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 Post subject: THANK YOU GOD...
PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 6:47 pm 

Thank You God…

In all my years of wanderings and sufferations

I never knew what You had planned for me.

Even after the years of fear and doubt…

You, Beloved are here.

Thank You God.

For the gift of my life.

I am so very blessed, and InI am consciously aware of the many blessings

and humbly grateful to You for each and every one of them...

Thank You God.

With love,
your daughter,

"No eye hath seen,
No ear hath heard,
No heart hath known,
What God has planned for those who love God."

Isaiah 64:4
(Paraphrased - This prayer has carried InI through the darkest of times.)

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 Post subject: Bringing LIGHT to the horrors of torture.
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2014 1:11 pm 

On this Day… In these Hours…

We, as a planetary group of Brothers and Sisters stand at a pivotal point in our collective spiritual development.

We are being called, as One Heart and One Voice, to not only pray for those who have suffered and those who continue to suffer as a result of all forms of desecration - spiritual, mental, emotional and physical…

We are being called as a collective planetary group...

to decide from Our Hearts…

how to reconcile and heal, for all involved, the horrors of torture.

May each of my fellow planetary bredren and sistren hear the call of my heart to theirs, to join as One Heart in bringing LIGHT to torture.

with love,

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 Post subject: TEACHINGS OF LIGHT: In a time of moral and spiritual darknes
PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:41 pm 


Today is a new time, a time in which all that prevents brotherhood and love from happening will be made visible and will be rooted out from where it has lain hidden, silently exerting its influence on the consciousness of each individual who has departed from love.  The spirit of celebration is about to enter the earth scene and to be born because what was thought to be impossible, is possible. 

...In the midst of this, a dark shadow is cast by forces that would prevent this awakening from happening, that would have the earth not be at peace, or free, or in the light.  Such forces of darkness operate to counteract the expansion that is presently taking place.  They have the capacity to create a great disturbance of that expansion through the promulgation of fear and doubt, and ultimately, through the manifestation of despair which creates a loss of trust that either God or light is real.

The events manipulated by darkness that bring great suffering to people can happen and will happen as the expansion of light takes place ever more forcefully within the earth’s sphere, and it is up to each consciousness to know how to hold onto the truth of what is taking place.  It is up to each consciousness to feel the truth of love, to cherish it, to nurture it, and to remain faithful to it. 

Darkness cannot exist in the presence of love.  It can only exist when love has been tossed aside or submerged in the presence of doubt or despair.  It can only exist when love is undermined within ourselves so that we no longer believe in it.  In the place of love, darkness has nowhere to stand.

The times ahead are times of great jubilation and celebration, but they are also times that will bring great suffering and hardship.  It is a matter of knowing that God is with all those who suffer and that the hardship can be gotten through by trusting love and by trusting God’s plan for the earth.  These two forms of trust will be strong enough to carry the heart in safety through the difficult times that lie ahead. "

May all be blessed in their knowledge of God’s love.  May all know that the plan for the future of the earth, laid down before the beginning of time, comes into being to create the celebration into light of a sacred and holy planet.  Amen.

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This article is about the time we are in related to the appropriation of the U.S. government of rights and authority that extend beyond the law.

      This time of the self-aggrandizement of a nation that was established on the principle of the inherent equality of man can only come about because the motivations of those in power are being fueled by energies which amplify and lend credence to ideas that would not be tolerated were these energies not present.  Such ideas as the entitlement to be above the law because it is necessary to serve the nation’s need for security, or that it is necessary to protect the nation from experiencing another attack by terrorists, belies a deeper motivational truth.  This motivational truth informs a perspective that holds that America is all-powerful and must remain all-powerful.  Indeed, today, instead of America’s power residing in her virtue, a reversal has occurred among many in positions of high authority.  Now, America’s virtue resides in her power. 

  ...It is a time of increasing darkness within the land of America, and many citizens are rightfully concerned about the direction things are taking both in terms of foreign policy and also within the nation herself.  What is important at this time is to look at the painful or difficult aspects of what is currently happening as government claims to be ‘above the law', as part of the purification of tendencies toward darkness and duplicity that have always been part of the American character and of her history. 

      This is not something to be turned away from because it is painful to see.  It is something to be held within the context of purification so that it can be known, and understood, and trusted.  Trust lies in the perception that just as there is a plan for the earth that is held in the mind of God, so, too, is there a plan for this country that is held in the mind of God, and that plan involves the purification of the dark tendencies that have been part of America’s history and character since the very beginning.

