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 Post subject: A Call to Activate Your Heart in Service to the Suffering
PostPosted: Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:47 pm 

This week, the followers of ISIL have taken into bondage Syrian Christians and Muslim Iraqi tribesman.

Knowing the history of the violent and inhumane treatment ISIL perpetrates upon those whose men and women of free will and sovereignty they subjugate, it is time for those of us who know the power of the Light and our interconnectedness via the heart - to begin to pray 'with' the men, who have been taken against their will for the purposes of ritualistic sacrifice/murder.

We can pray with them for their emotional strength. We can pray with them for their spiritual and mental upliftment in the face of a terror and brutality that we cannot begin to comprehend. We can, through our heart and our mind's eye - imagine we are with each person being held captive - that our hearts are 'with them'. We can, feel the pain in our hearts for their unjust suffering and pain and let them know that in the face of the terrible darkness they are in - we are 'with' them - we are witnesses, we see them and our love is with them.

We can, if we so choose, generate through our hearts - frequencies of love , compassion, and empathy - intentionally directed towards those who are suffering.

We can, prepare our hearts and the matrix of the planetary consciousness for the next onslaught of ritualistic sacrifice and murder by uplifting the matrix with the frequencies of our conscious love.

with love,

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If you would like to join with your planetary brothers and sisters in sharing your love:

by Julie

Sitting together in meditation or prayer with the goal of joining our hearts in deepest love, of joining our inner self with the self of others - this is the goal of our combined effort as we sit together in the light of love.

This light is not just the combined outpouring and interconnection of the hearts of those who sit as one with a desire to bring healing and transformation to the Earth. As we open to the universal light - an energy that infuses and penetrates all dimensions - the higher frequencies of God's love and light also infuse our own hearts and bodies, amplifying and making holy all that is taking place. This can happen in a way that would not be possible if we were not consciously opening to light, and if the interdimensional reality had not already shifted so that the spiritual realms and the physical are no longer far apart.

One World Mediations
Weekly Meditation - Wed., 8:30-9PM (ET)
Thursdays, 1:30-2AM (GMT)

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 Post subject: From Light to Light - The Purification Process
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 2:49 pm 

"…Divine purpose harmonizes and links all individual goals for purification within a global matrix. It does this by creating a planetary network of individuals by which and through which light can emanate from higher spiritual realms and radiate out to the entire planet.

Looked at from the broader perspective of spiritual history and the history of consciousness, both of which in their progression manifest God's holy intention for mankind, we need to view purification not only as an individual process, but as a planetary process as well. This process involves the transformation, illumination, and enlightenment of every aspect of life on Earth

Beloved Ones, such transformation has already begun. It is already taking place. For as light strengthens within the Earth's sphere, matter itself is changing and is beginning to function at a higher frequency of vibration than what human beings have been accustomed to.

The result is that human consciousness itself, en masse, will become totally capable of transforming through a process of purification brought about by light increasing. Mankind will finally become aware of the sacred reality in which it lives.

Just as light accelerates individual transformation, causing it to speed up the process of evolution, so, too, can the plan for the Earth accelerate the normal course of change that would otherwise alter life over eons of time. This is God's Plan for the Earth, and its unfoldment will bring about a major shift in human consciousness."

The creation of an awakened planet will be activated by the increased presence of light within the Earth's energy body, light that has filtered down from higher planes of spiritual reality, light that can be more fully embodied within physical matter. Such a level shift will be of major proportions and will be aided by those who bear light within themselves who will be in a position to assist others as they go through their own transitions. All beings will be affected. All will have a choice as to how to respond to this level shift.

From Light to Light - The Purification Process

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 Post subject: Epoch Paradigm Shift - Vision
PostPosted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 3:50 pm 

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:12 pm 

Spiritual light serves a truth-telling function as well as being a carrier of God's love. 

Within the purification process, it uncovers falsehood and reveals what is hidden.


Today, there is much darkness that covers events and people on the world stage - in nations where violence is everywhere and no one is safe, in governments where deception is widespread and honesty barely visible, and among groups of people who are willing to hate and blame others who are different from themselves.  All of these forms of darkness abound in the world at present.  

Yet in the midst of this, in the midst of the wars, genocides, and conflicts, in the midst of the hatreds born out of illusion and neglect, a new breeze is blowing - the breeze of truth and of hope.  This is a current of energy that is based in spiritual light that seeks out deception and exposes it.  It seeks out fraud and undermines it.  It seeks out what is good and true among leaders and tries to rid leadership of that which may have been long-established, but which is lacking in moral fiber.

