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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:35 pm 

‘All is Energy’

“A new perspective is emerging concerning the nature of interconnected reality and it is one of our continual relationship with all that is.
This is not just a metaphysical concept, however, but an energetic reality that we become more aware of as light within us increases.”

Julie (GurujiMa)
June 9, 2013

Note: Julie of Light Omega received the new name of Guruji-Ma from the Divine in August, 2018.
In August 2019 she received guidance to omit the hyphen in the spelling of her name.
This is why you may notice her name in several ways in conjunction with books and audios produced at that time.

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:44 pm 

‘Coming Home to Yourself’

"There is a place within us that is of peace, innocence, and a sense of belonging to ourselves and to the universe.
This is our spiritual home and the path is open to it." Julie of Light Omega (GurujiMa) February 9, 2014

Note: Julie of Light Omega received the new name of Guruji-Ma from the Divine in August, 2018.
In August 2019 she received guidance to omit the hyphen in the spelling of her name.
This is why you may notice her name in several ways in conjunction with books and audios produced at that time.

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 10:50 pm 

‘Caring for Your Light-body’

“The Earth is changing in its physical/energetic structure, and along with it,
all who inhabit bodies are moving into a higher vibration of light.” Julie of Light Omega (GurujiMa) March 25, 2014

Note: Julie of Light Omega received the new name of Guruji-Ma from the Divine in August, 2018.
In August 2019 she received guidance to omit the hyphen in the spelling of her name.
This is why you may notice her name in several ways in conjunction with books and audio produced at that time.

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Thu Oct 01, 2020 11:16 pm 

‘Everything is Energy’

“The energetic impact of each living, breathing organism is great because each is part of a vast network of vibrating energy… There is no possibility of not having an impact on this network, since as long as one is alive within physical form, it automatically places one within what is a vibrating whole.”

.        Everything is Energy- GurujiMa -
. Everything is Energy- GurujiMa - [ 39.01 KiB | Viewed 20721 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 9:10 am 

Energetic Influences on Depression and Despair

"Depression, despair, and what is called the 'dark night of the soul' are often spiritual phenomena,
originating from the movement of energies that seek release in order that healing may take place." GurujiMa

.            Energetic Influences on Depression and Despair -GurujiMa -
. Energetic Influences on Depression and Despair -GurujiMa - [ 20.24 KiB | Viewed 20710 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 9:27 am 

"...Today, as many suffer from physical symptoms that have both diagnosed and undiagnosed origins, it is important to understand that there is no physical symptom, issue, or problem that cannot be changed by altering the energetic conditions that produce it, as well as the conditions of consciousness that give rise to it.

All symptoms that arise within the physical level of our being represent part of a healing theme or area of healing that our soul has chosen to take on prior to taking birth. It is not that the precise symptom is chosen, but rather that the area of vulnerability on the physical level represents an energetic limitation within the energy body, as well as a limitation in consciousness. In both cases, spiritual light which maintains the physical body in its corporeal life has become blocked or constrained.

In addition to having chosen healing themes prior to taking birth which manifest later on as physical symptoms, there are also energies of separation or opposition to light that many experience, whether they come from within one’s own energy body or from something external to the self. These energies can appear within a single lifetime and be related to one’s spiritual purpose during that lifetime, or they can transfer from lifetime to lifetime. Such energies may lay dormant for a long while, only to emerge when there is greater light present. This light allows greater healing to take place, and the energies of opposition to activate and become more visible. Though energies of opposition to light are part of the cosmic picture of Creation, they are often experienced as belonging to the self, not as external to the self.

This is the case with many of us today. Energies of opposition to light that have been dormant for some time, as a result of activation by greater light on the Earth, often create symptoms through a direct influence upon the physical body. (Remember that the energy body and the physical body are not separate from each other, but rather interpenetrate each other). As a result, it is sometimes difficult to tell whether a physical symptom that arises should be approached as a physical-level problem or as one that has been introduced from a different level, the level of energy. Such energies of opposition are not personal, though they may be experienced as such. They are part of Creation and of the drama of light and darkness interacting on the physical plane. Energies that are not light influence far more of our individual and collective functioning than we have heretofore been aware of..."

