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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2015 2:25 pm 

The Sacred Practice of Opening the Heart
by Julie

There is, within each of us, a heart that is much larger than ordinary human affairs would normally reveal, a heart that can embrace the world because it overflows with love. This heart has not been touched by the pains and disturbances of childhood, nor the traumas or losses that may have come about since then. This heart does not need to be fed by public approval or by the temporary currents of popularity or fame.

It does not need these things, because the source of its love does not come from outside but from inside. Without contact with that source, one can go through life feeling that one can only handle a limited number of relationships and that even within these relationships everything can be very complicated. With contact, everything becomes simple. There is only love, and it is the reason that we are alive.

The practice of opening the heart can be equally simple though difficult to accomplish when the ego is in the way. It can be done through a prayerful intention to not make our giving dependent upon our receiving, and to not let a sense of deprivation, lack, or feelings of rejection be what determines our actions with others. We must choose love – in each moment and with each breath, no matter how the smaller part of ourselves may feel. We can choose it because it is what we want to be in our deepest self, because it is what God wants us to be, and because to love is to feel most completely alive.

To begin with, create a daily prayer of your own fashioning that can be said each morning upon arising - something simple such as:

"Today, may I become love. May I seek and find love within myself no matter what may be going on outside."

The mystery of who you are-475x448.jpg
The mystery of who you are-475x448.jpg [ 34.77 KiB | Viewed 7055 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:43 am 

The Great Spiritual Awakening Of The Earth
~ by Julie

"There comes a time in the life of a people, when what has gone before must give way to the new, and what has been thought of as a way of life and a standard for defining the normalcy of days, must adapt itself to a new current of light and life that now enters the picture.

Such is the time for America today and, indeed, for the world, for the old ways of doing things are about to give way before a new consciousness that shall envelop both the nation and the world. This new consciousness will shine a light more brightly than ever before on the internal mechanisms by which people think, feel, and make choices in their everyday lives. All that is hidden from the eyes of others will become known to the self, and the motives that are less than desirable will also become visible to the illuminated awareness.

This greater consciousness is meant to be a great gift, though it brings with it the problem of having to finally deal with those things that one would rather have concealed from the self or put away until such time as it seemed more comfortable to take them out. Nevertheless, awakening consciousness to the true nature of the self is of great and priceless benefit, for it enables each soul to finally become free of all that holds it back from realizing its true potential. For this self-constriction is not based on circumstances that flow through life and come and go, but rather on the inner nature of deeply held thought and belief which define the expectancies and the fruits of a life. These are the building blocks out of which the flow of life is created."

White Flower- Spiritual Awakening of the
White Flower- Spiritual Awakening of the [ 28.8 KiB | Viewed 7012 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 12:05 pm 
This sacred message floods my heart with joy and excitement. To imagine that at long last, with this holy blessing, we will be able to release all that separates us from each other. This time will demand the best from all of us. Revealing what has long been hidden, we will have access to healing on a grand scale, as quickly or as slowly as we make each choice before us. May we choose love, peace, forgiveness, compassion, mercy and patience with our collective eyes and ears wide open so we may awaken to our oneness with all. Thank you, beloved Julie. All blessings, Meg

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:16 am 

by Julie

We listen to the voices of others but often do not hear
the message carried on the voice itself,
not the content of what is being said,
but the place from which it comes.
Not the feeling that is conscious, but the feeling
that is beneath consciousness.

All words carry vibration.
All words can be listened to as invisible containers
of the secret messages of the soul.

Next time someone speaks to you,
listen not just to the meaning of the words but
to the sound of the voice.
In that sound lies the journey of the heart
and the history of the soul.

Photo by Ed Yourdon

Couple- Voices- -
Couple- Voices- - [ 40.88 KiB | Viewed 6991 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:51 am 

"Within the soul awareness of every being lies the line of connection that makes of each heart, one Heart, and that makes of each identity, one greater identity with all other souls on the earth and with all other souls that live. For the identity of the soul is not merely a planetary identity, but one that resides within the nexus of a spiritual universe containing many layers of expression. The awareness of participating in this vast, mysterious, and heretofore invisible universe comes to each one who opens to soul awareness,bringing with it the understanding that there is abundant life everywhere,
and that God, by whatever name God is called, is at the center of that life."

