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 Post subject: Re: Helplessness, Anger and Collective Punishment (Part I)
PostPosted: Fri Jul 18, 2014 9:46 pm 

Johanna Johanna:

The world watches...
as the second born son
seeks to eradicate
his first born brother.

Collective punishment upon
Mother, child and babe…

Fathers shall weep imprisoned
torn asunder in their hearts

Johanna Raphaell

This fathers anguish found me the day after I wrote the above poem.
I am not sure if I am angry, as I am weeping...

File comment: This is the father of one of the four boys killed on the beach. "Four cousins, aged 9 to 11, had been playing on the beach near Gaza City's harbor on Wednesday when a missile fired from an Israeli gunboat hit a nearby shack. The boys fled, but were killed in a second missile strike.

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Overcoming Numbness

"...What is more useful for the world at large and for each individual who is growing is to bear witness to pain with a sense of compassion - with a heart that is larger than the pain itself. By bearing witness with a sense of compassion, by making oneself 'an instrument of peace' to use the expression of Saint Francis - "Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace," the pain can be held within the context of an overriding purpose to help.

Even a small amount of bearing witness without becoming numb is often a greater help than one ever knows

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 12:08 am 

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What is a 'Network of Light'?

by Julie

Individual beings form a network of light that transforms the planet by virtue of one light joining with another. This synergy of light creates a powerful effect that is more than the sum of its parts. It allows each person to take part in the healing and transformation of the planet along with beings from the non-physical realms who serve the light.   A network of light is composed of all beings who desire to serve God's purposes by honoring the Divine principles that govern life and by striving to embody the spiritual light that creates this outcome.

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 Post subject: AM I MY BROTHER'S KEEPER?
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:26 am 

by Julie

There is one primary question for humanity at this time "Am I my brother's keeper?" 

The history of the world is a reflection of both this question and the answer to it.

The question: "Am I my brother's keeper?"has been ordained from before time began.  It's answer, which lies within each human heart, has also been ordained.  The civil strife, violence among members of the same nation, and hatred between opposing groups  who fear each other, whether within governments or without - all are a departure from the primary truth which asserts,
"I am my brother's keeper."

This truth is being liberated today.


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 Post subject: THE CHAOS FACTOR - The times we live in...
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:09 am 

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Release fear-J-425x403.jpg [ 17.08 KiB | Viewed 4743 times ]

...As the old ways of separation leave and greater light is present on Earth, the world is moving into a time of chaos that our hearts can already feel, when what seems wrong in the way of disregard for human life seems to have gained a foothold in many places, unwilling to let go.

This intransigence, born out of separated consciousness which refuses to let the value of love rule, is fueled by forces that would prevent the expansion of love and light.

At such a time and in the presence of such forces, our hearts must become stronger, more loving, more faithful to the values we hold, more trustful that out of chaos, a new world shall be born.

Last edited by Johanna on Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Walking with Johanna...A Time for Rest
PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:45 am 

File comment: Buddha source:
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A Time for Resting.... I will be back....jpg [ 85.49 KiB | Viewed 4740 times ]

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 Post subject: Whatever you are enduring, seek to find...
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 10:00 am 


I was taught years ago, during times of the darkest nights - the deepest despairs, to find at least 5 things my heart could be grateful for. I remember years of struggling to find 2 or 3 things my heart could say "Thank you God" or "Thank you for this blessing". Yet this was and is, a very important spiritual skill for all embodied souls to develop. We must learn, and I do know how difficult the task is, - we must learn to find love - to find gratitude - in the moment. No matter how dark the moment. If we can do this, we can begin to free our selves from the shackles of the darkness which seeks to bind our minds and hearts. We have the free will choice to alter our realities. Once altered, we can help our bredren and sistren to alter theirs - to free themselves from the bonds of darkness.

Can you find 5 circumstances or blessings within each day?

"It is a signature of energies of darkness that they are incompatible with love.
Where love exists, darkness must withdraw."

The presence of an energy of darkness which removes one from sacred reality is not always known to the conscious self. Commonly, feelings of rejection or judgment toward others, of irritability or criticism, seem to be justified by external circumstance. It is this justification which departs from love that is the terrain in which the energy of darkness takes hold. Such justification perpetuates the behavior that is angry, judgmental, critical, irritable, or avoidant, and does not allow one to notice that there is a choice that is possible in such situations. One can choose to return to love and to leave the terrain of darkness.

