THE GREAT SPIRITUAL AWAKENING OF THE EARTH-Julie- "This is the miracle of the time we are in and for which all souls have waited, namely, that the life of God that has existed in all beings without exception shall finally become more visible, and ordinary reality as it exists in trees, brooks, grass, leaves, clouds, air, mist, earth – shall finally take on the visibility of light that has always been part of the structure of life-forms, but never part of their radiance. Now, life shall radiate light."
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For those who fear this time, it is important to know that all who are here on the Earth have come in order to be part of this great transition, and there is no one who will not be helped with the process by Divine aid as well as by the light of their own soul.
The music of that soul shall begin to sound more loudly in the ears and hearts of each one, and each one shall begin to find the inner guidance that will lead them through the newness and uncertainty of this time.