Many people today live without a sense of harmony. Many are so beset with survival issues due to unmet needs that there is perpetual anxiety which does not allow for harmony or for simplicity. In its place, fear is created and a sense of being immensely vulnerable. These feelings are based on the shift in social awareness away from the sacred and also away from the recognition that ‘I am my brother’s keeper’. The latter consciousness recognizes that there must be no one who is left unattended, no one who is struggling to survive on their own.THE SIMPLICITY OF LIFE by Julie ... -Life.html The Keepers of My Heart are those in which life does not bring forth for them stability, hope, food, shelter, community assistance, or the 'freedom to be' without the threat of reprisal or violence.
Akin to a virulent virus affecting the planet, a consciousness of punishing and shaming the poor, the broken, afflicted, and worst off amongst us, as well as policies which are punitive and cruel have been flourishing since the savvy P.R. slogan of the "Welfare Queens", "driving up to pick up their welfare checks in Cadillac's", first flourished in the media.
For those who continued, and continue to vote for politicians and leaders who endorse the "compassionate" conservatism of punitive measures to stop the poor from 'taking' from the Government and their tax revenues, I ask you to consider reading again the Teaching of the Sermon on the Mount in which the Beloved Master Christ Jesus taught in no uncertain terms that the care of the poor and the worst off amongst us was necessary for the salvation of our own souls, not theirs.
By emptying rather than upgrading and funding long term treatment care for the mentally ill, millions of mentally ill people were first dumped into halfway houses and then left to fend for themselves, usually finding any care needed in prisons, equipped with neither the facilities or the personnel to serve them. Most often the mentally ill are left unattended, going mad in solitary confinement, being killed or electrocuted (tasered) by the police when called for by family members for assistance or committing suicide.
The consciousness which comes from the mouths of those elected by We the People speaks not of a nation of compassion and care, rather of policies and speeches vilifying the poor and the broken whilst destabilizing the government through privatization, and idolizing the will of the corporation as god, making money as the blessing of the corporate gods, and the corporate path of consciousness as the religion of the god of money and materialism.
"Getting Tough on Crime" From privatized school systems designed to leave the poorest of children behind to the for-profit prison system which demands contractually, that a certain amount of beds must be filled for the corporation to operate the prison, the poorest, the most broken in spirit and health, and the worst off amongst us, most often Americans of African decent, are the fodder for the for profit systems, bearing the greatest burdens and tribulations, generation after generation. "3 Strikes Your Out" - another P.R. savvy talking point which has left Americans in solitary confinement and prison for life terms for crimes as small as stealing a video tape. Millions languish in our now for profit prison systems as corporate welfare paid by the tax payers."You shall know them who have lost contact with their heart's compassion and empathy by the words, actions, and deeds." When I was homeless in the early 2000's and was unable to work and living out of my car, I was unable to receive food stamps because I did not have a permanent address. Use this personal example Dear Readers as a starting point for how punitive the Food Stamp laws have become in the name of "compassion, hope, and helping needy families". Do your own research to find how cruel we have become to the least and worst off amongst us. Next year, I heard recently on the news, those who receive disability benefits are going to be subjected to the same punitive measures suffered by those who need food or housing assistance.
Each and every embodied soul who lives a life which includes having little or no access to resources, hope, assistance, or help, than those who were born into cultures, environments, and families with enough material wealth to create stability and educational opportunities leading to growth, health, prosperity and happiness are, the Keepers of My Heart.
Whilst powerless as an individual to bring about the changes my heart longs for all of humanity, especially for the billions on this planet who are born into lives of tribulation and suffering, who continue to suffer in the name of "compassionate" conservatism policies, privatization and limited government, I can ask those of you Dear Readers who are reading this posting to look deeper into your hearts the next time you see someone begging for money, or asking for a job, or food.
And yes, you will meet the grifters and con artists who hide themselves amongst the poor. Let not the thought of giving a grifter or alcoholic your dollar bring about a tight heart or fist. Let the dollar go and know that the God of love, compassion, and empathy can be sourced in that moment more directly by your act of compassion and caring. Also know that you do not know what it is like to beg strangers for money, what it can do to the soul of those who are asking, what they witness in the eyes and hearts of those whom they ask for help.The Keepers of My Heart are the broken, the poor, the afflicted, the incarcerated, the oppressed, the lost, and the worst off amongst us. How I feel about the Keepers of My Heart, how I treat them, how I offer myself or share what money or food I have with them, are the standards by which I can measure my heart's ability to empathize, express love, compassion and concern, and most of all how well I am sharing the light of my heart with those in the greatest need. Your activism can start in the streets, or helping to stock food banks, or sending donations for food and shelters. There are so many things each of us can do until those we have elected begin to truly serve We the People and not Wall Street, the banks, billionaires, and corporations.I am my brothers keeper. I am my sisters keeper.
They in turn are the Keepers of My heart.
Last edited by Johanna on Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.