Namaste, dear Johanna, My heart is grateful for you sharing your journey and abiding love for the Beloved.
You have expressed so beautifully the dichotomy of being an awakening soul. It took me many, many years to make the choice to feel the world around me because it was all too much. Too much to feel, to process, to navigate through because to do so, while separated, was to travel clothed in the world's clothing & not in God's. While the mind distorted the truth in order for me to stay longer, the body never lied. It was my body speaking to me over many years in the forms of illness or "accidents" that called me back to pursue the inner journey.
God puts the perfect teachers in our path exactly at the right time. I was being drawn deeper into healing, into Oneness & to fulfill my reason for being & so I was led to Julie.
During difficult times, the teachings she has brought forth have echoed in my heart, bringing me back, restoring hope, reassuring me as I was (& am being) reminded of who I am, who I have always been no matter what clothing I wore. It is as you have said, Johanna, of living in each moment. I found I am bearing the immense challenge of this life by embracing that in each moment I can begin again, fresh. Detaching from judgment of what I should have done.
Yes, there are times I trip, I forget but now I am always brought back because like you and so many, I don't stop reaching out. I will never stop reaching, calling & clinging to what is truth for me. It is my connection to what is truly real.
Am I tested? Yes, I am, as we all are. This will sound strange perhaps, but I can detect a little glimmer of what feels like happiness now when I fall short. I think it is because now I really know I can begin again & again!! The journey will take me however it takes. I will choose to begin again, it is my choice, it is a choice presented to all of us no matter what reality is presented. Knowing this doesn't mean I won't need a reminder. This is another reason why I am grateful for this forum.
It is the prayer of my heart that all of us making our way through the day to day find support, nourishment and love to sustain them. One cannot avoid the present suffering around us as it is continually makes itself present, asking us to open our hearts. This is a journey made easier, more joyful & hopeful when we can say, oh you felt that too..? I am not different from you, I've felt that way & here I am on the other side of the world!! I may speak a different language, I may call the Beloved a different name..& yet we are the same. The same pain, the same love, the same longing, one of the same heart. I am so thankful for this opening you have lovingly brought forth, Johanna. Thank you.
With love, Meg
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