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 Post subject: Notes from Retreat: THE SIMPLICITY OF LIFE
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:35 am 
A Teaching by Julie ... -Life.html

It is characteristic of the time we are in that life appears to be very complicated, very stressful, with not enough time to do all that is needed. This is the portrayal of life out of balance, life not in tune with the Divine flow that is capable of moving through all, creating harmony, creating order, creating simplicity.

The absence of the perception of Divine flow is not the fault of any individual. It is the signature of a world that has departed sufficiently from the sense of the sacred that one lives according to the expectations of others, according to needs that are unmet for the very basics of survival, and according to a sense of pressure that does not allow human beings to bring forth their essential humanity in much of daily life.

Divine flow, which is God’s life manifesting through time and space, is harmony itself. It allows for the rightful expression of what needs to be done when it needs to be done, and allows each consciousness to sense what it is being pulled toward when it no longer needs to create its own mind-based agenda.

Personal agendas have become the keynote of a separated life, of a life that does not presume that the greatest gift is to attune to the Divine intelligence that runs the universe and keeps the stars and planets in perfect relationship to each other. This Divine intelligence creates order in the universe and is capable of creating order within each individual life. Its foundation is harmony, and out of this harmony one can readily develop a life that is simple and that manifests the beauty of the soul.

Many people today live without a sense of harmony. Many are so beset with survival issues due to unmet needs that there is perpetual anxiety which does not allow for harmony or for simplicity. In its place, fear is created and a sense of being immensely vulnerable. These feelings are based on the shift in social awareness away from the sacred and also away from the recognition that ‘I am my brother’s keeper’. The latter consciousness recognizes that there must be no one who is left unattended, no one who is struggling to survive on their own.

Economic factors based on the secularization of society and the loss of the sacred have created isolation and hardship for many individuals and for many communities. Therefore, it is not easy, at this time, for most to see how their lives could become simpler, or how harmony could prevail.

Yet, the Divine flow, beloved one, is not based on externals, however difficult or complex these might be. It is based on an inner state of readiness to give one’s life to God and to let God orchestrate the flow of life. It is also based on needing less and on recognizing this for oneself and others. Finally, it is based on being aligned within oneself so that one’s inner state can resonate with Divine harmony without the predominance of inner tension or conflict.

There can be no harmony in the presence of conflict. There can be no harmony in the presence of oppositional forces which create conflict and fear. Without these, harmony would manifest on the physical plane because it is the nature of Divine life. It is what allows all the ecosystems of the Earth to work together. It is what allows the planetary systems and galaxies to hold their relationship to all that surrounds them, even while they are growing and changing. Divine order, harmony, and simplicity are parts of Divine life, and it is this life that is awaiting the new consciousness of humanity.

This new consciousness will manifest with the understanding that God is real. It will also manifest with the understanding that I cannot live in peace if you do not. Finally it will manifest with the clear perception that each one’s actual needs are simpler than they have appeared, and that what has passed for need is often fear-based, generating the desire to have greater security through objects, persons, and various other kinds of external symbols.

Within the Divine flow, life is not out of balance. One’s heart, infused with light, becomes attuned to an understanding of where to go next and what is needed now. Life becomes simpler.

You are being called, beloved one, to this Divine life. You are being called to let go of all the things you think you need and to ask God to show you what you really need. You are being called to release your own personal agenda which is often based on anxiety, to God’s Divine agenda which interconnects your life with all around you.

You, beloved, are the repository of that which would flow through you if you could allow it – if you could release fear, breathe, and allow Divine flow to come into you. It would not have to happen all at once, but its presence would convey to your inner knowing a sense of greater ease and simplicity, and no matter what you were doing, greater peace would be present.

Blessed is this time of turning, for the Divine flow of sacred life is now accessible to all who seek it, and the new consciousness which will permit this transition is already being born. Therefore, be blessed, and allow your life to become simple. You are already there within your inner being. You are already there because you exist on the Earth at this time. Receive the gifts of this time, then, and open the doors that will allow peace and harmony to flow to you. May your journey be blessed.

