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 Post subject: ONE WORLD MEDITATIONS - Wednesday April 1, 2015
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:24 pm 

Activate the Power of Your Heart

Osman Sagrili - Adi Hudea from Syria .jpg
Osman Sagrili - Adi Hudea from Syria .jpg [ 49.51 KiB | Viewed 3502 times ]

Photo: Osman Sağırlı
Adi Hudea of Syria surrenders to what she believes is a gun.


The Peoples of the Philippines, Nigeria, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza, Palestine, Chad, Niger, Vanuata, Papua New Guinea - to the Daughters and children of Nigeria recently killed by Boko Haram, - to the poor, the hungry, the desolate, and the despairing.

With you, I align my heart and my soul. My prayer, that your sufferations may be relieved, may find safe space and peace to perceive and express the Divine within, may you once again know love and beauty and joy, may your wounds be forever healed within the Light.

with Love.

Rene Schulthoff_Baby girl from Syria mistakes camera for gun .jpg
Rene Schulthoff_Baby girl from Syria mistakes camera for gun .jpg [ 68.74 KiB | Viewed 3456 times ]

One World Meditations
Every Wednesday Worldwide

Last edited by Johanna on Sun Apr 05, 2015 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: SACRED FREQUENCIES : Frequencies of Unification
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:34 pm 

SACRED FREQUENCIES : Electromagnetic Vibrational Frequencies of Unification
Incoming Electromagnetic Vibrational Frequencies of Unification Infusing the Earth and Multi Dimensions.

The following posts are deeply connected to the 7 Holy Resonances of the Mission of the Christ.

The SACRED FREQUENCIES reflect incoming electromagnetic vibrational frequencies I began perceiving on April 1, 2015. These SACRED FREQUENCIES feel connected and resonant with the frequencies anchored in the 7 Holy Resonances of the Mission of the Christ -
(Page: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=48&start=192))).

My hope is to translate, to the best of my ability, through various resonating acoustics and (sometimes) the written word, the frequencies I am perceiving which are a complexity of vibrations and electromagnetism infusing the dimensions.

I am unable to translate all of the frequencies as this task is more than my body is able to comfortably express during this time of receiving. Yet I do hope that what I am able to anchor will be a representation of the Holy Unifying frequencies I am perceiving. Even though each may be different in tone and sacred origin - all of the Sacred Frequencies I post, are a part of a greater Unifying electromagnetic vibrational frequency I feel infusing the Earth, every living being and various dimensions associated with the earth plane.

with love,

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 Post subject: SACRED FREQUENCIES (1) ~ Sanskrit Chant
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:45 pm 

Incoming Electromagnetic~Vibrational Frequencies of Unification Infusing the Earth and Multi Dimensions.

SACRED FREQUENCIES (1): Electromagnetic~Vibrational Resonance:
Song of the ‪BHAGAVAD-GITA

LINK to listen in succession:


Meditate. Dance. Become one with the Holy Vibrations.
~ Holy Yoga ~

Last edited by Johanna on Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:00 am, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:12 am 

Incoming Electromagnetic~Vibrational Frequencies of Unification Infusing the Earth and Multi Dimensions.

SACRED FREQUENCIES (2): Electromagnetic~Vibrational Resonance:
Songs of the First Nations Peoples‪

Navajo Early Morning Blessing‬

Lakota Mother Earth Song

Everywhere my eye roams, I look upon the greatness of the Father-Mother Creator and I honor my part in the Great Creation through prayer and gratitude.

~ Blessing all of the Creators Works ~

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 Post subject: SACRED FREQUENCIES: Frequencies of Unification - Update
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:11 am 

SACRED FREQUENCIES : Electromagnetic Vibrational Frequencies of Unification
Incoming Electromagnetic Vibrational Frequencies of Unification Infusing the Earth and Multi Dimensions.

Update 4/3/15 - As I have become more familiar with the SACRED FREQUENCIES in the presence of the unfolding energies associated with the Holy Frequencies of Unification, I have found that the various SACRED FREQUENCIES I have been guided to assemble, which anchors sacred consciousness in honor of the Nameless One and all that is Holy, through various Sacred paths/frequencies, are helpful for both anchoring and/or containing the intense energies being released during this time of incoming Light frequencies.

