-Julie -
In the course of purification, many experience the helplessness of being unable to immediately alter the circumstances and conditions of energies that are purifying. This helplessness, so intrinsic to the process of purification, offers a choice between protesting, denying, or rebelling against such conditions, or placing them in the embrace of Divine light and love and asking for help with the further clearing out of unwanted energies, thoughts, and emotions.The premise involved in such turning to God is that there is only a certain amount that one can do on one's own in order to alleviate certain internal conditions that are not self-chosen on a conscious level, and that for the rest, one's relationship with the Divine is the central axis around which all change needs to occur.
Such surrender to the Divine for help, guidance, and grace is at the heart of the purification process and also at the heart of man's Covenant with God. (See: Becoming a Holy People). It does not eliminate the need to do what one can to alleviate pain and suffering or to work with existing patterns of thought and behavior that are negative, unwanted, or self-destructive, but it places within the context of Divine and holy light, all that needs to be changed and transmuted.The willingness to surrender control in this way is a necessity built into the circumstances of purification, for these circumstances are largely internal rather than external, and cannot be altered by an action that affects outer reality. Rather, they are emotional and mental responses to inner and outer reality and, as such, can be ignored, denied, blamed on others, or avoided as best one can through substitute activities, gratifications, or through a process of numbing, but these are all ways of masking their truth, not ways of dealing with them.
The only effective means of dealing with the helplessness that arises during the purification of internal conditions that are in need of change is to bear the truth of their existence and to transmute them through turning the process of healing over to God with the desire to participate in the expansion and expression of Divine light, will, and wisdom. This transmutation can dissolve negative energies in the light of consciousness and turn what was limiting into something that is expansive and light-filled.0:
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A degree of comfort in surrender is required in order to uphold this perspective that those who need strongly to 'do something' may find difficult to endure. This may especially be true at first, when the experience of the presence of Divine light and love has not yet become a fixed reality. Nevertheless, persistence in continuing with purification means continuing to place all that needs changing within the hands of the Divine, and learning more and more effectively to align with the Source and to make oneself an instrument of that Source.