Spiritual light brings into focus the truth of all things.  The truth of one's own inner nature.  The truth of what peoples and governments are really about.  The truth of the agendas of the powerful.  It exposes these agendas so that there is no longer a place for them to hide.  It illuminates them, so there is no longer an audience willing to be gullible, willing to be deceived.  Wherever, on the earth, deception has taken place at the hands of the mighty, there, light will do the work of uncovering and of revealing that which is really taken place.

Already, there have been many such revelations in countries around the world.  Already, what has gone on behind the scenes, justified by security needs and by the ability of a select few to use power in secretive ways – these manipulations are more and more coming to light, and those who have practiced them are increasingly being asked to become more accountable.  For it is the 'day of the revelation of truth', and greater amounts of truth will be exposed to the world's attention until deception is rooted out from the hiding place where it has lived – until it becomes unable to find a dwelling place any longer.

This passage from falsehood to truth in governments, among people, within communities, and in all walks of life where people strive to get ahead at the expense of others, has often involved the  justification of deception in service to the desire for power or control of different kinds.  This will no longer be allowed to continue as the energy of light further transforms the spiritual atmosphere of the earth.  For light brings with it a 'truth-telling' function.  Even now, when just a little has been exposed of hidden agendas and behind-the-scenes movements that were unknown just a short time ago - even now, the uncovering of truth is gaining momentum.  It will continue to do so until there is no stone unturned, no rock that may hide falsehood beneath it. 

While this applies on a large scale to governments and peoples, it also applies on a smaller scale to each individual consciousness which, in the presence of greater spiritual light, will find revealed within itself, all that has remained hidden, repressed, denied, or avoided in the past.  This revelation of one's own truth will be a great gift to some and a great burden to others.  For it will mean that individuals will have to face themselves in new ways, and deal with  feelings that may have been brushed aside before.

In the long run, the power of light to create a more truthful world will cleanse it of those elements that have been hiding behind pat phrases and glib posturing in order to appear honest and concerned with the welfare of all. This 'seeming', wherever it occurs, will be replaced by true compassion, by caring for others, and by wanting to rid oneself of all that stands in the way of greater love. 

The merging of light and truth has great power to change the world, and already the world has the possibility of becoming new.  The beginning of this purification is all around us and within us.  It is infiltrating all the hidden places of the heart and mind so that bright new beings can emerge from the shadows of the past.  It is awakening a longing for  honesty and compassion, so that old ways of being are no longer acceptable. It is declaring the virtue of love so that the taking up of arms no longer becomes the preferential choice.  And it is infusing the consciousness of mankind, so that a new and sacred world can be created on this holy Earth.

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 Post subject: Endless War, Israel, Iran: The Inner Discerning of Truth
PostPosted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:30 pm 

"…This passage from falsehood to truth in governments, among people, within communities, and in all walks of life where people strive to get ahead at the expense of others, has often involved the  justification of deception in service to the desire for power or control of different kinds.  This will no longer be allowed to continue as the energy of light further transforms the spiritual atmosphere of the earth.  For light brings with it a 'truth-telling' function.  Even now, when just a little has been exposed of hidden agendas and behind-the-scenes movements that were unknown just a short time ago - even now, the uncovering of truth is gaining momentum.  It will continue to do so until there is no stone unturned, no rock that may hide falsehood beneath it. "


War is a planetary experience of intentionally inflicted suffering which every one of us as spiritual adepts may meditate upon.

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War is an external expression of the forces of darkness, working trough the conscious and unconscious hands and hearts of humans who resonate with these frequencies, killing, destroying, and leaving in agony and anguish, everyone and everything which comes into its cruel and merciless path.

Blessed Mercy be upon the peoples of this planet whose lives are torn asunder by those who seek power and dominion through the mechanisms of politics, financial markets, religious zealotry, and war.

I will share with you Dear Readers the key I use in discerning the energies of truth… trusting the voice of my heart, trusting my sense of inner knowing and trusting my intuition. The key to discerning truth is within.

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 Post subject: ISIS and ISIL - What's the Difference in a Name?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 10:56 pm 


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ISIS and ISIL - What's the Difference in a Name?

There is a great difference between the name ISIS, the Mother Goddess of Egypt and ISIL a predominately male Sunni jihadist group.

I will attempt to apply a suitable definition for the two words/names in question.

