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 Post subject: Contraction - Manifestation and the Purification Process
PostPosted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 12:35 pm 

Hello dear readers,

It has been coming to my heart this morning to share with you more aspects of the experience of contraction. As each of us as souls are unique as part of the whole (holy) - so are experiences of contraction as an embodied soul journeys through the Purification Process.

In the early days of my Purification Process (this was during a much gentler paced - experience of 'time'), contraction was often related to my karma and dharma. Or another way of holding the experience - the places within my souls history (and my embodied persona) in need of loving conscious attention.

Well in those early days, in relation to who I am and my sacred work in service, my experiences of contraction were often psychically, psychologically, mentally, emotionally, and physically intense. Now for those souls who have sought to 'create' this type of purification experience in their religious past's, the Purification Process is not the same. The reason being that the Purification Process is not an experience the embodied soul directly causes to happen through the use of will power.

The Purification Process is initiated through the process of the souls longing, the surrendering of the heart, the alignment with the Teachings of Purification, and waiting for the Light to empower the Sacred Process of Healing.

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For those of you dear readers who like to have their own experience of Beloved Julie's Teachings of the Purification Process online via her or her website , or her FB page, you will find specific links regarding the Purification Process.

Remember dear readers as your read anything I share - your embodied experience is not going to be the same! For me as an embodied soul who was blessed with holy gifts one being energetically sensitive, the experience was very intense.

Often my Purification experiences were linked to energies locked into my DNA and in the muscles and tissues. Yet too during the first 15 years of Purification, there were also experiences 'manifestation', experiences related to poverty, losing the ability to 'work, homelessness, gaining the ability to do 'sacred work' for a few years. * - See below.

With the support of Beloved Julie through sessions, Teachings, Satsana's ~ Sacred Gatherings and Spiritual Seminars (now online), I have been able to not only as my ego perceives the experiences - "get over and through them" -- I have also been learning - {ooh a slooow learner here…} to trust GOD more in the face of suffering and rely less on my will power or ego to 'solve' what it perceives to be 'wrong'.

The Purification Process has been teaching InI to rely on the Higher I of my souls relationship to My Beloved Most High - when I can sustain the energies of this trust consciously, the experience is pure bliss. Yet bliss is not at the core of why I choose to Purify - my choice has to do with my relationship to God, my love for Christ and humanity. My souls story continues to unfold...

Have the experiences related to the Purification Process been easy?
No the process has been challenging to all levels of my embodied self.

Have I always felt supported with Teachings for my mind and loving support for my heart?

Have I grown as a 'person"?

Have I lost the essence of who I am?
No. I have become, and am becoming more of who I AM every embodied day.


*20+ years on and InI am going through another experience of spiritual contraction related to not being able to perceive or hear my Beloved's Voice. Often there are times of feeling the real heartfelt pain of spiritual apathy and what I perceive to be are experiences of spiritual poverty. One can ask - "Johanna how can you write of the Purification Process and of all its spiritual healing yet 20 years later you are having experiences related to spiritual poverty or apathy ?"

My answer to that question is a perfect illustration of what I have been writing to you about in these last few posts. These are Purification 'experiences' I am having - not the truth of who I am. These are energies which are contractive in nature and the consciousness associated with them for me takes on the energetic nature or qualities which I perceive as spiritual poverty and/or apathy.

Here are some helpful links for those who may be interested in pursuing more information concerning the Purification Process.





or click this link: ... d-Body.mp3.

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PostPosted: Thu May 01, 2014 5:56 pm 


"Wait then beloved,
for what you heart desires,
for in God's time all that you
wish for shall come to you."


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 Post subject: What is Purification?
PostPosted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:47 am 

Question: What is purification?
Answer: Becoming your true self.

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From Beloved Julie's LightOmega Facebook page:

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:19 pm 

"The Open Moment"
-Podcast by Julie


We live, often surrounded by a cloud of anxiety that prevents us from being present to the larger reality we are in.
God's intent is not this. It is for each soul to experience Divine freedom - the freedom of the open moment.