In order to make this shift, two things are needed: the willingness to let go of emotions that are not loving and supportive to others, and the feeling that God will support one's own life and being if these emotions are let go of. As a fundamental part of this shift, self-protection which is largely maintained through emotional attitudes, becomes replaced by a turning to God for all protection. In the place of trust, emotional defenses can be let go of and a choice can be made for love.

It is a signature of energies of darkness that they are incompatible with love. Where love exists, darkness must withdraw. Similarly, where true feelings of holiness exist, darkness must also withdraw. These two avenues of feeling open the heart to the inflow of the higher dimensions of light and prevent one from responding to the pull to leave God's sacred reality without being aware of it.

For this reason, it is important to notice when and where love departs, and to know that one's own heart is committed to remaining faithful to love even though external circumstance may not appear to warrant it. Such is the mandate given to each human soul by the Divine Father and Mother. This mandate to love is an intrinsic part of the sacred Covenant that souls made at the beginning of time, and its anchoring is part of what frees the soul to become its own Divine nature.

Anchoring in love releases the embodied soul from darkness and prevents the kind of rancor, conflict, and separation that so often occur where darkness is operating. Anchoring in love is founded in the perpetual commitment to remain faithful to God's Covenant, no matter what reasons may appear not to uphold such faithfulness. This anchoring is the greatest protection against forces that would take one away from sacred reality, and it is also the greatest protection against those same forces that would take one away from recognizing, feeling, and knowing one's own Divine self.

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 Post subject: A TALE OF TWO REALITIES...
PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:12 am 

Recently, I was away resting on a long planned family reunion. The family reunion was held deep in the West Indies. I was blessed during this time to be in reality with embodied souls who lived less complicated lives where priorities of family, neighbors, and community were central to all interactions. Food was shared with love. Everything actually, was shared with love. For twenty five blessed days I was able to participate in a reality of love with embodied souls who greeted each other with "good morning", "good afternoon", and "good evening". I spent time with children who were loving and innocent and expressed their love openly to me. I was with adults who shared their joy of life and family and felt the blessings of being with embodied souls who lived in Divine Reality. This was a sacred time of being in the presence of Divine Love and knowing it. The joy of being in the presence of God's Love radiating from 95% of the people I met and spoke with was astounding, and I radiated.

It is characteristic of the time we are in that life appears to be very complicated, very stressful, with not enough time to do all that is needed. This is the portrayal of life out of balance, life not in tune with the Divine flow that is capable of moving through all, creating harmony, creating order, creating simplicity.

by Julie

In the moments my body began the physical departure to return to the United States, my experiences - reality, changed dramatically in frequency. I was verbally abused and physically violated by a TSA Agent with an intense hatred which astounded me. The second frequency change from love occurred when I was pulled out of line and tested for suspected explosives. In that moment, with my hands held open as I would for prayer, I looked at the TSA Agent testing me and wept. I wept not only for the experience of such a radical departure from love and the humiliation, but for the loss of my and others sovereign freedoms and the right to be treated with dignity. I wept for all the elderly and infirm I saw in wheel chairs being searched, and for the little children taking off their belts and shoes succumbing to searches.

To all children of the Earth who are also children of the light, it is time to awaken to the reality of the largest-scale drama that has ever taken place on the Earth, and to know that despite whatever difficulties may appear, despite whatever hurdles may have to be overcome, it is God's promise to America and to children of the light everywhere that darkness shall not prevail, and that the roots of peace and freedom shall take full hold within the precious soil of the Earth in order to create the foundation for a new society and a new moral ethic.

Blessed be this time of awakening, and blessed are all those who are willing to help the light in its prophesied and actual work upon the Earth in service to the Divine Creator of all.

Julie and the Realms of Light

I was blessed through deep spiritual reasonings with Elijah and a Ras friend of ours from the West Indies on the taxi ride home from the airport, which helped me energetically shift from the intense and dense energies I took into my body and aura during my time in the airports. After some time meditating and praying, I have been given some initial insights to help my mind understand what my experiences are trying to Teach me. I am sure there will be more revelations in time.

In this present moment, my experiences have given me the opportunity to see also that their is another embodied reality which is possible. A reality in which LOVE is the prime motivator. LOVE being the key and prime motivator to all actions. AND that living in communion with one another treating one another with respect and dignity and most especially LOVE - is possible and happening on this planet. My experiences are part of a tale of two realities, waiting to be joined in Unity of Divine Light.

