Listed below are the titles which came to my heart which describe what I am feeling in the presence of the immense sufferations of the Palestinian peoples at this time.
My heart, turning to anger in the presence of helplessness, instead of turning to God, is the reason why I cannot speak further on this forum about what I perceive and feel in this matter until my heart is less angry/passionate and more compassionate for all involved.
Embodied Souls In Duality: Apartheid in the Holy Land
No Where to Hide: The Collective Punishment and Bombing of a People Imprisoned
I am deeply aware of most suffering.
My heart aches for the men, women and most especially children, suffering under what I feel to be in my heart, an apartheid existence and collective militarized assaults through the hands of the Israeli government onto the Arab/Palestinian population.
The pain I feel for those enduring intense suffering and deprivation, who also have no dome, no place to hide or protect themselves - endured as collective punishment - is too great to speak of without anger infusing my words.
This is a Purification experience.
The purification of anger in the presence of helplessness...
I hope you will understand dear readers, as you witness the true state of my heart with its limitations in the presence of helplessness at this time, concerning events we are all witnessing, why I am not speaking personally more on the matter. Or, until my vibrational reaction to helplessness changes. (Note: When I allow myself to become emotionally angry, I turn away from my alignment in God, and give away all my energy, and become helpless AND powerless.)
Rather, I am choosing to let go of the denser vibrational energies associated with anger, and share with you the Teachings of Julie on Spiritual Roots of the Arab/Palestinian - Israeli Conflict. I would also like to share with you heartfelt thoughts on the matter from Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu and Robert McIlwain, whose words and insights carry a higher vibration.
These Teachings, awareness', hopes, and frameworks for peace, carry the highest vibrational frequencies to help heal - my anger does not.
Blessings to ALL who are suffering in all given moments.
ONElove Johanna
Spiritual Roots of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
The source of animosity between Arabs and Israelis and between Israelis and Palestinians has a long history and a complicated web of interrelated causes and attributions of causes. Yet, at its core, and without minimizing the heart wrenching loss and displacement of life that has occurred on both sides, it must be said that Arab-Israeli enmity is not about land, nor about resources, nor about refugees, nor about military power. These highly charged issues arise out of something far more central, something that is at the heart of each of them. At its core, the Arab-Israeli conflict is about respect - not just respect for the political, social, economic and geographic integrity of two peoples, but respect for the very existence of these peoples, their being, which is both physical and spiritual.
The currency of this respect is visible in the problems that arise today concerning land, occupation, and political rights. But this currency is the outer sign only of an interior cause that is much deeper.
It is the absence of the acknowledgment of the sacred being of the other that fuels the present conflict.
Instead of mutual support, there is rivalry of such intensity that it prevents the recognition of brotherhood altogether. For it is not just that Palestinians feel dispossessed and oppressed by Israeli occupation of their territories. It is that they feel that Israeli actions, past, present, and future, both militarily and politically, are designed to keep them disenfranchised - a people without a home, a nation without a capitol, a religion without a religious center. These are the things that all people want, Palestinians as well, and for which many are willing to die. They are the same things for which Israel has fought and which she presently defends.
File comment: Palestinians use a ladder to climb over a section of Israel's separation barrier in the West Bank village of Al-Ram, as they try to avoid crossing Israeli-controlled checkpoints to reach the al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City for traditional Friday prayers, the first of Islam's holy month of Ramadan on July 4, 2014. Israeli authority has forbidden access to Al-Aqsa mosque to muslim men under 50 years old and for muslim women under 40.
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Anti-Zionist fervor which Israelis perceive around them is very real and is a source of policy-making, both militarily and politically. While Palestinians feel dispossessed by the policies and practices of Israel, Israelis in the past have felt dispossessed because of their identity as Jews, and are now trying to protect themselves from the threat of further dispossession by their Arab neighbors as they continue to strive to insure their own right to exist. In doing so, however, they become vulnerable to the tendency to employ the very same mechanisms of oppression and dispossession that they, too, have experienced and are afraid of again experiencing. Indeed, the movement toward survival among Palestinians and their striving for the restoration of dignity as a people is arousing greater sympathy in the world today, while Israel's drive toward self-protection in the midst of hostile forces is perceived, by many, as a desire that fundamentally disregards the rights of others.
Diplomacy and-Politics/Desmond Tutu Israel Guilty of Apartheid in Treatment of Palestinians
Desmond Tutu, the noted civil rights leader who became the first black archbishop of Cape Town, compared Israel's treatment of the Palestinians to the apartheid regime that discriminated against blacks in his native South Africa.
Tutu, the Nobel Peace laureate, told News24, a South African media entity, criticized Israeli policies toward the Palestinians in the territories as "humiliating."
"I have witnessed the systemic humiliation of Palestinian men, women and children by members of the Israeli security forces," he said in a statement.
"Their humiliation is familiar to all black South Africans who were corralled and harassed and insulted and assaulted by the security forces of the apartheid government."
File comment: Israeli police stand guard as Muslim men pray in the middle of a street outside the Old City in East Jerusalem on July 4, 2014, during the first Friday prayer of the holy fasting month of Ramadan. Israeli authorities closed the access to the Al-Aqsa Mosque for Palestinians men under 50-years-old, due tensions in West Bank.
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$1: "…Ultimately, the historical basis for rivalry, the vying for position and the tendency toward self-elevation can only be eradicated by one thing - a fundamental and complete change in consciousness which restores the original perception of unity with God to each soul so that conflict of the kind we see in the Middle-East is no longer possible. This is the goal that all who seek peace need to hold before themselves. It is one whose time has come."
