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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 11:34 am 
Before I begin, I want to thank you, Abriete, for asking me because in doing so you are allowing me additional light, additional healing as well as opening a path for conversation among those that might read this, whether it be here or otherwise.

I started to answer your question & I found I was going on and on.. as one response gave birth to another and another. I didn't realize I had so much to say!!
So, I felt I should put pen & paper away & sit with God for awhile.
Here's some of what I have learned:

I am a spark of the Divine. As this truth increasingly manifests in my life, through the choices I am making, the grace I am receiving, I see changes in myself but also in those closest to me... a lightening of their spirit. I am being blessed to be a witness to the beginnings of their discovery of their deeper self.

Ive learned that I don't want to hide anything from God. So whatever it is that I've stuffed away in the back of the closet, I want to lay out in front of God to be made whole.

I have learned that the trust in the safety I had in the world, as a child & lost as I got older, is being replaced with trust in God. I am learning this through my reaching for God..asking to know my love for my Creator and Creator's love for me.

I've learned that one of the hardest things for me to learn is to live in the moment & not to project into the "what if 's"
The world trained me very well in "what if's" but God reveals through the everyday that all is contained in the moment that we are in. I am learning to really trust God. It's a bit of a cha-cha, at times, but I'm getting there!

I am learning to forgive myself. This is a long process as I am not doing this in one sweep but I am able to forgive layers of myself gradually with more light I allow in every breath.
Choices, choices.. are everywhere and how I choose to respond to life in the moment shapes this experience & the next.

I have learned that if I persue what is natural to my being.. allow myself to follow what I feel are gifts, I am happier & feel more connected.

Before you know it, Abriete, I will again have pages so I will end here but... if I may, I would like to ask you the same question. With my love, blessings and gratitude, Meg

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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:35 pm 
"...........there are some people referred to above, whose commitment to service is deep and abiding, yet who cannot sustain themselves on a plant-based diet. Where the body indicates this to be the case, it is often very clear that meat is needed to support the process of spiritual growth, rather than to detract from it. Issues such as the need for physical grounding, the need to balance the flow of energy among the upper and lower energy centers, the need to reduce physical symptoms that increase in the absence of meat and decrease when meat is re-introduced into the diet - all provide reasons for following one’s inner guidance in relation to physical purification. Some people, for example, need to become more dense for period of time due to other imbalances that are being healed. Some need meat in order to feel more a part of life on the physical plane. The surest guide to follow is one’s own inner guidance that may be transmitted from the higher aspects of one's self through the mind, heart, or body. Such guidance is increasingly available today and can tell us what our bodies need if we ask." ... -Food.html

I was heartened to read this excerpt from "The Sacred Consciousness of Food." I have been slow in making a transition to more light-filled choices. This has been a journey that has taken on a much deeper meaning since being led to Light Omega and Julie's writings. There was a time; I would entertain guilt for not following what I intellectually & intuitively knew was in my best interest. I felt so, so tired & the energy it took to make changes I knew I needed, manage work plus family responsibilities seemed exhausting!

With more light, I clearly see guilt, often sneakily disguised, as a distraction from my heart's path. In keeping my appointments with God, there is always encouragement given..always gently & lovingly.. I know that when I hear a critical, scolding thought.. it is not from my Beloved.. & it is not my I let it pass. If it is not passing, I release it into the highest light..and in turn, I am released.

I share this with you because since this has been a problem for me I am more sensitive to hear it in other people as they are experiencing their life. And I am hearing it very often. This is an attachment that holds us back & creates an unending loop of criticism and judgment.
Something else that I’d like to share, with gratitude, is an “Emanations of Healing Light” message that is giving me more light in my understanding. These are daily email messages that I receive. They enlighten & support my journey in a profound way. The extra special bonus is that there's an audio message from Julie that goes straight to my heart.

Julie answered a question I had on a particular message. My question was laden in duality and I could not see it. I'd like to share her answer with you in a new post that should show up right after this one.

