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 Post subject: Messages of Light - SING THE SONG OF YOUR BEING
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:12 pm 

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:21 pm 

Each of you knows how you make decisions during the day. Because for every person, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of decisions that get made, moment to moment, about what you pay attention to. Everyday is like that, we are making decisions, all day, in every moment - about what to pay attention to.

So the choice is yours beloved ones, to think, whether it is important enough, to make the choice to breath, instead of doing the next thing. To make the choice for a moment of silence instead of doing the next thing. To make the choice to say a prayer - with words, without words before you pick up your cell phone. That is your choice.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 3:46 pm 

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Join us wherever you are...

One World Meditation - Wednesday, Sept. 25th - 8:30PM (EDT), 12:30AM (GMT)

Last edited by Johanna on Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: TALKS by JULIE - The SPIRITUAL and the PRACTICAL
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:12 pm 
Podcast and Transcription

The Way of Moving into the Sacred Consciousness of Life is by intention. And by taking the time to breath and allowing yourself to go deeper, inside. Ordinarily, we don't know, we are not aware, of the depth of perception, that we are capable of.

That is because life on the physical plane calls to us to interact with it so quickly. That we often, in order to speed things along, and to adapt in a practical sense, rise to the surface of ourselves. And so much that goes on during our days and activities, involves operating in a functional way, more from the surface of who we are, then from the depth.

The point of the Sacred Consciousness and where humanity is going, where we are all going, is to live from this greater depth of being, which is the truer version of who we are. Truer than the surface self. Truer than the self that is just interacting with physical or emotional events.

And so, while on the way of this journey of discovery, it's important to know that there is a deeper place and that breathing, even if only for a moment, even if only with a thought, allows you to establish a deeper connection with yourself; and from that a place to interact with the rest of life.

In the course of time and the course of separation from our holy selves, the ego has come to be dominant in our consciousness, and what that does is create the feeling, the perception that we are alone with our own particular problems and dilemmas and that we have to figure things out - on the mental level especially, we have to figure things out.

And so there arises then, a separation in our minds, between practical ordinary life and sacred spiritual life. We operate as if we are two people; one operating within a practical context, and the other operating when we arrive at that place, in relationship to God and the Holy.

This is a function of history, our personal and collective history. It's a function of where we have been, and what we have come to believe, is necessary.

So, I would like you to consider that there is nothing that is too small, or too practical to invite God into - God's presence into. There is nothing that has to go so quickly that you can't know that you are doing it from the deeper part of yourself, from the part that connects with your own wisdom, your own truth - rather than from a reflex reaction to what seems like is needed in the moment.

Emotional life plays a great part in how we, rise to the surface of ourselves, primarily through the creating of anxiety. Anxiety says I have to respond fast, and I have to protect myself and I have to take care of things on my own. That's what anxiety says. Peace says something different. Peace says there is a place of wholeness of the deeper self that can integrate everything within a sacred context. Everything. There would be nothing that would be left out of that. No task that would be too mundane. No conversation that would be too insignificant. In fact in the areas of conversations, is a particular place, where we really have the choice of talking and being with other people in our own sacred consciousness, or not. Because we can do that, especially with others independently of what anybody else is doing.

We can choose, to love another soul, whether they recognize themselves as souls or not. We can choose to be forgiving whether we are being forgiven or not, or whether we are being dealt with impatiently or not. These choices especially, come up in relation to other souls because our interactions with other human beings and for most of us, or for many of us, with non human life as well, although that may more difficult for some. To feel the love that outflows when you recognize another as a soul, and how that changes the conversation, independently of how the other is acting towards you.

Now what would be needed in order to do that? What I am speaking of is what is needed. The willingness and hopefulness to know that there's a way of wholeness that integrates the practical and the spiritual. There's a way of wholeness that makes it possible to operate as a soul in all contexts, independently, of what other people are believing, or doing. It has to do with how you hold yourself, who you believe yourself to be.

Fear comes into play here, on many levels, and we are so accustomed to fear. We can call it anxiety, but anxiety is a milder version for some, of fear. We feel fear of being rejected, we feel fear of looking foolish, we feel fear of making a mistake, We feel fear of being different of being isolated. These are the fears that are being carried on the human level that create a reluctance to add as a force, for sacred consciousness in the world. When it is not met by the resonance of vibration, content, and response from someone else. Those are the anxieties that get created. But Beloved ones, this is what we are here to do, we are here to learn how to do this. To operate from the place of wholeness in ourselves, so that life does not get separated into the practical and the spiritual. And we do not have separate periods of mediation where we feel deeply connected with our selves and the holy, and then leave and get busy and forget ourselves and become anxious, and you know the rest of that.

