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 Post subject: Guided Meditation Practices by Julie
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:17 pm 
Welcome to a special sacred space to come to when you are in need of a Spiritual Alignment.

Click to listen to a MP3 meditation.

Click on one of LightOmega12's spiritual youtube meditations if you are in need of an audio meditation.

Visualize a mandella or sacred vision. (Future).

Dance to a sacred prayer.

Or chant a sacred mantra mantra in stillness and silence.

I have also posted this thread for those of you who find comfort and peace when listening to a guided mediation by Beloved Julie. If you are energetically sensitive like myself, you will find that the sound - resonance - of her voice and the vibration of Light which she is, will help immensely in times of stress, energetic overwhelm or chaos.

May Peace be with you.


Last edited by Johanna on Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:08 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Guided Meditation - PRACTICE OF ALIGNMENT (audio)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:39 pm 

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To begin with, sit with your back straight, eyes closed, and breathe slowly and quietly, with your hand, palm down, over your heart center in the center of your chest. Let your breathing deepen and become more relaxed.

Now, visualize a column of light coming down from the cosmos above your head, descending through the top of your head and down your spine, filling your heart, and extending down to the soles of your feet. Feel that this column of light is unending. It is limitless support from God and from the realms of Light.

Breathe in light through the top of your head. With each in-breath, know that you are breathing in God's light and that each breath is strengthening this connection. This light is limitless. It can be drawn upon over and over again. Feel the warmth of your hand on your heart and breathe light into your heart as well. Sit, breathe, feel light moving through you, infusing you with God's breath. Breathe like this for a few moments.

Now, pay attention to the exhale of each breath. As you exhale, release all that is not of the light within you, all that limits you, all that prevents you from drawing closer to God. Release fear, anger, despair, sorrow - release all limitation into the greater light of God that can absorb it and in which it dissolves. Exhale all that holds you back, all that separates you... Continue breathing for several more moments, focusing on the in-breath that draws greater light into your body and consciousness, and on the out-breath that lets go of all that needs to be released.

Become aware of your in-breath and your out-breath. Become aware of the breath of God moving through you. As this meditation comes to a close, give thanks to God for the gift of light and breath and for the help that is given.


Note: This practice should be done daily for maximum benefit, preferably at the same time of day, or, it can be done in shorter form throughout the day. Alignment is the central axis of a spiritual practice that seeks to incorporate more light into one's being for purposes of individual transformation and service to the earth. The more it is practiced, the more will a pathway of light be created through all levels of one's being.

Practice of Alignment by Julie - Audio page link: ... Audio.html
Calendar of Light -

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 1:56 pm 

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Daniel B. Holeman - Meditator.jpeg
Daniel B. Holeman - Meditator.jpeg [ 75.88 KiB | Viewed 30319 times ]

Alignment - Connecting With the Divine

The Sacred Practice of Alignment


In the language of light, and with the understanding that life is filled with the mystery of seen and unseen worlds, ‘alignment’ is a practice which allows us to participate in the greater life of the spiritual universe by reaching toward the higher dimensions of light and by bringing light through from these dimensions into the physical reality in which we live. As we do this, we become more able to commune with God’s love, light, and truth, and more able to experience ourselves in the larger context of the soul. Alignment creates a bridge between the purely spiritual part of our being and the physical. What is transmitted in the way of light along this bridge depends upon how clear we are in our energy, how much we have become able to free ourselves of both inner and outer darkness, and how open and desiring we are to become an instrument of divine Will and Intention.

A central part of the practice of alignment has to do with the breath. It is based on the understanding that breath is more than the taking in of physical air in order to bring oxygen to our blood and lungs. Breath is that, but it is also the carrier of light, and in that sense it is a sacred messenger which can infuse us with light, restoring and rejuvenating the body, heart, and mind when we need it, and maintaining us in a physical-spiritual equilibrium at all times. This kind of equilibrium is something we know little of today. However, as the body becomes increasingly capable of holding light, it will be understood that the spiritual-physical equilibrium that is maintained by the practice of alignment is how we are meant to live on the Earth. It creates within us, the possibility for experiencing ourselves as sacred beings and for bringing to humanity and to each other the same truth.

The practice of alignment is less a technique than a way of being; less a tool, than a form of prayer. In essence, it asks God and the higher realms to bring us into accordance with higher Will and sacred Intention so that we can serve the purpose of our soul and of Divine intentionality – the purpose for which we came to the Earth. Each breath that we take can be the expression of this prayer – "God, make me an instrument of Thy will." Each breath can also be in service to the Earth so that we become able, as children of God, to bring to others and to the planet, that which will help it heal and that which will bring it more fully into the realms of love and light.