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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:54 pm 
Here is the beautiful “Emanations of Healing Light” message:


This is for you

Day 37

If you wish to receive them:

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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 2:59 pm 
Question: “Dear Julie, … The sense of identification with the physical vessel is still very strong for me. Perhaps to be able to live on earth, at this time, a certain amount of attachment is still needed so we are moved to take care of what we were given. Is this correct? “

Julie's Answer: “Attachment does not move one to take care of what has been given, and spiritualizing the body does not promote de-tachment or not taking care of what has been given. You are thinking in polarities that involve a duality of spirit and matter as if they were opposites. In fact, beloved one, it is exactly this that is in need of healing for humanity as a whole. You need to think of the body as being contained within a larger envelope of Spirit. You cannot leave the body behind because it is part of the larger Spirit that infuses it.

This is the understanding for today - to see the body as a vessel of God. Anything less than this is a partial truth that needs to be raised (and is being raised today) to a higher level. “

For me, dear readers, this true statement, that my body is not for God but is of God, is the opening of another door for me.
As I sit in meditation with this teaching I am revived with newness. This has made an impression on my heart that illuminates my learning journey and with it, I feel, this subject on the “The Sacred Consciousness of Food.”

I hope you, too, will share what you are learning with us. We all benefit from each other’s experiences.
May you be continually blessed on your journey.

With love and blessings,

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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Tue Aug 06, 2013 7:43 pm 
Dear Meg,
I am going to respond to your beautiful response to my question about what you are realizing. First, your response moved me deeply. It is so beautiful. My heart is joyful in the experience of reading your words about what you are learning. Such wonderful realizations and I am so glad I asked! There is so much more of you in sharing this, somehow. Thank you, Meg!
And you asked the same of me, what I am learning. Well, it isn't really about food right now, although I am still struggling with running to my comfort foods when I am distressed instead of turning to God. Today, what I am learning is to remember to go underneath the defense of anger which is now more like irritation or annoyance, but a defense nonetheless. The circumstance has to do with my father and having had a conversation with him today. I think it is the experience I have of feeling his darkness and reacting to it instead of surrendering to Light and to God and to what is. So I am learning, as I don't want to be irritable, to remember to breathe and be with the feelings underneath, the feelings of helplessness. And when I do, the anger melts immediately, and my heart opens, and I feel so much grief and longing, but it is a soft place, a place of love even in the sadness. So, dear heart, that is what I am currently learning in this very moment. There are so many things, going like a spiral around and around-themes that my soul must learn again and again. And this, dear one, is most definitely one of them.
With deepest love and compassion for all of us in our purest heart,

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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Wed Aug 14, 2013 11:54 am 
abriete abriete:
Dear Meg,
....And you asked the same of me, what I am learning. Well, it isn't really about food right now, although I am still struggling with running to my comfort foods when I am distressed instead of turning to God. Today, what I am learning is to remember to go underneath the defense of anger which is now more like irritation or annoyance, but a defense nonetheless. The circumstance has to do with my father and having had a conversation with him today. I think it is the experience I have of feeling his darkness and reacting to it instead of surrendering to Light and to God and to what is. So I am learning, as I don't want to be irritable, to remember to breathe and be with the feelings underneath, the feelings of helplessness. And when I do, the anger melts immediately, and my heart opens, and I feel so much grief and longing, but it is a soft place, a place of love even in the sadness. So, dear heart, that is what I am currently learning in this very moment. There are so many things, going like a spiral around and around-themes that my soul must learn again and again. And this, dear one, is most definitely one of them.
With deepest love and compassion for all of us in our purest heart,

You gave me a gift, Abriete. Through the truth and beauty of your sharing, you described something else I am learning to put into practice with God’s grace. The attachments to emotions like impatience, frustration & anger that are encountered in the everyday from myself and those around me are strong. Thankfully, through Julie’s teachings I am so much more aware of the possibility of another way to be.
Your example of living from the heart in acknowledgment that all is sacred, with deep respect and space for another’s path is a powerful force that starts to heal the giver, the receiver and contribute to the world.
It appears to me that when we are able to let go of that which separates us and reach for what unites us through love, we are creating an energetic path..making the next time a bit easier, not only for ourselves but also for others & those to come. There is nothing we do or not do that is without meaning. What powerful beings we are!! As we go through our day, may the highest Light of God show us which choices bring us closer to the One heart. With thanks, love and blessings, Meg

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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 10:30 pm 
Amen! Your prayer is holy and powerful, Meg. :) Purification continues to give me lessons and for that I am grateful. But mostly I am grateful for God giving me Julie to help me through it and to show me and help me feel through her light and love God's connection to me, to us, through His Covenant.
With Love,

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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:29 pm 
Dear Friends,
It has been a long time since this thread was active and like all things, it was not accidental.

