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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:08 am 

..."But what if we gave up the idea that life is unfair? What if we lived in the understanding that things come to us and happen to us for reasons that we do not know, but that ultimately, even when it seems impossible to our hearts, they come to us so that we can heal and grow.

What if instead of feeling that life was unfair, we felt aligned with God's purposes for us and God's love for us as we go through suffering? This is the key question in the face of the possibility of giving up blame. Can we believe in God's goodness in the presence of unwanted suffering? Can we believe in the goodness of life in the presence of pain? Can we believe that God's purpose, unknown as it may be, is always good, and that we are being led somewhere on a journey of healing as we move through the ups and downs of life?

Without a doubt, this position requires a great deal of faith - and more than faith, it requires conviction regarding the reality of God. Without this, blame becomes the human alternative by which we attempt to set things right when things are wrong. We accuse, we get angry, we try to restore an emotional balance within ourselves that does not leave us feeling helpless. The power that blame seems to give is due to the fact that it overrides feelings of helplessness. It leaves us with a sense of being able to direct our energy toward something or someone so that we are able to do something in the face of pain. To give up doing is to be willing to be powerless, to be willing to feel hurt, and we can only do this when trust in life and in God is great enough to allow us to let go of control.

To absorb hurt is difficult, but not as impossible as it might seem. It requires a fuller understanding of what it means to live with an open heart.”…

Continue reading “The Healing Power of Love: III. “THE NEED TO BLAME” by Julie of Light Omega here:

2018 - 07- Healing Power of Love- III. NEED TO BLAME Julie of Light Omega
2018 - 07- Healing Power of Love- III. NEED TO BLAME Julie of Light Omega [ 31.06 KiB | Viewed 5606 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 9:18 am 

Weep for the innocent ones,
the children who no longer expect peace
but the presence of violence that can
come from anywhere.

Weep for the parents who seek only to protect
and no longer know how,
as their children grow, and are free,
and can no longer be protected.

Weep for those who have lost hope in the benevolent outcome of things,
and seek only to manage
in a world that does not make sense.

Weep for the lost ones who no longer
know that God is real
and that life will not be extinguished
but instead reborn.

Let all weeping turn to love,
and let all love create the world anew.

”Weep” by Julie of Light Omega, is from ‘Prayers for the New Earth’:

For more Light Omega resources please visit the Light Omega Bookshop:

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.....Weep - Prayers for the New Earth Julie of Light Omega -.jpg [ 52.84 KiB | Viewed 5597 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2018 8:55 am 

Movement into the new is the reason for
your being here now.
No matter what fears you may have or limitations
you may experience,
you have come to fulfill your soul’s purpose
and are doing so even now.

Day 70, Calendar of Healing

...2018 – Day 70 – Calendar of Healing -
...2018 – Day 70 – Calendar of Healing - [ 33.7 KiB | Viewed 5568 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 5:16 pm 

“O beloved one,
if you only knew how hungry
your body is for light,
you would treat it with reverence
and with the care it is asking for.
For it is not only the food
that you put into your body
that prevents the light from nurturing you
as it desires to do, and as it is meant to do.
It is also the emotions that you put
into your body that become a heaviness
that cannot easily be penetrated by light.
Purify your emotions, then, beloved one.
Let this diet of emotions be consecrated
to the purposes of your own soul
and your own body, which is
the vessel of your sacred consciousness.
Your soul has taken embodiment
in order to express itself fully through
your physical body.
Revere it, purify it.
Free yourself of the emotions that are
causing you to go hungry,
and be blessed by the light that is
rightfully yours.”

"Your Body Calling for Light" by Julie of Light Omega, is from 'Poems for the New Earth':

….......Your body calling for Light –Julie of Light Omega -
….......Your body calling for Light –Julie of Light Omega - [ 38.81 KiB | Viewed 5513 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Fri Oct 19, 2018 11:35 am 

“The balance needs to be found in relationships between love and truth. All relationships are based on the dimension of depth, and real intimacy, love, or sharing with others cannot take place unless a high degree of truth is part of the relationship.

