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 Post subject: AWAKENING and SUFFERING
PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 12:19 pm 

Having the ability to perceive increased frequencies of Light* does not automatically mean that the outer life of the perceiver reflects the same. Especially if the embodied soul perceiving the increased frequencies has within their heart, a sacred intention to assist other embodied souls in remembering the truth of who they are.

For Light brings with it Divine Intention which brings up that which has been hidden within to the surface.

In relation to the inner life, the action of God's light illuminates consciousness and purifies the body where hidden emotions are often held.  As a result, attitudes, motivations, and feelings that were formerly concealed are now exposed to the light of awareness, and things one may have suspected about oneself but never perceived clearly are increasingly revealed. ... ation.html

The frequencies of Light are perceived through the matrix of the sacred vehicle of consciousness (body). These frequencies can manifest as heightened perceptual awareness, experiences of conscious expansiveness, deep peace and a desire to vibrationally expand the frequencies of love, as well as perceptions of connecting to the Unified Field of Love bringing about a new inner 'knowing' of greater potentials and possibilities..

Simultaneously, as the Awakening soul looks out through the eyes of their sacred vehicle of consciousness, at their external reality, it often beholds other embodied souls having a very different experience from their own.

Experiences of perceiving at the sub-conscious level, the self as alone and embattled with denser frequency fields (darkness) can manifest energetically through the autonomic nervous system with symptoms such as despair, loneliness, isolation, grief, stress, anxiety, pain, anger, as well as other emotional and mental states of embodied suffering. Denser frequencies can also be held within the tissues and cells affecting functioning and consciousness of the sacred vehicle of consciousness-body.

In the most fundamental sense, light and darkness are energies of Creation, brought forth out of an ultimate Unity at a time when all things came into being. Though they may also be spoken of in their more human sense in relation to motivations and feelings we call 'dark' or light-filled, they are, at the source, energies that influence consciousness in the broadest possible way, causing humanity to move in different directions in its perception of what is most real. 

Understanding the influence of these energies is at the heart of the purification process, during which both body and consciousness experience a separation between those inner elements that hold light and love and those that do not. This separation enables energies of darkness that have limited one's wholeness to be released from the self.  As a result, the presence of one's Divine inner being can begin to be felt more clearly, without the obscuring factor of interfering emotions and thought patterns. 

When viewed from the broadest cosmic level, it is the essential nature of darkness to create separation and isolation from the Divine truth of one's being, while it is the essential nature of light to expand and unite levels of truth so that one feels increasingly unified with the light and love of the cosmos.

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*Light as Potentiality and Possibility

3/18/15 - You will not be alone in your experience today if you are having headaches, feeling pressure, feeling fatigue, or nervous system agitation. We have been going through a severe Kp 8 geo-magnetic storm and these are a few of the symptoms which can be associated with the phenomenon.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 1:22 pm 


This is the time for letting go of the past
and for committing yourself to the future.
This is the time, for your heart and soul are asking
to be set free from the confines that
they have lived in.

All help shall be given. All help.

Voice of the Oneness - Day 92
- Julie -

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:02 pm 

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 Post subject: The 7 Holy Resonances: 2nd RESONANCE: PURIFICATION
PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:08 pm 

‪An End to Clinging‬

Last edited by Johanna on Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:18 pm 

- Julie -

Sanctified and holy is the path of redemption of both the human soul and of the planet Earth as it moves toward the glory of the light that has always been its true spiritual home.  This path, trod over many centuries and millennia with an increasing loss of consciousness of the way home, or even that something central had been lost, is coming into awareness now as the necessary and inevitable next step for all of mankind.  This is true because within the Divine order of celebratory events, it is the time of the earth's quickening and new birth.  It is also true because the way has been prepared now for centuries so that this movement can occur.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:27 pm 

What is Purification?
- Julie -

Purification is a process that takes place on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.  It represents the means through which each embodied soul can recognize and return to the divinity that lies at their core.  The process is initiated and maintained by spiritual light, and by the efforts of those who choose to align with the divine Oneness that exists within all.

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Writings by Julie

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:51 pm 

-Julie -

In the course of purification, many experience the helplessness of being unable to immediately alter the circumstances and conditions of energies that are purifying.  This helplessness, so intrinsic to the process of purification, offers a choice between protesting, denying, or rebelling against such conditions, or placing them in the embrace of Divine light and love and asking for help with the further clearing out of unwanted energies, thoughts, and emotions.

