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 Post subject: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 11:43 am 
Messages of Light by Request

Dear Beloved One,

Because of the expansion of light on the Earth today, it is a time in which many are experiencing great need, some with the external circumstances of life, some with the feelings that are welling up within them. At this time of global purification, it is important to remain anchored in light and in the larger spiritual perspective of your soul.

Your request for guidance from Julie should be from the heart and should explain the situation you are dealing with. Only a sincere desire to receive a message is needed. There is no cost for this Divine service of Julie's, although a donation to Light Omega is most welcome. If you are not familiar with the light and compassion of Julie's responses, you may wish to view the Messages archive.

With all love and blessings. May your concerns be received into the light. LIGHT OMEGA

Please Note: Once you receive a response to your Request, it is most helpful to sit with it in silent meditation or prayer for a while to absorb its energy as well as its content.

Requests for 'Messages of Light' that you send may be shared anonymously along with Julie's response in our archive of messages or in collected eBook format. This has been found to be extremely helpful in the past to others in similar situations. To protect anonymity, your name will not be used, and any specific identifying characteristics will be altered. If you do not wish this, even anonymously, please indicate such when you write to Julie and your wishes will be honored.

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Last edited by Meg on Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:30 pm 
Dear Friends,

I have been led to post some of Julie's responses that are in the archived message area for "Messages of Light by Request" (You will find the link in the previous post) It is my heartfelt hope that you will be led to whatever you need to feel supported on your journey.

Feel free to share your thoughts here or if you'd like to ask Julie a question please send it to:

All blessings to you,

Last edited by Meg on Sat Apr 12, 2014 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2014 2:39 pm 
Your 'Multi-dimensional Self'

I was just talking with my parents this morning, telling them the words you use about feelings "welling up" from my heart center--powerful feelings that make me cry earnestly, because I want so deeply to be actively participating in my role and mission here on Earth as a Ligthworker! I know I am surrounded and supported by the angels and guides, and I receive beauty and messages everyday via the internet, spirit world, and the bird realm, suggesting that I am on my right path, but I don't know how to more directly utilize my multidimensional capabilities yet.

The question, or wondering, then, is how may I activate my higher self further in my daily life--I haven't felt directly motivated as to where to work (I am currently 'unemployed' in the societal sense) or whom to seek as my mentor (I am a mental health counselor-in-training,still working on my master's degree). I feel I am not being efficient enough, yet become overwhelmed easily it seems if I try to accomplish a big task (like clearing out my household as part of simplifying).

I am so grateful for your assistance, thank you. Blessings, Love and Light, MaryAnn


Dearest Beloved One,

Your question concerned motivation and purpose and in this context to activate further your 'multidimensional self.' However, this needs to be looked at in a broader context so that you see what is needed at this time.

Your tears that you describe are the tears of one who seeks more, not only in the way of the expression of your soul purpose, but also in the expression of your heart in its fullest capacity to love God. You are longing for something more and have labelled it your 'multidimensional self.' But this multidimensional self is defined less by what it does than by how it relates to God and to the Divine that dwells within.

You have many helpers and guides helping you, it is true, but these are sensed as 'outside' you. Yet what will fulfill your longing is inside you, for it is simultaneously a degree of being-ness that will enable you to feel that nothing else is needed, that you are complete and whole and can do whatever you wish to do, whatever you are guided to do, and also a connection with God's being that will enable you to feel that you are intimately and eternally part of something holy and have therefore found your true home.

Your understanding of 'multidimensional self' is currently framed in terms of your desire to be more, to serve more, to fulfill more of your soul purpose. Consider this, beloved one, that your longing is already an expression of your contact with your higher 'multidimensional' self, and you are already manifesting it to a large degree. Now, beloved one, let your tears and your heart expand inward so that you know that it is immersed in love, the love that is at the center of who you are, the love that is God's heart. Once experiencing this even to a small degree, you will not feel that there is more to do, but will rather feel that wherever you are led, wherever you are placed, and whatever you are doing, you are home. It is this sense of being 'at home' that will allow you to complete the tasks that you wish to complete and that are presently in need of completion, for you will not be doing them with your 'will' but with your 'heart.'