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Seeking to Practice: "The Open Moment"

Today has been a difficult day with two intense situations causing me to align with the energies of anxiety, worry, fear and sadness. The first situation has to do with survival and health. The second situation has to do with someone I love who is part of my blood and my heart.

I was feeling sad, worried and anxious and went to Julie's Facebook page and found the link for the podcast "The Open Moment" and listened and found the steps I needed to find my inner peace in the midst of these intense experiences. I have not found the solution to these situations - what I am finding through practice already, is that the 'spinning' of my thoughts has ceased and the anxiety level has dropped significantly.

I am going to continue to listen to this Teaching on "The Open Moment" and practice the following Teachings I found within the podcast:

    -Acknowledge the consciousness associated with the "worry-stream".

    -Monitor when anxiety or fear filled thoughts are keeping me out of "the open moment".

    -Remember that the unfoldment of my souls purpose is bigger than the internal process playing out in my head right now.

    -Aspire to be in a larger 'Unified" reality with God.

    -Remember to get out of my mental processes that cause me to 'spin' mentally trying to bring peace to my anxiousness, as anxiety cannot be healed by mental processing.

    -Remember that my Higher Self is funneling into the present moment all of the time, in the 'open moment'.

    -Remember not to get 'seduced' by what fear is telling me.

    -Remind myself another dimension of reality is occurring separate from my mind and hearts anxieties.

    -Remember that "God wants Divine freedom" for me.

I hope that like myself, you will continue to find inner peace by following the guidance in this Teaching and a greater connection to your Higher Self and God.


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PostPosted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:52 pm 

The time of transformation is here, and in its wake many will be asked to let go of things that have been held onto out of fear of facing the unknown. And many more will be asked to accommodate to changed conditions in life that will affect the ways in which ordinary activities are conducted. This patterning of our everyday lives which we have come to take for granted - differently, of course, within different cultures - still maintains a common thread of orientation toward a physical reality within time and space that we are familiar with. All such perceptions will continue to change as light intensifies. Within the air that we breathe will come a new breeze that brings forth hidden aspects of the unseen world of Spirit, and these formerly hidden aspects will reveal themselves to have a greater influence on life than has previously been thought possible.

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Over and over again, as we face toward the new and let go of the old, the challenge to the heart must be one of learning to stay in the place of love, not in the place of fear, and to remain steadfast in our trust in Divine wisdom and love to guide us through the transformations that lie ahead. The way forward may be challenging in terms of the levels of difficulty it presents both individually and to the planet, but the possibility for making the passage will be given to all who have chosen to be on the earth at this time. On the deepest and most profound level, it is a matter of choosing God's reality and the reality of love above and beyond all else, and letting all other motives, decisions, priorities and values recede, relative to the importance of this.

With the principle of Divine Love upholding it, mankind will be able to face what must be faced in the times ahead, and will be able to meet each challenge with a force of light and truth that cannot be defeated by any counter-force that seeks to extinguish it.

-JULIE ... re-In.html

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 Post subject: Conditions of Aging: The Passage from Physical Life to Death
PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 4:52 pm 

For my Mother who was soul was in transition a few days before Mothers Day and chose to stay...

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"...There is a new level of understanding that we must get to as we approach these issues of end-of-life care, decision-making, and the transition from physical life to death. This is the level of the sacred inner life of the soul that exists beyond the observable aspects of physical life and functioning. At this soul level we are asked to review and to expand our definition of the worth of a life. For, in fact, as physical functioning in its many forms declines, there is often an ascendance of other dimensions of inner experience for the one so affected that is not visible to others, but that is providing the one in limitation new vistas with respect to the mystical area between life and death. This 'gray' area which is hidden from the sight of others is a 'zone of transition,' an interior state in which the soul that is soon to be departing or who has begun the longer journey of leave-taking is examining his or her true relationship to the physical body and to the plane of Spirit in a way that was not possible while the physical body could do more. Such an examination does not take place in words, but rather in the experience of the dis-embodying self that begins to see more clearly that it exists beyond the body, and that the values it holds when in contact with the plane of Spirit can replace the values it held while actively taking part in physical life. Thus, during this stage of life, more options become available and open than may have existed before."