"The nature of purification of America involves the rooting out or bringing to the surface of impulses of disregard for human life, of superiority of one segment of the population toward others who are deemed to have less value as human beings, and of the willingness to depart from the primary principle of liberty and equality for all.  These things must be seen for what they are – as the behavioral manifestation of darkness purifying, not randomly, not with a sense that they will be victorious in coming to dominate the future of an entire nation, but with clarity and trust that the darkness can be held within the light that is also present within this nation – a light that is expressed in the caring of its citizens that the rights of all be maintained..." 

Read the entire Teaching by Julie:

The Presence Of Light And The Expression Of Darkness In The World

When we look at events on the world stage, it is clear that the cruelty and wanton destruction of lives on a scale that seems beyond comprehension continues in many places in the world.

We have the choice, when viewing such events, regarding which eyes we want to see with - the eyes that see primarily the unvarnished truth of cruelty and hatred that continues to live potently within human beings and seems endlessly expressed through violence and degradation, or the eyes of compassion that see the suffering that is caused by the action of one human toward another, but know that the capacity for such behavior is passing with the increased presence of greater light on earth, and that in its passing something new will be unfolded within the human heart, something that has been covered over for a long time now.

Global Purification: The Separation Of 
Light And Darkness

Today, we are immersed in a process of planetary change taking place on the world stage behind events that are often in the news.

This process of global purification has, as its goal, the eradication of those areas of darkness within the collective consciousness that are the cause of separation, division, and enmity, both from one another and from the sacred life that God would have us live. The purpose of this transformation and its aim is the replacement of these attitudes with a new consciousness of unity, built upon a foundation of spiritual truth and love.

Events we witness today of extreme violence, of degradation of the humanity of others, of cruelty, of the punitive seeking of revenge, of hatred justified in the name of God, of practices of deception and manipulation – all are manifestations of currents of darkness that can infiltrate human emotions and motivations. These currents, while partly emotionally-based, are also parts of Creation existing at other levels of spiritual reality.

Today, they play a large role on the world stage and within the hearts of many because it is the time of purification upon the earth - a time when energies and motivations that have lain dormant within body and heart become released into awareness. While these energies do not necessarily have to be acted out, often, because of the strength with which they are felt, they become the source of action.

Such an expansion of darkness is not happening by chance. It is a result of the more profound and universal expansion of light upon the planet – a movement whose effect is to both awaken people spiritually, while simultaneously stirring the dormant energies which act in opposition to this awakening. In this stirring is a movement toward greater freedom, with the mechanism of release into awareness being one stage on the road to becoming free of the energy entirely.


     In the midst of darkness a great light is being born.  It is not a light that is visible to the outer eyes but it is one that can be felt within the heart as the light of hope and of new beginnings.  This light promises to replace the despair and heartache that are so prevalent in different areas of the world as it also promises to replace the misuse of power and abuse of human rights that are also prevalent in the world. 

     The light of hope is the gift of God to Creation, coming at a time that has been ordained from the beginning as that which would be needed to counteract the forces of darkness at a time of the earth's transcendence into the higher vibrations of light.  It is not visible yet but it shall be, and it is necessary to cling to that hope in the midst of the thickened cloud of darkness that surrounds both outer events on the earth and inner events within our own hearts that cause discouragement, impatience, and doubt.

The promise of a new beginning is least seen where violence continues to erupt and in every town, city, and nation where human life is not counted as being of great value, but where it is placed in the service of a stated ideal – an ideal that cannot be met because no ideal can be met through the neglectful sacrifice of human life.  Wherever the precious right of the individual to existence is taken for granted and overridden by what appear to be more paramount needs, there the cloud of darkness has descended and covers the hearts of those willing to justify the means according to the ends.

     Within a short space of time the situation will begin to reveal the true proportions of the light.  This is due not to human action but to Divine action which has instituted a means toward a different end for the earth than one of destruction and intensifying chaos and violence.  No matter what goals or aims the ideologues who seek to further their own stated 'ideals' hold, and no matter what actions are taken in service to those false ideals (false, because virtue cannot be built out of inhumanity, nor democracy and freedom out of that which deprives people of basic rights), the tide of human events is turning so that what has been impossible to achieve before now will become possible.

     This may be perceived as wishful thinking by those whose hearts are heavy with the burden of the suffering of others and with the apparent slowness with which the goals of light are being manifested.  It may be perceived with skepticism by those influenced by the clear and present anger and hatred that beats in so many hearts toward others who hold different values.  Nevertheless, the time is coming when the hatred and anger will be replaced by something different – by the capacity to feel that war and violence cannot be tolerated and are no longer viable options because we are one, and because there is no 'other' to fight.  It is this time that every heart is awaiting and it is this time whose light must be held to in the midst of darkness.