There is no action that is not relevant or important in this regard. There is none that is 'trivial.' Even slicing a loaf of bread, or entering a store, or greeting a neighbor can be the physical representation of an energetic event of some importance that is taking place on a higher plane.

This is the Principle of Unified Vision:

That what appears to our senses as a physical reality that exists in and of itself is an illusion. Physical reality exists, but only as part of a greater whole that has multi-dimensional aspects on the higher planes of spiritual vibration.

What this principle declares is that the meaning of any event or action cannot be determined by looking at it through physical senses connected to the brain.

For the information imparted to the brain is but one layer of a multidimensional envelope or matrix that is much more complex, much vaster, and much more intertwined with one's higher purpose than the brain can presently register.


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PostPosted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 11:44 am 

Beloved Ones,

The holy Breath of God emerges from the Oneness which it is part of and from which it came. It emerges and it enters into the corporeal substance of all things in order to enliven them and in order to bring them back to unity with the One.

No solid matter is too hard or opaque to be impermeable to the holy Breath, for its essence is transformative. It transforms the inner structure of what may seem solid and opaque to one of porousness and permeability to Divine life.

This Divine life is more powerful than the forces that might choose to resist it. It is more powerful than the forces that live in fear of it, created by illusion.

Such is the nature of the holy Breath that it seeks to unify all beings, all of Creation, within the Oneness that is All. It is brought forth by the Christ in manifestation and signals to each living being of its Presence through the action it performs of quickening, awakening, and transforming.

There are those who would deny that the miraculous is real or that the potency of the holy Breath can overcome all obstacles, no matter what their size. This perspective is based on an overestimation of the potency and pervasiveness of physical reality which, for some, is all there is. It is also based on an underestimation of the forces which have created that physical reality, which precede it in a causal way as the sun precedes the rays that emanate from it.

Almighty God has decreed that the holy Breath shall be given to the Earth to transform it at a particular moment in time – at a time when the transformation of the great Return will be aided and supported by the holy Breath, at which time all bodies will be more capable of supporting its presence within their physical structure.

This time is now, and all of physical reality, no matter what form it takes, is being made more permeable by the Divine life which is now present on the Earth and which now has the potential for transforming the life of the Earth as it is presently constituted.

May the holy Breath of God transform and bless all that seeks a return to the Oneness and all that lives within that Oneness without knowing it. Such a perspective transcends belief, concept, religion, or mental attitude. It is built on the foundation of existence itself which is the Divine life existing at the core of every living being. May this Divine life become activated in the time ahead, uniquely awakening each created being to the holy Essence that lives within them.

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:25 am 

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 Post subject: Feeling God's Presence in the presence of fear...
PostPosted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 9:47 am 

Trust: The New Basis for Security

- A Teaching by Julie

The Legacy of FEAR

The ‘era of duality’ which brought with it the separation from humanity’s Divine heritage, also had the consequence of permitting human consciousness to live with a great deal of fear. The more humanity separated from trust in the Divine, the more this fear became taken for granted, based, as it was, on a sense of aloneness and loneliness in a universe that was not founded in love, but that felt neutral rather than life-giving.

Increased immersion in the world of the rational, the world of science and logic, made mankind’s sense of aloneness within physical life seem just as it appeared to the logical sensibility, a fact to be taken at face value until proven otherwise. Some held the closeness of the spiritual world to be true despite this judgment, and yet overall, society moved in the direction of the mind and away from the deeper knowings of the heart and spirit. As a result, ways were sought to create a new sense of safety and security in life through clinging to all those things that provided this sense of support, without God’s assured presence.

Though new ways of creating safety were established over time as mankind’s control over the environment grew and as the internal workings of the body were understood more fully, once embeddedness in the unity of the Divine was gone, fear lay like a shadowy veil over collective consciousness, showing up especially in critical or challenging situations where life stirred into awareness what existed beneath the surface.

As part of our collective awareness, fear not only created uncertainty and distress for mankind, however, but also acted as a catalyst for growth, encouraging humanity to find new ways of ensuring greater health, wellbeing, comfort, and security. In fact, immersion in the physical world had been the choice of souls coming to Earth, and so the results of this choice were both the increased ability to experience life’s richness and diversity, yet also the need to find new substitutes for the safety that had once been the province of Divine life and blessing.