1.a. A statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, or term. b. A statement or description of the fundamental character or scope of something.
2. The act or process of stating a precise meaning or significance; formulation of a meaning: The definition of terms is essential to any successful scholarly study. (*1)

ISIS: is a goddess from the polytheistic pantheon of Egypt. She was first worshiped in Ancient Egyptian religion, and later her worship spread throughout the Roman empire and the greater Greco-Roman world. Isis is still widely worshiped by many pagans today in diverse religious contexts; including a number of distinct pagan religions, the modern Goddess movement, and interfaith organizations such as the Fellowship of Isis.(*2)

ISIL:The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is a predominantly Sunni jihadist group, seeks to sow civil unrest in Iraq and the Levant (region spanning from southern Turkey to Egypt and including Syria, Lebanon, Israel, the Palestinian territories and Jordan) with the aim of establishing a caliphate — a single, transnational Islamic state based on sharia. (*3)

Here is a brief synopsis Dear Readers of my concerns regarding the naming of ISIL, ISIS.

As a concerned planetary citizen, I feel called to speak out about the aberration of taking the sacred name of ISIS and using it as the (mistranslated) acronym in the naming of a terrorist group, which plainly calls itself ISIL - a male dominant would be caliphate, who stones women, rapes women, sell's and use's women as slaves, disallowing all women the freedom to drive or walk anywhere they wish on their own.

By typing the name ISIS in a browser, even if we are researching the Mother Goddess, we are now all at risk of being put on a terror watch list as engaging in suspicious activities associated with terrorism.

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The Sacred Name of ISIS

Why would a group men claiming to be ushering in a new caliphate name themselves after the Egyptian Mother Goddess ISIS?

Since time immemorial the Mother Goddess has been loved and worshiped by millions of planetary peoples. In Egypt, and the empires of Greece and Rome, she was known as the Goddess Isis and for thousands of years before the Christian religion was founded, she was honored and worshiped by all that was holy and good.

Now in the year of 2015 AD, the holy name of the Mother Goddess ISIS has become associated with horrific acts of violence by the media outlets of Israel, Europe, and America. AL-Jazeera accurately identifies the group as ISIL and (too few) other news outlets do report the group and their associated activities accurately as ISIL.

As result of the American, Israeli, and European media outlets who decided to change the translation of the name of the group who identified themselves ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant or DAESH) into ISIS when they invaded Syria, a great disservice has been done to the millions of people who have worshipped or continue to worship the Mother Goddess ISIS. Not only those who reverence the Mother Goddess Isis have been affected by the mistranslation and misleading usage of her name - ISIS, those who first hear her sacred name will now associate it with death, savagery, and destruction.

I have read many comments online where a general consensus of "it does not matter" or "the difference isn't very great" is spoken of when questioned on the accuracy in portraying the name of the jihadis who call themselves ISIL as ISIS.

Actually the distinction between the name of ISIS and ISIL is very great.

The name of ISIS refers to the sacred I AM principle of Goddess first brought forth in ancient Egypt. Isis was known to those who have worshipped her (beginning as early as 6000 years ago) as the Divine Mother of the Universe who who brings her planetary children food/crops-fruitfulness/seeds, water, birth, life, love, perception of the sacred, the nobility of marriage, medicine and healing, the divine wisdom of women and many other blessings associated with the planet we call our Sacred Mother Earth. Most of all, the Divine Mother Goddess is associated with the energies of LIFE. Thousands of years before the deification of the Blessed Mary as the divine Holy Mother there was the deification of ISIS as the divine Holy Mother and Goddess.

The name ISIL (falsely translated and endlessly repeated as ISIS in the media) refers to a group of men (and women) who proliferate photos and videos of themselves slaughtering innocents, ritually sacrificing people, stoning women, raping and trafficking women and children as slaves, destroying ancient artifacts, throwing people off of roofs for being how God made them, and the cutting off of limbs who break their laws as punishment. The energies associated with ISIL are the energies of DEATH and DESTRUCTION. Peoples of the earth, especially those who live in the regions they haunt, when hearing of their deeds and their name, shudder in horror.

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Honouring of the Sacred is the first reason that distinction and clarity is needed by the media and anyone who writes about incidences associated with ISIL. The sacred name of the Mother Goddess ISIS should never ever be associated in the collective consciousness with the jihadis who call themselves ISIL. Media outlets, professors, writers, and teachers should take great care when identifying the acts of those who come in the name of death with the name of the Mother Goddess who comes in the name of life.

