abriete abriete:
Dear Meg,
....And you asked the same of me, what I am learning. Well, it isn't really about food right now, although I am still struggling with running to my comfort foods when I am distressed instead of turning to God. Today, what I am learning is to remember to go underneath the defense of anger which is now more like irritation or annoyance, but a defense nonetheless. The circumstance has to do with my father and having had a conversation with him today. I think it is the experience I have of feeling his darkness and reacting to it instead of surrendering to Light and to God and to what is. So I am learning, as I don't want to be irritable, to remember to breathe and be with the feelings underneath, the feelings of helplessness. And when I do, the anger melts immediately, and my heart opens, and I feel so much grief and longing, but it is a soft place, a place of love even in the sadness. So, dear heart, that is what I am currently learning in this very moment. There are so many things, going like a spiral around and around-themes that my soul must learn again and again. And this, dear one, is most definitely one of them.
With deepest love and compassion for all of us in our purest heart,
You gave me a gift, Abriete. Through the truth and beauty of your sharing, you described something else I am learning to put into practice with God’s grace. The attachments to emotions like impatience, frustration & anger that are encountered in the everyday from myself and those around me are strong. Thankfully, through Julie’s teachings I am so much more aware of the possibility of another way to be.
Your example of living from the heart in acknowledgment that all is sacred, with deep respect and space for another’s path is a powerful force that starts to heal the giver, the receiver and contribute to the world.
It appears to me that when we are able to let go of that which separates us and reach for what unites us through love, we are creating an energetic path..making the next time a bit easier, not only for ourselves but also for others & those to come. There is nothing we do or not do that is without meaning. What powerful beings we are!! As we go through our day, may the highest Light of God show us which choices bring us closer to the One heart. With thanks, love and blessings, Meg