One Earth Awakening

Guruji-Ma's Christmas Message
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Author:  Meg [ Mon Dec 24, 2018 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Guruji-Ma's Christmas Message

Dear Beloved Ones,

On this Christmas Eve many in the world are suffering. We can say that many in the world have always been suffering, or we can realize that everything we do matters, and that we have a contribution to make, through prayers for healing, to the suffering of the world. Do not ever think that your prayers for the upliftment of others do not matter or are too small to be significant, given the largeness of the suffering. They matter greatly, and are sent like arrows of light into the hearts of those in need. On this Christmas Eve and on any day of the year, join your heart with those in need of upliftment, and know that what you offer in this way is a blessing for the Earth.


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