"Lean Into the Light"
Lean into the light, O beautiful One.
Lean into the light when shadows surround you
and threaten to enclose your clear vision.
Lean into the light when pain becomes strong
and the blur of uncertainty creates a clouded future.
O beautiful One, the light of your being shines
through your eyes. It shines through your every
expression down to the smallest.
For you are, in even the smallest wave of your hand
conveying the meaning of your life.
And in the smallest phrase that you speak, your sense
of the world is made known.
Lean into the light, O precious One,
Let not shadows threaten you in any way,
for you are whole, and perfect, and beautiful,
and have ever been so.
Lean into the light, and let the light enfold you in its love
and hold you close in its liquid embrace,
beckoning your heart ever more deeply
into its vast oceanic home.
~ Julie