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 Post subject: Re: Boundaries and Energetic Sensitivities
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:10 am 
I have learned, through my years of being in the Purification Process to be aware of things that keep coming up, occurring, manifesting…

Today's postings have to do with the inner calling I had today in relation to my own life and issues of boundaries - especially energetic boundaries.

Since last night, I have been feeling energies coming not only from people, into my body, but from unseen forces. This morning, I found my boundaries violated once again by someone I love dearly, whom I have set a firm boundary with, which they forget and violate frequently. I have two clients whom I must deal with in my 'job' who are boundary violators extraodinaire (and dealing with the repeated violations and resetting boundaries with them is exhausting). Boundary violations everywhere...

The boundaries of my nervous system are also feeling hyper sensitive to energies. And whilst my body would like to take in the bird song around me and relax, the energies of loud grass cutting equipment (which is especially hard on my body as the consciousness of todays landscaping equipment has less to do with the 'care' of Mother Gaia's body) are overwhelming and painful.

So….todays topic was easy enough to recognize…

Even as this is occurring, by the Grace of God I am able to wish you happy Wednesday everyone! I hope you feel encouraged to join in the conversation today.


File comment: Today's postings come from the above quote "Beauty is life obeying its own inner calling" Julie Redstone.
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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:11 am 
Meg Meg:
Happy Wednesday! Thank you Johanna, for the gift of your stewardship here and for anchoring our One World Meditations group tonight. To those reading this, I invite you to participate as your heart leads you and warmly welcome you to join us. With much love and blessings, Meg

To join the anchor group which connects by phone for the meditation, write to connection

One World Meditation - Every Wednesday, 8:30PM (EDT), 12:30AM (GMT)


Hello Meg!

Your welcome. I am glad you are here.


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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:32 am 
"Since last night, I have been feeling energies coming not only from people, into my body, but from unseen forces."

Dear Johanna, This is something I am experiencing as well. I am doing all that I know to do & yet this continues. So, I wait & pray. I know that Light is working all around me & through me. I also know these are the times I know very little & while I do not understand the why's, I wait. Julie's words and videos are a great comfort when I am feeling this. To all those, that are also waiting, I send love.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:36 am 
Meg Meg:
"Since last night, I have been feeling energies coming not only from people, into my body, but from unseen forces."

Dear Johanna, This is something I am experiencing as well. I am doing all that I know to do & yet this continues. So, I wait & pray. I know that Light is working all around me & through me. I also know these are the times I know very little & while I do not understand the why's, I wait. Julie's words and videos are a great comfort when I am feeling this. To all those, that are also waiting, I send love.

Hello Meg -

Thank you for being here and your humility...waiting and trusting....two old friends of my soul.

Love you!

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 Post subject: Re: Boundaries and Energetic Sensitivities
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 11:48 am 

Boundaries and Energies

Questions to self for journaling:

What do we take in?

How do we protect what is inside?

What are boundaries for?

Questions origin link

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 Post subject: Re: Energetic Sensitivities and Boundaries
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:04 pm 
Energies, Emotions, and Extricating Oneself from Boundary Violations

Intense emotions and the circumstances which created them often come into this lifetime with an incarnating soul, allowing one to learn from them the lessons of life and love. What these lessons are will vary from person to person, but they are always present, even during the most painful of times. Frequently, the learning has to do with the strengthening of an inner sense of self that experiences wholeness within the self rather than seeking it without, this being the cause of many dysfunctional relationships. When this is the case, what is needed is the seeking, in all ways available, of the strengthening of oneself and the cleansing of one's emotional and physical body so that it can carry more light and so that new energetic configurations can result. There are forms of energetic healing that will help with this, and there is also often a need to change one's diet so that it supports holding greater light in the body.

In relation to extricating oneself from such longstanding patterns of engagement with another, whether a parent, child, friend, or partner, what is most important to recognize is that inner conditions of feeling and consciousness determine the outer. We are forever and at all times creating our own reality. Therefore, if one were able to change the inner conditions of emotion and reaction that have played themselves out for a very long time, the outer conditions would also change.

Intense emotions and the recurrent behaviors they lead to often have deep roots, not only when specific traumatic circumstances that we recognize have taken place and left an indelible imprint on our hearts, but also when such emotions or behaviors have played a part in our soul's history in other lifetimes, constituting a major emotional thread that binds us together with others - the victim to the oppressor, the oppressor to the victim; the rejected to the rejector, and visa versa. Often, in the course of successive lifetimes, souls have experiences with being on both sides of an equation, sometimes more on one side, sometimes more on the other.

For many reasons, then, intense emotions that repeat in the context of relationship or in response to specific types of situations can become deeply ingrained in the circuitry of the body and psyche so that they keep circulating through the emotional and spiritual bloodstream, and so they continue to act as a catalyzing force in the shaping of external reality.

In the new place of identity, instead of feeling reactive and helpless in the face of repeating patterns, one begins to feel whole, and instead of feeling at the mercy of overpowering currents that sweep through one's life, one begins to stand with God at the center, able to feel a unity of wholeness in all parts.

Read more: Ending Karmic Cycles and Post-Traumatic Stress

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:22 pm 

It's amazing how my life unfolds organically, especially in the context of today's posting on Energies and Boundaries.