The second reason for the need of distinction between using the name ISIS or ISIL has to do with the women, men and children who are, or may, innocently research the name Isis in the context of the Mother Goddess, either for personal reasons or for a school project due to GLOBAL SURVEILLANCE and terror watch lists, which keep track of key words typed into browsers and emails as part of the planetary war on terror.

Through the (possibly) unconscious and definitely unscholarly behaviors of the European, American, and Israeli media in mistranslating ISIL as ISIS, millions of innocent children and adults by the very act of typing the name of the (Mother Goddess) ISIS into a browser, are, or will be, watched or put onto terror watch lists. The global surveillance in the name of the war on terror, is especially active now as ISIL uses social media and the media as a way to recruit and horrify.

I am not sure Dear Readers if you understand the level of my concern and the profound significance my heart perceives in a 'mistranslation' by the media and the effect this can have on the lives of ordinary people.

In the never ending planetary war on terror, in this age of global surveillance via the collection, storage for future use, and the sharing of private data and online behavior, the typing of the word ISIS will, (as this posting most certainly will for using the words - terror, terrorism, ISIS and ISIL) get one noticed by the watchers.

An example, let's say your child has a project for school and they are studying ancient Egypt - if your child types in a name greatly associated with ancient Egypt, the Mother Goddess - ISIS, your child's name and your household will most likely, especially if they live in Great Britain and America, be put onto a data collection list - possibly a terror watch list as the group associated with this name ISIS (ISIL) are considered by both governments to be terrorists. ISIL uses social media to recruit and glamorize violence so those who collect key word data will be analyzing anything having to do with their name - even the wrong name ISIS! Since the collection of data and how it is analyzed is top secret, (we only have Edward Snowden's disclosures which have shown us the sheer comprehensiveness of the gathering of the most minutiae of all of our electronic data) having our name isolated and associated by those on the endless hunt for terrorists will most likely happen for many a person searching about the ancient Egyptian mythology of Osiris - Isis, or the Mother Goddess Isis.

I hope Dear Readers I have shown the distinction between using the names ISIL and ISIS and how it is important to all of humanity that the American, Israeli, and European media outlets and writers of news become more responsible for their actions in the translation and naming of groups which are considered terrorists in an age of unregulated global surveillance, secret courts, secret rendition sites, and data collection in the name of democracy and freedom.

Lastly, there are a few troubling coincidences concerning the name of the Mother Goddess ISIS and aspects associated with calling ISIL, ISIS.

First, what I consider to be a most interesting coincidence, leads me to believe that the renaming or branding of the jihadis of death after the Mother of Life may not have happened as randomly as I once thought. This coincidence has to do with the vehicles the jihadis drive.

I felt troubled when first seeing photos of ISIL and their caravans of matching white Toyota Tacoma's coming out of the desert. So I did a search on the name Tacoma to see if there was anything randomly happening to what I was perceiving regarding the desecration of the sacred name of the Mother Goddess Isis.

What little I could find on the name Tacoma was that it is actually a sacred name of the First Nations Peoples from the Washington state area of America. There is an online blog which translates the name Tacoma as "Mother of Waters".

Secondly, at a time of the reemerging sacred consciousness of the Divine Feminine I am aware of the increasing number of attacks on women planet wide - from the Daughters of India suffering from rape and acid attacks, to the women who must go through physical and psychological violations and measures set upon them by predominately male religious politicians concerning their bodies, to the myriad of other measures used to keep women locked into a patriarchal version of a perceptual reality based on limitation, repression, and oppression of their sacred feminine divine selves.

In this time of awakening it is important for women and young women as well as men to have the freedom to learn about their sacred history and mythology without worrying that by doing so, especially learning of the Mother Goddess ISIS, that they will be put on a terrorist watch list for typing in the name ISIS.

This is the time of sacred awakening and reemergence Dear Readers, not the time to shut down in fear. Be real. Be true. Be who you are. You are an eternal being of sacred consciousness having an embodied planetary experience. No matter what the ruling paradigm seeks to convince you of through the use of the energies of fear, manipulation, oppression, and surveillance - you are soul embodied in a sacred vehicle of consciousness having an experience on this planet we call Earth.

with love,

"…The right to be left alone—to think, to experiment, to contemplate—has been essential to the development of individual personality. The private space, protected from the intimidating observation of others, is the sacred ground where self-discovery occurs, and to the degree that external forces intrude, whether of the state, church, or marketplace, the sense of self will wither."