~an excerpt from "SOUL AWARENESS - THE LIFE OF THE SOUL" by Julie.

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 5:25 pm 

Light brings out light in all beings.
It merges with what already exists and raises it to
a higher level.

Blessed are those who choose the way of light.

Day 41, Reflections of Light, The Journey Home

Photo by Susanne Nilsson

light- ROL-Day
light- ROL-Day [ 24.46 KiB | Viewed 6936 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 2:49 am 


Dear Beloved Ones,

The purpose of these videos is to awaken the heart and soul to Divine life and to bring the sacred and holy to the perception of the ordinary. This integration of the spiritual and the physical, the mundane and the transcendent, is what all are being called to now, for it is the time of the Earth's awakening, and all who are here are taking part in this holy transition.

These videos are offered in service to the birth of the new, and to the many hearts and souls who are awaiting the greater manifestation of this time of transformation. With all blessings - Julie

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Light of the Eternal
~ from lightomega12

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 11:05 am 

Longing brings you that which you long for.
It opens the heart and draws the response from Heaven.

There is nothing that the heart longs for that
will not come in time,
and nothing that God’s heart longs for that
will not be.
Therefore, let go of fear and embrace longing.
It is the path to peace.

Day 22, Calendar of 100 Days

CO-100 Day-
CO-100 Day- [ 18.45 KiB | Viewed 6633 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:40 am 

All that is alive is in transition,
moving step by step into greater wholeness.
This is true of those who appear to be moving.
It is also true of those who do not.

No one is standing still. Even those who appear
to be stationary are on a spiritual journey.

Day 54, Meditations on Love, Relationships and Letting Go

All that is alive is in transition- Day 54 Meditations on Love- Relationships Letting
All that is alive is in transition- Day 54 Meditations on Love- Relationships Letting [ 41.1 KiB | Viewed 6543 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:07 pm 

To create harmony in the world, seek to become
one with yourself.

For all change that you desire, you must begin
at home.

Day 96, Calendar of 100 Days

Photo by EladeManu

create harmony in the
create harmony in the [ 33.83 KiB | Viewed 6447 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Dec 31, 2015 3:55 pm

from Julie

We look forward to the new year because it is a marker in time that brings to us the possibility of new beginnings. The first day of the first month feels filled with promise, calling us forward to fulfill our own promises to ourselves that we have felt unable to keep before. Such markers anchor our souls in space and time. They are markers of what the soul knows to be true at all times, namely, that change is infinitely possible. That hope is possible. That a new beginning can take place in any moment.

Though the new year creates this upsurge of hope, it is, in fact, possible in each moment, for the moment lived with awareness reveals the new that is coming into being in the most ordinary of circumstances. It reveals the tiny seeds of growth that are coming into being. Such revelations are not uncommon. They are common. They are revelations of Divine life within the present reality, within the life that is becoming LIGHT.

LIGHT brings forth all beings. It makes all things new. In its absence we feel oppressed and stagnant. We carry the burden of repetition of old patterns and old behaviors, many of which we would have preferred to be rid of long ago. Yet, in the presence of LIGHT what we have clung to, often at our own expense, can more easily be let go of, and what we have been afraid of can finally be faced. This revelatory capacity of the present moment exists as an aspect of the soul engaging more fully with embodied life, having gained greater access to the outer self. To the extent that this is the case, the joy of revelation can be found within any situation, for the soul has its own way of perceiving, one that gives meaning and substance to things that are often taken for granted by the physical senses.

Now, as we learn to become explorers of our own consciousness, we must not limit our awareness or deny any portion of it. Our senses can remain open to what is inside and to what is outside. To our deeper being and its messages and to what may appear as the more surface aspects of our perception. This is the key - to feel the freedom of becoming LIGHT. To feel the freedom of becoming unburdened. To feel that we can be fully here, embracing the Divine that is everywhere and that it is our destiny to fulfill.

May the blessings of Divine life and light be with all beings. Julie

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2016 11:54 am 

New Year’s Day 2016
For the new year...

The divine Stream flows everywhere, into everything. It IS everything - divine and holy LOVE.

Beloved Julie- 2015-04-21 19 40 36-350x428.jpg
Beloved Julie- 2015-04-21 19 40 36-350x428.jpg [ 22.75 KiB | Viewed 6640 times ]
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