Read the entire Teaching by Julie:

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The way of love is based on an understanding that is deeply embedded in the wisdom of each soul, (namely), that it is fear and desperation that create aggression, and it is the perceived threat of helplessness or of being controlled by another that determines and invites the movement toward the use of force.

There is always another way other than the way of fear.  There is always another way than the way of violence.  There is always another way than the use of force to achieve one's ends.

This way cannot be found as long as one is pursuing the course of violence.  This way cannot be found as long as one is believing that the way of might, the way of strength, is the only way of convincing an 'opponent' to align with one's own purposes or goals.
The way to be found is the way of love, of compassion, and of respect for the rights and needs of all, including the rights and needs of one's 'adversary.'  As long as the 'adversary' is looked at as less than human, as less than entitled to respect, then the way of love can never be found.

For the way of love is based on an understanding that is deeply embedded in the wisdom of each soul, that it is fear and desperation that create aggression, and it is the perceived threat of helplessness or of being controlled by another that determines and invites the movement toward the use of force.
Fear is the inner opponent that marshals its forces within the conscious self, and asks that one reduce or eradicate this fear by counter-measures that will overthrow what seems to be the agent or cause of it.  Fear is what leads to all aggression, all violence, all actions that perpetrate atrocities of inhumanity upon others.
To recognize the root cause of fear is to know that one's opponent or adversary, however misguided in their actions, is also human.  Fear, propelled by separation from the Source of life and love, guides those to wrong action - action that is against life or disrespectful of human life - even while it claims to be justifying such action.  All human beings who are separated to one degree or another from the Source of life, no matter what their religion, and no matter what they believe about their devotion to that Source, are vulnerable to fear.  Fear can only be eradicated from consciousness when the heart of love which is the heart of God can be felt as one's own heart, and when no other motive or understanding except the desire to be joined with that heart prevails.
Therefore, in seeking remedies for situations of injustice, threat, violence, anger, conflict, aggression, or any and all seemingly intractable situations that pit one human being against another, or one group against another, or one nation against another, it is of utmost importance to replace the heart of fear with the heart of love and to bring this peace offering to one's 'enemy,' even though such offering may be one-sided, and even though it may be responded to with doubt and derision.

For if the heart of love does not gain adherents, if it simply exists as a concept without roots in human embodiment, then it cannot serve to offer an alternative to fear.  It can only exist on the level of an ideal that does not seem possible to put into practice.  Instead, one must have the courage to align with the heart of love, and, in that alignment, to be willing to hold fast to the belief that there is a middle path between what appear to be opposite points of view concerning any situation of conflict.  This middle path, formed and shaped by the way of love and the heart of love, can be found when one clings steadfastly to the common humanity of all, and the belief that within that common humanity, God's heart can be found.
May all who seek the way of love to manifest on Earth become that way.  May the courage that is needed to release all weapons of the past that have been used to defend one's position or outlook be present for both individuals and nations, so that the way of love and trust in that way can become a viable alternative to the use of force that is presently viewed as the only way to meet the challenge of misguided power upon the Earth.


Do you wonder, Beloved Ones, why there is so much in the way of sex and violence depicted within news stories, within forms of entertainment, within video games, and within the collective thought process that people have grown accustomed to?  It is this: an appetite for sensation has grown within our collective consciousness, sensation that belongs solely to the body separate from the soul.  Such an appetite for sensation can be pleasureable, but it can also be sensation for sensation’s sake, which is what is commonly experienced when one is attracted to frightening or horrifying experiences, movies, or narratives of any kind.  Then, one experiences the pleasure of being frightened, knowing (however incorrectly) that it will be over soon. 

This appetite for sensation is not happening randomly.  It is not happening by itself because of a force that is indigenous to the human psyche.  While it is true that the human drama has been the focus of theater and literature from time immemorial, it was never such an exclusive focus upon the sensation that one sought to cultivate. Rather, the drama of human experience aimed to represent the highs and lows of what was most profoundly human, and out of this to invite people to feel what they could.

Over recent decades, however, the voracious appetite for sensation has increased, fueled by forces that seek to separate human consciousness from an awareness of the sacred within physical life.  As light has increased on Earth, so, too, have the forces which seek to draw awareness into a non-sacred perspective, encouraging one to think of the body as one’s own physical possession, and allowing one to think of sexuality as something you ‘do,’ rather than as a gift that is part of the wholeness of spirit, heart, and body.

