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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:18 pm 
Thank you so much for your answer, I do understand what you are saying and I didnt realize that I must have some hope otherwise I wouldn't have found Julie or you. Why do these negative forces occur and where to they come from? I actually feel like it is something taking over my whole entire being, most days after work I will just go home and get into bed for the night just to end the day and i feel as if nothing could penetrate the negativity around me. The hardest part is that I want so badly to be happy I just don't know how.Is it normal to feel like everyday is the same and there are no changes? I can't explain it very well, but I dread waking up every morning. The only time i have peace is when I am in my dreams.In Julie's post she writes "Recognize what you are truly seeking, for your Beloved is not only the one whom you have loved in this present life who is now gone. It is also the One who holds all within Itself - God who is Love" I dont understand what this means? I know that the love I felt for robert is still in my heart of course, but now that he's gone I don't get to feel his love in return and he was the first man I had true love with and of course he is taken from me right in front of me, I was with him when he passed.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:33 pm 
Dear Beloved One (kth),

There is much for you to learn about love and about how the love you had with one can be shared by so many more and in the same intensity and joy. This is not something you have had experience with, but it is something you could begin to be open to. Love is much vaster than you have known, and it is the cover of darkness that operates like a shroud to keep you day after day feeling the absence of love and the absence of hope. This is why you do not wish to get up in the morning.

Your natural being, without the presence of darkness, is not this. It is not without hope. It is joyful, even if it does not know what the new day will bring. Learn about light and darkness and how the latter has been influencing you, and receive the blessings of this present moment.

All blessings, Julie and the Realms of Light

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 2:52 pm 
but how do you get rid of the darkness? if its true that our natural being is joyful than why can't I feel joy? none of this makes sense to me which is why I know I can't come out of this

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:02 pm 
Dear KTH -

I was answering your questions from earlier when I came back to post them, I found the blessed dialogue between you, Beloved Julie and the Realms of Light.

I will post the answers after your dialogue with Beloved Julie and the Realms of Light is completed.

Blessings and love.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:27 pm 
Dear Beloved One, (kth)

This is a deeply important question that you ask, namely, "how do I understand something that I don't understand?" You ask it in relation to darkness, but it is a question that human beings have about many things in the spiritual realms. Ask to know the answer to this question, believing that you can learn the answer because it already lives within you. This is the way of opening to truth. There must first be a willingness, however small, to open in this way, and then you must pray and ask for guidance from the Divine within you. Ask to understand how darkness is influencing you and what it is in relation to light, and you will begin to learn.

Prayer is an important vehicle for coming to understand what one does not understand. At the same time, you can support your understanding on the mental level by reading about basic concepts of purification - This will give ideas to your mind while prayer brings deeper truths to your heart.

All blessings - Julie and the Realms of Light, with gratitude for your sharing yourself in this way

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna - Grief, Darkness and Hope
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:32 pm 
Johanna thank you so much for this opportunity to ask you questions. I am trying so hard to find peace in my life without drugs and alcohol and its been an 8 year struggle for me.

It is my perception that ironically, the relief you may seek through the drugs and alcohol have created a strengthening of the walls of emotional grief and turmoil around your heart which keep you from being able to perceive your beloved. Also, by using substances which create separation and unconsciousness - the forces of darkness are able to torment you as your conscious self is more vulnerable and less able to connect with your heart.

You share with me it has been an 8 year struggle to let go of self destructive were seeking to destroy you blessed embodied self before your beloved left.

My boyfriend died this past January which sent me into a 6 month depression and drug and alcohol binge.

To lose your beloved is a great grief. To lose the physical relationship of being in each others physical presence. To lose the ability to touch, see, hear, and smell tour beloved is a great loss to the physical self. AND we have another sense - our sense of perceiving which can occur through the heart and the soul.

We can, embodied feel as if with the loss of the embodied other, that we are alone - and I feel the deep truth of the physical reality and know that there is another reality - the reality of the heart being forever connected to our beloveds.

Each of us must go through this journey of losing in the 'physical realm of time and space' those who are embodied with us. All of us must go through this. This is the risk we all take when we love, we give birth - when we become friends, husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends, lovers - when we LOVE in an embodied state.

I don't feel Robert around me ever and I talk out loud to him all the time.