Please continue reading GurujiMa's teaching on 'Energetic Influences on the Creation of Physical Symptoms' by following this link:

.                        Energetic Influences on the Creation of Physical Symptoms - GurujiMa
. Energetic Influences on the Creation of Physical Symptoms - GurujiMa [ 51.86 KiB | Viewed 20710 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:30 am 

‘Longing for Experience of the Divine’
by GurujiMa
(July 20, 2019)

“Thinking something is not the same as experiencing it. Knowing something is not the same as feeling it. And yet there are gradations of knowing, of feeling, and of experiencing that blend with thought, or that alternate with thought, or that take the place of thought for periods of time, and then once again become submerged in mental activity.

This is the natural flow of spiritual growth and also the dilemma of spiritual growth — that we often start out with ideas about spiritual reality and must wait sometimes for years before we have an experiential glimpse of its truth.

So many long for an experience of the Divine. We keep thoughts, concepts, and principles with us like treasured objects in luggage that we carry around, not putting this luggage down, but not absorbing its contents either. It is so often a question of how we can remove a concept from our mind and place it in our body or heart where it will feel more real and alive to us.

This is the natural flow of spiritual growth and also the dilemma of spiritual growth — that we often start out with ideas about spiritual reality and must wait sometimes for years before we have an experiential glimpse of its truth.

Yet, the heart and body know what the mind may not register. The heart’s intuition, for example, may not easily translate into words that can reassure the mind. One must have patience to sustain oneself during the time before concepts become an experiential reality, patience and confidence that what one sets one’s intention toward, what one longs for with a whole heart, will one day become the experience that is awaited.”

.                  Longing for the Experience of the Divine – GurujiMa-
. Longing for the Experience of the Divine – GurujiMa- [ 20.83 KiB | Viewed 20649 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 8:10 am 

‘What the Mind Needs to Know’
October 10, 2020

‘Needing to know’ is often the basis for our entire feeling of safety in life,
our entire way of navigating through difficult times, emotional turbulence, and unexpected crises.
We cling to knowledge on the mental level because we have lost our anchor in the deeper knowing of the Eternal.

“What does your mind need to know and how strongly do you believe you need to know this? For many in the West who have grown up with a rational, scientific mentality as the basis for knowledge and for security, having a rational explanation for things is simply taken for granted as a natural human need. A ‘mystical’ explanation, for example, will not do. But what does the mind really need to know? This is a question that is answered differently in the East, where the rational and scientific orientation toward reality often becomes subservient to a more devotional and sacred perspective. The latter allows the Divine to enter the picture as Creator and Cause, often without the understanding that the mind may seek. From this perspective, the Divine is seen as holding the knowledge that is not accessible to the mind, but that may, at times, be accessible to the spiritual senses.

We, in the West, are hungry for knowledge that we can feel, smell, touch, and, speaking in scientific terms, observe and have confirmed by others. We are used to it. We hunger for it as one who has been without food hungers for the next meal. We think it only natural that we should want this mental feeding. Such ‘needing to know’ is often the basis for our entire feeling of safety in life, our entire way of navigating through difficult times, emotional turbulence, and unexpected crises. Only some of us, and not very many, have discovered a resting place at times of difficulty that does not lay in the mind but in the knowledge of the heart that knows itself to be connected to something that is Eternal, something that governs all of life. We cling to knowledge on the mental level because we have lost our anchor in the deeper knowing of the Eternal, and thus we have no place of rest unless we can answer the dual questions that are based on the mind’s knowledge, namely, what is happening and why is it happening?

The sense of being held in the sacred flow of Life which is larger than our individual selves but which we are always part of has become less accessible to us, and so we look for safety in a different way, in our mind’s knowing and in our answers to the question of ‘why’ things are the way they are. Even when there is no answer to the ‘why’ question, we try to make one up in order to reassure ourselves that we know what is happening and what will happen next. Since this degree of mental certainty is not realistically available to us most of the time, even though we seek it always, we walk around in a state of tension and anxiety, in varying states of adaptation to our perpetual sense of insecurity and unsafety. We do not assume that peace is a natural state for us to live in. We assume that anxiety, based on the uncertainties we face, is the natural state.