"During this stage of transition, some may be partly conscious, some may appear to be absent in what we refer to as a 'coma' but which in reality is a transfer of consciousness to another state, and some may be already within the plane of Spirit, waiting for an opportunity to leave behind the physical vehicle. Such an opportunity may be delayed for reasons that also have to do with the soul's learning, for the choice of when to depart from the body is always made in an intentional way by the soul and is not an accident."


Conditions of Aging: The Passage from Physical Life to Death

I experienced my Mother going through the 'zone of transition' last week - I called out to my ancestors who have passed and my Father's soul who passed and asked that they help her and guide her. I could feel her soul not knowing what to do and there was a time of void until she made the final decision over a period of days to continue her journey with us. I am grateful for her choice as I have much more love that my heart would like to share with her 'embodied' before she departs.

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 Post subject: Re: Walking with Johanna... A Spiritual Journey Home
PostPosted: Sat May 17, 2014 1:12 pm 

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Be in relationship moon -525x500.jpg [ 40.79 KiB | Viewed 6389 times ]

There was a time, as souls, we had a relationship with every thing around us…

Such a time is coming forward and beginning to manifest in the present.

A time in which we as souls, will know embodied our Divine connection to all.

This is the promise of the Covenant.

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Thy Presence opens my heart-500x521.jpg [ 81.69 KiB | Viewed 6389 times ]

The consciousness of InI is in the present moment… awaiting you.

The consciousness of I-n-I, God and I, The Divine and I,
is here and our ability to 'know' embodied
what I speak of, is opening again for ALL.

No clarifications.

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This Divine Consciousness, this Light, this expression of Divine Intention of which I speak and our embodied souls are meeting in the moment in unlimited variations and all we need to do is say "yes", when we feel or perceive the Presence of the Divine.

And yes, you will feel it. This is a promise of the Covenant.


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 Post subject: A Dark Cloud Hovering Over the Planet
PostPosted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:07 pm 

InI livicate this Teaching for the two little girls of Lucknow, India. ... mango+tree

A dark cloud hovers over the land. A cloud of unpredictable violence that breaks out as an impulse to act coming suddenly or more slowly and insidiously upon individuals, raising what may have existed in a previous moment as discontent and frustration with something external, to rage and the need to seek judgment upon others. These sudden outbursts of violence, of shooting and killing visited upon the unsuspecting, appear to be unpredictable during the days, weeks, and months when frustration, anger, and despair may have been mounting to the point of a breach of containment. It is often only following the suddenness of lashing out that the pattern of signs may be seen and registered in their full meaning, and sometimes not even then.

...What is it that is hovering over this land? It is the energy of darkness that crowds the mind, separating one's consciousness from the heart, from love, from one's own humanity. In that separation as it deepens, the internal justifications for committing acts of violence seem real, seem inevitable. The inner voice impelling toward action grows louder, and the voice of the heart is drowned out by it,the voice of compassion, the voice of love.

There is no clear designation of who shall be most vulnerable to such darkness, who shall be consumed by it. In fact, this cannot be known, since light exists within each one as a property of the soul, and so what will cause one to hold firm and another to give full reign to that which is opposed to light is often unknowable in advance. Yet, if we as parents, teachers, families, counselors, neighbors, communities could become more sensitive to energies and how they operate, not only to the words that individuals use, we might be able to better anticipate something before it reveals itself in action. If we could see the dark cloud or feel the emerging tension growing within the consciousness of one who would otherwise be deemed pleasant and agreeable, we might be able to seek counsel on their behalf, or help them rejoin the light within them.

This light is never gone. Not before, during, or after the commitment of acts of violence. It may be covered over so that the agent of such acts cannot feel it, but it is never gone. And what we, as caretakers of all who are lost must seek to do, is to help return to the light those who have gotten lost, to help return to the light those who cannot find the way themselves.

