render it the prime mover in his life.In the presence of the heart's determination to love and to remain steadfast in a place of love, darkness is rendered ineffective and can gain no entry.  For darkness and love are incompatible in essence, and so where one exists, the other cannot.  Therefore, in order to counteract the effect of the energies of darkness, it is essential to know how to remain aligned with love. This intention carries one into the domain of spiritual practice and spiritual consciousness.  For alignment with light and love becomes a doorway into a sacred life.  And the choices that are part of that sacred life are everyday choices - those that can be made with greater alignment with love, and those that can be made with lesser.

Though light and darkness have forever been players on the world scene, as well as within individual consciousness, the influence of darkness is presently undergoing a reversal and restriction due to the expanding force of spiritual light upon the Earth. While not visible on a global yet, the planetary movement toward incorporation of greater light is rooting out those places within individuals and within governments and nations where darkness has been held, and will do so even more in the future. This movement will allow the planetary consciousness to return to the original Unity from which it came, eliminating forever the separation between the physical and the spiritual.  Thus, a new era of peace will find a foundation upon which it can be built.  This is God's gift to an awakening humanity and it is happening now within human consciousness. 

May God bless the Earth's transition into light, and may the forces of light everywhere find the means to victory over all that would perpetuate separation from the truth of the One Creator of all.

Sacred Heart Broadcasting_Vision_JohannaRaphael_Unified Field of Heart.jpeg
Sacred Heart Broadcasting_Vision_JohannaRaphael_Unified Field of Heart.jpeg [ 98.75 KiB | Viewed 3755 times ]

In the Presence of the Forces of Darkness a Choice Can be Made: The Choice for Love

…Yet, the understanding of global purification helps us realize that what has lain buried must be exposed, and the darkness that men have kept partly hidden from each other and from themselves must finally be brought to awareness in order to be set free.  This doesn't mean that all such motives have to be acted upon.  It means that in the presence of feelings that emanate from the energies that are purifying, there is a choice to make.  The choice could be for God and for the sacredness of life.  The choice could be for love.

These choices come before us today, not only on the world stage, but also within our own everyday lives and within our own individual psyches. They ask us to hold in the perspective of light, the heightened intensity of emotional experience that is often part of this time - our anger, despair, or hopelessness that everything will turn out alright. Indeed, there are many sources of sorrow present today, and one doesn't have to look far to find them. 

When such feelings arise, and no matter what their particular quality, we need to remember that these feelings, no matter how legitimate they may seem in relation to external causes, are fueled by energies of darkness as they separate from light.  These energies separate us from God and from our own deeper self, often becoming the familiar feelings of depression that many suffer from.  The purification of the individual psyche brings these energies out of dormancy, creating within us a need to find a way of dealing with them.  If we do not know that there is a spiritual event happening of huge proportions and that the answer to such an event is to anchor ourselves ever more deeply in truth, it will be much easier to get lost in the difficulty or to believe that how we feel is related to some particular external event.  This is most often not the case.  No external event causes the purification process.  It is a process activated by light that stirs up feelings, attitudes, and motivations that are in need of healing, and these feelings and attitudes can attach themselves to any event. 

Light amplifies light and activates darkness .
The Calendar of Light



Not since the beginning of time and the formation of the Earth itself have the planes of matter and Spirit come together in the way that they presently are.  The Alpha and Omega of creation are manifesting now as the cycle of the Earth's movement through the plane of duality and darkness is completed and a new cycle begins. 

This passage has bee prophesied since the beginning, and many have wondered as to its timing and manifestation.  Unlike some of the predictive images of a New Earth, the force of change comes both gently and with subtlety, and also swiftly and with intensity, depending on one's perspective in viewing it.

On an inner level, the cosmic moment brings together the inner unfoldment of the Divine heart of the world within the hearts of each embodied soul.  It activates new perceptions arising from new and spontaneous intuitions of truth, and brings about change on all levels of action and perception. 

On an outer level, the cosmic moment comes in large and small alternating waves of light and darkness cascading about the events of the day – the force of growth, love, reverence, and unity stirring one set of emotions, the force of separation, fear, and conflict stirring another.