In my life, as I imagine like yours, I am growing, changing.... evolving. And while on this profoundly personal journey everything I experience I bring forward into my life, creating ripples effecting others. Learning to life a sacred life leaves nothing untouched. And though our experiences may be different, the basic foundational truths we learn do not change. Julie's new podcast titled: "Your Sacred Body" is the most succinct explanation of an often complex multilayered teaching. It is filled with love and blessed by Light.

I would love to hear your thoughts if you wish to share. After all, we're not strangers, are we?

Julie's podcast follows in the next post.

With love and blessings to you,

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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:41 pm 
Dear Beloved Ones,

I invite you to listen to this new podcast as it may contain information that is helpful to you in relation to your own body.

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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:41 am 

In the ever unfolding journey of becoming whole & in relationship with all, the meditation practice that is my constant is the "Sacred Practice of Alignment". If you have not listened to Julie's audio meditations before, you may wish to consider this loving, healing support brought forth from God and the Realms of Light. Julie's blessed audio and text follows in the next post.

May you receive all that you need. May you be blessed.

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Last edited by Meg on Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 10:46 am 

The Sacred Practice of Alignment
by Julie

In the language of light, and with the understanding that life is filled with the mystery of seen and unseen worlds, ‘alignment’ is a practice which allows us to participate in the greater life of the spiritual universe by reaching toward the higher dimensions of light and by bringing light through from these dimensions into the physical reality in which we live. As we do this, we become more able to commune with God’s love, light, and truth, and more able to experience ourselves in the larger context of the soul. Alignment creates a bridge between the purely spiritual part of our being and the physical. What is transmitted in the way of light along this bridge depends upon how clear we are in our energy, how much we have become able to free ourselves of both inner and outer darkness, and how open and desiring we are to become an instrument of divine Will and Intention.

A central part of the practice of alignment has to do with the breath. It is based on the understanding that breath is more than the taking in of physical air in order to bring oxygen to our blood and lungs. Breath is that, but it is also the carrier of light, and in that sense it is a sacred messenger which can infuse us with light, restoring and rejuvenating the body, heart, and mind when we need it, and maintaining us in a physical-spiritual equilibrium at all times. This kind of equilibrium is something we know little of today. However, as the body becomes increasingly capable of holding light, it will be understood that the spiritual-physical equilibrium that is maintained by the practice of alignment is how we are meant to live on the Earth. It creates within us, the possibility for experiencing ourselves as sacred beings and for bringing to humanity and to each other the same truth.

The practice of alignment is less a technique than a way of being; less a tool, than a form of prayer. In essence, it asks God and the higher realms to bring us into accordance with higher Will and sacred Intention so that we can serve the purpose of our soul and of Divine intentionality – the purpose for which we came to the Earth. Each breath that we take can be the expression of this prayer – "God, make me an instrument of Thy will." Each breath can also be in service to the Earth so that we become able, as children of God, to bring to others and to the planet, that which will help it heal and that which will bring it more fully into the realms of love and light.

Where negative or discordant energies in the past may have entered the physical structure of our body, causing symptoms and areas of discomfort of various kinds, alignment with light and with Divine intention also opens us further to healing on the physical plane. It erases any negative or fearful energy that we carry before it has a chance to become embedded in our physical or emotional being, preserving health, and preventing symptoms from occurring. Today, this whole process is being made much easier by the greater presence of light on Earth, and any person who seeks a way of expanding their awareness will find it easier to do than it would have been at any time in the past.