On Israel and Palestine
The only true protection against violence is to eliminate hatred.
The way to eliminate hatred, is to eliminate injustice.
To do this, we need to see and feel the injustices from which people suffer.
Choose to do no harm, and help those who suffer.
To do this, we can seek to act only from love.
We can learn to live according to the inner understanding that we are One with each other on the earth. For when one suffers, we all suffer. When one triumphs over adversity, we all triumph. We are all each others keepers – One in the hands of God, whose names are infinite.
We can choose to act and live from this understanding, centered in love, recognizing that anything else will cause more suffering – for ourselves, and for the “other” whom we have forgotten to be ourselves.
In the company with others, supporting and supported, we are part of a greater spiritual reality that includes All people, and whose foundation is Love.
As we choose the path of Love - and no other path - the world grows in peace.
It happens in every small act of love in our everyday lives. It is born in every act of courage to act out of love - especially when other emotions would urge us to act out of self protection that would harm another.
It is there waiting for us in our everyday lives.
It is there waiting for us in our collective lives, in the larger acts between peoples, and among nations.
Every act of peace, and of love, matters, and makes a difference.
File comment: A Palestinian girl reads the Quran, Islam's holy book, at sunset in Gaza City on Friday, July 4, 2014. (AP Photo/Hatem Moussa)
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For your contemplation...
There was a time when war was taken for granted. There was a time when the lust for power was taken to be a sign of might and the number of deaths that one was responsible for at one's own hands was a measure of pride in achievement.
That was a time of mighty warriorship, a time that has passed, a time that is no longer. The new spiritual currents of today are creating a demise of the valuing of warriorship and an increase in the valuing of ways for laying a foundation of peace. Though this is not yet visible, the old ways of creating victory through exerting power over others are giving way before the new ways of embracing all. It has not happened yet, not between nations and not between people, but it is on its way. It is in the air, just as in former times warriorship and conquest were in the air.
Today is a new time, a time in which all that prevents brotherhood and love from happening will be made visible and will be rooted out from where it has lain hidden, silently exerting its influence on the consciousness of each individual who has departed from love. The spirit of celebration is about to enter the earth scene and to be born because what was thought to be impossible, is possible.
The celebration before us is the event of the transformation of consciousness – that which will bring new eyes and new ears to those who have been blind and deaf, unable to see and to hear each other for centuries. {Continue…}
Unbeknownst to the conscious mind of man, there lies within each, an implantation of another reality that is the reality of the ascended man, the one who has been able to blend his consciousness with that of the higher dimensions of light. This resonance and its capacity to vibrate with the energy of universal and unconditional love will bring into being the 'Heavenly Jerusalem', which will not be a city as much as a state of consciousness and an awareness of being. Such will be the quality of life and consciousness within this plane that those who exist there will experience no want, and will know only peace and harmony in all respects.
…To achieve the manifestation of this heavenly city of consciousness is the great feat of expansion and completion for which the earth has been preparing during her entire history, and for which each of her inhabitants has also incarnated and moved through the evolutionary process. It is the ultimate joining of the physical and the spiritual that will erase duality, and bring to each consciousness the indelible knowledge of the unity of all within One consciousness – a knowledge that will be experiential and tangible rather than conceptual or theoretical. {Continue…}
In the course of spiritual evolution, the quality of one's emotional life naturally changes, and the process of purification, initiated by the infusion of greater light, accelerates this change. Purification begins to transform the function of emotionality from a karmically-based foundation to one that is soul-based. Instead of the personality-self operating according to its own tastes and preferences, this outer expression of selfhood begins to reflect the wishes, intentions and attitudes of the higher self or soul. As this shift in identity takes place, emotions that are 'lower' in vibration – namely, those that partake of negative energies more than positive - are replaced by ones that have at their root, the experience of love. This transition occurs because it is the soul's essential nature to exist in a continual state of love, and as the personality adapts more and more to the soul's essence, it, too, becomes infused with the deeper attributes of the soul.
Built on a foundation of love, various derivative feelings can emerge – compassion, kindness, innocence, trust, gratitude, tenderness, generosity, and also the capacity to feel sadness for that which denies love or turns away from love, and for love that is 'lost', even if only temporarily. The response of compassion toward those who do not know how to receive or express love is part of the soul's fundamental nature as it exists within God's being. All souls partake of this nature and are pure in essence. It is only within the embodied state that feelings become vulnerable to distortion and limitation, and love may be rejection by the outer self.
Purification allows the embodied self to retrace the steps back to the emotional attitudes of the soul. It replaces all that has strayed from love and light with the capacity to share love with all and the recognition of the soul-nature of all living things. {Continue…}
To be a 'holy people' does not belong to any one religion, denomination, or belief.It is the desire to love and serve God by whatever name God is called that makes for a holy people.
To be holy is to participate in God's Covenant by determining to live a sacred life. This life is expressed as a commitment to God. It is expressed in the willingness to treat all of life as sacred and to place God at the center of life above and beyond all other values. It is also expressed in the determination to live consciously, with responsibility and thoughtfulness for all one's thoughts, words, and deeds. A sacred life brings joy to the soul because it allows the soul more fully to live. {Continue…}
For the heart which mourns... Israeli attacks in Gaza since July 7, 2014, which Israeli officials said delivered more than 500 tons of explosives in missiles, aerial bombs, and artillery fire, killed at least 178 people and wounded 1,361 as of July 14, including 635 women and children, according to the United Nations. Preliminary UN reports identified 138 people, about 77 percent of those killed, as civilians, including 36 children, and found that the attacks had destroyed 1,255 homes, displacing at least 7,500 people."