I can only share from personal experience on this. If we are polluting our sacred vehicles of consciousness with toxic substances, than the vehicles ability to do its energetic work shuts down. That is why the first step will be to detox yourself. In steps - gently.

Secondly, grief itself, when we align with the emotion and forget the truth of who we are as a soul - can create its own prison cell where we can feel isolated and cannot perceive of feel love. This includes Robert.

I had an experience after going through the Purification Process of perceiving my Father some time after his death. My Father in his last years, was disappointed in me. He had hopes and aspirations of what he thought I should be, believing if I was able to be this way, that I might find happiness.

He left me a letter saying as much to be given to me after his death. I felt the deep pain of not being able to have a conversation about this with my Father. I felt that his death prevented us being able to ever communicate again.

One night I was in front of my altar, praying and meditating. In the depth of the meditation portion, my Father came through. Till this day I cannot explain to you in words how my heart and soul knew, without a doubt that this was my Father. And he said to me, "I am sorry, I never understood what your life was about. Now that I am here, I can see it all, I can see who you are, why you are going through your life as you are. I am sorry."

I began weeping profusely, for this message from my Father, and as I was receiving it, I could feel him as if he was right next to me, speaking in my ear, was life changing.

Will you have this sort of experience? I don't know. What I do know, that if you are in a state of torment, being tormented whilst using drugs or alcohol, or a state of aligning with the grief so deeply that you cannot perceive of feel anything else - you create a block for the POSSIBILITY of the experience occurring.

If I would give you advice, continue to speak with him as if he is 'with' you, for he is.

I just want to know if our loved ones that have passed over can hear and see us?

I feel I just answered my experience of your question above.

One a side note, I used to say to my mother, "you know even when you leave, when you die, I am still going to be able to know you are with me". And she would shoo away my words. Recently she has been saying as she becomes more elderly, "You know I will always be with you, I might have to knock over a vase or something to let you know, and I laugh and say "And you know I am the one who will know it is you!".

I feel like half of me is gone and the emptiness I feel is almost too much to bear.

I have felt that loneliness in a reverse sort of way love. I felt the emptiness all my life, and engaged in drug abuse, alcohol abuse and other forms of seeking to evade the unendurable pain of being without my beloved. I went through an intense purification of the emptiness and pain, and with Beloved Julies help and teachings, I have come out on the other side.

I met my beloved after waiting 48 years after going to New Orleans, after Hurricane Katrina, to help in the cleanup and recovery process. Part of my wanting to help others was that my grief and loneliness was so profound. In helping those who lost their homes and loved ones, I was given such an incredible gift by the beautiful people of New Orleans, especially those living in the 7th Ward, I was given the gift of profound wisdom and strength in the presence of devastating grief and pain. Wisdom, strength, integrity, faith in the presence of loss, pain and devastation - all these gifts were given to me...

Ive dealt with suicidal thinking for years and made an attempt after his death.

I know through personal experience, the level of pain people who are contemplating suicide go through. The levels of hopelessness and pain which led you to that attempt, and the forces within you that tormented you to the point where you felt this was a viable option to stop the pain. I am 'with' you. Know that. You know now, since you reached out to me - that something has changed in your life - that you are no longer invisible in your pain.

Everyone says things get better in time but for me everyday is the same.

It is my perception that this experience of 'everyday being the same' is because you are in a spiritual limbo. You are not ready to move forward in life, because of your beloveds death, that something is missing, and so, you are in a period of stasis - where everything has stopped. And when all the outside activities stop - there is only the pain.

I want you to know love - that I have taken the time to answer all your questions for a few reasons.

Right now you are so very fragile and isolated in your grief. As such, I am hoping that my words which you can read over and over again when the grief cycles in intensity and it will help you to remember you are not your grief. Your grief is something you are experiencing as a soul.

I am also feeling that your bringing your experience and pain here today, is your soul reaching out - struggling not only to shine again as it is meant to, but to reach out to others, to show the way - to show others that they are not alone in their pain. And I thank you for honouring me in this way, for perceiving the light and love in me. For perceiving the LIGHT and LOVE Beloved Julie has anchored on this forum.

I try so hard to monitor my thinking but my negative and destructive thoughts always take over.

As I shared in my previous answer, I feel when we are in pain, we can become more susceptible to negative and destructive forces seeking to align with our pain as well as get into an energetic loop of sorts in which we feed off of this pain and re-create it. In this case, your grief I believe, becomes your new relationship with Robert.