If you are afraid to be truthful because it will hurt another or cause greater separation, then consider this: that the absence of truth is already creating a separation and limiting what another can share with you and you with them. Souls help each other by encouraging each other to be more real. This is the meaning of "when you set yourself free, you set others free as well." It is why souls come together in the highest sense - to help each other into greater wholeness.”
(October 2009)

Julie of Light Omega

‘Relationships: Love and Truth’ may be found here:

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……..Relationships Love -Truth - [ 35.33 KiB | Viewed 5500 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 12:17 pm 

“During a time of transition, there is often a period of waiting for the new to arrive - the new within oneself as well as the new outside of the self. During this time, one often experiences the pain of waiting in a state of limitation - a pain that can be perceived as difficult and frustrating. Sometimes, depending on how long one must wait, it can also lead to a sense of hopelessness.

In the presence of pain, we have a choice to make. The waiting may not diminish. It may continue longer than we would like. Yet, the choice is that of waiting with God, or waiting without God.
Waiting without experiencing one's intimate connection with the Divine is intrinsically painful, not only because the ego finds it difficult to delay gratification, but also because the soul or deeper self longs to be set free, and when it finds conditions within or beyond itself that it cannot change, it experiences a state of imprisonment that fetters the soul's expression and constricts the heart.

Within this circumstance, it is not uncommon to feel that God has abandoned oneself, or, that one has lost one's way through making bad choices. Generally, this is not the case. What is likely to be true is that there is no available explanation for why we must wait, and it is up to each soul to either choose to hold the unknowing in alignment with Divine purpose, or to feel it as an aberration - an unjustified, mistaken, unfortunate, occurrence that seems to remove one from physical or spiritual life.
The pain of waiting without God is that of loneliness, of meaninglessness, of wondering what we are doing with our life, whether we are wasting time and should not, instead, be exercising our Will. This option is always before us: What could I be doing instead of waiting? This is the question of the mind and the ego. The deeper question that may only be found within the heart is:

What is God asking of me in this moment?

To wait with God is an altogether different thing than waiting alone. It is to trust the meaningfulness in the delayed arrival of what we wish for. It is to trust Divine timing and the strength and commitment of one's own heart to endure. It is to hold the choice to wait as a sacred choice - one that involves surrender of the ego, the Will, and sometimes of what may seem like an easier or more attractive path to follow in order to follow the dictates of one's own soul.
This faithfulness lies at the heart of waiting with God. It is based on the desire to unify one's Will with Divine Will and one's heart with the divine Heart. Thus, though the experience of waiting may be painful to the embodied self which exists within time and suffers the absence of what it waits for, the soul or spiritual self feels glad to be fully aligned with Divine Being and purpose. It feels the richness of this surrender and the joy of doing what the deepest self knows to be right according to an inner standard.

What is needed in addition to trust and patience during a time of waiting is the support of others who are also in process with the goals that they are moving toward but have not yet arrived at. Whoever has a destination that they are aiming toward that they have not yet arrived at is waiting - some with more active movement than others, some with less; some with greater difficulty than others, some more painlessly. Nevertheless, each one who masters the time of waiting in trust does so on a foundation of hope, believing that those who seek shall find, and those who wait shall receive what they long for. This is the Divine premise that comforts the soul who waits with God, and in the presence of others who are also somewhere along the path of their individual journey, it enables the embodied self to wait longer, with greater confidence in a hopeful and promising future.”

‘WAITING IN TRUST - A SPIRITUAL PRACTICE’ by Julie of Light Omega (Guruji-Ma)

* * *

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 4:50 am 

Sit in silence, beloved one. Sit in peace.
Let nothing disturb your inner being.
Then bring this inner silence to others.
Share it with the world, for the world is
in great need of peace

Day 34, "Book of Unity - Voice of the Oneness"

........... Day 34 - BOU -
........... Day 34 - BOU - [ 27.68 KiB | Viewed 5267 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 11:01 am 

“There are two avenues of movement that open the door to the miraculous, and both lead to the same end.

There is the path of reaching toward God in any of the many ways that the human heart and soul is capable of reaching. This allows Divine miracles to enter life, even where no conscious relationship with the Divine has existed before.

