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 Post subject: Remembering the Truth of Who You Are - Soul's Jpurney
PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2015 12:10 pm 

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by Julie

From the beginning, the soul has traveled down a path of its own choosing, entering the sphere of time and space in order to experience its own individuality in a world within form. This choice that was so fraught with consequences was not imposed on the soul by any external edict, but was thrust upon it by virtue of its own preferences toward individual self-expression and the freedom to say 'yes' and 'no.' For this reason, the 'Fall,' as biblical history has depicted it, must be thought of not as a punishment for sin, but as an expression of the necessary and inevitable consequence of the soul's choosing to experience itself with the full range of freedom granted to all children of God.

Movement into the Earth's atmosphere took place in stages, the first stage being one in which form was only partly existent, and in which bodies had shapes that were more ethereal and light-filled. The kind of solid mass that we understand the body to be today and that we think of as physical 'matter' did not exist at that time. Physicality is defined by degrees of density of expression, and in the earlier stages of man's existence upon the Earth, the density of matter was much less than it is today.  Souls who were present at that time, and there were millions of them, some inhabiting the Earth's 'physical' sphere, some waiting to do so, took delight in discovering all the many variations of experience that could be achieved by entering existence within a physical form.

There was no pressure to do so, and there was no limitation against doing so. All that took place occurred because of the free choice of each soul and its affinity for self-expression and self-determination. The fact that such free choice led to the possibility for the entrance of dark forces into the equation and created a vulnerability to being influenced by their efforts at seduction and withdrawal of the soul from its attachment to its own Divine light and identity, was unknown to souls who had descended into matter. They had to be taught the ways of darkness. They did not start out understanding them intuitively.  Accordingly, the energies of darkness which also took physical form and populated a portion of the Earth at that early time, helped a fledging mankind to find its footing upon a physical Earth, while at the same time initiating degrees of separation within consciousness from its former home within the realms of light.


Increasingly, as souls experienced lifetime after lifetime within physical expression, it became easier to forget their point of origin, and to think that birth into physical existence was all that there was.

Increasingly, as souls experienced lifetime after lifetime within physical expression, it became easier to forget their point of origin, and to think that birth into physical existence was all that there was. Through the eras of time and circumstance which brought countless evolutionary steps forward, and also great tragedies produced by man's departure from the ways of the Creator and from his own essential nature, the consciousness of man nevertheless moved forward. Its progression took place according to both an inner and an outer timetable that allowed consciousness to develop both a sense of individual self-identity, while at the same time returning the mental and emotional capacities to their former ability to hold light and truth.

Mind and emotions exist upon planes of experience that are associated with physical manifestation, and are subject to energies of both light and darkness in their expression.

Mind and emotions exist upon planes of experience that are associated with physical manifestation, and are subject to energies of both light and darkness in their expression. Over the course of eons, both mind and emotions became heavily influenced by the motivational patterns that energies of darkness had introduced and which humans found themselves resonating with. But these planes of experience also moved increasingly into a state of greater light. It was thus that the era known later on as '"the Age of Enlightenment" could occur. This took place after a vast span of time in which the mental capacity had moved further and further in the direction of being able to hold higher truths, and the emotional capacity had become more capable of holding nobler emotions.  Between the original expression of souls upon the Earth and the era of the "enlightened" philosophies of the eighteenth century, much time had passed. During this time, souls were increasingly moving into an experience of separateness from the Divine Creator, while simultaneously experiencing the flourishing of their own capacity to create with physical matter. The primitive technologies of the past were relevant to only this life cycle of human expression upon the Earth. For other human cycles that occurred prior to this one had achieved great and mighty technologies that were far in advance of where we are now. But the demise of those civilizations brought mankind back to the more primitive state where, beginning this new life cycle, he had to emerge once again into a consciousness that was capable of working with and within physical matter. 

Attention to energies of darkness were not part of the conscious experience of mankind, for the most part, for these wove themselves into the social and intellectual fabric of mankind's awareness in ways that prevented their discernment from occurring easily.

Attention to energies of darkness were not part of the conscious experience of mankind, for the most part, for these wove themselves into the social and intellectual fabric of mankind's awareness in ways that prevented their discernment from occurring easily. Sometimes they posed as intellectual principles; sometimes as religious principle which introduced fear or threat into humanity's experience of itself. Whether introduced as an intellectual principle that created a reality separate from spiritual reality, or as an emotional factor that introduced threat and fear into what claimed to be the 'true religion', and there were many of these, such energies of darkness worked to separate mankind still further from its remembrance of its origins in the light.  Over time, human beings became more and more oriented toward physical reality, thinking of it as their home, and less and less aware of the true reality of the spiritual worlds, though many believed that they existed in principle.