Alpha and Omega – the beginning and the end – these words have a meaning that is folded into the passage of time itself.  Their relationship creates the movement forward that gives rise to the force of creative evolution and to the forward motion of human consciousness.  For consciousness is drawn forward as surely as the flow of spring water is drawn from greater mountain heights to the valleys below.  It cascades through the rivers and streams of human vulnerability and idealism, and shapes the passage from the past to the future.  Thus, inspiration, intuition, creative discovery, and the flow of life emanating from the heart all play a part in the establishment of the new.  All of these are built into the human experience and form the foundation for its unfolding expression.

The original divine Word, spoken in the beginning to bring about the transformation of Spirit into matter, now becomes the resurrected Word, born out of matter itself which now reunites with its Divine Essence and core  to become a fusion of light and life. 

In the case of the original Word, light becomes the dust of the Earth and the fabric of each embodied soul. 

In the case of the resurrected Word, the Earth and its material forms become the light of the Cosmos. 

Those who are inhabiting the Earth at this time are here to celebrate and participate in this cosmic event. No matter what internal or external  circumstances are being encountered, they are being influenced by the transition from one cycle to another – from duality to unity, from darkness to light, from unconsciousness to the illumination of truth within the heart, mind and Spirit.  In this way does a new world come into being, and with it, the capacity for human beings to achieve a stature and status within the family of souls that is new to the human experience.

May all blessings come to the Earth and her inhabitants, and may the new unity of light and life be blessed.

by Julie
Listen now:

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 Post subject: In A Time of Darkness Trust Must Deepen
PostPosted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 8:38 pm 
A Visual Meditation

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 Post subject: Surviving The "Big Shake Ups" - Collapsing Paradigms
PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 9:56 am 

Surviving the big "shake ups" - The Collapsing of Paradigms

Most people who have spent time on a spiritual path or who are embarking on a spiritual path, have experienced, sometimes from the outset, a 'big shake up'. Paradigms which have been solidly in place, sometimes for lifetimes, begin to collapse so that the self which is the true self - the soul self - is able to emerge, shedding the coverings and definitions related to the previous paradigm of how one 'should' be in the world.

The 'big shake ups' - the collapsing of realities which had previously defined us - the collapsing of paradigms which limited us, is, and can be, a test of our hearts and minds resolve to open and grow.

In the first stages of paradigms collapsing, our hearts and minds are tested as to whether we will continue to endure on this path of awakening. Often, but not always, the 'why this is happening answer' can be obscured from the conscious mind, the experience can feel painful and may look outwardly, 'messy'. Bam!, Kapow!, Bam!, Kapow! - it seems as if all supports for the previous paradigm of who we thought we were begin to collapse, for some, all at once. The mental supports, the emotional supports, the spiritual supports, friends, jobs, families, dreams, hopes and wishes, begin to collapse, sometimes simultaneously, depending on the level of the spiritual calling of the soul. The greater the calling in the heart, often the greater the shaking up of the previous paradigms.

Whether the shake up of our reality is a Kapow or a Bam or any other descriptor one may have for it - it is an experience that will test us to our very core, often with periods of dark nights of the soul, where there are no answers, where there are periods of intense contraction and powerlessness, and times in which we cannot yet perceive the truth of who we are. During these 'big shake ups' and the collapsing of paradigms we may find ourselves calling out in the spiritual wilderness to our Creator and or to the Universe, for help, for answers, for comfort, or for direction.

In the rubble of the previous paradigms which have defined who we thought we were, emerges for those who continue to seek, who continue to ask for help and guidance - new lives of greater truthfulness and depth. New lives emerge where integrity and living from the heart, expressing the desires of the soul in actions and ways of being, are awaiting those who can trust their way through the initial experiences of contraction, collapse, and at times, helplessness. It is by no means an easy road. Trusting that which is falling apart around us is 'meant to be falling apart' takes a great leap of faith in the midst of the suffering, confusion, and pain.