The SACRED FREQUENCIES can be helpful to those who are able to feel the Light energies and wish to ground the Holy Unifying frequencies in their body. In my unfolding experience, I have found that I am able to ground these Holy Unifying frequencies through movement such as dance and yoga, or non-movement prayer and blessing. The resonant SACRED FREQUENCIES found in the acoustics of the videos I have posted, are also helpful if one needs to recenter themselves after being exposed to blasts of negative energies being released on the planet by the intensely powerful frequencies of Light associated with Unification. Lastly, the SACRED FREQUENCIES are helpful to the mind in processing incoming Unification frequencies not only for the self, they are also helpful for the planet, most especially in areas in which lack of containment of the releasing dense oppositional energies has brought with it great suffering and pain.

In regards to long term, ongoing integration and expansion of all Holy frequencies which will continue to infuse the Earth plane, I recommend the recently and first anchored SACRED FREQUENCIES - The 7 Holy Resonances.

This is what I perceive about the affects of the incoming Unifying Light frequencies:

The incoming Unifying Light frequencies, in perfect alignment with unfolding cosmic events, are providing for a very intense time energetically. That which has been hidden comes to the surface - much like a spring flower which has punctured the hard soil of a declining winter - yet as we watch others or ourselves being transformed by the incoming Unification frequencies - they do not seem beautiful to behold! For those following a path of Purification and Sanctification of their lives, the increases in conscious awareness brought forth by the Holy Unifying frequencies, even as they may be experienced as painful now, will bring eventual healing and the experience of beauty, much like the tender heart perceives at the sight of the first blooms of spring.

Last edited by Johanna on Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:10 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:00 am 

Incoming Electromagnetic~Vibrational Frequencies of Unification Infusing the Earth and Multi Dimensions.

SACRED FREQUENCIES (3): Electromagnetic~Vibrational Resonance:
Song of Healing ~ Thai Buddhist Monks‪

‪ Buddhist Meditation Music for Positive Energy:
‪ Thai Monks Chanting Healing Mantra

Breath of the Holy, Breath which connects to the Source of All That Is. Sacred Breath connecting my soul to my body and all of life. Through Conscious Breath, I heal, through Conscious Breath I become one with the Nameless One.

~ Breath of Life ~

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 Post subject: The Willing Sacrifice: The Divine Beloved Christ Jesus
PostPosted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 11:00 pm 

Lord's Prayer in Aramaic
( Abun d-bashmayo ܐܒܘܢ ܕܒܫܡܝܐ )

Still… my human heart grieves, the horror of your death follows me through time. Divine Beloved, Light so pure, cruelly crucified as the newly awakening were first blossoming in the presence of the Blessed Rays of your Holy Being.

Willing Sacrifice, you knew, you knew… perfect embodiment of serene surrender carried within your Sacred Heart, perfect trust in the Divine Plan.

Gethsemane to Golgotha, Crucifixion to Resurrection, you anchored the Mission of the Cosmic Christ through your Perfect Willing Sacrifice.

~ Perfect Surrender ~

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 Post subject: SACRED FREQUENCIES (4) ~ Christian Visionary Chant
PostPosted: Sat Apr 04, 2015 2:33 pm 

Incoming Electromagnetic~Vibrational Frequencies of Unification Infusing the Earth and Multi Dimensions.

SACRED FREQUENCIES (1): Electromagnetic~Vibrational Resonance:
Songs of Visions of the Beloved

Hildegard Von Bingen - O quam mirabilis est - O what a miracle يا ما معجزة‬
Hildegard von Bingen ~ O Viridissima Virga ~

O what a miracle is the presence of the divine heart which foretold all creation.

With God's gaze upon the face of man, whom He formed, He saw His entire works,
reflected in that same human form.

O what a miracle is this inspiration by which humanity was awakened.

‪Hildegard Von Bingen‬

In my visions I hear the call of the Beloveds.
I see my soul seeking through the womb of time,
ways in which I might once again, align my heart
with the Heart of the Cosmic Christ
as well as the Hearts of the embodied Christs.

Two Hearts connected, entwined, come forth from the One.
Devotion endowed by sanctified Love,
illuminates their Holy Missions.

~ Devotion and Love ~

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 Post subject: I N u R I - The Return of the Christ
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:54 am 

INuRI_returnofthechrist_org_vision_JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 47.85 KiB | Viewed 3449 times ]

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 Post subject: SACRED FREQUENCIES (5) ~ Buddhist Heart Chant
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:40 pm 

Incoming Electromagnetic~Vibrational Frequencies of Unification Infusing the Earth and Multi Dimensions.