During these more recent times, a deliberate and concerted effort was initiated from the realms of light to make contact once again with the consciousness of mankind.

This brings us to modern times, beginning in the late nineteenth century and moving more steadily forward in the twentieth. During these more recent times, a deliberate and concerted effort was initiated from the realms of light to make contact once again with the consciousness of mankind. This was undertaken through those individuals who were more receptive to the truth of the spiritual worlds, and who, therefore, could hear, sense, and carry the messages of Spirit to others. Beginning in the late nineteenth century and continuing into the twentieth, increasing degrees of contact between the two worlds took place.  Messages from higher planes became more accessible to others in the form of books, writings, and spiritual movements that in some instances created a groundswell of interest that was large enough to affect an entire society, having some impact even on those who did not hold the specific beliefs of a given movement. Contact between the realms of light and the Earth's physical world grew during these decades.  It increased the degree of influence of Spirit upon matter and created a greater receptivity on the part of vast numbers of people to the truth of there being a larger realm of Spirit that had light and life in it, and in which the Earth played a part. Teachers came into form more frequently in order to bring receptive souls to the emerging understanding of their inherent divinity and, indeed, of the inherent divinity of all that is.

The groundwork for the present expansion of light upon the Earth, and of the movement of consciousness into a final joining of the realm of the physical with the realm of the spiritual was therefore laid over a much longer stretch of time than the last few years or decades. And this effective preparation has allowed many to become ready for the transitional period during which it would become clearer that there is no such thing as a physical reality that is 'solid' and real, and a spiritual reality that is 'ethereal' and less real. The preparation that has taken place has been one that would allow the many to believe and understand, however tentatively at first, that there is only One reality, and that underlying all that is physical in its expression is the spiritual.


This transitional period is the one that we are now in. It has been heralded by prophets of old, by sages in their wisdom, by seers and wise ones of many traditions and persuasions. It is the cusp of a new age of peace and understanding for the world, based on victory over the forces of darkness and separation, and the final emergence of a society that is returned to its life within the spiritual worlds. 

This transitional period is the one that we are now in. It has been heralded by prophets of old, by sages in their wisdom, by seers and wise ones of many traditions and persuasions. It is the cusp of a new age of peace and understanding for the world, based on victory over the forces of darkness and separation, and the final emergence of a society that is returned to its life within the spiritual worlds.  The realms of light have emissaries presently upon the Earth to assist with this transition.  There are also many who are helping who are not physically embodied. The plan of the Divine Creator of all, of "I Am That I Am" lies behind all movements of messengers and emissaries of light everywhere, and there is no authority separate from the authority of the One. All that exists in light derives from this authority, and does not claim a separate power or right to determine its own plans or agendas for advancement. Thus, at the present time, the Divine Plan for Creation is being brought forward with the help of many servants of the light, and also with the help of many upon the Earth who serve the same purpose.

In the next stage of development, the final demise of the efforts of the forces of darkness to influence the consciousness of mankind will take place. As a result, humanity will finally be free to move in ever-increasing degrees of light and freedom into its true destiny as children of the One. There is to be no religious distinction or specialness in this eventuality, for all are One in the Creator's eyes, and no one religion or tradition can be singled out to be more worthy of spiritual advancement. There are only souls, everywhere, striving to regain their former identity as children of the light. And there are only souls, everywhere, waiting to return home.


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 Post subject: In the Darkest Hours - Hope for What Seems Imossible.
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:38 pm 

Hope for what is possible, but also hope for what seems impossible.
For out of dreams of the impossible, new realities come into being.

Day 59

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 Post subject: Our Hearts Can Hold All Realities - Suffering and Hope
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 9:55 am 

Dear Readers,

I write this post holding deeply in my heart the massacre which occurred a few days ago in Nigeria where 2000 souls left this earth in a violent and horrific manner. I hold those who are suffering very deeply within my heart even as I write of hope and the awakening which is to, and will come to, our beloved planet and it's inhabitants.

Although my smaller self may feel the anguish of my helplessness in the face of great suffering and pain, my higher self - my soul, continues to feel called to share the message of remembering the truth of who we are and the power of hope.