Click to Listen:

That is where humanity has been, and not where humanity is going. When you become sensitive to your own depth, then you can notice yourself and where you are, you can hear it the way you sound and the way you speak. You can feel it in your breath and whether you breathing is shallow or deep. And most especially, you can feel it when you ask yourself where is your heart? Where is your love? Where are deeper emotions of feeling love for life, for God, for souls, for Creation?

And if you can't find those things because it's become habitual to separate into two parts. Then even more so, do you need to put the two parts together, and find the time during the day, multiple times during the day, or however it works within your own daily life to put the two things together. So that your not dividing yourself into two parts, so that you are a unified being here to celebrate, and to reflect and embody, this life on Earth. Not just while you're here with others desiring to speak of sacred things; but while you are going shopping for food, or taking care of children, or driving, or speaking on the telephone, answering an email, doing whatever you do at work - is the time - to remember that God can be present with you in all things that you are doing. And for some, perhaps for most, there needs to be a breath. A slowing down that creates a space so that you allow yourself to remember, before you walk into a room, before you pick up a telephone to speak to someone, you can breath and say a short prayer that "God be with you and that you feel your own heart during this conversation". Before entering anything you can do that. It is a way of integrating your life, so that it becomes a seamless whole.

Most of us with the best of intentions, find that we get lost, from time to time. Because of the pulls of having to react quickly to events, and because we are polarized, that is our energy is concentrated because of our history, and what we are used to. It's concentrated on the mental level. So we have to think about what to do, because we are not connected enough, with our deeper sense of trust, being embedded in Divine Flow. We are not connected enough with that. So we have to think quickly about what to do, or how to be, or how to respond.

If the way were open, and the way is becoming open, this is the wonder of this time that we are in. The increase of Light which is present on the earth, is opening the way for every single life form that is embodied - is opening the way to feel your heart more, your heart connected with your soul more. Every single embodied living being, has a way that is more open now, to be more connected with their deeper self. Which is the soul and the messages of the soul coming through the heart.

So the way is more open, but our habitual ways of responding to life, create the same patterns of mental focus, feeling alone, needing to figure things out, operating quickly rather than taking a breath and feeling more deeply embedded within ourselves. All those are reflex reactions to one primary thing - the history of separation, so that we no longer intuitively, recognize ourselves. And I mean experientially. We can think this as a 'thought' and I am sure you do think this or we wouldn't be together in this moment. We can think that we are sacred beings but in the moment of experience to experience yourself that way, requires trust - that the Divine Imprint, the Divine Being in you - can know better how to operate in the world, then the mental focus that creates the reflex reactions that operate out of anxiety.

We have, in the course of our collective and personal history, lost contact with a part of ourselves, that is meant to guide us in every action, in every moment, in every decision. In everyone. The part of ourselves that is the Sacred and Holy portion of the Divine that we carry. [A]nd we know this, but the history we carry, the history of feeling alone, with our own problems, creates the feeling in the pressure of the moment, to separate and operate out of anxiety and a feeling of aloneness - rather than a feeling of embeddedness. And this is, this is the new paradigm, the new consciousness. And I am inviting you to open yourselves to it in every situation.

The feeling, and knowing, and experiencing of embeddedness. You are 'in' something. You are not looking at something, or regarding it from far away. You are in it. "In" Sacred Reality. But your consciousness has a history of not believing that. And so, in the moment, you may not look for that. Or you may wonder how to feel that. Whether you feel it or not, you are embedded, like a child wrapped in a blanket, you are embedded in Sacred Reality.

And while a blanket can be removed, the Sacred Reality you are in, can not be removed. You are 'in' it because that is how you are created… as a soul.

Each of you knows how you make decisions during the day. Because for every person, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands of decisions that get made, moment to moment, about what you pay attention to. Everyday is like that, we are making decisions, all day, in every moment - about what to pay attention to.

So the choice is yours beloved ones, to think, whether it is important enough, to make the choice to breath, instead of doing the next thing. To make the choice for a moment of silence instead of doing the next thing. To make the choice to say a prayer - with words, without words before you pick up your cell phone. That is your choice.

