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 Post subject: What My Heart Longs for… Soul Motivations and Purification
PostPosted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:11 am 

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Emmanations_of_Healing_Light_LightOmega_Day64.jpg [ 60.24 KiB | Viewed 6226 times ]

What I am longing for with a hopeful heart?

In relation to my sacred commitment to the Purification Process, my heart is longing for the ability to stay peacefully grounded in the presence of the energies of darkness and oppositional forces - whilst feeling, knowing - the Presence of my Beloved Mother-Father God and the Realms of Light are upholding me in my embodied light birthright.

I believe this is how I was originally formed from the Heart of the Divine.

I long to be co-joined again - embodied, in the way that God made me.

What is your heart longing for?

May All Blessings Be Upon those suffering.

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 Post subject: A Spiritual Journey Home...
PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 7:53 pm 


Who can tell where the white clouds go
When they drift far off and out of view,
Over many hills, over many streams,
Seeing many things that are bright and new.
As they float on by, as they kiss the sun,
As they wander off, to a place unknown,
I would go with them, I would fly with them,
I would wander with them, too.

Clouds by the Beloved Most High.jpeg
Clouds by the Beloved Most High.jpeg [ 105.21 KiB | Viewed 6221 times ]

Who can tell what the white clouds feel
As they travel far, never settling down,
Over many heads, over many hearts,
Over many who are homeward bound.
Do they wish to pause, do they turn their gaze
To the children laughing as they play?
Do they hope to rest in a peaceful place
at the end of each floating day?

- by Julie

For Sam, a wellbeloved lightworker who left the planet today.

Poetry Section - Poems for Children of the Light

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 Post subject: Influence of Darkness on Consciousness by Julie
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:20 pm 

Today is a new time, a time in which all that prevents brotherhood and love from happening will be made visible and will be rooted out from where it has lain hidden, silently exerting its influence on the consciousness of each individual who has departed from love. The spirit of celebration is about to enter the earth scene and to be born because what was thought to be impossible, is possible.

The celebration before us is the event of the transformation of consciousness – that which will bring new eyes and new ears to those who have been blind and deaf, unable to see and to hear each other for centuries. These new eyes and ears will hear, and see, and feel the presence of love that will make all that has gone before seem trivial and unimportant.

It may seem that this cannot be so. Yet, it is so. It is the possibility for a new awakening of mankind’s ability to love, and a new awakening of the heart connected with the spirit that is taking place now and that will take place ever more strongly. This is not personal love that creates the attachment of one to the other and the holding on to that attachment. It is love that is all inclusive, that seeks to embrace all, that seeks to share with all. We can hear it now in the sighing of the trees as they call to the little animals and birds that seek shelter under their boughs. We can feel it in the gentle caress of sunlight that shines through the mist of an early morning dew and that parts the clouds after a rainstorm. We can hear it in the signs of Spring that renew life each year for creatures large and small – we can hear, and see, and feel the awakening of love.

In the midst of this, a dark shadow is cast by forces that would prevent this awakening from happening, that would have the earth not be at peace, or free, or in the light. Such forces of darkness operate to counteract the expansion that is presently taking place. They have the capacity to create a great disturbance of that expansion through the promulgation of fear and doubt, and ultimately, through the manifestation of despair which creates a loss of trust that either God or light is real.

The events manipulated by darkness that bring great suffering to people can happen and will happen as the expansion of light takes place ever more forcefully within the earth’s sphere, and it is up to each consciousness to know how to hold onto the truth of what is taking place. It is up to each consciousness to feel the truth of love, to cherish it, to nurture it, and to remain faithful to it. Darkness cannot exist in the presence of love. It can only exist when love has been tossed aside or submerged in the presence of doubt or despair. It can only exist when love is undermined within ourselves so that we no longer believe in it. In the place of love, darkness has nowhere to stand.

The times ahead are times of great jubilation and celebration, but they are also times that will bring great suffering and hardship. It is a matter of knowing that God is with all those who suffer and that the hardship can be gotten through by trusting love and by trusting God’s plan for the earth. These two forms of trust will be strong enough to carry the heart in safety through the difficult times that lie ahead.

Blessed through Divine Design.jpeg
Blessed through Divine Design.jpeg [ 205.66 KiB | Viewed 6219 times ]

May all be blessed in their knowledge of God’s love. May all know that the plan for the future of the earth, laid down before the beginning of time, comes into being to create the celebration into light of a sacred and holy planet.


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 Post subject: Wait in Sacredness... by Julie
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 12:35 pm 

File comment: Holding Light In Darkness LightOmega
Wait in sacredness - Julie.jpg
Wait in sacredness - Julie.jpg [ 65.9 KiB | Viewed 6219 times ]

When life no longer appears to be in our control and things happen over which we have no say, the heart is challenged to locate what it really believes about hope, safety, trust, security, and comfort.