First, I found a box of Mac's to help my nervous system via the eardrums, with the sounds of weed whackers, lawn mowers, and blowers which have been going since morning in the surrounding area where I live. The Mac's were not enough as the frequency of the machines is both high pitched and low base (rumbling) - so I needed to close my windows to achieve - blessed silence.

Before then, I was sitting out back - in that area I could only hear the birds with the ear plugs in, was reading and posting and my partner decided he was going to fix a chair. Bang, bang, bang, pound, pound, pound... into the house I went seeking silence. The next thing I know he is in the house banging things about in the cellar right below me. "Okay", I say, "what is it that you need from me right now?" This question came as a direct result in relation to what I am posting about.

Usually, when energetically overwhelmed by a lot of external stimuli, when something occurs in the behaviours of those closest to me at the same time, I can not differentiate what is occurring. Today, the articles I have researched for this thread are helping me immensely. I hope that they are a help to you also dear readers.

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 Post subject: Re: Energetic Sensitivities and Silence
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:32 pm

When souls can learn to dis-identify with emotional energies that are 'passing through' and to identify with the level of the soul that lives in peace and unity within the divine Oneness, the world will move to a new level of harmony and peace in our common life together. For the life of the soul is the doorway to true and lasting peace on Earth.

Photo:Heart of God shines within our own and
calls to us today.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:39 pm 
Dear Johanna,
I have to share, I laughed out loud at your post because I could also relate so well. Right before ( literally 1 minute) last week's OWM sitting..I was well prepared, in silence, in prayer waiting to log on to the phone group when the door flings open and my beloved starts to walk in to get something from a closet!!!
My reaction was one word, he looked at me and backed out immediately. Later he told me he didnt realize the time was so close & apologised.. this event was a gift, as it allowed me to "see" myself and acknowledge the fierce flash reaction I experienced. I felt anything BUT Zen in that second. Something for me to learn from because I know that without any word, just my presence of sitting, waiting, would have been enough to signal him to leave. I am learning..

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:42 pm 
Oh, SO Beautiful..Thank you, for sharing this Johanna!!

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 Post subject: Re: Energetic Sensitivities and the Boundary of Silence
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:44 pm 
The purpose of silence is to expand individual consciousness so that the human being can be nourished from a deeper source. The source is always there. Without the silence, it is often difficult to hear what it has to say because outer voices are clamoring for attention and are much easier to hear.

Avoidance of quiet has become endemic to a whole way of life for people who pride themselves on keeping busy. It has become endemic to a culture that prides itself on getting a lot done and rising on the ladder of outer success, merit, education, accomplishment, fame, etc. But there is an inner ladder of accomplishment that can never be located in this way, for it goes not up, but down - down into the depths of one's being, down into the core elements out of which one is composed, down into the subsphere of thought to the place where thought no longer matters and only 'being' becomes real. This ladder contacts the depths of the soul and brings one closer to the realm of purpose in life, and, indeed, the purpose for which each one was created. This ladder takes us away from the distractions of outer life to the quiet zone of eternity.

Silence needs to be regulated into one's life so that depth can be maintained. It needs to flow like a secret river between one's soul and the outer expression of that soul. Taking time to be silent comforts the heart, enlivens the mind, gives liberty and joie de vivre to whatever actions will be taken at other times, and brings an individual out of a more shallow existence, into a deeper knowing of themselves.

Silence translates the language of the soul into a sense of purpose and direction for one's outer activities so that meaning in all things becomes enhanced, and random gestures or actions become minimized. In this way, silence contributes to the deepening of meaning in life.

There is no way for a society to emerge into a higher state of consciousness without individuals becoming more conscious of themselves - of who they really are, not who they have been taught they are or who they imagine themselves to be. Infusing a time of silence into the atmosphere of one's life is essential to the healthy growth of the total being, just as food is essential to the healthy growth of the body. Both are needed so that the spiritual can be connected with the material, and so that all that exists within as Divine gift and talent can find a means of outer expression.

Until such time as individuals come to value themselves enough so that they preserve an element of silence within their lives, life will continue to edge toward the frivolous and superficial and away from the deep and profound.

Silence is the road toward spiritual growth, whether through quiet contemplation, meditation, or sitting by a river and watching the sky, silence reconnects man with his soul and restores the needed balance to life as it is meant to be lived.

Learn more: The Purpose of Silence

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:53 pm 
Meg Meg:
Dear Johanna,
I have to share, I laughed out loud at your post because I could also relate so well. Right before ( literally 1 minute) last week's OWM sitting..I was well prepared, in silence, in prayer waiting to log on to the phone group when the door flings open and my beloved starts to walk in to get something from a closet!!!

My reaction was one word, he looked at me and backed out immediately. Later he told me he didnt realize the time was so close & apologised.. this event was a gift, as it allowed me to "see" myself and acknowledge the fierce flash reaction I experienced. I felt anything BUT Zen in that second. Something for me to learn from because I know that without any word, just my presence of sitting, waiting, would have been enough to signal him to leave. I am learning..

Been there Meg, and it has been m-e-s-s-y!- I like how your gracefully phrase the experience as 'anything BUT Zen'!

Indeed we are on this journey - sometimes it feels to me as if in the face track - of living our truth in the moment - I feel I am tested (sometimes instantly) as to my 'truth' even more when I am seeking to live more consciously and when I share with others the stories of my path.

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