We are all Dear Readers, able to survive the big shake ups in ours lives. We are all able, if we choose to do so, to choose a new path of truthfulness and depth in the expressions of our soul in our daily lives. We are all able to survive the most intense shake ups that the collapsing of our previous paradigms can bring forth. The formula for doing so is based on trust, hope in the midst of times of intense despair and helplessness, and... love. Love of the soul self, love of the Creator as we define our relationship to the Holy, and love for all of our brothers and sisters in which we share the planet with.

Sometimes in the midst of collapsing paradigms it is hard to see the bigger picture of why our lives are being shaken apart. Yet, there are moments, where our soul speak to us through our heart and we remember, sometimes just for a moment, the truth of who we really are, sometimes first initially glimpsed in a time of innocence.

As time evolves and moves forward, there are moments within the biggest shake ups of our lives where we do remember who we are more and more each day - who we are behind the paradigms, behind the masks, and behind the roles and belief systems which have previously defined us. In those very precious moments, the emergence of the truth of who we are begins to take shape more solidly in our hearts and subtly within our consciousness'. From the ashes of the shake ups of the previous paradigms which once defined us, a new way of being in the world can be made, based on the truth of who we are, based on our hearts and our souls calling, and most of all, based on love.

with love,

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 Post subject: Seeking the Unknown
PostPosted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 6:57 am 

Beloved One, you do not always need to seek the known.

The stronger you are within, the more you can seek the Unknown.

This is life's adventure - to willingly not know how things will be;
to willingly leave the knowing to God.

- Julie

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 Post subject: The Call of the Christed Divine Beloved
PostPosted: Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:38 pm 

The Call of the Christed Divine Beloved

Blessed are those which hear and answer,

the call of the Divine Beloved,

in this Epoch of the Christed Divine Beloved.

September 2015

Answering the Call of the Christed Divine Beloved_JohannaRaphael.jpg
Answering the Call of the Christed Divine Beloved_JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 35.54 KiB | Viewed 3695 times ]

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 Post subject: Incoming Frequencies: Light Bathes All Dimensional Realities
PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 3:25 pm 

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Multi-Dimensional Reality:
The Path of Return for the Embodied Soul

…Multi-dimensionality' involves the understanding that reality is composed of more than the physical universe and that the physical universe is but one part of many universes which exist at different levels of vibration, most of them not of a physical nature.  These universes are not ‘parallel’ to the physical in the way that fiction has sometimes portrayed. Rather, they are within and around the physical reality that we experience as three-dimensional, and they exist simultaneously as other expressions of the same reality, raised to a different level of consciousness and energy.

...Multi-dimensionality is like this - that the same phenomenon can be perceived from very different perspectives.  The lower ones are included in the higher.  However, the higher perspectives cannot be included in the lower until a way has been prepared for them within the consciousness of the one who is perceiving.  That way is the way of vibrational affinity or 'resonance.'  It is created by light that opens doorways for the embodied soul to the higher planes of existence.

These doorways are being opened now, and they are being opened for all who inhabit the Earth and who are receptive to light. 

They are being opened because it is time for human consciousness to be reunited with its origins and essence.  As a result, there will be many who begin to  experience changed perceptions of things that were once familiar that now appear different.  These changes may come about spontaneously and without explanation.  They will happen simply because the higher dimensions are now closer to the physical plane, and more communication between the two is therefore possible.

For the inhabitants of the Earth and for the Earth itself it is a time of transition into a new level of consciousness - one that represents a quantum leap forward for mankind into a higher level of awareness.  This great leap forward is being prepared even now as the Earth acclimates itself to the incoming energies of spiritual light that are gathering and intensifying on a global level.  As light intensifies, a large change will take place for many people as their bodies take on this new vibration, and as their consciousness is affected as well.

…This is the time that many souls have waited for throughout time, the one that has been spoken of in various forms of prophesy throughout the ages. What the Earth is preparing for is a new birth, and what all souls will simultaneously experience is a new awakening within themselves to a reality that has heretofore been largely hidden from awareness. 

