" In the times ahead, this above all will be asked of us - willing surrender to the experience of the moment. A willingness to allow what is within ourselves and outside of ourselves to be."
Part 1 , The Restoration of the Kingdom page 22
"Teaching the Heart to Sing"
Dearest Johanna, I have limited experience with that which you have described. Love and service to God in this way is beyond my human understanding. Humans, unawakened, we are frail and would not choose this service without being in alignment, heart in wholeness, with the Beloved.
Each containment leads you deeper and closer to the One..no separation; One in heart, One in breath...the greatest Love lives in you and is you. Blessed is your service Johanna. I am in awe of the depth of this Love, you and all those that give their hearts so completely carry. With deepest gratitude and love, Meg