Such oppositional energies have, as their aim, the reduction of consciousness and experience to the physical realm, to an awareness of physical experience separated from the soul, separated from the Divine meaning of having a body that is sacred.  This separation furthers the purposes of such energies.

It is for this reason that it is extremely important at this time to recognize the energetic purposefulness of that which manifests as an 'ordinary' depiction of human experience – on television, in the movies, in news reporting, and in the consciousness one holds about relationships in general.  That which appears to be ordinary is increasingly separating the physical from the spiritual realm at a time when these two realms are joining closer together.

Here, it is not a matter of doing or not doing certain things through the use of one’s will, though that can happen as well.  It is a matter of reclaiming authority over one’s consciousness so that it remains one’s own terrain and garden which one has been given charge over. Reclaiming one’s consciousness means not allowing it to be taken over by forces or directions that, however subtlely, seek to impose the value of sensation for sensation’s sake upon human awareness without addressing the gift of physical experience, including the body, whose author is God.

Humanity is being tested and will be tested even further in this way as light continues to expand on Earth, and it is the choice and responsibility of each soul who seeks to adhere to the purposes of light to not allow their consciousness to be used for purposes that are not of the light but of energies that are oppositional to that.  Be blessed, then, Beloved Ones, for you have come here during this time with an inner understanding of these things even if your outer self appears to not know or to not care.  Be blessed, and accept the gratitude of all who serve the light who stand with you in the reclaiming of your own awareness for the sacred and the holy for the benefit of all.

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 Post subject: In the darkest of hours...REMAINING STEADFAST with the LIGHT
PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 3:47 pm 

My heart perceives
resonant hearts
whom, like my self
sigh... heavy with grief
as ongoing revelations
of horrors upon horrors...
unfold before our eyes.

As the energies of darkness
polarize the hearts of humankind...

InI shall remain steadfast with the Light.

Johanna Raphael

Last edited by Johanna on Tue Dec 16, 2014 6:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:38 pm 

Light amplifies light and activates darkness.

The Calendar of Light -

Today, we are witnesses to things that seem unexplainable to the heart or conscience - the violence and widespread chaos and death in Iraq being among the most central.  We see things being done to human beings through the agency of other human beings that create shock and disbelief.  The knowledge of purification at work brings some sense to the picture, but can't entirely ease the heart's pain or the suffering brought about by human decisions in which another way could have been taken. 

Yet, the understanding of global purification helps us realize that what has lain buried must be exposed, and the darkness that men have kept partly hidden from each other and from themselves must finally be brought to awareness in order to be set free.  This doesn't mean that all such motives have to be acted upon.  It means that in the presence of feelings that emanate from the energies that are purifying, there is a choice to make.  The choice could be for God and for the sacredness of life.  The choice could be for love.

These choices come before us today, not only on the world stage, but also within our own everyday lives and within our own individual psyches. They ask us to hold in the perspective of light, the heightened intensity of emotional experience that is often part of this time - our anger, despair, or hopelessness that everything will turn out alright. Indeed, there are many sources of sorrow present today, and one doesn't have to look far to find them. 

When such feelings arise, and no matter what their particular quality, we need to remember that these feelings, no matter how legitimate they may seem in relation to external causes, are fueled by energies of darkness as they separate from light.  These energies separate us from God and from our own deeper self, often becoming the familiar feelings of depression that many suffer from.  The purification of the individual psyche brings these energies out of dormancy, creating within us a need to find a way of dealing with them.  If we do not know that there is a spiritual event happening of huge proportions and that the answer to such an event is to anchor ourselves ever more deeply in truth, it will be much easier to get lost in the difficulty or to believe that how we feel is related to some particular external event.  This is most often not the case.  No external event causes the purification process.  It is a process activated by light that stirs up feelings, attitudes, and motivations that are in need of healing, and these feelings and attitudes can attach themselves to any event. 

Of the range of emotions that are common today, evoked by the process of purification, depression perhaps leads the rest.  Depression has become widespread in this country, with many people feeling its symptoms to varying degrees and many seeking a way of getting help.  Because of its increased presence in our collective consciousness, it seemed important to offer some thoughts on this phenomenon.  These thoughts are contained in a series of articles called "A Spiritual View of Depression."  This series creates a context in which to view Depression - one that  can help anchor the experience in a place of hope and trust.  Such hope affirms that while the time we are in is difficult, the spiritual questioning and often of crisis that underlies depression can be helped greatly through spiritual understanding, and through seeking to learn the lessons that are being taught at a higher level. 