We are evolving, as a planetary body and planetary collective of embodied souls. We are in the process of transforming our reality as we know it. By choosing to believe in the power of love and light, we give ourselves, with hope as the foundation, a forward path through the darkest hours we are in and are to come.

Remembering the truth of who we are is no easy task. Especially when we are surrounded by experiences of souls who have chosen to align with the energies of hate, rage, and violence.

Nevertheless, we are being called by our hearts, by our souls, to reach forward to that which we long for, lives lived in peace, with prosperity and freedom to 'be' for all. Lives lived from our fullest potential from our hearts.

with love and prayers for all who are suffering,
especially our Nigerian brothers and sisters,

There was a time when the lust for power was taken to be a sign of might and the number of deaths that one was responsible for at one's own hands was a measure of pride in achievement. 

That was a time of mighty warriorship, a time that has passed, a time that is no longer.  The new spiritual currents of today are creating a demise of the valuing of warriorship and an increase in the valuing of ways for laying a foundation of peace.  Though this is not yet visible, the old ways of creating victory through exerting power over others are giving way before the new ways of embracing all.  It has not happened yet, not between nations and not between people, but it is on its way.  It is in the air, just as in former times warriorship and conquest were in the air.  

Today is a new time, a time in which all that prevents brotherhood and love from happening will be made visible and will be rooted out from where it has lain hidden, silently exerting its influence on the consciousness of each individual who has departed from love.  The spirit of celebration is about to enter the earth scene and to be born because what was thought to be impossible, is possible.

by Julie

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:12 am 


Message from the One

Beloved Ones,

It is time now to release the past to the past, and to know that a new history is about to begin, indeed, has already begun.  This new history will not be governed by the conflicts generated by the need for survival and the difficulties doing so. It will not be governed by the competitiveness and desire for acquisition of one above others that has so characterized the tenor of modern society. Rather, the new history that shall be written shall be a love poem to the unity of man, and shall in all ways reflect the changed consciousness that each shall carry concerning his or her relationship to the whole.

The new history shall embark upon the waters of conciliation, and shall find means of engendering cooperation among all who need to come together to resolve problems, end disputes, and find new solutions to the common collective issues that beset all nations and all peoples.  It will be a time of cooperation rather than undermining and competition, and those who are most truly capable of sensing their oneness with all will be the representatives of mankind to the bodies that govern mankind, for they will be charged with making policy in the best interests of all.

The pain of years past that gave rise to war and to the conflict among nations will be a thing of the past, as will the plundering of the Earth's resources and of her natural bounty for the sake of the wealthy at the expense of the poor, and at the expense of Mother Nature herself.  This single-minded attitude of seeking for the self alone shall be impossible to continue in a world in which the 'self' is no longer apart from all others and is no longer felt to be apart.

Such a vision of reality may seem like a distant truth to those who live now at a time of continuing difficulty and conflict, even in relation to the fulfillment of the basic needs of the world's poor and those who do without in so many ways.  It may seem impracticable to be able to institute such a vast change in the consciousness of those who benefit from continued war, strife, and deprivation of the many to fulfill the needs of the few.  But I say this to you, my beloved ones, that before this day is over, all shall become humbled in the face of the truth of oneness, and in the face of the truth of their relationship to Me and to the world of beings who guard and watch the Earth and all planets within every sphere in the physically manifested universe. 

No longer will it be possible to think of the Earth as alone with her own particular problems or patterns of growth, for it will be seen that Earth's measure and the measure of her inhabitants is found throughout the solar system and beyond, not in precisely the same evolutionary pattern, for this is unique to the Earth as a habitat that has housed the expression of duality in its most extreme form.  But in relation to the abundant life that exists everywhere, the inhabitants of the Earth shall no more think of themselves as being alone in the Universe.

Pray now for the quick ascension of this time, my beloveds.  Pray for those who have most to lose from the furtherance of this new history and this new time, that they, too, may be swept along with the tides of change and become renewed in the presence of Divine and holy light.  Pray that the Earth will receive the healing and restoration of her rightful balance and integrity quickly and smoothly so that she can take her place among the universe of enlightened planets.  And pray for all beings who are now separated from the light that they may return to the consciousness of what is most true about themselves.