With all love and blessings - Julie

Last edited by Meg on Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:56 am, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:49 am 

Healing Family Relationships

Thank you Julie.

I am having a difficult time to receive an inheretence from my grandparents. I am their full time carer and I really do not expect any reward, I do it because I love them. However they want to provide a home for my family. Their only daughter (my Mother) is estranged from them and us for the mere fact that I am willing to physically care for them and no one else wants to do it. I want to know if my guilt for receiving a house is the right feeling to have, I would like to know if I am doing the highest good. My Mother will not have anything to do with me because she feels i have 'stolen' from her. This makes me very sad right now. I am at loss. M.


Dearest M.,

Blessings. Your heart wants to do the right thing and in your lovingness you have extended yourself to your grandparents with whom you have been living in close proximity and for a long time. It is understandable that they wish to provide for you since you have family needs of your own and they are both grateful to you and understand the limitations of the situation for you. What is important in this situation is to know that you are performing a great service for them out of love, and that they are showing gratitude in return.

Now, you must, in addition, see what service you can perform for your mother who is feeling excluded from the warmth and belongingness of the family despite the fact that she does not acknowledge this. She is hurting because of the present arrangements and yet lashes out in anger rather than acknowledging the true source of her distress. See if you can find the love in your heart toward her even if she cannot find the love in her heart toward you or your grandparents at this time. She is in pain, and is converting this pain into anger and withdrawal.

If you can extend yourself to her by way of creating a bridge, you will have done all that you can do in this situation to surround it with love, and will have served the good of all. Blessings, dear one, for your loving heart - Julie

Last edited by Meg on Mon May 04, 2015 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:35 pm 

Forgiving the Past

Dear Julie, it is very difficult to put into words the spiritual guidance that I feel I need! Without going into great detail of my situation I need to forgive myself for something that happened in my life a very long time ago. How do I bring light to this and let the situation go so that I can go forward? I am not the same person that I was then, I have worked on healing for a very long time! I want to let go but something in me wants to hold on! I would be grateful for your guidance. Much love and light - V.


Dear V.,

The reason that one cannot forgive oneself for crimes of conscience, acts, or motivations of the past that one knows to be wrong, is that the conscious part of the self still feels guilty because there remains some aspect of past behaviors or motivations that seems unforgiveable. This perception remains, creating difficulty in completing the healing process, until one has unearthed the hidden trait or motivation in oneself that one attributes to the past, but whose residues may also remain in the present. It is as if the psyche needs to be reassured that this aspect of consciousness is totally gone, and until then, cannot complete the process of forgiveness.

Whatever healing work you have done is accomplished. Yet there remains a portion of yourself, some partial aspect of the 'you that was' that may not be completely gone. Thus, the holding on. Pray to have this revealed to your consciousness and be fearless in recognizing anything for which you are still accusing yourself in the present. Your prayers for healing will be heard and will direct your awareness to the remaining work to be done. Pray also that whatever is needed for healing in this area to be completed, manifest so that this may happen.

With blessings for your total healing and gratitude for your desire to pursue the path of light - Julie

Last edited by Meg on Mon May 04, 2015 3:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 12:52 pm 
A Sense of Emptiness

I feel so lost. I have had a good career, family and a grandaughter. Yet it seems I am stuck in not being able to be happy. There is really nothing to be unhappy about. Somewhere I have gotten off the path, and feel lonley and isolated. I work at home spend my days doing that. Then go to bed and start the cycle all over again. I know this isn't right, and I should be embracing the world, and recognizing how blessed I really am. WHat in the world is going on with me? V.