Hello Dear Readers,

This Teaching by Julie is an integral part of the context of the sacred journey and retreat I am currently on. Although the time is not right in this moment to write more, I invite each of you to find the aspects of this Teaching you resonate with and engage in your own spiritual retreat, whether it be an hour, a day, weeks or any amount of time which feels in right relationship to your spiritual journey.

This has been a time of facing my own need to 'plan, plan. plan", mostly first born out of the fear of survival embodied, which was, and is, a hallmark of a heart and mind which feels separated from God and Divine flow. In the presence of the unknown before me each day, I am also facing my fears that I will not be led, or fears that I may or am abandoned by all that is good and full of Grace. This is indeed a powerful time of enlightenment and healing.

with love,

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 Post subject: I Am My Brothers Keeper & He/She is the Keeper of My Heart
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 11:49 am 

Notes from Retreat:

A very brief sharing of a random meeting with an embodied soul I recently encountered on my sacred journey and retreat.

I was driving one day and saw a young man in his twenties with a crisp white dress shirt and khaki pants holding a cardboard sign as large as he was but for his head. On the crumpled body length sign was written "Struggling Father of Three Children Needs Work".

I pulled over to him, and he asked "Do you have work for me?" And I replied "No, but I would like to donate money to you to help feed your family tonight". I handed him the money and said "Bless you". He said "Thank you and bless you."

As I was pulling back out into traffic, I looked in my rear view mirror and saw the young man on one knee with his head bowed. This gesture of humility and thankfulness to God caused me to weep for many miles. Even now as I am writing to you Dear Readers in the re-telling of this beautiful experience, my heart is still deeply moved by his humility. I pray that this young man, and so many people like him, struggling so desperately, may be seen and helped by random strangers when called by their hearts to do so. I pray too, that indeed a job has been found for him.

with love,

Last edited by Johanna on Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 1:20 pm 
Dearest Johanna,

I pray with you for him and the many and am so grateful
and blessed by this sharing.

All love and blessings,

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 Post subject: The Keepers of My Heart: The Poor, The Broken, and the Worst
PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 2:16 pm 

Many people today live without a sense of harmony. Many are so beset with survival issues due to unmet needs that there is perpetual anxiety which does not allow for harmony or for simplicity. In its place, fear is created and a sense of being immensely vulnerable. These feelings are based on the shift in social awareness away from the sacred and also away from the recognition that ‘I am my brother’s keeper’. The latter consciousness recognizes that there must be no one who is left unattended, no one who is struggling to survive on their own.

by Julie ... -Life.html

The Keepers of My Heart are those in which life does not bring forth for them stability, hope, food, shelter, community assistance, or the 'freedom to be' without the threat of reprisal or violence.

Akin to a virulent virus affecting the planet, a consciousness of punishing and shaming the poor, the broken, afflicted, and worst off amongst us, as well as policies which are punitive and cruel have been flourishing since the savvy P.R. slogan of the "Welfare Queens", "driving up to pick up their welfare checks in Cadillac's", first flourished in the media.

For those who continued, and continue to vote for politicians and leaders who endorse the "compassionate" conservatism of punitive measures to stop the poor from 'taking' from the Government and their tax revenues, I ask you to consider reading again the Teaching of the Sermon on the Mount in which the Beloved Master Christ Jesus taught in no uncertain terms that the care of the poor and the worst off amongst us was necessary for the salvation of our own souls, not theirs.

By emptying rather than upgrading and funding long term treatment care for the mentally ill, millions of mentally ill people were first dumped into halfway houses and then left to fend for themselves, usually finding any care needed in prisons, equipped with neither the facilities or the personnel to serve them. Most often the mentally ill are left unattended, going mad in solitary confinement, being killed or electrocuted (tasered) by the police when called for by family members for assistance or committing suicide.

The consciousness which comes from the mouths of those elected by We the People speaks not of a nation of compassion and care, rather of policies and speeches vilifying the poor and the broken whilst destabilizing the government through privatization, and idolizing the will of the corporation as god, making money as the blessing of the corporate gods, and the corporate path of consciousness as the religion of the god of money and materialism.