The Sacred Reality you are embedded in, will never leave you. Whatever choice you make. [But] Your consciousness of it, will be enhanced or diminished by the choices you make. And these choices go on, all day. And so, if 5 minutes, 10 minutes, an hour, 4 hours, go by and you haven't remembered to breath - consciously - breath… I am part of God, I am a Holy Being, I am breathing in the Breath of Life. That's what I mean by breath. Breathing in the Breath of Life.

So if you haven't remembered for 4 hours, then in the next hour, remember. Take a minute to be silent. Be 'with' yourself, instead of doing the next thing.

This is the way to re-integrate into you own wholeness. To remove the illusion of separation and to recognize the seamlessness and unity of the Sacred Life.

May all beings come to recognize this envelope of Holiness, and Light and Love that surrounds them. May all separation come to an end in the presence of greater Light, God's Divine and Holy Presence, on the Earth. May all that separation has given rise to in the way of many feeling alone, without help, without resources, without support, vanish in the Light of a new day. May all beings be blessed.

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 Post subject: Wednesdays with Johanna - (Closing Prayer) 9-25-2013
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:26 pm 

Blessed have I been on this day to find stillness, quietness, inner clarity and strength, and my soul's voice to share with you.

Blessed am I to have been given this day, to breath, to take my time, to wait for inspiration rather than allow mental pressure and anxiety to 'create' it.

Blessed am I to serve the Most High and the Beloved.

Blessed are you dear readers for being here with I.


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 Post subject: Messages of Light - THE MYSTERY OF YOU IS ETERNAL
PostPosted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 4:31 pm 

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna (Opening Prayer) 10-2-2013
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:02 am 

Blessed Mother and Father Creator -

InI come to you with a joyful heart on bended knees to ask for Your Guidance and Will.

Guide I in all that I write.

Guide I in choosing all the Teachings to post today.

Guide I heart to hear Your tender voices and share accordingly.

Blessed I AM - Thank you.

your Daughter.

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 Post subject: Teachings of Julie - Infinite in Light Most Holy God Awaits
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:14 am 

Infinite in light is the most holy God who awaits humanity's return with open arms.
Blessed are those who seek this path of return and the way of love which leads there.

Day 11 Reflections of Light

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 Post subject: Wednesdays with Johanna - A Day of Holiness and Song
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:27 am 

Welcome to Wednesdays with Johanna

On this Day of Holiness and Song

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Celebrating the 26th year of the Divine Reception and Writing of Teaching the Heart to Sing,with passages and quotes from Teachings the Heart to Sing during the months of October and November

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 Post subject: LightOmega12 - Devi Prayer - Hymn to the Divine Mother
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:36 am 

Devi Prayer - Hymn to the Divine Mother

Teaching my heart to sing... one of the songs of my heart.

Here's the link if you need it:

Devi Prayer - Hymn to the Divine Mother ... Z0h1sb1IFI

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 Post subject: TEACHING THE HEART TO SING - Introduction
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:45 am 

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This is a work brought into manifestation by we of the angelic realm-the collective Mind of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel and the superconscious mind of one who has been willing to receive our message and to act as translator and co-creator. We bring to the Earth at this time many messages of hope and of new vision, that those who have waited for so long for a sign of the celestial hierarchies may know that we are indeed real, and intently concerned with the growth and development of the Earth. Our message is broadcast to all who would receive it, and we invite each heart that reads these words to open more fully to the spiritual reality that is being revealed.

For you, Beloveds, are the ones for whom we have waited throughout time, till that day upon which you would awaken to the truth of your inner being-of your Divine nature. That time of waiting is coming to an end and we joyously anticipate the moment in which we will begin our journey together in creating light and life. A journey beyond the wildest dreams of possibility for many of you, yet one which will indeed, be undertaken by all.

We come to you in peace and love and offer you our deepest blessings, Beloveds, for this journey is about to begin.

From the Realms of Light
October, 1987
Published 1989

To view quotes from the book Teaching the Heart to Sing:
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 Post subject: A few words about today's energies...
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:08 pm 

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For the last few days InI have been feeling immense joy about today's Wednesday with Johanna. This morning, I awoke with intense contractive energies around my body, mind, my heart, and spirit. These energies are as a vice-grip, and are not unknown to me. I have served to contain and at times, transform energies such as these before. The transformation comes from the ability to withstand - WITH GOD - the energies and to not lose hope... to remember that the LIGHT is REAL not the contractive energies.

This is what is meant to 'be' in the moment...

Whatever will 'be' will 'be'.

Thy Will not thine be done.


Last edited by Johanna on Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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