Where negative or discordant energies in the past may have entered the physical structure of our body, causing symptoms and areas of discomfort of various kinds, alignment with light and with Divine intention also opens us further to healing on the physical plane. It erases any negative or fearful energy that we carry before it has a chance to become embedded in our physical or emotional being, preserving health, and preventing symptoms from occurring. Today, this whole process is being made much easier by the greater presence of light on Earth, and any person who seeks a way of expanding their awareness will find it easier to do than it would have been at any time in the past.

Though darkness upon the Earth is affecting the lives of a great many today with a great cost in sorrow and in human suffering, in the midst of this a new reality is being born. This new and sacred reality is asking us whether we are ready to step out of all previous identities we have held and that others have held for us, so that in the presence of greater light we can discover something that is more real about ourselves than we have known, and something that is more central to our hearts than we would have suspected. ... nment.html

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Sep 18, 2013 3:54 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Guided Meditation - PRACTICE OF PEACE (audio)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:05 pm 


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To begin with, sit with your back straight and breathe slowly and gently. Let your breathing be deep and feel, as you breathe, that you are breathing in God's breath, the source of life. You are also breathing in God's love – the feeling that no matter what appears to be going on, you are securely held in God. For this reason nothing terrible can happen to you, for you are held in God's love.

As you breathe, breathe in that love from a vast ocean of rose-colored light that is everywhere around you, above you, and below you. This gentle light flows through you, descending through the top of your head, down your spine, and also flows around your shoulders and body so that it is both inside and outside at the same time. Feel this for a few moments.

Now, place your hand, palm down over your heart center, and draw the rose-colored light into your heart. Let it calm and soothe you. Let it comfort you, as if your heart were a small child being gently held and tenderly loved. Let it bring to your heart the knowing that you are being taken care of - that all is well. Remain with this for a few moments.

From your heart, bring the rose-colored light down to your stomach or belly, a place where energies of fear often collect and can be felt most strongly. Let the light move from your heart through your solar plexus, to your belly, to soothe and calm any churning or anxiety you may feel there. Even if you still feel the churning in your stomach and even if you still feel the fear in your heart, stay connected to the light that is bringing you the energy of God's love. Let it wash through you. Let it fill every cell of your being. Let it extend down to your toes and come back up again, inserting itself into every particle of your body. Continue to breathe with this for a few moments.

Now, focus your attention on your heart again as you breathe slowly and deeply. Picture your heart as shining with rose-colored light. Imagine the light growing brighter, stronger. Now, repeat this to your heart:

I am not my fear.

My fear is a feeling passing through me.

I will let it pass and watch it as it goes by.

Fear cannot consume me for I am of the light.

I am a child of God. I am not my fear

Let these words remain in your consciousness for a few moments as you repeat them several times to yourself.
Now, breathe gently, and as this meditation comes to a close, thank God for the help that is given. Ask that this help continue. Breathe. and let the meditation come to an end.

The Practice of Peace
(from the "Calendar of Light")

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 Post subject: Guided Meditation - PRACTICE OF ALIGNMENT (video)
PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:10 pm 


To begin with, sit with your back straight, eyes closed, and breathe slowly and quietly, with your hand, palm down, over your heart center in the center of your chest. Let your breathing deepen and become more relaxed.

Now, visualize a column of light coming down from the cosmos above your head, descending through the top of your head and down your spine, filling your heart, and extending down to the soles of your feet. Feel that this column of light is unending. It is limitless support from God and from the realms of Light.

Breathe in light through the top of your head. With each in-breath, know that you are breathing in God's light and that each breath is strengthening this connection. This light is limitless. It can be drawn upon over and over again. Feel the warmth of your hand on your heart and breathe light into your heart as well. Sit, breathe, feel light moving through you, infusing you with God's breath. Breathe like this for a few moments.

Now, pay attention to the exhale of each breath. As you exhale, release all that is not of the light within you, all that limits you, all that prevents you from drawing closer to God. Release fear, anger, despair, sorrow - release all limitation into the greater light of God that can absorb it and in which it dissolves. Exhale all that holds you back, all that separates you... Continue breathing for several more moments, focusing on the in-breath that draws greater light into your body and consciousness, and on the out-breath that lets go of all that needs to be released.

Become aware of your in-breath and your out-breath. Become aware of the breath of God moving through you. As this meditation comes to a close, give thanks to God for the gift of light and breath and for the help that is given.


Note: This practice should be done daily for maximum benefit, preferably at the same time of day, or, it can be done in shorter form throughout the day. Alignment is the central axis of a spiritual practice that seeks to incorporate more light into one's being for purposes of individual transformation and service to the earth. The more it is practiced, the more will a pathway of light be created through all levels of one's being.

Practice of Alignment - Audio page link: ... Audio.html
Practice of Alignment - YouTube link:

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 Post subject: Meditation Practices: 5 Minute Meditation on the ONE BREATH
PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 8:55 pm 

Sit quietly with back straight, hands relaxed, and breathe. Any place, any time.