"Getting Tough on Crime"

From privatized school systems designed to leave the poorest of children behind to the for-profit prison system which demands contractually, that a certain amount of beds must be filled for the corporation to operate the prison, the poorest, the most broken in spirit and health, and the worst off amongst us, most often Americans of African decent, are the fodder for the for profit systems, bearing the greatest burdens and tribulations, generation after generation. "3 Strikes Your Out" - another P.R. savvy talking point which has left Americans in solitary confinement and prison for life terms for crimes as small as stealing a video tape. Millions languish in our now for profit prison systems as corporate welfare paid by the tax payers.

"You shall know them who have lost contact with their heart's compassion and empathy by the words, actions, and deeds."

When I was homeless in the early 2000's and was unable to work and living out of my car, I was unable to receive food stamps because I did not have a permanent address. Use this personal example Dear Readers as a starting point for how punitive the Food Stamp laws have become in the name of "compassion, hope, and helping needy families". Do your own research to find how cruel we have become to the least and worst off amongst us. Next year, I heard recently on the news, those who receive disability benefits are going to be subjected to the same punitive measures suffered by those who need food or housing assistance.

Each and every embodied soul who lives a life which includes having little or no access to resources, hope, assistance, or help, than those who were born into cultures, environments, and families with enough material wealth to create stability and educational opportunities leading to growth, health, prosperity and happiness are, the Keepers of My Heart.

Whilst powerless as an individual to bring about the changes my heart longs for all of humanity, especially for the billions on this planet who are born into lives of tribulation and suffering, who continue to suffer in the name of "compassionate" conservatism policies, privatization and limited government, I can ask those of you Dear Readers who are reading this posting to look deeper into your hearts the next time you see someone begging for money, or asking for a job, or food.

And yes, you will meet the grifters and con artists who hide themselves amongst the poor. Let not the thought of giving a grifter or alcoholic your dollar bring about a tight heart or fist. Let the dollar go and know that the God of love, compassion, and empathy can be sourced in that moment more directly by your act of compassion and caring. Also know that you do not know what it is like to beg strangers for money, what it can do to the soul of those who are asking, what they witness in the eyes and hearts of those whom they ask for help.

The Keepers of My Heart are the broken, the poor, the afflicted, the incarcerated, the oppressed, the lost, and the worst off amongst us.

How I feel about the Keepers of My Heart, how I treat them, how I offer myself or share what money or food I have with them, are the standards by which I can measure my heart's ability to empathize, express love, compassion and concern, and most of all how well I am sharing the light of my heart with those in the greatest need. Your activism can start in the streets, or helping to stock food banks, or sending donations for food and shelters. There are so many things each of us can do until those we have elected begin to truly serve We the People and not Wall Street, the banks, billionaires, and corporations.

I am my brothers keeper.
I am my sisters keeper.

They in turn are the Keepers of My heart.

Last edited by Johanna on Sat Aug 01, 2015 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: How To Be True To Yourself
PostPosted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:39 pm 

What is your gift to life?
It is to be yourself in the truest possible way.

~ Julie ~

Ask yourself this question:

How much of the truth of who I am will I need to compromise in order to engage with you?

Carry this question with you throughout you day, asking the question each time your encounter another human being. Watch what happens to your awareness as you witness your self interacting with others.

I wish I had this mantra many years ago Dear Readers when I was a teenager and even in my twenties. Even so, I give thanks for this blessed sacred insight.

with love,

In the old days I said: "Come to Me and rest, for I will grant you peace." Today I say: "Seek Me within yourself, for there I Am, Source of your very own being."
~ Julie ~ ... tions.html

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 Post subject: We Are All Children of the ONE God - Contempt for Other
PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:36 pm 

Notes from Retreat:


I am being blessed during this weekend of my retreat and sacred journey to be staying in a hotel in which financially, I would not otherwise be able to stay in. Thank you for all who made this possible, especially the beloved daughter of Christ. This gift I am finding out as time unfolds, is also wedded to my service work, of which I am especially blessed.

I was quite nervous about staying in a hotel in which I would be mingling with other embodied souls, many of whom are moderately + well off financially, whom I have found generally on my life's journey to be cold and somewhat distant in their manner. When I awoke this morning before travelling to my destination I was given the beautiful mantra/question to carry me forth: "How much of the truth of who I am will I need to compromise in order to engage with you?"