Read the entire Teaching by Julie:

"To see the drama of light and darkness on the world stage and to remain at peace, one must know deeply within one's being that light is stronger than darkness."

When you look at the national or world stage with a contemplative eye, it is possible to see which forces, positions, people, and points of view polarize a discussion, and which perspectives unify and create greater harmony. This is a signpost to the operation of light and darkness in the public arena. Words, positions, and arguments that create fear, that sub-divide a nation into irreconcilable groups, or a planet into groups that are acceptable and those who are not, are infused by the ongoing energy of separation and fear which is another way of describing the energy of darkness.

Light unifies. It creates greater wholes. It builds a willingness to trust and a need to accord to all the presumption of fundamental humanity, based on respect. It seeks to redefine what 'enemies' are, and to do away with that term in favor of a deeper explanation of human motives. It recognizes forces that seek to limit freedom and that seek to disrespect the rights of others, but it does not rely on hatred or fear in order to respond to these forces.

The 'we' and 'them' mentality is a hallmark of the time of separation. We are leaving that time and entering one in which there are no exclusions, since all is held in God. To enter this time fully, fear must be let go of, not activated, and so wherever fear is activated and promoted, the contemplative eye must recognize the backlash of forces that are seeking to prevent the expansion of light.

To see the drama of light and darkness on the world stage and to remain at peace, one must know deeply within one's being that light is stronger than darkness. This may not show itself immediately in every situation, but the thrust of growth, evolution, and transformation is, and will be, the overturning of all that limits freedom on an individual level and on a collective level as well. All that promotes fear and division is being replaced by light's purposes.

We enter this time humbly and gratefully, standing with the forces of light that may be seen through the remaining conflicts that are still present on the world stage. Namaste.

Read the entire Teaching by Julie:

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"...long-held energies are being released into the earth's physical and energetic atmosphere as part of the advent of greater light. 

... As a result of this release, there will be more turbulence in terms of atmospheric changes as well as more turbulence in terms of events catalyzed by emotional energies that pass through human consciousness."

Energies of a disruptive and destructive nature have dwelled within the physical body of the earth in a way parallel to what happens within an individual when feelings that cannot readily be dealt with are taken into the body in a self-protective way, affecting the functioning of organs, cells, and tissues.  Now, these long-held energies are being released into the earth's physical and energetic atmosphere as part of the advent of greater light. 

    As a result of this release, there will be more turbulence in terms of atmospheric changes as well as more turbulence in terms of events catalyzed by emotional energies that pass through human consciousness.  The key perception here is that the earth’s body and consciousness and the human body and consciousness are not separate.  And though the earth has been able to contain these energies for millennia, it is now time for her to release them in order to move into the higher vibration of light that is now entering time and space and the physical substance of matter. 

      The positive side of this release is that it will set free both individuals and the body of the earth for purposes of growth and expansion.  While this happens, however, events may occur and purposes be made known that may mystify many as to how certain things could be happening.  The answer will be explainable in terms of the larger understanding of purification and transformation into light. 

      The purification of the physical earth taking place now will simultaneously move human beings and, in fact, all creatures on the planet, into a higher vibration of light.  Again, the two are not separate.  In the words of old: “Ye are made of dust and of the stars.” This is literally true.  All that is, is made of physical matter and of light in some combination, and the light that is contained within matter is changing now and becoming uplifted. 

      This truth about purification has not awakened yet in the minds of many, or if it has, it is being held as a possible explanation of reality and not as a certain one.  This is because there has not yet been enough accumulated experience within individual consciousness to know and to understand what purification means on a personal level and therefore on a global level.  However, day by day, week by week, and month by month, the transition into a new vibration will make itself felt, and eventually there will be the indelible imprint of experience that will let people know that something new and of untold origin is happening, and they will seek understanding and an explanation. 

Read the entire Teaching by Julie:

"These changes that light brings do not uniformly demonstrate love and gentleness, however, because light brings with it the truth-telling function it carries which effects a separating out of all that is not of the light in order to reveal it to both individual and collective consciousness."

As it does so, certain aspects of darkness are likely to be given space to be acted out on the physical plane, corresponding to the inner motivations of heart, mind, and will.

Nonetheless, the time of awakening of humanity to the greater Life of which it is a part has already begun, and shall continue to infuse human consciousness with a sense of hope beyond reason, and faith beyond hope, that will let all know, from the lowest to the highest in stature and in status, that there is not one single person on the earth that lives separately from any other, and there is not one single person on the earth who does not emerge from the same divine Source that is the Creator of all.