This great movement of consciousness will be a movement of great blessing as well.  For the souls who inhabit the Earth will finally come to recognize themselves as one with each other and one with the One who dwells within all.  The Divine and sacred reality that underlies the physical will finally be made known, and the Earth will become radiant and new as it ascends into greater light.

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 Post subject: Teachings Resonant with the Incoming Frequencies of Light
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:00 pm 

Teachings by Julie Resonant with the Incoming Frequencies of Light

The Open Moment


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 Post subject: Walking Boldly Into the Divine Space Prepared for You
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:06 pm 

It is the time for the revelation of the true self and the departure of the false.
All of light and life supports this movement forward.

Blessed are those who tarry not in the waiting rooms of confusion,
but who walk boldly into the Divine space that is prepared for them.

It is part of being human to want all pain to stop.
It is part of the soul to know that even in the presence of pain, all is well.

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 Post subject: Teachings Resonant with the Incoming Frequencies of Light
PostPosted: Wed Sep 30, 2015 5:14 pm 

Chant the names of God on the in-breath
and the out-breath, with words and without.

Let each breath be of God.

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 Post subject: A Time When the Innocent Are Perceived as Enemy Combatants
PostPosted: Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:45 am 

The Light will bring forth from the darkest corners of your hearts and minds
all which is not of the Light.

Blessings to all the families and peoples who became involved, through no fault of their own, in the madness of one embodied soul who sought the attentions of the nation and the world through the wanton murder of those around him. Dressed in combat gear and armed with combat weapons, ready to slaughter the innocents and to fight those who would meet him dressed in the same gear with similar weaponry. In this battle, all who were innocents become by default, in the eyes of those who would protect their freedom and security, 'enemy combatants'.


Oh, sweet America...
promised land of hope and Grace
how I weep with you...
for your innocence betrayed.

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The militarizing of the Homeland's public safety forces in the nation of the free.

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This consciousness of violence perpetuated upon the innocents, in all its varying forms, has, and continues to unfold upon the innocent of the Earth with an energetic force and determination hitherto unseen. As long as the cult of death and war continues as the guiding force of the collective planetary governing and corporate consciousness, every planetary being will continue to become, in effect - an enemy combatant.

May God's Light prevail and may all who live by the code of war in all aspects of daily life be given the Light within to 'see' what they perpetuate upon the innocents around them and the Grace and Mercy to heal their wounded hearts.

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 Post subject: The Cult of War and Death - Desecration of the Innocents
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2015 3:00 pm 

A United States bombing in Kundz Afghanistan, hits a Doctors Without Borders Hospital and continues to bomb the hospital for 30+ minutes even after being informed repeatedly of the hospital's coordinates.

At some point in their conscious existence, the soldiers and leaders involved with this bombing at all levels, will be called to face within themselves by their own hearts and psyches, for that which they have done.

May there be, in those moments, for these soldiers and leaders, and all soldiers and leaders who engage in war, the mercy for themselves which was not extended to the innocents - "collateral damage".

Deep sorrow for Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan.

An air strike in northern Afghanistan has killed at least 19 people, including three children, at a hospital run by Doctors Without Borders (MSF), the charity group said Saturday.

Twelve staff members are among the dead at the hospital in Kunduz after what the medical group described as "sustained bombing" that continued for more than "30 minutes after American and Afghan military officials in Kabul and Washington were first informed" of the air strikes.    

...The U.S. military has acknowledged it conducted a pre-dawn airstrike in the area that may have caused collateral damage to a medical facility.

United States of America
Airstrike Kills 19 at Doctors Without Borders Hospital in Afghanistan ... 89983.html

"Heman Nagarathnam, MSF head of programs in northern Afghanistan, said:

'The bombs hit and then we heard the plane circle round. There was a pause, and then more bombs hit. This happened again and again. " ... istan.html

"...I have been working here since May, and I have seen a lot of heavy medical situations. But it is a totally different story when they are your colleagues, your friends.