May the Earth and all creatures be blessed, and may new life declare itself to have arrived, nevermore to be subjected to the forces of darkness and division that have so much characterized the Earth's past.  Blessed is this moment of transition. Amen.

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 Post subject: Planetary Suffering and The Choice To Love
PostPosted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 11:35 am 

Wherever you look, whatever you touch,
see it and touch it with love.

For love establishes relationship, and relationship
establishes the path to Unity.

~ Voice of the Oneness ~

In the midst of incessant suffering it becomes easier for the mind to believe that suffering is the only 'reality'.

I have no answers Dear Readers when it comes to 'why' suffering exists. I have no answers to why an adult human being would ask a child to put on a bomb and blow themselves and others up. I have no answers to the slaughter of innocents in the name of Religious Creed, Politics, Government, or greed. I have no answers as to why those with much materially would deny support and ease to those with so little - the homeless, those who are hungry, the disabled and mentally ill, and the unemployed.

In all these ways, I am helpless to 'do' in ways which could bring about significant change for those who are experiencing suffering in this moment.

What I can 'do', is pray. What I can 'do' is love more. What I can 'do' is hold hope as a beacon in these darkest of days. Where I can give, I give. Where I can support, I support. Where I can bless, I bless.

Each of us, has a calling of our hearts to help, give and support those who are experiencing suffering in ways in which we can.

One circumstance at a time we can build hope together. One circumstance at a time - even if it is being kind and considerate to another in traffic - however insignificant others may feel our actions are in relation to kindness and love, we can make the choice to participate in the building of a foundation of love and support for our planetary brothers and sisters. One Heart. One Love. One Planetary Family United.

One circumstance at a time, no matter how helpless we may feel, we can make the choice to

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 Post subject: Commemoration - A Call to Love and Unity
PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 1:08 pm 


by Julie

Children of light, of beauty, of grace,
No matter how hard the path that you take,
The sun in your heart will always remain,
Bringing you back to the light once again.
Children of love, filled with God’s light
Dream your heart’s dreams of joy and delight,
Hope for the future for peace on the earth,
You are here, precious child, to help with this birth.

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ONE in the Light_JohannaRaphael.jpeg [ 90.89 KiB | Viewed 3858 times ]

Commemoration - A Call to Love and Unity

On the fiftieth anniversary of the civil rights March on Washington under the leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr., we are asked to extend the commitment of those dedicated souls to racial equality, to now include equality based on the unity of all in the kinship of all, as souls descended from a common Source. (Aug. 28, 2013)

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: In These Times of Horror and Violence...
PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:36 am 

Meet All Suffering
Empathy and Love.

Come, sit with us. Pray. Meditate. Be the Love.

One World Meditations
EVERY Wednesday
8:30-9pm (ET); 5:30-6pm (PT); 1:30-2am (GMT)

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 Post subject: On Retreat... Notes from Retreat
PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 10:18 am 

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Until we meet again Dear Readers...

with Blessings and Love.

Notes from Retreat - 2/13/2015:

In 2007 after years of going through experiences of profound, intense suffering and limitation, including homelessness, as well as powerful experiences of Divine love, visions, Grace and guidance, I felt a calling to go to New Orleans to serve as a volunteer. My motivations, as I understood them then, was not only to serve, it was to also live my version of a 'normal' life.

In 2011, the doors once opened to living my version of what I considered to be a normal life began closing. I resisted the calls of my soul to fully immerse my self, mostly from the energies of guilt and shame. Firstly, from my previous knowing of the power of the Light which was calling me, I had an innate understanding that surrender to the will of my soul would most likely lead me to a physical state where I would not be able to 'function' in the world as others do. Secondly, related to the energies of guilt and shame, I was overly concerned with how I would be able to explain to family, friends and acquaintances, why I would be giving up life which they could recognize, for a life of what seemed to them to be of suffering and limitation. It even seemed that those who had some level of soul recognition of who I am were not able to grasp how deep the inner calling of my soul was to fully focus all of my energies and thoughts completely on God and relatively little else.

The fear of total helplessness, coupled with my mind, continually looping matrix programing messages such as "I should be working, I am a failure for not being successful financially", pushed my souls voice away, as I simultaneously forced myself to be 'normal' and to fit in. Whilst remaining as faithfully as possible in this state of limbo to the reality of my spiritual life and calling, I felt continually exhausted.