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 Post subject: PRAYER for JOINING the HUMAN and DIVINE
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 7:53 pm 

That all may live as One


May the world come to know that there is no part of human life that is separate from God, and that there is no practical concern that cannot be addressed by the Divine. There is no separation and meant to be no separation on any level of experience down to the most minute details of life. May all come to know the precious, precious link between the human and the Divine that lives within each one. Amen.

This prayer may be said in any decision-making situation for individuals or groups where it seems that all pathways forward
are closed and there is only one possible outcome.

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 Post subject: Teachings of Light for an Awakening Planet -
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2015 8:20 pm 

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 Post subject: FAITH and WAITING
PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:37 pm 

Faith and Waiting

The ego's desire to be in control and the desire of faith to surrender control moves in two opposite directions.

The ego says: "I must create what I want; no one else will do it for me."

Faith says: "I must receive what I want; I cannot give it to myself."

The ego says: "I do not believe in what I cannot see, touch, feel, hear, or taste.
These things I know and can work with".

Faith says: "What I don't know and can't see are the only things that can guide me.
What I see and now are only extensions of myself, and these extensions are limited in their power to give me what I want."

The ego says: "I cannot trust that things will come to me as I need them. I cannot trust that the Universe is a Universe of healing, and that God's goodness will bring to me what I need."

Faith says: "I trust that I will receive what I need."

The ego says: "The more time that goes by as I wait, the worse I feel."

All faith while waiting is ultimately faith in God. All distress while waiting is ultimately distress based on the ego's sense of separation from God.*

Waiting is the healing through Time and Faith of the sense of separation from God.

Waiting is the way, through the medium of Time, to restore the alignment of our ego with Divine Will. It is not the way of destroying of eliminating the ego. It is the way of surrendering the hierarchical relationship with God as the supreme motivating force in our life.

Our Relationship with Time
Light to Light
by Julie

*This is what is known as a Purification issue. See Teachings related to the Purification Process here:
You will find many Teachings here on the Purification Process as well as video and audio Teachings and related Spiritual Resources.

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 Post subject: What is this Consciousness Shift?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 12:53 pm 

Consciousness Shift and the Redemption of a Planet

"...One one level it is about choices. First, about the choice for hope versus the loss of hope .

One direction of this choice takes us towards holding fast to God's plan for the Earth and to find understanding of what the conditions of Purification are which causes darkness to manifest before being replaced by Light."

Another direction takes us toward fear or despair, a view in which many situations seem to be spiraling out of control without any end in sight."

The Redemption of a Planet

Last edited by Johanna on Tue Mar 10, 2015 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: One World Meditations: Raising the Planetary Vibration
PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 1:56 pm 

OWM - Weekly Mediations - Raising the Planetary Vibration Together

Frequency Shift: The War on Terror, Torture, ISIL and the consequences of evils perpetuated in the name of 'Freedom' and 'Democracy'.

"Anger is the fever of suffering."
Thich Nhat Hanh

This is a particularly distressing photo for the human heart to witness. And yet, it is important for each of us as a planetary family to witness what happened John Walker Lindh now, Abu Sulayman al-Irlandi, after his capture in December of 2001. His treatment and public humiliation were one of the first signs of what was to come. It was in front of our eyes, and in our fear, we (U.S. citizens) could not see the first rips in our integrity and humanity

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I found a newspaper clipping of this photo that I keep in a box of sacred keepsakes, with what I wrote in 2003 which was prescient for what has come to pass.

"If they are doing this to American citizens (stripped naked, bondage tied, and photographed) - I cannot begin to imagine the torture and sufferings being inflicted on Muslims, Arabs, and others suspected and held in secret without charges or oversight.

God Bless them All. May they feel God's love holding them in their sufferings.

May the angels protect them throughout their tribulations.

Hold them dear God, in your heart."

14 years later and after just a few disclosures, we know of some of the torture and ritualized sexual aberrations (through photos) and other horrors inflicted upon the Iraqi and Afghani peoples in the name of freeing them. Iraq and Afghanistan had absolutely nothing to do with 911 and yet those same countries continue to suffer from the horrific actions first inflicted upon them through the illegal invasion known as Operation Iraqi Liberation.

Where did ISIL come from? We only know a small amount through 'embedded reporters' about how the peoples in Iraq suffered in a war where the "gloves were off" - VP Cheney and the Geneva Conventions ignored by those in positions of power as part of a sacred trust of this Republic.