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 Post subject: Divine Intention and Sacred Living Space - Part 1
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 4:47 pm 

My Heart's Sacred Intention:

InI Cathedral - Blessed Sacred Space.jpeg
InI Cathedral - Blessed Sacred Space.jpeg [ 126.84 KiB | Viewed 6216 times ]

Village of Light

"The vision and hope that we may embrace now is that of an ecovillage where all can share life in a more embodied way while remaining true to the principles of light."


Such a village will allow us to care for the Earth as we care for ourselves, and will, at the same time, hold God and light at the center of all decision making so that the practical no longer remains separate from the spiritual, and so that all decisions reflect the highest possible alignment that can be held with the intentionality of the Divine.

This ecovillage is not meant to be a human endeavor, but an endeavor undertaken in concert with the intentionality of the Divine to manifest a new way of living upon the Earth and with the Earth, one that holds spiritual reality at the center and out of that center embraces the vibration of love in all decisions and interactions.

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Divine Intention and Sacred Living Space - Part 2
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:03 pm 

Principles for Sacred Eco-Space:


Butterfly bushes bring polinators for eco health.jpg
Butterfly bushes bring polinators for eco health.jpg [ 110.74 KiB | Viewed 6215 times ]

These principles reflect a work in progress whose further elaboration will grow along with the consciousness that all will hold regarding the sanctity of the life of the Earth.


1) Refrain from waste.  (Catch and store energy and materials).
2)  Return to the earth what the earth has given.
3)  Walk in humility upon the earth and with the earth.
4)  Trust in the Divine to guide your actions, large and small.
Sacred Eco Space - Reflective, Meditative.jpg
Sacred Eco Space - Reflective, Meditative.jpg [ 153.62 KiB | Viewed 6215 times ]

5)  Observe the principle of resonance.  Promote and enhance the closeness of things that belong together.
6)  Understand money as a natural resource, not a self-created resource.  Let its flow be respectful of the life in all things.
7)  Release the idea of control of outcomes.  Allow the principle of stewardship to produce the fruits of one's labor.


All Teachings - Village of Light:

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 Post subject: Divine Intention and Sacred Living Space - Part 3
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 5:38 pm 
Trust in the Divine to guide your actions, large and small.

Prayer, Gratitude and Planting - Intention, Blessings and Trials

File comment: Updated photo August 31, 2014
Planting fruit trees and flowers on parched land.jpg
Planting fruit trees and flowers on parched land.jpg [ 29.53 KiB | Viewed 6201 times ]

Recently this summer I was given stewardship of funds for Elijah Hope House. After prayer, research, meditation, going out and being with the land and trees, I felt as if I was given sacred guidance on how to use some of the funds. The guidance which came had to do with the land itself rather than the structure of the house. Now for most people upgrading appliances and other accouterments would be step one, yet I felt deeply in my heart that I was to take care of the land first, clearing, planting fruit trees and bushes, enriching the compost and feeding all the plants. So much of my budget has gone to the land to heal it and to create a deeper, sacred relationship with it. I also felt the calling of the trees to be trimmed of their broken branches. Finally, there is much wood - a wonderful resource from the blessed trees, which has been in need of cutting. A wood shed was built by Elijah as a gift to the land and beautiful spirit who has a great resonance with trees, is coming to cut the wood and stack it.

When I can 'speak' more - write to you dear readers - I will come back and add either more to this post or create a part 4 to share with you.

The Sacred Can Be Found In All TASKS - Create Beauty.jpeg
The Sacred Can Be Found In All TASKS - Create Beauty.jpeg [ 140 KiB | Viewed 6215 times ]

Understand money as a natural resource, not a self-created resource. Let its flow be respectful of the life in all things.

Sacred Space - Feed Eco Life .jpg
Sacred Space - Feed Eco Life .jpg [ 145.08 KiB | Viewed 6215 times ]

Release the idea of control of outcomes. Allow the principle of stewardship to produce the fruits of one's labor.

Last edited by Johanna on Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: ONE WORLD MEDITATIONS - Every Wednesday - PLANETWIDE
PostPosted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:20 pm 

Next One World Meditation - Wed., August 27th,
8:30-9pm (ET); 5:30-6pm (PT); 12:30-1am (GMT)

Messages of Light_Let love flow like water-520x471.jpg
Messages of Light_Let love flow like water-520x471.jpg [ 122.6 KiB | Viewed 6213 times ]

“A new energy is covering the Earth.

It is transforming the molecules of physical matter and uplifting the consciousness of all.