The time finally came forth where I felt I could let go of all outer agenda's, and face up to my own perceptions of guilt for 'not doing', as well as the unconsciously expressed feelings and judgements by those who are close to my heart, and once again let go of everything and surrender to the calling of my soul. I must add that every event which occurred since going to my beloved New Orleans was no mistake. Each event was part of the seamless plan which led me, with my soul and Beloved Julie guiding me, to this same moment of awakening. There was, as I see it now, a deeper complex healing occurring, for which I am grateful. I am also grateful for the joyful reunion with a family of souls I had once known, loved, and been 'with' in another time, for this experience alone, I am deeply grateful.

On January 15th, 2015, I once again fully surrendered (to the best of my ability) every outer agenda that sought to pull me from full inner awareness and listening, and went into a sacred space of retreat. The experience physically has been one of near total bed rest and isolation. The experience mentally has been one of guided learning and listening. The experience spiritually has been one of shedding illusions.

I posted on February 11 that I would be on retreat and thus - incommunicado. There was a particular experience I was having on that day which I thought would leave me physically as it had in the past, fully incapacitated for months (I am only partially incapacitated). I also experienced spiritually, an awakening to deeply held illusions that shocked a portion of my slumbering consciousness so profoundly at the time, that I could not imagine that I would be able to articulate anything worth saying for some time.

Rather, in the silence of my retreat I felt my soul calling me forth to share with you Dear Readers my experiences. The postings I make here after all, are about my spiritual journey home…

As I feel able to express energies outward, I will share with you various guidance, visions, and writings from my retreat. I cannot tell you why I feel called to do so. My mind, except for being the conduit for transmitting and receiving frequencies related to words and concepts, is not privy to the spiritual processes occurring, nor to the knowings of the voice of my soul, which calls me forth and asks me to share my journey with you.

Please know that I encounter intense oppositional energies which makes writing challenging and calls for edits. See following post on Oppositional Energies: Mind and Emotions, from the Calendar of Light by Julie.

With love,

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:00 pm 

Oppositional Energies: Mind and Emotions

On the human plane, oppositional energies affect the mind and emotions, often working behind the scenes to counteract the movement toward greater love and greater alignment with God. 


In order to remain fixed in our alignment with light no matter what forces are influencing us - whether from other people, surrounding situations, or intruding energies - it is necessary to learn how to stabilize this alignment.  Only in this way is it possible to not be blown about by the winds of feeling, need, and urgency that may arise from any direction, and only in this way can we feel like a pillar in the presence of whatever storms may blow. Such stability comes from prayer, from the support of light-forces and beings, and also from our own regular effort to remain faithful to a spiritual practice. The repetition of such a practice insures that when the need arises, the capacity will be present to meet it.

Oppositional forces impinge upon the mind and emotions in ways that are observable to those familiar with their movement.  There are several common manifestations of their presence on the mental level:

 - fragmented or chaotic thinking

- an attack of doubt concerning the reality of our spiritual beliefs

- the presence of a 'feedback loop' that plays in our mind with words that repeat themselves over and over

- self-accusations concerning our motives and their purity

- an inability to think at all; strong feelings of hopelessness or desolation. 


These manifestations are more clearly the result of impinging forces or energies when they happen suddenly and for no apparent reason.  This is not always easy for consciousness to discern, since often these thought patterns link up with feelings that are pre-existing and sometimes long standing so that it feels like they are actually our own thoughts when in fact they are not.

Similarly, on the emotional level, negative emotions of despair, a sense of abandonment by God, lack of trust in the future, feelings of alienation from light and from goodness, an inability to feel love, lack of faith, feelings of rage - all of these are influenced by oppositional energies and can come upon us quite suddenly, linking with pre-existing emotional patterns of a similar nature.

The capacity to recognize the intrusion of dark energies into the mental or emotional spheres increases over time, as does the capacity to recognize that they are not the self.  Repeated experiences of having such energies pass through us quite suddenly and then equally suddenly leave reveal that emotional states have a before, middle, and after, though it can often appear that when we are in the middle that the middle is all there ever was.  Nevertheless, the repetition of this sequence conveys greater confidence to us that the feelings are just feelings and that they will blow over.

This view of energies sweeping through consciousness is not one that is commonly held today, but as more is known about how energy operates, it will become known.  For now, what is helpful to understand is that we can feel and think things that produce a sense of distress within us, and not know that these thoughts and feelings are not our own or only partly our own.  Learning that this is true can bring relief of a certain kind, since the emotional or mental state that is so difficult is perceived as not part of the true and permanent self.