Within individual consciousness, fear came to be managed largely through the functioning of the ego which took on the challenges of both external and internal reality. At times the ego created or modified outer circumstances so that external reality could feel more secure and familiar, and at other times it created internal changes of an emotional or mental kind so that feelings of helplessness or anxiety would be minimized. The purpose of these internal ‘mechanisms of defense’ was to modify and insulate inner states so that painful feelings of all kinds would be less present. Thus, on an inner level, such things as denial and projection came into being – common ways that the ego employs to deal with pain of any kind.

Within the human psyche, the ego has been our main bulwark against fear, enabling us to feel we can handle things when situations become more extreme; also enabling us to change external conditions through determination and will so that they provide us with a greater feeling of comfort. Fear has been handled in this way by the ego for a long time, as have other emotions, taking the place of the innate sense of trust in life that was once ours.

Human beings have lived for so long without this kind of trust, that many do not remember that it was once possible, nor do they realize that they live in a state in which anxiety and worry are continually present, rather than in a state of peace. This possibility existed at a time when the spiritual and physical planes were closer together, and it receded when the gap between the two widened.

Peace became possible when the embodied soul could feel God’s presence and love within life, and disappeared as this perception vanished.

Read this Teaching in it's entirety:

The Awakening of a Planet

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 Post subject: A Message of Prayer from Beloved Julie August 2014
PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 8:29 pm 

Dear Beloved Ones,

It has been a long time since last writing on this page, and much has happened for the world in the interim. I ask of you at this time that whatever efforts you have been making to help in the healing of the planet, that you devote yourself with even greater determination to these efforts, and that whatever hopes you have held for peace to replace war and conflict, that you dig deeper within yourself to find and stay firmly aligned with that sense of hope. God's plan for the Earth is unfolding now in a very active way, and what may be seen in many places is not the outbreak of light and joy but the outbreak of violence and discontent which is producing great hardship and great suffering everywhere.

In this time of trial, for that is what it is, pray to not lose heart as you pray for those in the midst of conflict to not lose heart. Pray to walk faithfully in trust that the Divine plan for the Earth shall emerge out of the turmoil and conflict as it is meant to and as it shall be.

Your heartfelt prayers and the trust that resides deeply within your being are needed now as events accelerate upon the planet.

All beings of light are with you in your prayers as they are with you in your heart. Be with them. Be with the light. Be with the truth that resides in your soul. Know that what has been ordained since the beginning shall be.

With all love and blessings - Those Who Serve the Light


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 Post subject: Difficult Times in Purification
PostPosted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:30 pm 

One of the most difficult aspects of the Purification Process for me has to do with being in relationship with other embodied souls who are not in a Purification Process consciously.

Especially now, as the energies of opposition are so intense.

The difficulties are two fold:

First - I can feel the darkness in the person I an in a relationship with in that moment, before they even act it out unconsciously. Usually the darkness in the other will attack me and then accuse me of attacking. The light in me, which sometimes feels not very bright, activates what is unhealed in the other. Even more so, the intense amounts of Light coming into the planet right now is activating/releasing an awful lot of darkness. The Light is actually freeing up denser energies in individuals, groups, and within the planetary structure. If a person is not consciously participating in the Purification Process, or even lacks the ability to 'check' themselves, then the energies being released will not be contained and can be acted out on others around them.

Then I have my own darkness in need of Purification which gets activated in the presence of an other's darkness as the denser energies fill my aura and body and I unconsciously act out the energies my body is taking in!

Secondly - The Purification Process has literally changed my life as I once understood my life. Purification and Beloved Julie's Teachings offer sacred, consistent and stable means of meeting any situation, any difficulty, any hardship - with God. I have longed for so many years, lifetimes it sometimes feels, to be able to live in sacred community with others learning, sharing and dialoging with the Teachings as a guideline.

I have suffered enough in my past to know when a door is opened to me to humble myself with gratitude and walk through. It can be a lonely path sometimes... just wide enough it seems right now for one.

I know what I need to do to take care of myself. I have watched others who have gone through what I am going through and have learned much from them - especially the importance of detachment.

Yes, I will make mistakes, I will continue to read Beloved Julie's Teachings searching for solace and guidance. I will pray for help. I will pray for strength. I will try, fall down, try, fall down and keep trying until I get to the point that no matter what is energetically going on around me - I can endure without being tossed around and upset by those very same energies. I look forward with hope to the times when my light becomes strong enough through the support of God and the Realms of Light to feel Divine LOVE upholding me in the midst of experiences of darkness whilst feeling peace and love in my heart.

I have seen others do this through the Teachings of the Purification Process. So I know it can be achieved.

Thy Will, Father-Mother God...

Thy Will be done.


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