Dear One,

It often happens that one looks around and sees nothing wrong with life that creates a feeling of emptiness and unhappiness, yet the emptiness is there anyhow. The remedy for this problem has to do with finding your own connection with your soul purpose, for it is this that you are longing for. Only this higher level understanding can give your life the meaning and satisfaction that your heart is truly desiring. For this reason, it is important, now, that you pray and ask for guidance concerning your soul purpose, since your heart is reaching out more and more strongly to know what it is. Let yourself embrace the world through finding the true way that God has intended for you to embrace it. Pray, ask, listen to what comes through you as impulse or inspiration. Your heart, dear beloved one, is opening to the new connection with your soul that is strengthening because of the greater amount of light on the Earth now. Let yourself embrace this opening and seek to move in accord with what your soul is desiring for you. Blessings and all love - Julie

Last edited by Meg on Mon May 04, 2015 3:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Mon May 04, 2015 3:30 pm 
Long Suffering and the Soul's Choice

I am 26 years old. For a very long time I have been a a low energy level and usually in some noticeable state of suffering. Like being suck in a rut that I cant get out of. My life has most always been experienced as burden. I don't have much will but I try to overcome, so thus i try and then fall back into my slump. I've tried many, many, many, many things but haven't been able to transcend the low yet. So what i want to know is why has it been so hard and what can I practically do to overcome this? Whats my problem? Why does my healing seem so slow and unmoving? How can I speed up the process? - Brent


Dear One,

Thou art a beloved of the most High, and for this reason you have had to undergo a purification process that has been more severe than many, in conjunction with the desire of your own soul to pass forward in this lifetime into a place of ascension and greater clarity.

There has been great loneliness and great suffering for you, it is true, but there has also been the purification of many longstanding tendencies that ruled your emotional life that your soul chose to free itself from so that the victory for the forces of light within your consciousness and upon the Earth could be.

Do not doubt your connection to the Divine One, for you are deeply connected even though you perceive yourself to be leading a personal life. This personal life that you lead has not yet opened up into what it will become. Therefore, trust that you are deeply connected to God and that you have a purpose in life that will reveal itself when the time is right. Also, trust the strength of soul which is an inherent quality of yours which has allowed you to endure through such a long period of hardship.

Much joy awaits you, and will be perceived within your own consciousness as the darkened energies that are related to the past lift, and new light comes to take their place. Be patient, dearest one, and know that you have not been forgotten or ignored and that the most important virtues at this point are patience and trust.

Your meditation on light will also help to dispel the darkness, and so if you choose to do this it may speed the process a little. But basically, things must proceed according to the course that your soul has chosen.

Blessings, dearest Brent - Julie

Last edited by Meg on Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:54 am 
Belief, Doubt, and Awakening

Late last year I began to "awaken" and at that time I began reading a lot of your material on the internet, and also began to read a lot of information regarding everything relating to spirituality.

This last year has been quite a ride for me. It has had its ups (times where I've experienced moments where I fully believe in God, Angels, Realms) and then there has also been down times where I have had doubt. Usually when I am in doubt I will just take a break from looking for answers and look within myself but right now it feels to difficult to do that because a part of finds it very hard to accept. It is very hard to handle because it is in my thoughts all the time and right now I just don't know what to believe.

I pray for truth, a sign, anything, but it seems like God gives me just enough to think it is real but at the same time think it may not be. And it really hurts me.

The reason I am writing to you is because your writings have always resonated with me and I believe if anyone can help give me some kind of reassuring advice it is you. Thank you... M.


Dearest M.,

You are awakening, and you are not just awakening on the mental level in terms of what you believe or do not believe. You are awakening in your heart which has a different measure of truth. When your thoughts are confused or filled with doubt, go to your heart. There you will find the hope, love, or joy that will be a guide to you. You may not feel these things in full measure, but even if you feel hope in small measure, it will tell you that your heart is a guide to the truth.

There are energies present in the world and for individuals that seek to create doubt and prevent awakening, but they cannot touch the heart's truth. Listen to your heart and when your mind becomes confused, strive to become silent and just breathe.

Hope and love are alive in you even during periods of doubt. This can be trusted, for these are of your soul, conveying to you the truth of what is.