The path of compassion and of sensitivity that is based on the spiritual perception of light and darkness and on the emotional perception of right relationship to our hearts needs to grow stronger within us. We must, as upholders of the light within all, anticipate the darkness that may descend upon the few who are more vulnerable, to seek and find the place of help for them as they lose their own anchoring in light.

May such recognition come to this land and especially to those who have been deeply affected by actions of violence anywhere. May we learn to offer the help of spiritual knowledge and love in whatever ways we can so that we are no longer heartbroken by actions that we could not prevent, and grief-stricken by outcomes that devastate us. May we find the means within ourselves to care for the isolated, the forlorn, the alienated, the despairing, so that in our embrace of love the darkness has no foothold, and in our standing with them, they do not feel alone.

Light Omega Newsletter: May 29, 2014
The following was written upon the heels of the shooting of six young students at the University of California - Santa Barbara last week.
Read the entire Teaching: ... erica.html

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PostPosted: Sat May 31, 2014 10:00 am 

Let us honor the soul of Malala Yousafzai, Pakistani school pupil and education activist who, from the age of 12 began to write about the need to educate young girls, and who was, as a result of her outspokenness, shot in the head at the age of 15 in order to silence her.

Let us also honor the soul of Farzana Parveen, 25 year old Pakistani woman who was stoned to death this past week by members of her family as she contested the court case being brought by her family against her husband, accusing him of abducting her. Acknowledgment of her willing consent to this marriage became the basis for her stoning on the grounds of the district courthouse in Lahore, Pakistan.

In this honoring, let it be known that souls can make sacrifice and endure great pain, even death, not only for their own learning and growth as they take a stand for inner truth, but for the good of humanity in its efforts to rid itself of outmoded and destructive beliefs.

Such sacrifice is not chosen by the human self, though it is expressed through the body, but by the soul-self that recognizes both its own need to take such a stand on behalf of its own beliefs and values, while at the same time endeavoring to bring forth a message that will awaken the world into re-considering its views in areas where human rights are being violated.

We who witness these acts cannot know the internal mental or emotional state that was present in order to create out of the threat of harm a greater good. But we can bear witness to the courage of each soul that is willing to endure the consequences of its actions, whatever they may be, on behalf of truth, even giving up life itself to do so.

Souls can make sacrifice and endure great pain, even death, not only for their own learning and growth as they take a stand for inner truth, but for the good of humanity in its efforts to rid itself of outmoded and destructive beliefs.

When we witness an action such as the one this past week that has had a worldwide effect through the power of shock, breaking through the barriers of culture and language that separate us from each other, when we experience a breakdown of these barriers, we can know that the soul of the one initiating such action has, at some level, chosen to make a gift of its own life-purpose and even of its life in order to further ends that are larger than those of the personal self.

We can thus bear witness not only to the tragedy of the assault of Malala Yousafzai, but also to the power of her voice which has enabled her to become an icon and symbol of the right of girls, everywhere, to be educated. We can bear witness, also, to the brutality of the death of Farzana Parveen, yet pray for the good that will potentially come out of the world's shock concerning the ancient practices of family 'honor killings,' and more generally, the practice of treating daughters as property.

We must bow toward these gestures of sacrifice made by each one who, at the cost of their own potential harm, desires to bring good into the world, not through engaging in war or killing, but through the power of standing in the light of their own truth.

May the souls of all who struggle to express in this way be blessed.

And finally, let us honor the deaths of two young girls in India whose bodies were found this past week hung from a mango tree, and who, while not having made a conscious choice to stand for human dignity and the dignity of women, have, nevertheless, contributed to the further unmasking of sexual darkness and its malevolent practices within India and elsewhere. May their sacrifice also be blessed.

Light Omega Newsletter

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 Post subject: Waiting for Thee
PostPosted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 6:54 pm 

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From the time of the earth-550x509.jpg [ 77.38 KiB | Viewed 6296 times ]

I shall light candles of beeswax...

burn Frankincense and Myrrh,

and anoint thyself

as I await Thee.


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 Post subject: Cling to the Presence of God Within You: Teaching of Juli
PostPosted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 7:10 am 

"Those who have reached great spiritual heights are touched by the suffering of others.
For the heart that knows truth seeks always to share it, to bring the gift of healing to an aching world."