Oppositional Energies: Mind and Emotions 

Energetic Support:


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 Post subject: Vision - Sacred Heart Broadcasting
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 2:08 pm 

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 Post subject: One Love, One Heart - Unified Vibrational Frequencies
PostPosted: Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:00 pm 

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One Love - One Heart
Ras Robert Nesta Marley

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 Post subject: Experiences with the Energetic Forces of Darkness
PostPosted: Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:08 pm 

Notes from Retreat:

There are energies of opposition that seek to
disrupt the expansive potential of light.

These energies are often hidden but can be
known by their absence of love

Discerning energies of opposition to light (‘darkness’) becomes more important as your body becomes more sensitive and you become more aware of things that take you away from your spiritual center. Such discernment grows with time and experience, as does the means for countering such energies so that you increasingly remain in truth.

Chapter 5. Oppositional Energies Day 42. Discerning Oppositional Energies

There seems to be a battle occurring for my mind and body as negative thought-forms and energies bombard my consciousness along with correlating experiences which seems to crowd out my souls longing for a life lived in Grace.

The greater the longing within InI, it seems the greater the force of the oppositional energies which seek to draw me into a reality based on the age old principles of Babylon - distraction, busy-ness, doing, drama, and conflict to name a few. When these approaches do not work, then the energies enter my body and consciousness disabling me in various forms or causing my mind to become fragmented or disoriented.

When I am able to recognize that these energies have been activated, I seek shelter within a womb of silence. Yet too often over the years I have found that respite does not seem available as my mind, body and my sanctuary then seems to be overwhelmed with negative thought-forms and energies.

During these encounters with the forces of darkness, my consciousness seems to be bombarded with negative energies often linking to the energies within my self in need of karmic healing. (Spiritual healing, psychological, emotional, physical - the energies have the ability to invade my Divine Sovereign space, especially those places where resonating energies of density reside.)

The seemingly overwhelming challenge seems to be discernment of the energies literally bombarding my consciousness. (And yet, this may be another distraction this time from my ego).

These experiences can often leave me feeling alone on a sea of unconsciousness and unchecked negative energies, and my ability to call on my anchor - God/Creator, seems to be blocked by the intensity and ferocity of the bombardment of negative energies (oppositional forces).

A blessing InI have found, whilst prayer seems difficult, and at times a painful near impossible venture in the presence of these dark, mind paralyzing oppressive energies, is the ability to recognize, almost as a witness, that my body, mind, and spirit are being invaded by dense negative polarity energies. The hope comes in the support of clarifying recognition that these experiences are not some form of madness or psychological imbalance.

All that passes through you is not you.
This is a fundamental truth in relation to energy
and a way of reclaiming the essential self
in its purity and goodness.

Chapter 5. Oppositional Energies Day 43. Mind and Emotions

With this revelation comes both moments of despair and hope. The energies of hope often being overwhelmed by the next wave of negative energies surging like a wave over my consciousness, my nervous system, my mind, my heart, all aspects of my Divine sovereign self.

These experiences are not new for me. They seem to peak during times of torture, invasion, mass manipulation, mass desecration, and acts of horrifying violence. And yet, those experiences are part of a multi leveled energetic experience which can also include energies I take in from people, places and things/objects, as well as other dimensional realms. These experiences have been occurring for many years - perhaps at least 20?

Time, guidance, Grace and love, Beloved Julie's Teachings and the experiences themselves have shown me that I am not the negative energies which have entered my Divine Sovereign form and space. Although Dear Readers, for many years this was not so and I found myself experiencing despair and depression, believing myself to be abandoned by God and Love. As my experiences in time have passed, there are moments of Grace where I am able to identify (mind you at times), negative thought forms invading my consciousness and moments of great despair when I am aware that the overwhelming surges of negativity are coming again and are so intense that I seek out low density reading or visual materials to distract my mind and unwittingly 'feed' the negative thought forms which have seemingly taken residence in my conscious mind.

I have come to realize over time, that on one level, these negative energies seek to desecrate that which is of the Light within me. At the same time, I have also come to realize that my experiences with these oppositional forces or negative energies have also taught me much of who I am.

You are at all times connected with the light of God.
It is this truth that acts to heal what needs to be healed in relation to energies of darkness.

Chapter 5. Oppositional Energies Day 49. Separating from Dark Energies

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