Blessings, dear one - Julie

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:34 pm 
Becoming Who You are - Energetic Interference

I consider myself very fortunate and so far I had a reasonably comfortable life and never had to starve. And while I understand that I have to take responsibilty in my life I fail to do so again and again. I am 29 and still milking my parents even though they don't have much milk left. I am still in school trying to pursue a career which seems unreachable given my grades. I am deeply in debt over traffic violations and struggle to keep up with bills. Because I believe I often do not make the right choices. And while I am clearly aware of my own responsibilty I struggle to change. My dream is to become successful enough to support my parents in their last days and maybe a family of my own some day. I also always felt as if I was meant to do something important for the benefit of all but I could never really grasp how and which direction to go. However I feel as I have dug myself a hole, I cannot get out of and my dream seems to slip further and further out of reach. I feel almost possessed by some negativity that I can only break through in rare occasions with it always trying gain control. I understand that this represents our inner struggle and that I can over come it but I feel as I need guidance of some sort. I would appreciate any words of wisdom and conformation. Thank you for your consideration. V.


Dear One,

Everything is as you say it is, except that your motivation to change is being hampered by forces that would keep you from being yourself. As a result of these energies, you are paying a high price in not being able to actualize your life - the life you wish to lead.

The lack of will is not something that is just a personal handicap. It is a personal limitation that is being influenced by energies that actively seek to keep those who have the capacity to do good for the world from doing this. Given these circumstances, it is important that you consider that you have a choice in the matter. Although giving up and remaining unmotivated through lack of will can continue, it would be best for you as well as for the gifts that you have to bring to the world to understand how to take a stand against the energies that are influencing you. This is done primarily through alignment with God's truth and light.

Your problems must first be placed in a spiritual context related to energy and soul-purpose. Then, having done that, you can seek to remain faithful to your own soul's purpose by not agreeing with the influencing energies that you do not have enough motivation to change. These energies may be powerful, but Divine light is more powerful.

For a place to start, you may wish to consider the Practice of Alignment as a spiritual practice you can do on a daily basis. You may also wish to read the articles on "Maintaining Alignment With Light" on this page.

Dear One, the choice is yours as to which perspective you will hold regarding these difficulties. Your soul and its purpose desires to be expressed through your embodied self. Now is the time to commit yourself to the fulfillment of that purpose and to return to the light that is your natural birthright and inheritance. May all the blessings of light be with you.


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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:31 pm 
Dealing With Oppositional Energies

For the last seven months I have had my spiritual self missed placed. I know with ever fiber in me that God is real and that there is spirits in this world! I know this from experiance. Yet somehow, I have found my self asking crazy things suchas, did I imagin these things of my past? I feel like I've lost myself! I don't know who to talk to or ask for help. I've also realized things I use to enjoy just seem to scare me now, I'm scared I'm going to get hurt and I don't understand. Please if you can help me to figure out how to fix this I will be so greatful! I need help finding my spiritualness, it means so very much to me and I can't figure out what happened for this to have occured. Thank you with love. S.


Dear Beloved One,

Oppositional energies to the expansion of light are more active now on the planet and some individuals are affected by them more strongly. Their effect is to create fear and also separation from the perception of one's spiritual source and connection. These energies are affecting your sense of involvement with things that used to be enjoyable and are also covering your sense of inner truth. Know, however, that the truth remains inside you, despite this.

In the presence of these negative energies, you need to know, first, that they are present and affecting your consciousness. Second, that you can choose to affirm the truth of God's reality in all the ways that you used to, knowing that that reality is still holding you, even if its tangible presence cannot be felt.

The series of articles called Maintaining Alignment With Light ( ) should be helpful to you at this time. In these articles, you will find affirmations that you can repeat to yourself as the need arises and you can also learn more about ways of holding firm in the presence of oppositional energies.

Blessings, beloved one. Know that there is nothing stronger than light and that if you ask for help from the Realms of Light and continue to align with the energy of your own soul, you will return to the center within yourself that remains in light and truth.

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 6:27 am 

Financial Crisis and Fear

Dear Julie,

My husband was just fired from his job and I have been very ill and haven't been able to work or think. I was just starting to get better because I found a doctor who knew what was wrong with me, but now not only is our health insurance about to end, but we don't even know where we will get grocery money in two weeks. All our emergency money went to medical bills so i could get better. Despite his job, we were already in dire financial straights before and frankly there was a lot about his job that was psychically demanding and unpleasant and that he hated.