Update: 8/1/15

I will be leaving this area tomorrow. Contempt and passive-aggressive behaviour was the overall energies I took in and experienced.

First, let me thank the Realms of Light and all that is holy and good for preparing me with the mantra question: "How much of the truth of who I am will I need to compromise in order to engage with you?"

Well, except for wait-staff at various eating establishments in this community (who on the whole treated me passive-aggressively. Most often as an after thought, leaving me waiting for the basics or even service for long periods of time), the experiences I had these last two days were surreal.

With the question/mantra as my protection and also my gateway to maintaining my dignity and honouring my truth of how I Am made me, I found out upon checking in that I was staying in a situation where the hotel was booked almost solid with ultra Orthodox Hassidic Jews, 5 different sects by the dress of the men I encountered passing in the hallways, as the women were rarely seen. I have never been treated with such contempt for nothing more than being alive in my life. Whilst pious, and I must say frequency wise, I shared space in the hotel with Hassidim through the Sabbath, which vibrationally was a blessing to experience, their treatment of me with what I can only describe as contempt and a disregard for my humanity was breathtaking in scale and continuity.

The wealthy for the most part just ignored me except to stare at me when first noticing my hair. This I have encountered and am more used to receiving energetically.

I must say at times, passing the ultra Orthodox Hassidim in hallways, me with my staff and locks feeling more like the sister of the Baptist walking out of the desert, and the raiment of the men passing me, never yielding space or acknowledging my presence, was surreal at times. Almost as if when we passed there was a dimensional spilt which I was aware of. I felt John with me as I was passing them, and more than once. I do not know what this means. I am just sharing with you Dear Readers my experience.

Again, I give thanks and blessings to my Beloved and those who guide me, most especially the Realms of Light for pre-preparing me for this experience.

Thank you God.

with love,

Update: 8/2/15

My last engagements in passing with the Hassidim.

How sad my heart feels to be around a closed hearted and minded people to those who are not of their own. No smiles, no eye contact, avoidance, the children stare and then as soon as you look back into their eyes, they avert your gaze. As the elevator doors open and I am seen in the elevator, I have seen people turn away to avert their eyes looking at me, and one man literally ran when he saw me. The things that have been done unto me for no more than being in the same hotel is heart breaking. It seems the more archaic the raiment the crueler, the greater, the indifference and contempt. To say that my experiences have been shocking to my consciousness and heart would be a understatement. In my heart I lament the lives of the Palestinians who must suffer great wounding of their souls each day. I pray the Hassidim may find their hearts compassion and empathy and that in doing so, their endless wandering may end. Amen.

A few last thoughts before I leave this place and these experiences.

The reason I felt called to this area had to do with a Carribbean festival, which I found out was a celebration of Jamaican Independence Day. All Blessings. When Nyabinghi chants and sacred music honouring the holy was played, the ancestors would dance through me, as they first did when I lived and served in New Orleans after the levees broke.

Yesterday, the ancestors moved through me in dance in ways that I have never moved. Their joy for their generations which have prospered and grown in spirit and strength coming through my heart and moving out in radiance. My feet were bare and I danced with my walking stick (which a youth I met called my staff, and I wish to do so in all further postings in his honour evermore). I was on the mountain top and it felt like Zion, and the ancestors moving through my body and heart were expressing and anchoring their joy.

My outer experience was quite different. On the whole, the faces of the Americans of African decent and Caribbean peoples when I looked up, were what one would call "screw faces" meaning their faces were scowled. I felt contempt, mockery, and anger projected at me from many peoples of Caribbean decent. Yes, I understand it is related to colonialism, healing of the past in the present. And, I was aware of the irony of the chanting lyrics of love, God, and loving one another and the projections of contempt and anger I was taking into my body. I thank the ancestors and the holy ones who danced through me and anchored the sacred through my body into Mother Earth.


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 Post subject: Going into secluded retreat
PostPosted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:27 am 

"And I will lead the blind by a way they know not, and in the paths they have not know I will make them walk;
I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight."

Isaiah 42:16

Hello Dear Readers,

For the last few weeks I have been on a sacred journey of wandering and allowing myself to be led into the unknown. Being led without the benefit of a cell phone, GPS, or computer. (I visit libraries and use hotel lobby computers when I feel guided to post on the forum).