SACRED FREQUENCIES (1): Electromagnetic~Vibrational Resonance:
Song of the Bodhisattva of Compassion

Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutram 心經梵唱 - The Shore Beyond 彼岸 - 黃慧音 Imee Ooi

The Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra

Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutram 心經梵唱 - The Blissful Heart 心無罣礙 - 黃慧音 Imee Ooi

There is no power that darkness has over Love; the secret is to remain firmly planted in it. For where Love is darkness must dissolve, as Love vibrates with the highest Light.

Love, in its strength, in its purity, and in its power, is the containment and destroyer of darkness.

How then to hold on to it?

It must be remembered that the power of darkness resides in the mind. The heart is invulnerable if one can locate it. The power of darkness communicates from the mind into the emotions and physiology of the body, thereby generating feelings of distraction: primarily fear and anger.

The heart is Love. That is what must be remembered. And if that feeling or knowing is masked by the intensity of emotion in the body, then it must be recalled that the capacity to trust is the remembrance of Love. It is the remembrance of God's Love.

In the absence of the heart's experience of Love, trust yet can remain that God's Love is ever-present, and that connection with the One never fails. The key is to trust the heart, and to know that in the domain of Love, in the domain of the heart's knowingness of God, darkness has no power.

The Book of the Covenant

~ The Remembrance of Love ~

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:44 pm 

             I have sent my Presence to be with you...    

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Beloved Ones,

The Divine Word is anchoring in the Earth now, bringing forth transformation to all children of God.  This is the meaning of ‘Omega’ - that what was originally given as a God-force from ‘above’ that would draw humanity toward the Divine through the greater manifestation of God’s being, is now given for the same purpose coming from ‘below’ – coming through the Earth itself.

For Alpha and Omega are not two forces but one - the energy of the Christ manifesting now in and through the Earth, bringing blessings everywhere and the possibility for each one to become more fully joined with their very own soul.


Alpha and Omega, the Divine Word manifesting above and below – this is the time we are in – the time of the manifestation of the Covenant that all souls are part of and that is part of all souls.  And if there are greater difficulties and challenges that abound now, it is because all that stands in the way of this greater manifestation must be released and dissolved in the holy light of God.

This is the role and function of the Word – to bring forth the new within the plane of matter, within matter itself, so that all can find within themselves the Divine being that they seek and that they are.

Many have written about this time, many have hoped for it, and yet because difficulties still abound and appear in certain instances to be getting stronger, there is not the confident joy that would be present if all could feel and know that the Divine Word is manifesting in the Earth and upon the Earth. The difficulties must manifest, because what has been hidden must become open, what has been concealed, must reveal itself to the light of day.  It is in this way that all darkness that remains shall make itself known and shall be dissolved in the greater light of God, for this has been ordained from the beginning and from before time began - that all flesh would come to know the Divine Presence dwelling upon the Earth, and would gather together and bow before the majesty of what God had created.

Pain and suffering still remain for many, and so this has not yet become visible in its fullness.  And yet the light-shift that is before us will bring forth a manifestation of what is ordained in a way that is knowable to all.  And it will be for those who are open as if their hopes and dreams had finally been given an avenue of expression, and it will be as if all that had been waited for had finally arrived. 

This is the time that beckons
the time of the Divine and holy Word of God manifesting upon the Earth. 
May all blessings flow to the blessed Earth and to all beings who live upon Her,
for her time is coming and has come.


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 Post subject: ‪ONE WORLD MEDITATIONS - Wednesday April 15, 2015‬
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:26 pm 

800,000 Children Have Been Forced From Homes By Boko Haram Violence

LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — The children's drawings show men with guns, a coffin, a car exploding. One picture has stick-like figures of eight siblings missed by their teenage sister.

The disturbing images come from some of an estimated 800,000 children forced from the homes by Boko Haram extremists, according to a UNICEF report published Monday.

It says the number of refugee children has doubled in the past year, making them about half of all the 1.5 million Nigerians made homeless in the Islamic uprising.

"Children have become deliberate targets, often subjected to extreme violence - from sexual abuse and forced marriage to kidnappings and brutal killings," the report says. "Children have also become weapons, made to fight alongside armed groups and at times used as human bombs."

The number of children absent from primary school in Nigeria has increased from 8 million in 2007 to 10.5 million- the highest figure in the world, it says. Boko Haram has targeted schools, destroying or severely damaging more than 300 and killing 314 students and 196 teachers, UNICEF says.

Activate the Power of Your Heart

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