It is not enough for us to long for peace. We must understand that peace, not anxiety, is our deeper nature, and that we have departed far from it through no fault of our own. It has happened through our identification with mind as a way of navigating physical reality, and it has happened over a long period of time in human history and evolution. Now, however, we are being given the opportunity to return to a more peaceful state and to a more sacred awareness. We are being given the opportunity to return to the sense of rest within our deeper selves that relies on our eternal Being as the source of safety, not on our mind’s knowing.

We doubt that this can happen. We fear that this can happen. We long for this to happen. So many conflicting motives surround the wish and fear to let go of the rational, scientific, egoic way of looking at reality. Doubt, fear, longing, swim together in our consciousness. We are afraid to let go of the foundation that has upheld us for so long. Nonetheless, in the secret recesses of our inner knowing, we know that what we have told ourselves we ‘understand’ through information about ‘why,’ has never really penetrated our deeper sense of truth. It has always been a guess, something that others guessed at in a similar way, and so we felt reassured by their corroboration. Still, we were not often at peace, even with such knowledge.

We have the choice, today, because of the spiritual light that is casting its rays through every perplexed mind and through every physical body to examine the possibility that we do not need to know what we think we need to know. Our security and rest can lie elsewhere. Yet, how can we find this elsewhere?

First, through a willingness to entertain the possibility that we do not need to know what we think we need to know. Just to entertain that as a possibility. This is the first step..."

An excerpt from ‘What the Mind Needs to Know’ by GurujiMa.
Please continue reading at:

.                     GurujiMa - What the Mind Needs to Know -
. GurujiMa - What the Mind Needs to Know - [ 49.96 KiB | Viewed 20624 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2020 6:04 am 

“Every soul comes into being with a fundamental desire to manifest itself more fully, that is, to bring into complete expression the great beauty it feels inside. For this to happen, the soul must be able to enter the human sphere as well as remaining within the higher dimensions, so that God's essence can be transfused down to the very cells that make up physical matter, both within the human body and within the elements of nature as well.

When it happens that the soul is capable of finding the means to reveal itself within the plane of time and space, there is great joy that can be felt and the outflow of the perfumed scent that is the essence of the exquisite beauty that the soul contains. All souls are endowed with this beauty, from the most cherished and outwardly beautiful, to the most lowly in the world's eyes. All are beautiful.

The perfume that emanates from the soul bends to the earth to grace it with its blessing and to bring the eternal fragrance of the Divine to an otherwise dry and thirsty land. Always, this perfume suggests realms beyond time and space that are not yet visible to human eyes, and always, it brings with it the eternal love of the Father-Mother God for all of Creation. This is the mission of the soul, and in its realization shall the earth be made whole.”

~an excerpt from “THE PERFUME OF THE SOUL” by GurujiMa.
Continue reading:

Perfume of the Soul- GURUJIMA -
Perfume of the Soul- GURUJIMA - [ 58.62 KiB | Viewed 20520 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 12:17 am 

‘Humility and the Willingness to Not Know’

“Humility is so important in order to acknowledge what we don’t know and in order to move further in the direction of acquiring greater knowledge. Humility is the willingness to not know, and it’s also the willingness to be led. Humility is the interface between the human and the Divine, that which reaches upward and says: “Show me the way to the Divine Oneness. Show me the way I’m meant to live.”

(June 10, 2020)

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 4:24 pm 

‘The Nature of ‘Self:’ Which Self Am I?’

The way you walk around during the day is determined by who you think you are.
If you think that you’re a physical being engaged in physical activities,
then your perception of what’s going on during the day will look like that.
If you think that you’re a soul created by the Divine, and that is your primary identity,
then your interpretation of events during the day will be very different, no matter what you’re doing.
This is because the self-perception of who’s doing what will be altered.
And this is key:
Who is acting in your actions, and who do you want to be acting in your actions?

(Nov. 1, 2020)

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 Post subject: Re: Awakening and Becoming Whole
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 8:38 am 

‘Everything Matters All of the Time’

“There is an awesome potency that you have to change reality, and at the same time it’s a great responsibility.
Responsibility is work, it’s effort, and it doesn’t take a vacation.
No matter where you go, your still part of the network of consciousness,
based not on what you’re doing but on the atomic structure of your physical body.”

(Nov. 8, 2020)

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