It is infiltrating the structure of the material world and bringing about changes that will create greater life and light within time and space.

This new energy is the Divine Breath of God, held in the embrace of physical matter in a unity of wholeness and integration. It is not felt independently of the human experience. It is felt through the human experience - both physical, emotional, and spiritual.

Its purpose is to set mankind free. Its goal, to return to each and every child of God the full range of Divine motion that is inherently a part of being human, and the full depth of knowledge of identity and selfhood that holds life to be sacred and oneself to be part of a greater sacred Whole.

Moving silently as a mist that is only visible when looked at from a certain angle of perception, the new energy is infusing consciousness - the consciousness that is, and the consciousness that has been, with new perspectives and new options for the future. It is subtlely and surely conveying to the hearts of all that a new way of life is coming into being, bringing the expansive freedom of more life into the landscape of current life.

This sacred and unheralded mist penetrates to the heart's core.

It will transform all of life, relationships, expectations, hopes, and possibilities for mankind.

It will create a new picture of the possible.”

~ from “An Awakening Earth Series”
Continue reading:

Sourced from: Light Omega Community Facebook Page

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 Post subject: Message from the Light - Global Purification
PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2014 10:54 pm 

Message from the Light

Dearest Beloved Ones,

It is time once again to let you know about the state of things globally as this is affected by the expansion of spiritual light and by the opposition of forces that would limit that.

There are many things taking place globally that are disturbing to people, outbreaks of violence, cruel behavior of human beings toward each other, and the seemingly unstoppable outbreak of a virus called 'Ebola' that has taken the lives of many.

We want you to know that each of these phenomena is a result of the purification process that has been initiated in the Earth itself, and that as a result of the Earth's physical body transforming on a molecular level, energies that were previously dormant are now being released into the Earth's spiritual, emotional, and physical atmosphere.

Beloved Ones, your understanding is deeply needed at this time so that you can maintain hope in the presence of circumstances that may look hopeless, and so that you can trust that God is present in all situations, everywhere, no matter what they appear to be.

We, who are guardians of the Earth as she goes through the ascension process into greater light and a higher dimensional frequency of vibration want to reassure all who worry or are afraid that God is present in all places and at all times, and that nothing is happening that will not and cannot serve a greater good both for individuals and for the Earth itself.

We send you deepest love and blessings, Beloved Ones, for the journey into greater Oneness is now taking place in a much more active way.

Those Who Serve the Light

Julie - LightOmega Facebook page

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 Post subject: Can you feel the energies - vibrational changes?
PostPosted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 8:11 pm 

...A new energy is awakening upon the Earth. It is awakening within physical matter and it is awakening within the very air that we breathe. It can be felt within the body and it can be felt within the life in all things.

Heaven's Voice-500x438.jpg
Heaven's Voice-500x438.jpg [ 43.65 KiB | Viewed 6201 times ]

Everywhere, there is a new vitality and life that is being infused into physical life, invisible yet sure, making itself known almost imperceptibly, yet not without the sense it conveys to the heart that something is different.

Invisible Sunrise:The Awakening of a Planet

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 8:54 am 
Deep gratitude & love to you, dear sister. I am revived and nourished by the Light you share through your great Love and these sacred teachings.

May God bless your Soul's desire to bring forth fruit for the Elijah Hope House. May all that is needed be given.


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 Post subject: Walking with Johanna...
PostPosted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:11 am 

Meg Meg:
Deep gratitude & love to you, dear sister. I am revived and nourished by the Light you share through your great Love and these sacred teachings.

May God bless your Soul's desire to bring forth fruit for the Elijah Hope House. May all that is needed be given.




File comment: Butterflies I find, are playful, inquisitive and come to touch me as they fly around the yard. Blessed LOVE.
The butterflies allow me to come very close to them. Blessings from the insect kingdom..jpg
The butterflies allow me to come very close to them. Blessings from the insect kingdom..jpg [ 132.86 KiB | Viewed 6197 times ]

Good morning dearest Meg.

I too like yourself, feel fed and nourished by Beloved Julie's Sacred Teachings. Many of the Teachings I post are for support during times when I feel intense energies present on the planet, to help keep the light of hope lit. I am glad to know that you and other dear readers are here 'with' me as you are able, and that you also feel nourished by the Love and Light.

Thank you for the blessings concerning Elijah Hope House and my newly planted family. I do feel the subtle changes in energies which help me to feel strong enough to do the physical work required. I am amazed at how I am being guided so beautifully as to what to each step, as this is my first encounter planting a small orchard. At this time the fruits of butterflies, bees, frogs and praying mantis coming back to Elijah Hope House is glorious!

Blessings and upliftment to you dearheart in your times of mourning.


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