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GREETINGS and BLESSINGS dear readers.

There are times for the energetically sensitive when we are called upon to help in the process of the transmutation of dark energies releasing from individuals, the planet, and other dimensions.

For those of us who have gone through this process there can be a point in the process when all we can perceive or feel, is the energies of darkness we are "containing".

I and many others serving God and the Realms of Light, have been engaged with this sacred work once again for the past few months now at varying levels and degrees of intensity. For InI, it has been my experience that whilst containing these denser energies being purified, that my physical, mental and emotional bodies can become so saturated with these dense energies, that "i" in InI can not feel God for anything. All I can perceive and feel in my body and mind as I contain these energies are the dark dense energies.

I have been blessed to be able to sit with Beloved Julie during these times of saturation and energetic overwhelm over the years. Recently, Beloved Julie gave this mantra to me which I would like to share with other light workers who may be struggling with the recent waves of energies:

"Cling to the Presence of God within you."

This Teaching - Mantra, has struck a particular cord in me. For when I am doing this sacred work there are times when I can no longer feel or remember God in the presence of the dense darkness. All I can remember are all the other times I have been in this place - magnified in the presence of the darkness - and the low vibrational repetitive messages I perceive which are: "This experience will never end, God is not with me".

These most recent energies, of which I have no idea of their origin or why, are particularly heinous and it has taken everything I have and then some to keep them contained in my heart, including the need to be more reclusive (which is why my writing on this Forum can seem to be hit or miss at times). These low vibrational energies seem to come over me like a tidal wave and I am tossed and thrown until the wave recedes.

The last time I took in similar energies, I was blessed with a vision of myself clinging to a piece of wood in a dark sea after a turbulent storm… I realized that the piece of wood keeping me afloat and alive, was God.

In time this analogy may change and expand. Right now, I am grateful to be held and floating.

I share this with you dear readers, in the hopes that if you find your self in deep pain, despair, depression, shame, agitation, guilt, experiencing insomnia, fatigue, or any other manifestation of low density energies, that you too might remember Beloved Julie's Mantra to "Cling to the Presence of God within yourself" until the energies are released or pass.

with love,

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"…you have come to the Earth at this time to bear witness to birth of the Holy Earth into a sacred planet of light…"


For Your Contemplation:





LIGHT AND DARKNESS (Free-Will) ... Part2.html


This is a special podcast for which a donation to Light Omega in any amount is requested. For those who donate, both the 19min. recording and the PDF transcript will be sent. Your support is needed to help pay for these podcasts and the equipment needed to create them.


PDF: ... to-God.pdf

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 Post subject: The Heart - Our Connection to the Soul [podcast]
PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:24 pm 
On Loving Oneself

Loving oneself is about honoring and about integrity. It is about honoring one's body, honoring one's emotions. and honoring the deepest truths the heart holds about what it values most.

Dear Readers,

This audio mediation by Julie can help balance the heart energies during your mediation practice.

The Teaching is on loving oneself.



NOTE: I listen to this podcast when there is a need to bring my heart and my mind come back into balance, especially when processing energies which are dense and intense.. Beloved Julie's voice and her message of "honoring our selves as sacred beings and Divine creations, beings worthy of love", brings balance to my energy bodies.

This is a wonderful Teaching for those who resonate with audio meditations.

For your contemplation:


"What does the heart value the most?"

"Peace comes from living in accord with our own deepest values."

"We need to know that God, the Creator of all, is giving to us a life in which to express as ourselves, and that life can only be manifested if we give ourselves permission to be conscious of what we value the most and then begin to live it."

"Depth - "...describes the transition of layers from the embodied self's awareness of body and emotions to the deeper levels of awareness that have to do with soul awareness."

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"Integrity is the capacity to live in and from the truth of who we are. This is the most expansive and deep way of expressing love for ourselves. "…We are here to be the expression of the truth of who we are… the truth that comes from our heart's connection to our soul."

On Loving Oneself

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