In the midst of this huge change that is occurring, small streams are already eroding the formerly solid structures of the old, and in the wake of greater light, there are also the presence of energy forces that seek to counteract light's expansion by both reinstating the old ways and also by inciting consciousness, where possible, toward  increased conflict and an undermining of the principle of love.  Though these forces cannot ultimately hold sway, until they are defeated by the more powerful force of embodied light, they are able to create a great deal of suffering, confusion, chaos, and despair upon the earth, and they continue to be able to persuade many that God is not real and that one only need look after oneself.

Read the entire Teaching by Julie:

"The balance of the future in one sense lies in the outcome of light's ability to overcome darkness upon the Earth – a battle being waged within time and space.  Yet, in another sense, this future has already been realized since it is inherent in Creation itself that light is stronger than darkness, and therefore that ultimately it must prevail over all counteracting movements to create separation, disruption, and an abandonment of Divine principle."

The arc of purification that is part of planetary transformation covers many lifetimes, each lifetime building on the healing that has gone before, each adding new dimensions of growth to the embodiment of the soul and its calling.  For each human being has a calling to be here – an invitation issued by the soul that set forth from the planes beyond the material in order to experience separated consciousness and individualized existence.  This great experiment in freedom was designed not just for the benefit of souls, however, but also for the benefit of Creation itself, for all souls everywhere benefit from the increase in wholeness that is added to by the light of the Godhead penetrating into the furthest reaches of matter.

…The balance of the future in one sense lies in the outcome of light's ability to overcome darkness upon the Earth – a battle being waged within time and space.  Yet, in another sense, this future has already been realized since it is inherent in Creation itself that light is stronger than darkness, and therefore that ultimately it must prevail over all counteracting movements to create separation, disruption, and an abandonment of Divine principle.

This drama, which is of great significance to each and every embodied being, is being watched by many beings of light throughout the entire populated universe, and there are those who stand guard over the planet as well as those who participate in its earthly life in order to guarantee that the forces of light and of Divine intention shall be victorious.  There is no way of telling what the specific steps will be that will lead to the outcome of planetary transformation into an Earth-star, but there is an absolute way of knowing that in the end, all forces of darkness shall be dispelled, since it has been thus ordained by God. 

May all who hold the truth of these words in their consciousness bless the Earth and her inhabitants with their own freely given choice to uphold light and love in their everyday actions and thoughts, and in their everyday behavior of one to another.  In this way shall the process move more smoothly toward its conclusion, and in this way will all beings discover the blessings that have been long-awaited, ending the pain and suffering that continue to be present for so many.  Amen.

Read the entire Teaching by Julie:

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 Post subject: WAIT... For Your Heart to Instruct You
PostPosted: Tue Dec 16, 2014 4:52 pm 

In the face of the energies of the horrors of darkness...

Wait for your heart to instruct you.

Our hearts have been imprinted with a Divine Plan
which shall be the basis for healing
long term embodied experiences
related to harming and desecrating each other
in the name of God, governments, material wealth, and creeds.

Johanna Raphael

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 Post subject: To Believe - Consciousness Transforming Reality
PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:15 pm 

The power of light is the strongest force in the Universe.  It is the force of Divine intention and Breath - the same force that was present in the act of Creation.  Though the exposure of darkness to the human psyche or upon the planet may create an upsurge of difficulty as areas of negativity and separated consciousness become seen and known for what they truly are, in the end, the process heals because of the release that is taking place. 


Hello Dear Readers,

I have been perceiving the energies of cynicism lately - in the collective hearts of humanity when I am "out in the world", as well as on the internet.

The following questions are heard in my heart often after exposure to both venues. The questions are "Why should I believe that anything is changing for the good?" "Why should I believe that what I witness as far as violence, brutality, lack of kindness, compassion, and goodwill towards one another is anything more than a continuation of the deeds done human upon human since first recorded in ancient texts?"

These are valid questions to ask. Especially, without the benefit of perceiving world events through any other lens than through the media: literature, entertainment or the news which exposes (and at times glorifies and glamourizes) the energies of violence, which seem to be escalating whether it be human upon human or to the Earth.

I too, find myself at times, unconsciously slipping into energy fields of despair or cynicism as I read of current affairs, in that moment choosing - albeit unconsciously - to align with the denser energies devoid of hope.

This is an aspect of my separated consciousness.

And yet…

I also know that to believe that in my heart that my love is not valid, that my prayers and efforts hold no sway over the collective heart of humankind, is indeed, to give away the very powers which are our Divine Inheritance.