I breathe in the One Breath.

I breathe in the One Light.

I am connected to the Breath of the Universe.

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 Post subject: Meditation Practice - LightOmega12 - GOD THE MOTHER
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:57 am 

I am the nameless One.
Mother of the Presence.
Divine heavenly Oneness.

I cannot be seen except through
Oneness where I am.

Need the link?

Light of the Presence - God the Mother

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 Post subject: Meditation Practices by Julie - Trust the pathway you are on
PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 4:19 pm 

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 Post subject: Meditation Practices by Julie - Flame of Hope
PostPosted: Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:37 am 

Hope carries the future into being.

It creates life with invisible seeds where no seeds would seem to grow.

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 Post subject: Meditation Practices by Julie - Taking Time for the Sacred
PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2013 12:05 pm 
At a time of great intensity in life, when there are countless pressures externally and also pressures from within to meet diverse and sometimes conflicting goals, it is often hard to take time for the sacred. Often, one feels that the sacred must wait until more time is present in life, until one is less burdened with practical concerns, until, until... The list is often a long one.

Time for the sacred may be fifteen or twenty minutes each day of silent turning inward toward the Divine in life, even if that Divine has not been defined in any articulate way; even if its Presence may still be a mystery. Just turning within and asking to be shown the way toward the deeper self, the higher self, can make inroads into consciousness so that new experiences can appear, one's breathing can become easier, decisions that are important can be made with greater clarity, and a sense of purpose can be found where one may have been lacking before. Taking time for the sacred can become the basis of a life lived from one's spiritual center.

Here are some things that can be done on a daily basis to help define sacred time:

1. Create an altar that will be the center, for you, of a sacred space. A table, shelf, or plank of wood with a candle on it, placed on a clean white cloth or cloth napkin can be the beginning.

OEA - What a sacred altar may look like.jpeg
OEA - What a sacred altar may look like.jpeg [ 60.51 KiB | Viewed 28344 times ]

2. Determine to sit in front of your altar at least ten minutes each day. If there are children around whose needs must be met, make provision for them in advance so that you can have this quiet time.

3. When sitting at your altar. Take three very deep breaths, slowly inhaling, slowly exhaling. Then say a simple prayer of your own choosing that can be used like a mantra - a repetitive thought that you can come back to again and again. Here is an all-purpose prayer that can accompany you in the silence: "May the light of God (or, the One) be with me. May all healing that needs to happen begin. May my heart open to the truth of God's love (or Divine love)." While sitting in silence, if your mind drifts away, come back to the prayer again and again.

4. On days when it is not possible to sit in front of your altar, wherever you are, try to step aside from what you are doing for five or ten minutes in the morning and afternoon so that you can breathe and focus on your inner prayer. Let the attunement become a regular part of your day, much like preparing meals or eating is also a regular part.

5. Before going to sleep, say another prayer, for example: May my heart open in love and gratitude for the blessings of each day.

These simple acts of attunement can be the beginning of a spiritual practice that can take you much further in the direction of opening to the reality that lies behind the physical. At the same time, they can help you to feel more clear, peaceful, and joyful about going through each 'ordinary' day, making it special simply because you are more awake.

Blessings. May the light of the One be with you.

(This is a prayer that can also be said silently when you wish to bless someone else.)

Last edited by Johanna on Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Meditation for the New Year - 2014 - The Out Breath of God
PostPosted: Fri Dec 27, 2013 4:23 pm 

Dear Beloved Ones,

As the year draws to a close, let us take an in-breath together that we may draw to ourselves all that has been manifested during the time of waiting in the past few years, all that has remained contracted, or difficult, or unresolvable, and let us prepare for an out-breath in which all such manifestation can be released into the new air of the new year.

This out-breath shall bring to us the possibility for new beginnings in areas where no new energy seemed to be available or able to penetrate present obstacles. It shall bring to us the possibility for new hope in the triumph of light over darkness and trust over mistrust and doubt.

For the era of doubt and mistrust has been greatly amplified by the period of contraction that a great many have lived through in recent years through no fault of their own, but only because of the balance of light and dark energies upon and within the Earth itself. Now that balance shall change.

Such is the time that we are moving into, and such is God's promise to the children of the Earth, that out of darkness new light would break forth, and its rays would shine like the noonday sun in an otherwise darkened world. Blessings and amen.

May the new year bring peace and hope to a world that has waited long for these.


Note from Johanna:

This meditation was sourced through the Light Omega NewsLetter if you wish to subscribe click this link:

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 Post subject: The Luminous Space of Inner Being - A Meditation
PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:23 pm 

The Luminous Space of Inner Being - A Meditation

click to listen

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The Luminous Space of Inner Being - A Meditation
The path to the recognition of your inner being is open.
It exists within each one as a space of luminous light that is home.
(Feb. 16, 2014)

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