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There was a time, as souls, we had a relationship with every thing around us…
Such a time is coming forward and beginning to manifest in the present.
A time in which we as souls, will know embodied our Divine connection to all.
This is the promise of the Covenant.
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The consciousness of InI is in the present moment… awaiting you.
The consciousness of I-n-I, God and I, The Divine and I,
is here and our ability to 'know' embodied
what I speak of, is opening again for ALL.
No clarifications.
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This Divine Consciousness, this Light, this expression of Divine Intention of which I speak and our embodied souls are meeting in the moment in unlimited variations and all we need to do is say "yes", when we feel or perceive the Presence of the Divine.
And yes, you will feel it. This is a promise of the Covenant.