The expereinces I have had have been a blessing and I am grateful for the peoples I have met as well as the times of solutiude to journal, rest, and reflect.

Yet I have still been very much in the world, and the daily packing, unpacking, and travelling has left me feeling like a weary Bedouin. Indeed, I feel very tired Dear Readers, in need of spiritual rereshment and rest. Last night I received guidance to move forward to a place which is designated for spiritual retreats. I will be leaving for this retreat tomorrow and am not sure when I will be sharing with you online again.

Although you can be sure, I will be here with you again.

with love,

"To release habitual ways of being one must embrace the unknown, allowing un-knowing to replace knowing and trust to replace understanding." ... tions.html

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 Post subject: Generation LOVE: Shine Brightly!
PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2015 8:56 pm 

GenerationLOVE_Vision_JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 68.72 KiB | Viewed 3508 times ]

This vision has been inspired by Derek, Mitchell, Steffen, Stephen, Bryon, Madi, Hannah, Emily, Travis, Asa, Cody, Laura, Anna, Zanza, Kira, Kat F, Anne, Adam and Kat and the Star Youths who opened their hearts each time we met shining brightly as points of love and light. Thank you dear ones for always making a place for me at the table.

You are Generation LOVE.

Shine brightly... Shine brightly!

with love,

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 Post subject: Could I BE Love? Following the LAW OF LOVE
PostPosted: Sun Aug 09, 2015 8:56 pm 

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The kind of love that humanity has experienced in all its wonder and beauty is but a portion of a far greater love that is limitless, since its Source is an unending, eternal one. This love is generated from within - from the Divine part of each heart. It is not dependent on external circumstance. Its law is universal compassion, tenderness, and forgiveness. Its bestowal is upon everyone.

Hello Dear Readers,

I am briefly home for a few days and whilst I am here, I was blessed to be able to sit with Beloved Julie asking amongst other questions, guidance on some of the experiences I had whilst on my sacred journey.

There seemed to be one theme I was aware of during this sacred journey and that was an ongoing theme of meeting people, or being seen by people and witnessing as well as encountering energies of hostility, prejudice, indifference, coldness, or far too often, closed or clenched hearts.

In essence my Beloved Teacher shared with me that the source of the hostility I encountered was generated by fear of the unknown or the different and the way to meet these energies which are entering not only my heart and body, but my mind as well, being an empath/energetically sensitive being, was with love.

Enlightened by the depth of this Teaching which I have not fully gone into with you Dear Readers without asking if I may quote Teachings given to me in a private sitting, I wanted to share with you what came to me later upon meditation of my sitting with Beloved Julie.

To reach for this quality of love is to be willing to let go of past wounds and hurts and present projections and judgments. It is to free the burdened self from all forms of prejudice with which it has been weighed down.

To make a beginning with this, leave the land of "like" and "dislike" and look for the inner beauty in each one. "Like" and "dislike" are part of the separated psyche, based on external attributes and behaviors. No one's behavior can take love away from you if you do not give it away. It is yours to keep.

I feel that a next step in my Purification Process is to meet the energies I spoke of above with real love. Not a pollyanna love, or glassy eyed love, or a sugary love. But the love which takes character, and a center anchored in the knowing that "All souls are precious to God."* A love that can feel the energies come into my body and mind and not align with them as they flood my nervous system and consciousness. A love that in the presence of a scowl can still smile from my eyes as well as my mouth. A love which can have compassion for the one who is projecting the energies of hostility and prejudice, even as those same energies flood my body and mind. A love which can transform the self feeling personally hurt or slighted by the behaviours or energies I am encountering into compassion, strength in the Light, and dignity of self.

Can I BE Love?
Can I embody this level of Love as I make my way back out into the world on my sacred journey of wandering?

Could I BE Love?
This is my sacred Teaching and Healing: to be in all circumstances, especially when I do not perceive the energies of love - the embodiment of God's Love - most especially, at those times in which it is the most difficult as the energies flood into my body, heart, and mind.