The premise involved in such turning to God is that there is only a certain amount that one can do on one's own in order to alleviate certain internal conditions that are not self-chosen on a conscious level, and that for the rest, one's  relationship with the Divine is the central axis around which all change needs to occur.

Such surrender to the Divine for help, guidance, and grace is at the heart of the purification process and also at the heart of man's Covenant with God. (See: Becoming a Holy People). It does not eliminate the need to do what one can to alleviate pain and suffering or to work with existing patterns of thought and behavior that are negative, unwanted, or self-destructive, but it places within the context of Divine and holy light, all that needs to be changed and transmuted.

The willingness to surrender control in this way is a necessity built into the circumstances of purification, for these circumstances are largely internal rather than external, and cannot be altered by an action that affects outer reality.  Rather, they are emotional and mental responses to inner and outer reality and, as such, can be ignored, denied, blamed on others, or avoided as best one can through substitute activities, gratifications, or through a process of numbing, but these are all ways of masking their truth, not ways of dealing with them.

The only effective means of dealing with the helplessness that arises during the purification of internal conditions that are in need of change is to bear the truth of their existence and to transmute them through turning the process of healing over to God with the desire to participate in the expansion and expression of Divine light, will, and wisdom. This transmutation can dissolve negative energies in the light of consciousness and turn what was limiting into something that is expansive and light-filled.

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A degree of comfort in surrender is required in order to uphold this perspective that those who need strongly to 'do something' may find difficult to endure.  This may especially be true at first, when the experience of the presence of Divine light and love has not yet become a fixed reality. Nevertheless, persistence in continuing with purification means continuing to place all that needs changing within the hands of the Divine, and learning more and more effectively to align with the Source and to make oneself an instrument of that Source.

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 Post subject: 3rd RESONANCE: SURRENDER
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:05 pm 


The key to attuning to Divine Flow is surrender.

Yet, surrender must become unconditional, taking place in the absence of knowledge concerning why or how things will be. Love and trust are the basis for surrender rather than understanding.


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:23 pm 

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:32 pm 

Surrender involves a letting go of the ego-self in favor of something much greater – the holiness of infinite love and the peace of oneness.  
In this letting go, there may exist fear that there is not enough love within the self for the Creator of all, yet this is not true.  For the relationship with the One who is All is as innate to the soul as breathing is to the human body.  It is part of spiritual breathing to breathe in and out with love for God, to be part of that love, to seek to flow in and with that love.

-Julie -

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:41 pm 

Behold a new Earth arising.

The light within each one is being born.

Surrender is on one level a matter of the will, allowing personal will to be absorbed into Divine will, recognizing that the greater Will of the Divine holds all that is good, all that is true, and all that is beautiful in it.
On another level, surrender is a matter of the desire to end separation and to live in a state of love and unity.  Having found separation painful and filled with loneliness, the embodied soul seeks to return to its home where it imagines, hopes, and trusts, that it will feel a sense of belonging.
On still another level, surrender is the innate attraction of the embodied self at some point in its journey through the physical realm, to seek and to find the spiritual source of its being.  Though within any given lifetime the outer self may or may not seek a spiritual life, the trajectory of return is not based on what happens during one lifetime but on the entire arc of embodied existence. 

Within this arc and within the deepest heart of each being is a covenantal relationship with the Divine source of being that draws the soul back to the One from which it came.  This covenantal relationship draws the soul back inevitably and perfectly over time, so that the fullness of one's total being can be realized.

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 Post subject: The 7 Holy Resonances: 3rd RESONANCE: SURRENDER
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 3:57 pm 

Give to the One all power to do, to know, to be.
Let Divine life breathe through you...


No power to speak, no power to keep silent
No power to give, no power to withhold.
No power to lead, no power to follow.
No power to begin, no power to end.

No power to stand, no power to sit.
No power to laugh, no power to cry.
No power to think, no power to refrain from thinking,
No power to move forward, no power to stand still.

No power to learn, no power to un-learn.
No power to heal, no power to prevent healing.
No power to love, no power to hate.
No power to live, no power to die.

English narrative by Julie Redstone
Aakhan Jor - The Great Surrender‬

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