While I have abilities in many areas, I don't know what to do for employment that I can sustain with my illness, or what will make us enough money to offset what might happen to my health if I overdo. If you can see any light or direction for me here, help, please. My husband (Robert) is also applying for jobs. Any direction or support you can offer him would also be most appreciated. -- Jane


Dear One,

Blessings at this very difficult time for you and your husband. During this period when everything seems to be precariously balanced, with no apparent source of financial support for the future, trust is needed that a way will be found to stay afloat. There are opportunities that will come to you that will offer you what may be a way to partially support the situation, and there are similarly things that your husband can choose to do in order to hold things together in a more active way. These emergency measures which will appear are needed in order to ground the situation in a foundation of support so that you can continue with your lives. They are not long-term solutions to the problem, but rather short-term ones. The important thing at the moment is to try and replace fear with trust.

One of the issues that is working to create despair and hopelessness in you, dear one, is self-blame related to the illness itself. While part of you accepts things as they are, another part feels that you are at fault for having created or invited this illness in some way. You are not at fault. The illness is part of a process of learning that your soul chose, but it is not something that you, in your embodied self, can take responsibility for.

Your husband needs also to feel more confident in himself and in his ability to take action to deal with an emergency situation. He needs to see himself as someone who has much to offer along different lines of work, and who would be able to find work if he expressed himself with confidence.

These problems are known to God, dear one. They are not accidental but are part of your soul's plan for dealing with things during this incarnation. Try to find a way of believing that you and Robert can take measures to support yourselves right now and that a way will open up before you to do so. And believe that there is no shame in your illness. The increase in confidence and hope along with the absence of shame and judgment on your part, will energetically alter the situation so that you attract opportunities that will work for you in this present crisis. But your attitude must be positive and hopeful in order for this to happen.

Blessings, dear one. Pray for hope and for trust and out of that, believe that a way through this 'dark night' will appear. Julie

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 Post subject: Re: Messages of Light by Request -From Julie
PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:18 am 

Dear Julie, I am having a hard time making myself commit and go through with a new lifestyle or what that may even be. I know what I am to do for my divine purpose I just don't know how to get there. I am to be a messenger of Love and a divine dancer. Any advice would be wonderful. May you be blessed.


Dearest Lily,
In relation to finding the path of light that is calling you, try to remember that 'how to get there' is not up to your mind to figure out but up to your heart to sense once God's seeds of truth can be felt there.

Sometimes, the way forward on one's own path of light is not apparent for a while, even though the heart knows what it is being called to. Then, it is easy to feel frustrated since no channel for expression seems available. This is not something to be pushed through or forced, however. Rather, it is a matter of waiting and consistently asking for clarity concerning Divine Will. Your sense of purpose will find a vehicle for expression when it is time for you to do so if you keep your inner eyes, and ears, and heart open to listen for guidance. Again, guidance often does not come primarily through the mind, but through the heart and what it is attracted to.

In many instances, those who are called to serve in specific ways are also challenged by a time of waiting for the path to open up. This is not a personal shortcoming, but can be related to the planetary picture as a whole and to the coordination of individual and collective movement.

The period of waiting can be a productive time in which the capacity for surrender goes to a whole new level. 'Surrender' does not mean being passive about looking to see which channels are available for expression, but it does mean listening and attuning to what the heart's messages are, for these carry the guidance of the higher self or soul.

With respect to a new lifestyle, dear one, this, too, is not something to force through the use of will. It may be that you are ready to make certain changes in relation to your habits and energies that allow light to expand more fully and more easily within you. And it may be that you are not ready to make other changes. Commitment needs to be not primarily of the will or mind, but of the heart which announces its state of readiness when the time is right. Then, the will can climb on board and all can exist in harmony.

One must have faith in order to wait in this way, and trust that God's purposes will find a way to manifest. Be patient, dear Lily, and allow all to fall into place without pressure or force. Blessings - Julie

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