Though darkness upon the Earth is affecting the lives of a great many today with a great cost in sorrow and in human suffering, in the midst of this a new reality is being born. This new and sacred reality is asking us whether we are ready to step out of all previous identities we have held and that others have held for us, so that in the presence of greater light we can discover something that is more real about ourselves than we have known, and something that is more central to our hearts than we would have suspected.

Listen: ... gnment(SP1).mp3

Text: ... nment.html

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 Post subject: Re: The Sacred Consciousness of Food
PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 10:23 am 

by Julie

In all of human history, there has never been a requirement for purification and purity of the same order of importance as there is now. Though many in the past have known about purification and the relationship of the body, emotions, and thoughts to spiritual progress, many more have separated the domain of the spiritual from the domain of the physical – keeping personal habits that concern the intimate functioning of the body, including habits of nutrition, sexuality, and the use of consciousness-altering substances in a compartment, apart from the rest.

The need to purify today is based on several things: first and foremost, on the need to create a physical vehicle that will be able to hold the higher vibrations of light that are coming to the earth now, so that one might participate most fully in the transition into light that is presently taking place. The necessity for purification relates to the physical functioning of the body as much as it relates to the spiritual functioning of the heart and soul. For the body contains many of the negative energies or energies of limitation that affect consciousness, and it is the new body of light that will be joined with the higher vibrations of light, making it possible for the earth to experience a new way of being as a planetary body and as a people.

In addition to the physical matrix in which purification occurs, the new consciousness accompanying the higher frequencies of light will undo old patterns of thinking and behavior as part of its restorative influence. As part of this, it will affect the body itself, and if there are more opaque, less easily penetrated areas of the body or consciousness that make it hard for light to do its work, tension and conflict will arise between the old ways of doing things and the new, with the psyche polarized and in doubt about which direction to go in.

Third, the ways in which we relate to our bodies has, in the past, kept the physical domain separate from the spiritual, perceiving reality in these terms. Now, however, we enter a new time – one in which the physical will increasingly be seen as an aspect or layer of the spiritual, and in which the physical organism will be seen as having a great deal to do with what we do spiritually and with our consciousness.

The importance of purity of mind, body, and emotions is a priority whose time has come. It was not deemed essential in the old way of doing things, but it is and will be essential for full participation in the new. This does not mean that those who cling to old habits or whose old habits cling to them will not have the possibility for development as well, for they will. It only means that for maximum ability to participate in the consciousness shift that the higher frequencies of light are bringing and will bring, a purified vehicle is needed, and light itself will make this clear and also make possible the way forward as the old patterns no longer make sense.

There are some who may feel that giving up old habits that are less than light-filled is too much to ask in relation to the potential good that the coming changes will bring. This way of thinking itself is part of the old, for the rearrangement of priorities is something that will happen naturally with intensifying light. However, preparing the way and enabling change to occur most smoothly is always a good thing in terms of the possibilities for adaptation to a change that is already on its way. Therefore, understanding and preparation are both useful in order to more gently prepare the way and to prevent confusion from developing about what is happening to the body or emotions.

• Purity of body can be worked toward through the adjustment of diet so that what is taken in are primarily light-filled plant foods and what is given up are toxic substances of all kinds as well as those of a denser vibration. (See: "The Sacred Consciousness of Food" in the Purification section of Light Omega).

• Purification of emotions and thoughts can be worked toward through prayer and through heightened attention to what we permit ourselves to think and feel. Also, through the ability to ask for help with those thoughts and feelings that need to be released. Such a prayerful attitude, accompanied by self-forgiveness and humility, will generate the assistance from higher realms that advances the course of purification.

• Purification of our connection to the soul-level of our being and to God the One, can be worked toward through a spiritual practice which focuses on establishing this connection and which reaffirms it on a daily basis.

May all beings find the beauty that lies in greater purity, which gives to the soul, wings to fly.

File comment: The collection called "Holiness of Days" includes sacred posters that offer a pathway toward union with the Divine. They are not ordinary, but reflect a deep sense of what is possible through the awareness of the embodiment in relation to the Unity that is All.

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