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Loving in this way does not mean not standing up for oneself or never saying "no", for self-love is also included in love. However standing up for oneself can be done without anger and without judgment of another. It can be done on behalf of love and on behalf of truth.

These are the steps to awakening - to follow the Law of Love.

* "All souls are precious to God." *

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 Post subject: Sacred Journeys and Wanderings
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:00 pm 

If we meet another with innocence, the reward will be truth. If we meet another with judgment, the reward will either be counter-judgment or fear and what results from fear. Only innocence allows truth to step forward. Only innocence allows the world to become new, permitting that which was tarnished by false beliefs to drop these beliefs like outworn clothing and to replace them with the new garments of the soul.

by Julie ... ngers.html

Each day new awarenesses regarding my ongoing sacred journey continue to unfold. Recently it came to me with fuller awareness that what is happening as I wander on my sacred walk-about is that I am meeting people, my soul opening as it does with joy, and then finding..."ooops!" That was a chilly response back. It seems as an aspect of my Purification Process, I am being drawn energetically, often but not always, to souls who can often come across as hard hearted, indifferent, cold or even 'clenched' hearted.

As a soul who loves all souls, my heart seeks often through my eyes to connect with other souls I meet with on my sacred journey through life. My heart seeks to connect - InI. My "I" seeks to connect with your "I", even briefly passing in the street, store, in transit or at a gathering.

“Each heart longs to feel met, to feel known, to feel seen. This longing of the heart is for the perfect love that is one's spiritual home.”

Seeds of Light:

What has been happening so far on this sacred wandering is that I am meeting at times, some individual souls whose hearts are opening or stirrings are awakening within their hearts - perhaps 20 - 30 such souls so far. ~Blessed be~ The rest of the souls whom I am meeting are often fraught with some sort of 'clenching' energies.

Being energetically sensitive, whilst often forgetting I am energetically sensitive, such is my joy at the prospect of meeting other awakening souls - I often find myself meeting instead, denser energies of separation and ultimately suffering. These interactions can be energetically draining, and more often than not, I lose my "I in InI meeting and become overwhelmed by content and density. In those moments when my body is taking in, containing, and transforming these denser oppositional energies of separation, all I can feel and perceive as reality is a 'download' into my nervous system and consciousness of these dense energies.

And I lose my anchor to God which is in my heart.

In order to 'contain' unwanted negative energies and to bring them to the light of awareness which is God's light, it is necessary to surrender. Surrender involves the absence of entitlement to feel a particular way, and a willingness to place these emotions in God's hands. "Thy will be done" is then applied to the emotions themselves. This is the seventh principle of light.


These awareness's as well as others I have previously posted on, is why as I proceed out again, this time at a gathering of souls who look much like myself in hair and dress, that I will seek to be more conscious of when I am losing myself by becoming overwhelmed by the energies I am taking in, and make sure that I contain without acting out, those energies I am taking in for containment and transformation. Not easy Dear Readers. I can become so very overwhelmed by the suffering carried by others, especially those who act out their suffering through actions which are not heart centered.

Yet this is my Purification task - to stay anchored in my heart and pray for the Light to grow within them as taught in the Teachings: Meditative Reflections by Julie.

To become love no matter what energy is coming towards or into me.

with love,

When we meet those we would formerly have called 'strangers', or those who seem very different from us in thought, manner, expression, or belief, we must endeavor to step behind the outer manifestation in order to see the sanctity of the One. Without exception, it is there. For there is no being whose inner light does not connect them with the Source. And there is no being who, given a sufficient amount of choosing to reconnect with that light, cannot once again become reunited with that Source.


Links shared by Meg

Locating the Authentic Self

Longing opens the heart to reach deeper into the depths of inner being to locate the truth that is most essential to the self. This truth seeks expression in everyday life. It is the reason for having taken birth. (Aug. 11, 2013)

"Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series
LightOmegaCommunity Facebook:

Link for Teaching on the effects of energies on the body:
"...In the first place, darkness is often attracted to light as a combatant is attracted to that which it perceives as opposing it. In this way, energies of darkness are often electromagnetically drawn toward the light in order to diminish or extinguish it, not to befriend it."