The free will gift to believe and align with the power of love, to transform our consciousness - reality - one heart at a time - in the presence of the energies of darkness, are our (collective and individual) Divine Inheritance.

The energies of Light, whether perceived or not, whether believed in or not - are very real and very present.

The increasing pulsations of Light are the catalyst for the Purification of the Earth and all her inhabitants.

As I write, I perceive that my spiritual outlook may equivocate to some whose lives are based in hard fact and analysis, as a spiritual outlook in which "I am staring into my navel", as atrocities and horrors upon horrors are inflicted upon each other and Mother Earth.

My eyes and heart are both wide open. I am well aware of many dimensional levels of suffering and horror. AND, I choose to believe in the power of the heart. I choose to believe in the power of love.

I choose to believe there is another way. I choose to believe that our hearts will be guided as to what course of action is necessary to fulfill our sacred destiny as ascended embodied spiritual beings.

My personal life has transformed in ways I could never have imagined as a result in participating with the Teachings of the Purification Process. This I 'know' as fact.

Where there was once continual deprivation, limitation, isolation, pain and grief, are now the energies of compassion, nurturance, love, and hope.


On this sacred journey of awakening I continue to reclaim that which I once gave away, my Divine Inheritance, which is my power.

The power to believe in and know love. The power of a purified heart in which to anchor the energies of hope and love. And most importantly, the power to share these gifts whenever, and wherever, I am able.

During this time of gift giving and receiving, I thank God as I understand God, for the gift of the Teachings of the Purification Process, for the gift my Beloved Teacher Julie, and for the gifts of love, kindness, generosity, and compassion which I receive daily from those who have chosen to love me. I thank God for the gift of the abundance of love in my heart, shared with those I come in contact with, whether on this forum, whenever I read of suffering on the internet, or in my daily walk on this gift of our beloved Earth.

In the midst of immense suffering and pain being experienced by millions of embodied souls on this planet, I choose to believe. I choose to believe in the healing power of the sacred gift of Love.

with All Blessings,

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Messages of Light_You are not of this time-525-477.jpg [ 153.23 KiB | Viewed 5616 times ]

Teachings by Julie






III. Love


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 Post subject: Qualities of Love - The Calendar of Light
PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 4:11 pm 
Emotions: Qualities of Love


When you can breathe love with every breath,
and recognize it in every face you see,
you will know the heart of God that views
all of Creation in this way.

Love is not uniform from person to person.  It has an infinite variety of personal translations and individual expressions. There is, for example, the laughter of love, the tenderness of love, the joy of love, the wisdom of love, the strength of love, the music of love, the fierceness of love, the quiet of love - each of which gives to love its own unique individual quality.

There are those who fear a spiritual commitment and a life of spiritual dedication due to the incorrect perception that individuality may be lost in the process and that the small things one cherishes about oneself will be stripped away.  This anticipated loss of freedom could not be further from the truth. For it is God's wish to grant maximum freedom of self-expression to each soul, not to take it away.  Indeed, this was the purpose for the creation of souls. 

Moving to the soul level of expression brings greater love, and greater love brings with it more freedom to be oneself than fear, need, or an active effort of will could ever produce.  A state of love produces expansiveness in all directions - toward others, toward oneself, toward life, toward God.  When we are in love, we expand beyond our limits. 

In addition, the expression of love is not uniform, for love is vast and deep.  It is the glue that binds Creation together.  It is the universal harmonic to which all that is created vibrates. Human language restricts our ideas of love to a certain range of experience and expression, yet in reality, love is infinite in its depth and breadth and can embrace the totality of life with infinite tenderness and caring. 

"This is the goal of purification at the root of all specific practices - to become one with love and one with oneself - a self who is a soul that lives and breathes in God."

The Calendar of Light
Day 29

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 Post subject: For All Who Are Suffering...
PostPosted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 8:00 pm 
Wherever you are, my planetary brothers and sisters, within my heart, your are with me.

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Whether isolated, lonely, bereaved, sickly, anxious, hopeless, suicidal or helpless...

My heart is with you.

My heart is with you in your sufferations.

Whether in war zones, under the siege of drones, living under occupation, repression and oppressive conditions...

My heart is with you.

For those imprisoned, suffering abuse, the experience of murder, torture, humiliations and agony...

My heart is with you.

For those who are hungry, homeless, living in shelters, on the streets, and in your cars...

My heart is with you.

For all who are suffering, my heart is with you.