There is also the path of reaching toward the deepest truth of self. Scrupulous honesty and an unwillingness to blame others can also open the door to the miraculous.

When one reaches toward the deepest truth of self as if extending toward the bottom of a well, one finds at the bottom, always, the space in which love dwells. Yet, before finding that, one may also encounter the feeling of an emptiness in which contact with love's presence seems to be lost. Here the question arises: How do you feel love? How do you express it? How do you diminish it? How do you withold it? In the presence of reaching, once blame toward others has been released and one is solely responsible for the presence or absence of love, in that sacred space the door to the miraculous opens. For the reaching toward love and the reaching toward God are the same reaching. One is to the Source of life without - to the Creator of all. The other is to the Source of life within - the Divine source of love at the center of our being.

Reach in either direction and you will open the door to the miraculous.”

* * *

“Making Miracles Possible” by Guruji-Ma (Julie of Light Omega) July 4, 2009
http://art-of-being-present.lightomega. ... sible.html

* * *

Making Miracles Possible by Julie of Light
Making Miracles Possible by Julie of Light [ 26.58 KiB | Viewed 5240 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Jan 13, 2019 1:45 pm 

…“Nowhere is it more important to understand the nature of sacred relationships than with those we disagree with or with whom we experience a misunderstanding or conflict. For the judgment that we make about the character or motives of the 'other' creates separation and does nothing to bring us closer to truth. Judgment fastens labels on people, and the inner being of anyone cannot be encompassed by a label. To know another, we must move past judgment and past labels to experience their inner being, knowing, always, that it is there.”...

~An excerpt from an ABSENCE OF STRANGERS’ by Guruji-Ma (Julie)
Continue reading:

………. AN ABSENCE OF STRANGERS - Guruji-Ma [ 30.59 KiB | Viewed 5238 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 12:25 pm 

“The whole world is looking for a home, a home for the heart, a home where peace and love can be present. A home where safety can be present. This home is often associated with a sharing of events with one's biological family. And yet such sharing does not always fully satisfy, for the longing for home is deeper than this. It is for a place of peace and rest, of understanding and mutuality, of respect and consideration, where the irritability that often is present in family relationships is no longer present. This home of the heart is the Place of Peace.

There are many names given to this home of the heart, for it belongs to all of humanity and is felt as a presence within all authentic spiritual traditions. The names may vary, but the essential quality of arrival does not. One takes off one's shoes; one sits down; one is embraced and surrounded by love and welcoming. This is the nature of home.

While 'home' remains eternally with each soul, the feeling for it has diminished in human beings over time. This is largely due to the vibrational lowering of energy and consciousness so that the physical world has come to seem more and more as all there is. One's surroundings, then, begin to define the self and not the inner experience of truth.”...

* * *

~An excerpt from ‘THE SEARCH FOR HOME’ by Guruji-Ma (Julie of Light Omega)
Please continue reading:

Photo by Harsha K R

THE SEARCH FOR HOME by Guruji-Ma - [ 29.45 KiB | Viewed 5184 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:04 pm 

"Mercy allows one to overlook the transgressions
of others with a willingness to love anyway,
not because the recipient is worthy
but because love is worthy."

Day 67, Reflections of Light
The Journey Home

………Day 67 ROL-
………Day 67 ROL- [ 23.09 KiB | Viewed 5161 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 11:44 am 

“I look into your eyes and see, there,
where you have been
and what it has taken
for you to be where you now are.

What courage, what willingness to take the noble
path of truth commands your heart.

This truth which compels you to want to be yourself
is a burning fire within you.

It tolerates no falseness, no self-abandonment
in the ways that it once did.

Now, all excuses are becoming transparent
as it commands your heart
to speak plainly,
to live truthfully,
to follow the path that God
has laid out within you.

May this path be blessed.”

‘Eyes of the Soul’ – 2 by Julie of Light Omega (Guruji-Ma)

2018  Beloved Guruji-Ma .jpg
2018 Beloved Guruji-Ma .jpg [ 17.66 KiB | Viewed 6293 times ]

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