We need to pay attention to what has happened since the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan to know the source of these energies affecting many in the Middle East and here in the United States of America. First, the incredible rate our in which American soldiers are killing themselves since returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Every day, 22 veterans commit suicide, which is a suicide every 65 minutes per day! Secondly, we can also see through the horrific actions of ISIL partly as the 'fever of their sufferings'. It is our responsibility as a planetary family of souls - the children of Light and Love - to pray for healing for all involved and raise the vibrational field in areas of immense suffering - everywhere on the planet.

We are not helpless. We can join our hearts together in prayer and meditation and begin to heal the rips in the fabric of our humanity. We can uplift the vibrational/frequency fields in areas where denser frequencies have influence over the hands and hearts of humans killing and destroying each other. We can, if we choose to activate our hearts intentionally, affect positively, the vibrational fields around those suffering the consequences of actions of those aligned with the densest energies of separation from All That Is Good and Loving.

I am not 'against' anyone - I am 'for' everyone. I remember a time before the Bush family and associates (seen and unseen), set their eyes upon Iraq and the Middle East. Long before the first Gulf War, before the actions of 911 were set into motion and the Patriot Act readied, there was overall, except in Palestine, Gaza, Lebanon, and Rwanda, more planetary peace with factional fighting. Now the whole planet is suffering the consequences of the Wars of Freedom, we now all live under the gaze of the watchers in the name of freedom in the never ending war on terror. The Washington politico's are hot for war again, now with Iran. May God help us all as a planetary family of souls to awaken and heal ourselves of this blistering "fever of suffering".

with love,

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 Post subject: Listen to Your Inner Voice.
PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:45 pm 

Listen to that inner voice. Energies within the Sacred Matrix

When I have written and posted something which is energetically out of balance with the Light and Love so freely shared with me, which I seek to share - I can feel my soul (and sometimes other Beings) nudging the inner me. This experience usually happens in the form of restlessness within my heart, mind, body, and spirit.

This happened in this last post when I unconsciously shared too much of a separated energy that was best kept more contained. I returned and made changes after posting first out of respect which my original post was missing for the dignity of the person who was photographed suffering, secondly out of respect for those who would engage with the separated energies being released, (ultimately for healing).

There are times when my heart feels deeply called to speak to suffering and pain I witness. It is a way in which God is expressed within me as a soul. For some witnessing the suffering or hearing of it, may be a difficult experience to vibrationally take in. Especially as within the sacred matrix* of the post, the dense energies associated with the suffering are being actively transformed by the frequencies of Light and Love which may, during the time of the Transformative Process, magnify the frequencies of the separated consciousness associated with oppositional forces/darkness.

I am learning, through each posting, how to listen to the inner voice which speaks to me of the timing of postings, content and vibration, as well as helps me to organize each post within a sacred matrix of Light and Love.

In direct proportion to my learning (and continuing to learn) how to trust this sacred inner voice it may take a few attempts before I take that deep breath and sit back and feel my heart, mind, body and spirit back in harmonic unison.

with love,

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In sacred serendipity Meg posted this Teaching by Julie today on the Light Omega Community Facebook page and it speaks to the experience of the inner voice of in a deeper way.

Within you lives a heart of Truth, connected with your deepest self and with the knowledge and wisdom that comes from the divine Oneness.  This heart of Truth is of your soul, and yet can be transmitted to the conscious, living and acting outer self that you also are.  Accessibility to this inner truth is greater today because the body has increasingly become a sacred bridge of light, allowing each one to feel infused by the wisdom of their higher self in ways that were not possible before.

When questions arise that relate to your daily life, there is therefore, now, a place within to turn to that has a deeper knowing and a surer answer to these questions. One must believe in this place. One must seek it.
Your soul knows things that your mind does not.  The depths of your heart knows things that your emotional self does not.  It is a matter of asking.  It is a matter of knowing that you contain this heart of Truth.


* What is meant when I speak of a sacred matrix wherein each post is held in Light and Love.

Imagine a virtual reality scenario where you get to set up a room just the way your soul resonates with it. The size, the structure, the colors, the type of windows the amount of light that enters, even the view. You get to choose anything your heart calls you to bring into that empty room. In this way, all of your choices you have brought into that space create a frequency field which could be called a matrix.

In my heart, when I am posting, the empty posting space or matrix, is held together by a frequency field of light, anchored in sacredness. Within the matrix/post, are also the frequencies of love and joy which I tend to express through the vibrations of color. As a result of the One Earth Awakening Forum itself being anchored in the Holy, the sacred matrix each post is held within is also able to contain and Transform the separated energies of suffering and pain.

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