These are people who had been working hard for months, non-stop for the past week. They had not gone home, they had not seen their families, they had just been working in the hospital to help people... and now they are dead. These people are friends, close friends. I have no words to express this. It is unspeakable.

The hospital, it has been my workplace and home for several months. Yes, it is just a building. But it is so much more than that. It is healthcare for Kunduz. Now it is gone.

What is in my heart since this morning is that this is completely unacceptable. How can this happen? What is the benefit of this? Destroying a hospital and so many lives, for nothing. I cannot find words for this.”

The U.S. strike appears to be a precise attack on the hospital, because no other buildings in the MSF compound were hit. MSF executive director Jason Cone said, "I want to reiterate that the main hospital building where medical personnel were caring for patients was repeatedly and very precisely hit during each aerial raid while the rest of the compound was left mostly untouched. So we see this as a targeted event." ... -0018.html

History before the Airstrike:
Afghan soldiers have raided a hospital run by medical aid group Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in the northern province of Kunduz.

MSF says the facility in Kunduz City was temporarily closed to new patients after armed members of the Afghan special forces entered and "behaved violently” toward staff on July 1.

"This incident demonstrates a serious lack of respect for the medical mission, which is safeguarded under international humanitarian law," the French group says.

The hospital is the only medical facility in the region that can deal with major injuries. ... 06683.html

WASHINGTON (AP) — American special operations analysts were gathering intelligence on an Afghan hospital days before it was destroyed by a U.S. military attack because they believed it was being used by a Pakistani operative to coordinate Taliban activity, The Associated Press has learned.

…No evidence has surfaced publicly suggesting a Pakistani died in the attack, and Doctors without Borders, the international organization that ran the hospital, says none of its staff was Pakistani. The former intelligence official was not authorized to comment publicly and spoke only on condition of anonymity.

…Doctors without Borders officials say the U.S. airplane made five separate strafing runs over an hour, directing heavy fire on the main hospital building, which contained the emergency room and intensive care unit. Surrounding buildings were not struck, they said.

...What the new details suggest "is that the hospital was intentionally targeted, killing at least 22 patients and MSF staff," said Meinie Nicolai, president of the operational directorate of Doctors without Borders, which is also known by its French initials MSF. "This would amount to a premeditated massacre. ... Reports like this underscore how critical it is for the Obama administration to immediately give consent to an independent and impartial investigation by the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission to find out how and why U.S. forces attacked our hospital."

APNewsBreak: US analysts knew Afghan site was hospital
EN DILANIAN Oct. 15, 2015 5:37 PM EDT ... -hospital#

Doctors Without Borders have released chilling new details about the devastating U.S. bombing of an Afghan hospital which found there were no armed men in the area at the time of the attack.

Staff described the horrific scene where patients burned in their beds, medics were lost limbs or were even decapitated in the blast after

American forces authorized an airstrike on the hospital in Kunduz - killing at least 30 people.

As patients and doctors attempted to flee the burning building, they were gunned down by a circling aircraft, a report by the charity found. ... nside.html

War Practices by the United States of America in the Region:
The Drone Papers - Targeted Assassination ... -glossary/

Last edited by Johanna on Fri Nov 13, 2015 8:11 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: The Next Level of Conscious Embodiment
PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:06 pm 

The Next Level of Conscious Embodiment: Vibrating at a Higher Frequency

With each new celestial/planetary/multi-dimensional portal which opens, everything on this sacred planet, including the planet itself, to the tiniest quark, ascends to the next level of assimilating and vibrating at a higher frequency of Light. Every thing and everyone. Each manifestation of consciousness will respond to the influx of Light in its own way.

There are times when these expansions of multi-dimensional Light can manifest as polarization within the human psyche of some embodied souls, most especially those without grounding in their hearts, and when not contained, can unleash oppositional forces intent on thwarting the expansion of Light.

Know when you observe this happening that it is a reaction from forces opposed to the expansion of Light and, that as this sacred process of the infusion of cosmic Light continues, all oppositional forces embedded in the hearts and minds of humankind, as well as dense matter, will ascend to a higher vibrational frequency.

Received: October 4, 2015

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