This is why it is necessary to find people, sacred teachings, and spiritual practices which can help us lift ourselves above the negative vibrations which can take such a hold on us and torment us through our mind and emotions.

How can I start to heal when deep down I don't have any hope for myself?

You have begun your healing process today. The moment you reached out and wrote this question to me love. In that moment - even though it was a tiny flutter of hope - you reached out.

You started to heal in that very moment.


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 Post subject: Purification Process and Maintaining Light
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:52 pm 
File comment: Artwork by Daniel Holeman

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Awareness offers choice;
Choice offers the way of return.



Many experience negative emotions such as discouragement, hopelessness, anxiety, or depression without knowing how to transform them or how to separate from them.  This difficulty presents itself because emotions are rooted in the body.  They are felt as bodily sensations that seem impossible to ignore.  In addition, most emotional states communicate themselves to the mind as ‘inevitable’, that is, they seem entirely justified by the circumstances one is dealing with or the situations one has lived through.  This sense of inevitability concerning what one is feeling must be overcome in order to separate from emotions and to know that a choice is possible with respect to what one feels.



Artwork by Daniel Holeman

Last edited by Johanna on Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna - Truth Will Break Free
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:01 pm 
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For kth92485

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 Post subject: Wednesday with Johanna - Light Omega Website News
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:07 pm 
Light Omega Website Updated!

There is a way in which I feel so nourished, spiritually fed by the Light Omega Website - and now it has been updated! A feast for my eyes, not only in text,, but in layout, and colour! Each week I access the Light Omega Websitefor teachings and quotes which I post not he Wenesdays with Johanna thread.

What is amazing to me about Beloved Julie, and has been since during the time I have been 'with' her (1993, I am blessed with 20 years this year!), is that she gives freely from her heart, 90% of her teachings, asking a small donation for books and calendars. Copious amounts of profound, depth filled, life changing, self and soul redeeming teachings, there for all who would find them, all for the 'choice' of donating.

This is how I have known Beloved Julie. She is the only Spiritual Teacher and Holy person representing the teachings of the Christ and God - who has never based seeing me on my having money to pay her - most of my 20 years I have been in a mendicant state - and even whilst seeing me for sessions often 2 - 3 times a week, and Gatherings and special teaching events, it was Beloved Julie who seeing my need, offered my the gifts of money, for food, rent, bills and to survive, when I was going through times of suffering and limitation.

Blessed am I to have such a Teacher. Blessed am I to be seen as beloved by the Beloved - to be nourished and fed… as we all are by her teachings and love.

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:11 pm 
I can't thank you enough for taking the time to help me. I will be reading your responses over and over. I can't believe I never thought that the drugs and alcohol were hurting me because the relief from pain was all I ever wanted. you were right when you said that I had been self destructive even before my love died (he died due to his own drug addiction to pain pills) I was sexually abused as a child and I think this is when the darkness entered my life and it became necessary for me to do drugs to not feel the pain.

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 Post subject: Wednesdays with Johanna - One World Meditation Tonight
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:15 pm 

MEDITATION for Prescott, AZ
19 Firefighters lost in blaze

Wed., July 3rd, 8:30PM (EDT), 12:30AM (GMT)

RESPONSE OF LIGHT in conjunction with One World Meditations

Beloved Ones,

We are asked to join our hearts with those grieving the loss of the 19 firefighters who were caught in a wildfire on Sunday that they were trying to control in an area northwest of Phoenix, AZ. We send light to the families of those lost, to the community, and to the souls in transition that their passage may be eased.

To all who are taking part, all blessings and gratitude - Julie

About the purification of the Earth:

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 Post subject: Re: Wednesdays with Johanna
PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:18 pm 
kth92485 kth92485:
I can't thank you enough for taking the time to help me. I will be reading your responses over and over. I can't believe I never thought that the drugs and alcohol were hurting me because the relief from pain was all I ever wanted. you were right when you said that I had been self destructive even before my love died (he died due to his own drug addiction to pain pills) I was sexually abused as a child and I think this is when the darkness entered my life and it became necessary for me to do drugs to not feel the pain.

It's time to awaken again my love, after a long sleep, it is time to awaken.

All the resources you need are now awaiting you to help you heal.

Blessings and love.

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