Blessings and love,

One World Meditation - Every Wednesday
8:30-9pm (ET); 5:30-6pm (PT); 1:30-2am (GMT)

“Your prayers are needed. Let the world be healed by your presence here.
Let all receive the blessings of your being.” ~ Julie

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 Post subject: Our Next Evoluntionary Step - Homo Luminous
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 11:01 am 

The definition of 'human' is undergoing a change.
From 'homo sapiens' it is becoming 'homo luminous' - a being of light.
No matter what level of healing still remains, you are already becoming that.


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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:55 pm 


Greetings Dear Readers,

I have had a profound resonance with this Message of Light by Julie for sometime. In the last few weeks, my heart is being taught, through Beloved Julie's Teachings, The Realms of Light and and from my own soul, of what I believe deeply in my heart to be our next embodied evolutionary step, already in progress, for all embodied human beings.

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Messages of Light_You are not of this time-525-477.jpg [ 153.23 KiB | Viewed 5571 times ]

Unlimited Possibilities/Potentialities in the Presence of Severe Limitation and Suffering.

"How," you might ask Dear Readers, "in the midst of so much war, suffering, poverty, and violence being enacted upon each other and Mother Earth, could our evolution into 'homo luminous' be in progress?"

The Heart... Our Multi-Dimensional Portal in which All Realities can be Experienced Simultaneously.

In humility, I can offer you this personal answer from my soul. My heart 'knows' that in the midst of the Great Purification of our Beloved Earth and the embodied souls which dwell upon Her, we are transforming in each moment into that which we are and always have been, beings of light. Embodied as homo luminous. In the midst of this 'reality' where we perceive the depths of suffering and pain, we are simultaneously, at the cellular level, transforming.

The potentialities-possibilities of transformation are within and around us as an integral part of the Divine Matrix, the original Divine Blueprint from which all embodied souls have come forth from.

There are many ancient as well as current sacred teachings available for our minds to ponder upon that which our souls already know.

That we are, and have been, since the Beginning of Creation, beings of Light having a embodied human experience.

AND, that it is time for us to awaken to Divine Reality, which holds within it the many realities (potentialities/possibilities) of Love and Light awaiting us, as participants of the Divine Matrix - Divine Blueprint.

with love,

Walk through the doorway of transformation.
On one side many things may seem out of reach and impossible.
On the other side, new possibilities are born.

Day 95

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Purification and Divine Breath

...Divine breath is the origin of life in the Universe.  It is the gift of the Mother/Creatrix/God who infuses life with Light and brings consciousness into awareness of being both a self and also merged within a greater Unity.   The role of Divine intention is that consciousness on all levels, the human as well as the sub-atomic, will come to realize itself as unified so that matter and consciousness will no longer be separate. Though such movement is only in its beginning stages at this time, the purification of the earth and of individual consciousness will accelerate this process, bringing the fruits of sacred breathing to each soul who seeks the light, as naturally and inevitably as physical breathing takes place today.  In this way the un-folding and en-folding aspects of reality will ultimately be realized.

The means to the deepening experience of Divine breath are purification and purity which allow the greater incorporation of light within the cellular structure of the body. These awaken the capacity to see and feel the Divine behind individual physical life, as well as the capacity to feel One with All. As a model for this dual experience, quantum physics illustrates in the behavior of the tiniest sub-atomic particles, life's purpose and the purpose of consciousness, down to the smallest dimensions of physical reality.

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 Post subject: Remembering the Truth of Who You Are
PostPosted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:29 pm 
RCW79 in Centaurus

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Cradle of the Infinite, giving birth to stars
        from the womb of your Being,

You called me into existence in the beginning,
separating a thread of life from the Center
              so that I could be.
Within you lies the deepest mystery of all,
        the light that gives birth to life,
the mystery of perpetual creation,
the continual making holy of all that is.
You gave me birth before time began.

Before anything was, I was.
Before the stars took their place in the nighttime sky
I watched with you as you seeded the dark with light,
as you fashioned the stars out of silver and gold,
       as you moved the heavens and created time.

You are the heart of all that is, 
the Heart of hearts that is the Source of life

Since time’s beginning I have been in you and you in me, 
never to be separate, never to be torn asunder.

You penetrate the marrow of my bones,
You are the innermost core of who I am,

You are the sigh that is the exhale of my breath.

Womb of the Universe,
        birthing stars from your infinite light,

Perpetual, holy, sanctified Creation -

You are a doorway to the beyond,

Not just the beyond of my self,
        but the beyond of all selves,

The beyond of anything that has a name.

The beyond that is infinite and eternal.

Poetry Section -  Star Poems


RCW79 in Centaurus

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