"...The teaching that energies can move through the young that 'are not them', that such energies can seem to be in control for a while but will pass through the body and emotions shortly, bringing things back to normal, is a very important one." ... kness.html

*Note: As I am writing this posting I am having challenges with the font sizes. It may be some days or weeks before I can come back and rectify the situation.

"In every person's eyes there is only the presence of the Beloved."
~ Julie ~ ... ngers.html

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 Post subject: Is this a forum or a blog?
PostPosted: Thu Aug 13, 2015 10:12 pm 
Hello Dear Readers,

Someday in the future to come, this forum will have many active voices seeking, sharing, and growing in the Light speaking together and with each other, from every nation, tribe, culture, and family.

We who speak now on it, and you Dear Readers who come and read, are anchoring through our intentions and presences, energies which are giving birth to a forum of hope, enlightenment, transformation, and healing.

Until such a time when the many voices will be heard and read, I am here, anchoring with you, Beloved Julie, Meg, and Jeannie, the energies of Light and Love on the One Earth Awakening Forum.

Thank you for joining us here in whatever capacity you feel comfortable doing so.

with love,

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 Post subject: Meeting the Energies of Bitterness and Vile ina Child of God
PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:53 pm 

Greetings Dear Readers,

It is said that a problem shared is cut in half. I am going to share something which happened to me tonight in a strange city, in another country, with a group of souls I thought were resonant with the same energies of "One Love" which my heart carries.

I am using a computer in which I am unable to ad quotes or links so for the Teachings you might find helpful regarding this experience so I will add the LightOmega link -, and encourage you to use your browser to research, Ital, Marcus Garvey and the Dignity Movement and Nyhabinghi.

I was invited earlier today as I walked around town and found my self at an Ital place to eat, to a Nyhabinghi gathering to celebrate Marcus Garvey's Earthday. I felt such joy at the blessing that I took a car ride with the sistren, bredren, and children to the place the gathering would be held, then took transit back to my hotel and then drove my car back up, as the park was in an area I was unfamiliar with, and I was not sure of transit at night.

I arrived as the chanting and drumming was occurring and walked past this sacred area to the area where the food was. I had brought fruits with me and brought them to the table. I greeted the sistren cooking and put my food on the table. I then asked her a question which shockingly, brought forth energies laden with vile, venom, and bitterness that felt as if they came forth from her very soul, which no words of apology for my foolish question could quench. She continued to literally spew out these energies, her face contorting, for a good two or three minutes attracting the attention of others. The fire of her scolding and the depth of her venom and bitterness left me feeling shocked and shaken, and as I walked away I cried from the pain of the energetic experience.

I walked around the circle of the bonfire, blessing all the was holy which was laid out on an altar, then took off my sandals and entered the circle where the chanting was occurring around the fire. I kept my glasses on as it was still dusk and to hide my tears. I gradually began to let go in prayer of as much of the energies I could of which I had taken in. Yet, the energies were too intense and had saturated my nervous system. Even still, if just one sistren or brethren the whole time I was there would have tapped me on the shoulder and said one kind word, much of the energies I had taken in would have been released through their kindness. Not even the sistren and bredren who invited me came to greet me and after meditating the best that I could with the sacred chanting I left after 90 minutes.

How sad that this group of souls which my soul has deep connections to could not muster a single kindness to me on the Earthday of Marcus Mosiah Garvey.

I walked away as the chanting continued, alone in the dark and began to cry again. The pain of the energies of bitterness and venom which were still burning through my nervous system and the coldness of my bredren and sistren at a sacred gathering, breaking my heart. Not one kind word or gesture was shown to me by my Nyhabinghi bredren and sistren.

And so, as I have done numerous times on this sacred journey of wandering, I will pray for the Light within them to grow stronger. I will pray too that these energies coursing through my body will be cleared soon, as they are very painful.

Thank you Dear Readers for your prayers of love and blessing.

with love,

A post script: Wednesday, August19, 2010

This experience is not representative of the peoples I have been meeting. Which is why I was so instantly saturated with the denser energies I took in and shocked. For the most part, the peoples whose city I am in are kind, will ask me if I need help if I look confused on the street wondering which way to go, and spend a moment speaking with me.

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Aug 19, 2015 8:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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